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Medieval & Renaissance History in 1995

London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381-1538 by
The Book of Sainte Foy by
A History of Wiltshire: Volume XV: Amesbury Hundred, Branch and Dole Hundred by
Jews, Medicine, and Medieval Society by Shatzmiller, Joseph
Chivalry in Twelfth Century Germany: The Works of Hartmann Von Aue by Jackson, W. H.
The Poetics of Perspective by Elkins, James
The War of Austrian Succession 1740-1748 by Anderson, M. S.
Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials: Rural Administration Around Sixteenth-Century Jerusalem by Singer, Amy
Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600 1860 by Richard H., Grove, Grove, Richard H.
Crusading Warfare, 1097 1193 by Smail, R. C., Small, R. C.
Reform in Modern Russian History: Progress or Cycle? by
Faith, Art, and Politics at Saint-Riquier by Rabe, Susan A.
The Loving Subject by Bond, Gerald A.
Bede: On the Temple by Bede
Arthurian Literature XIII by
The Elect Nation: The Savonarolan Movement in Florence 1494-1545 by Polizzotto, Lorenzo
The Humiliation of Sinners by Mansfield, Mary
Romancing the Past: The Rise of Vernacular Prose Historiography in Thirteenth-Century France by Spiegel, Gabrielle M.
Serta Devota in Memoriam Guillelmi Lourdaux: Pars Prior--Devotio Windeshemensis by
The Vikings in Britain by Loyn, Henry
Franks, Moravians, and Magyars: The Struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-97 by Bowlus, Charles R.
Wage Labor and Guilds in Medieval Europe by Epstein, Steven a.
Growing Up in Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History by Hanawalt, Barbara A.
Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe: Historical Essays, 1978-1991 by
Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe: Historical Essays, 1978-1991 by
Living and Dying in England, 1100-1540: The Monastic Experience by Harvey, Barbara
The Black Death and Pastoral Leadership by Dohar, William J.
Lucrecia's Dreams: Politics and Prophecy in Sixteenth-Century Spain by Kagan, Richard L.
The Winchcombe Sacramentary: Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipale, 127 [105] by
History of Women in the West by
The Master and Minerva: Disputing Women in French Medieval Culture by Solterer, Helen
The Master and Minerva: Disputing Women in French Medieval Culture by Solterer, Helen
The Register of John Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, 1332-1352, II by
Ordines Coronationis Franciae, Volume 1: Texts and Ordines for the Coronation of Frankish and French Kings and Queens in the Middle Ages by
Family Power in Southern Italy: The Duchy of Gaeta and Its Neighbours, 850 1139 by Skinner, Patricia
State and Society in Pre-Colonial Asante by McCaskie, T. C.
Byzantium and the Early Islamic Conquests by Kaegi, Walter E., Jr., Walter E., Kaegi
Index verborum Graecorum quae in actis synodi Lateranensis a. 649 et in actis concilii oecumenici sexti continentur by Riedinger, Rudolf
Medieval Ecclesiastical Studies in Honour of Dorothy M. Owen by
Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints' Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by
Bastard Feudalism by Hicks, M. a.
Imaging Aristotle by Sherman, Claire Richter
Making History by Wolf, Kenneth Baxter
Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office: A Guide to their Organization and Terminology by Hughes, Andrew
Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State by Kafadar, Cemal
Popular Piety in Late Medieval England: The Diocese of Salisbury 1250-1550 by Brown, Andrew D.
Miracles and Pilgrims: Popular Beliefs in Medieval England by Finucane, Ronald C.
Conversos, Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain by Roth, Norman
Conquest and Union: Fashioning a British State 1485-1725 by Barber, Sarah, Ellis, Steven G.
The Haskins Society Journal, Volume 6: 1994, Studies in Medieval History by
ROM Und Der Römische Adel in Der Späten Stauferzeit by Thumser, Matthias
Women and Writing in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook by Larrington, Carolyne
Art and Politics in Renaissance Italy by
Three Studies in Medieval Religious and Social Thought: The Interpretation of Mary and Martha, the Ideal of the Imitation of Christ, the Orders of Soc by Constable, Giles
English and French Towns in Feudal Society: A Comparative Study by Hilton, R. H.
The Cuban Slave Market, 1790 1880 by Barcia, Maria del Carmen, Bergad, Laird W.
Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by Boswell, John
Transcendence & Divine Passion: The Queen Mother of the West in Medieval China by Cahill, Suzanne E.
Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance by Hale, John
The Franks in the Aegean: 1204-1500 by Lock, Peter
The Mystic Fable, Volume One: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Volume 1 by De Certeau, Michel
Henry VIII and the English Reformation by Newcombe, David G.
The Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 1258-1280: I by
Witchcraze: New History of the European Witch Hunts, a by Barstow, Anne L.
Medieval England: Towns, Commerce and Crafts, 1086-1348 by Miller, Edward, Hatcher, John
Archbishop Theodore by
Changing Values in Medieval Scotland by Gemmill, Elizabeth
Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter by Maryanne, Kowaleski, Kowaleski, Maryanne
Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe by
Die Abtei Venosa Und Das Mönchtum Im Normannisch-Staufischen Süditalien by Houben, Hubert
The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumieges, Orderic Vitalis, and Robert of Torigni: Volume II: Books V-VIII by Van, Gent Jacqueline, Van, Houts, William
Anglo-Norman Studies XVII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1994 by
The 'Laterculus Malalianus' and the School of Archbishop Theodore by
Power and Violence in the Colonial City: Oruro from the Mining Renaissance to the Rebellion of Tupac Amaru (1740 1782) by Cornblit, Oscar, Cornbilt, Oscar, Oscar, Cornblit
The Sense of the People: Politics, Culture and Imperialism in England, 1715 1785 by Wilson, Kathleen
Political Life in Medieval England 1300-1450 by Ormrod, W. Mark
The Wars of the Roses in Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography, 1440-1994 by Murph, Roxane C.
Thirteenth Century England V: Proceedings of the Newcastle Upon Tyne Conference 1993 by
Brotherhood of Canons Serving God (a English Secular Cathedrals in the Later Middle Ages by Lepine, David N.
The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages by Scully, Terence
From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce: The Commercial Transition in Nineteenth-Century West Africa by
The Papacy, Scotland and Northern England, 1342 1378 by Barrell, Andrew D. M., Barrell, A. D. M.
The English Civil War 1640-1649 by Bennett, Martyn
Violence and Miracle in the Fourteenth Century: Private Grief and Public Salvation by Goodich, Michael E.
Landscape and Settlement in Britain, AD 400-1066 by
Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe, Volume I: Foundations by
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Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Bistum Münster 6. Das Stift Alter DOM St. Pauli in Münster by
God's Plagiarist: Being an Account of the Fabulous Industry and Irregular Commerce of the ABBE Migne by Bloch, R. Howard
The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily: Politics, Religion, and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296 1337 by Backman, Clifford R.
The Emergence of Meiji Japan by
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
Images of Adventure by Jr.
Gender and Heresy: Women and Men in Lollard Communities, 1420-1530 by McSheffrey, Shannon
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 1 MS F: Facsimile Edition by
Women, the Book, and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, Oxford, Volume II by
The Birth of the Elizabethan Age: England in the 1560s by Jones, Norman L.
Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs 900-1700 by Levin, Eve
The Knowledge of Childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350 by Jr.
Charters of St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury and Minster-In-Thanet by
The Economic Development of Japan 1868 1941 by MacPherson, W. J.
The Economic Development of Japan 1868 1941 by Economic History Society, MacPherson, W. J.
The Growth of Big Business in the United States and Western Europe, 1850 1939 by Schmitt, Christopher
The Kingdom of Quito, 1690-1830 by Andrien, Kenneth J.
Monks and Laymen in Byzantium, 843 1118 by Morris, Rosemary
The World of the Troubadours: Medieval Occitan Society, C.1100 C.1300 by Paterson, Linda
Ruysbroeck the Admirable by D'Aygalliers, A. Wautier
Spiritual Marriage: Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock by Elliott, Dyan
A Handbook of the Troubadours: Volume 26 by Akehurst, F. R. P., Davis, Judith M.
Medieval Knighthood V: Papers from the Sixth Strawberry Hill Conference, 1994 by
Philosophy, Philology, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century China: Li Fu and the Lu-Wang School Under the Ch'ing by Chin-Shing Huang, Screech, Timon, Huang, Chin-Shing
Approaches to the History of the Western Family 1500 1914 by Economic History Society, Anderson, Michael
Approaches to the History of the Western Family 1500 1914 by Anderson, Michael
Property and Power in the Early Middle Ages by
Religious Experience and Lay Society in T'Ang China: A Reading of Tai Fu's 'Kuang-I Chi' by Dudbridge, Glen, Glen, Dudbridge
Agriculture in the Middle Ages by
Latin and the Romance Languages in the Middle Ages by
Art and Society in the Middle Ages by Duby, Georges
Das Tristan-Epos Gottfrieds Von Straßburg Mit Der Fortsetzung Des Ulrich Von Türheim by
Zwei Ostmitteldeutsche Bearbeitungen Lateinischer Prosadenkmäler by
The Life and Times of John Trevisa, Medieval Scholar by Fowler, David C.
Erasmus: His Life, Works, and Influence by Augustijn, Cornelis
Universitätsbibliothek Jena by
Die Ritterwürde in Mittelitalien zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit by Böninger, Lorenz
Die Handschrift 121 der Stiftsbibliothek Einsiedeln by
Textfassungen Von Handschriften Der Mittelgruppe by
Evangelische Armut Und Kirche: Thomes Von Aquin Und Die Armutskontroversen Des 13. Und Beginnenden 14. Jahrhunderts by Horst Op, Ulrich
Die Inschriften des Landkreises Jena by Hallof, Klaus, Hallof, Luise
Sachsenspiegel by
III: Wörterbuch by
Die Gedichte des Michel Beheim, Band III/1, Gedichte Nr. 358-453. Die Melodien by
Die Gedichte des Michel Beheim, Band III/2, Registerteil by
Verborgene Heilk Nste: Geschichte Der Frauenmedizin Im Sp Tmittelalter by Kruse, Britta-Juliane
Between Copernicus and Galileo: Christoph Clavius and the Collapse of Ptolemaic Cosmology by Lattis, James M.
Emblematic Structures in Renaissance French Culture by Russell, Daniel
The Cultural World in Beowulf by Hill, John
Editing Early and Historical Atlases: Papers given at the Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 5-6 November 19 by
Medieval Callings by
Women in England, 1275-1525 by
Women in Old Norse Society: A Portrait by Jochens, Jenny
Neglected Heroes: Leadership and War in the Early Medieval Period by Gore, Terry L.
Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Band 29 by