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Medieval & Renaissance History in 2002

Medieval Spain: Culture, Conflict and Coexistence by
Shakespeare's Arguments with History by Knowles, R.
Medieval Cultures in Contact by
Medieval Cultures in Contact by
Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics by Hall, Bert S.
Papal Ceremonial at Rome in the Twelfth Century by Twyman, Susan
Youth in the Middle Ages by
Water Technology in the Middle Ages: Cities, Monasteries, and Waterworks After the Roman Empire by Magnusson, Roberta J.
Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yuan China (960 1368) by Birge, Bettine, Bettine, Birge
Petitions in Social History by
Carmina Minora by Hildebertus
Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science: Broken Lives and Organizational Power by Gatti, Hilary
Gendering the Middle Ages: A Gender and History Special Issue by
The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France: 1483-1610 by Knecht, Robert J.
Renaissance France 1483-1610 2e by Knecht, Robert J.
Regional Cuisines in Medieval Europe: A Book of Essays by
Eating Right in the Renaissance: Volume 2 by Albala, Ken
Renaissance Monarchy: The Reigns of Henry VIII, Francis I and Charles V by Richardson, Glenn
War at Sea in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance by
Gendering the Crusades by
Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature by
Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature by
Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers by Evans, G. R.
Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers by Evans, G. R.
Crusading Peace: Christendom, the Muslim World, and Western Political Order by Mastnak, Tomaz
Ancient China and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History by Di Cosmo, Nicola
Medieval Concepts of the Past: Ritual, Memory, Historiography by
The World and the West: The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the Age of Empire by Curtin, Philip
Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology A D 367-634 by Alcock, Leslie
Die Versorgung des päpstlichen Hofes in Avignon mit Lebensmitteln (1316-1378) by Weiß, Stefan
Daily Life During the Spanish Inquisition by Anderson, James
Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166 II: Pipe Rolls to `Cartae Baronum' by Keats-Rohan, K. S. B.
Power and Border Lordship in Medieval France: The County of the Perche, 1000-1226 by Thompson, Kathleen
Gender and Holiness: Men, Women and Saints in Late Medieval Europe by
The Oxford History of Medieval Europe by
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 3: The Middle Ages by
The Monastic Constitutions of Lanfranc by
Renaissance Papers 2001 by
The Two Cities: A Chronicle of Universal History to the Year 1146 by Otto Bishop of Freising, Otto Bishop of
Between Law and Custom by Karsten, Peter
History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen by Adam of Bremen, Adam Of
Medieval Law and the Foundations of the State by Harding, Alan
Agnes Blannbekin, Viennese Beguine: Life and Revelations by Wiethaus, Ulrike
Medieval Britain: A Very Short Introduction by Gillingham, John, Griffiths, Ralph A.
A Brief History of the Tudor Age by Ridley, Jasper
Historical Dictionary of Late Medieval England, 1272-1485 by Faulkner, Ann E.
Sports and Games of Medieval Cultures by Wilkins, Sally
An English Chronicle 1377-1461: A New Edition: Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS 21608, and Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Lyell 34 by
Henry VIII, the League of Schmalkalden, and the English Reformation by McEntegart, Rory
Richard the Third by Kendall, Paul Murray
Rabeh und das Tschadseegebiet by Oppenheim, Max Von
The Voyage of St Brendan: Representative Versions of the Legend in English Translation by
King Arthur in Pop Culture by
The Golden Spurs of Kortrijk: How the Knights of France Fell to the Foot Soldiers of Flanders in 1302 by Fegley, Randall
Joan of Arc: The Early Debate by Fraioli, Deborah a.
Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses: Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe by Klaniczay, G. Bor, Klaniczay, Gabor
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
The Protestant Evangelical Awakening by Ward, W. R., Ward, William Reginald
The Early Christian Centuries by Rousseau, Philip
Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance by
Problems of Authority in the Reformation Debates by Evans, Gillian R., Evans, G. R.
Morandi's Last Prophecy and the End of Renaissance Politics by Dooley, Brendan
The Age of Discovery, 1400-1600 by Arnold, David
King Arthur: Myth-Making and History by Higham, N. J.
The Medieval Theater of Cruelty: Rhetoric, Memory, Violence by Enders, Jody
Nasir Khusraw, the Ruby of Badakhshan: A Portrait of the Persian Poet, Traveller and Philosopher by Hunsberger, Alice C.
Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective by
Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose by Of Vienne, Avitus
Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination by Tolan, John
Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination by Tolan, John
Fifteenth-Century Studies Vol. 27: A Special Issue on Violence in Fifteenth-Century Text and Image by
Mercantilism in a Japanese Domain: The Merchant Origins of Economic Nationalism in 18th-Century Tosa by Roberts, Luke S.
Women on the Renaissance Stage: Anna of Denmark and Female Masquing in the Stuart Court 1590-1619 by McManus, Clare
Roots of Insurgency: Mexican Regions, 1750 1824 by Hamnett, Brian R.
Commerce and Economic Change in West Africa: The Palm Oil Trade in the Nineteenth Century by Martin, Lynn, Lynn, Martin
Bruderschaften im spätmittelalterlichen Kirchenstaat by Frank, Thomas
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The Papacy, Scotland and Northern England, 1342 1378 by Barrell, A. D. M., Barrell, Andrew D. M.
The Battle of Yarmuk: An Assessment of the Immediate Factors behind the Islamic Conquests by Ibrahim, Raymond
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Warriors of God: Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade by Reston, James
Samurai: An Illustrated History by Kure, Mitsuo
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Hierarchy and Egalitarianism in Islamic Thought by Marlow, Louise, Louise, Marlow
Kingship and State: The Buganda Dynasty by Wrigley, Christopher
Community, Trade, and Networks: Southern Fujian Province from the Third to the Thirteenth Century by Clark, Hugh R.
The Kingdom of Quito, 1690 1830: The State and Regional Development by Andrien, Kenneth J.
Colombia Before Independence: Economy, Society, and Politics Under Bourbon Rule by McFarlane, Anthony
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Indian Business and Nationalist Politics 1931 39: The Indigenous Capitalist Class and the Rise of the Congress Party by Markovits, Claude
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Geoffrey of Burton: Life and Miracles of St Modwenna by
Medieval Folklore: A Guide to Myths, Legends, Tales, Beliefs, and Customs by
Medieval European Pilgrimage C.700-C.1500 by Webb, Diana
The Rise of the Medieval World 500-1300: A Biographical Dictionary by
Behind the Castle Gate: From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance by Johnson, Matthew
Behind the Castle Gate: From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance by Johnson, Matthew
The Gaon of Vilna: The Man and His Image by Etkes, Immanuel
Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture: Hildegard of Bingen to Chaucer by Holsinger, Bruce W.
Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture: Hildegard of Bingen to Chaucer by Holsinger, Bruce W.
People and Their Contexts by Mosher, Sally E.
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Bistum Münster 7,2: Die Diözese by
An Intellectual History of Modern China by
An Intellectual History of Modern China by
Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development by Inikori, Joseph E.
Oxf Hist Crusades P by Riley-Smith
The Woman Who Defied Kings: The Life and Times of Doña Gracia Nasi by Brooks, Andrée Aelion
Kinship and Conquest by Drell, Joanna H.
Abelard and the Origin and Early History of Universities by Compayri, Gabriel
The Register of Pope Gregory VII 1073-1085: An English Translation by Cowdrey, H. E. J.
Women in the Celtic Church: Ireland C. 450-1150 by Harrington, Christina
Religious Experience and Lay Society in T'Ang China: A Reading of Tai Fu's 'Kuang-I Chi' by Dudbridge, Glen
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Die Entstehung des Unionsgedankens by Avvakumov, Yury Georgij
Early Modern Italy: 1550-1796 by
The English Manor C.1200 to C.1500 by
Knowledge and Social Practice in Medieval Damascus, 1190 1350 by Chamberlain, Michael
Nobles and Nobility in Medieval Europe: Concepts, Origins, Transformations by
Autonomy and Community: The Royal Manor of Havering, 1200 1500 by Marjorie Keniston, McIntosh, McIntosh, Marjorie Keniston
A South African Kingdom: The Pursuit of Security in Nineteenth-Century Lesotho by Eldredge, Elizabeth A.
Horn and Crescent: Cultural Change and Traditional Islam on the East African Coast, 800 1900 by Pouwels, Randall L., Randall L., Pouwels
Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development by Inikori, Joseph E., Inikori, J. E.
Medieval European Pilgrimage C.700-C.1500 by Webb, Diana
The Welsh Princes: The Native Rulers of Wales 1063-1283 by Turvey, Roger K.
Pragmatism in the Age of Jihad: The Precolonial State of Bundu by Gomez, Michael A., Michael a., Gomez
Peasants and Imperial Rule: Agriculture and Agrarian Society in the Bombay Presidency 1850 1935 by Charlesworth, Neil
Brazil and the Struggle for Rubber: A Study in Environmental History by Dean, Warren
Wa and the Wala: Islam and Polity in Northwestern Ghana by Wilks, Ivor
Catholic Colonialism: A Parish History of Guatemala, 1524 1821 by Van Oss, Adriaan C., Oss, Adriaan C. Van
European Warfare, 1494-1660 by Black, Jeremy
European Warfare, 1494-1660 by Black, Jeremy
The Kanyok of Zaire: An Institutional and Ideological History to 1895 by Yoder, John C.
The Anglo-Saxon Age by Blair, John
The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature by
The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature by
Gervaise of Tilbury: Otia Imperialia: Recreation for an Emperor by
Medieval Merchants: York, Beverley and Hull in the Later Middle Ages by Kermode, Jenny
Native Society and Disease in Colonial Ecuador by Alchon, Suzanne Austin
The Political Economy of Commerce: Southern India 1500 1650 by Sanjay, Subrahmanyam, Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Pre-Revolutionary Caracas: Politics, Economy, and Society 1777 1811 by McKinley, P. Michael
Church and City, 1000 1500: Essays in Honour of Christopher Brooke by
Christendom and Its Discontents: Exclusion, Persecution, and Rebellion, 1000 1500 by
Early Medieval Art by Nees, Lawrence
Crusades by
Crusades by
Odyssea. Responsio Ulixis AD Penelopen: Die Humanistische Odyssea Decurtata Der Berliner Handschrift Diez. B Sant. 41 by
Beautiful Death: Jewish Poetry and Martyrdom in Medieval France by Einbinder, Susan L.
Scientia Und Disciplina: Wissenstheorie Und Wissenschaftspraxis Im Wandel Vom 12. Zum 13. Jahrhundert by
Land and Local Kingship in Eighteenth-Century Bengal by McLane, John R.
Margery Kempe and Her World by Goodman, A. E.
Anglo-Norman Studies XXIV: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2001 by
Canal Irrigation in British India: Perspectives on Technological Change in a Peasant Economy by Stone, Ian, Ian, Stone
The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernisation of China 1893 1911 by Godley, Michael R.
The Best Actors in the World: Shakespeare and His Acting Company by Grote, David
Medieval Spain: Culture, Conflict and Coexistence by
Al-Hind, Volume 1 Early Medieval India and the Expansion of Islam 7th-11th Centuries by Wink, André
Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West by
Queens and Queenship in Medieval Europe: Proceedings of a Conference Held at King's College London April 1995 by
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: 7. MS E by
The Anglo-Saxon World by Crossley-Holland, Kevin
The Renaissance: A Short History by Johnson, Paul
Courtship and Constraint: Rethinking the Making of Marriage in Tudor England by O'Hara, Diana
The Templars by
Istanbul Households: Marriage, Family and Fertility, 1880 1940 by Duben, Alan, Behar, Cem
Naukar, Rajput, and Sepoy: The Ethnohistory of the Military Labour Market of Hindustan, 1450 1850 by Kolff, Dirk H. a., Dirk H. a., Kolff
From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce: The Commercial Transition in Nineteenth-Century West Africa by
Property and Power in the Early Middle Ages by
The State and Economic Knowledge: The American and British Experiences by
The Yellow Cross: The Story of the Last Cathars' Rebellion Against the Inquisition, 1290-1329 by Weis, Rene
The Register of William Melton, Archbishop of York, 1317-1340, V by
English Political Culture in the Fifteenth Century by Hicks, Michael
The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium by
The History of the Normans by Amatus of Montecassino by
Reading Families by Krug, Rebecca L.
Burgund und das Reich by Ehm, Petra
English Political Culture in the Fifteenth Century by Hicks, Michael
English Aristocratic Women, 1450-1550: Marriage and Family, Property and Careers by Harris, Barbara J.
English Aristocratic Women, 1450-1550: Marriage and Family, Property and Careers by Harris, Barbara J.
The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily: Politics, Religion, and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296 1337 by Backman, Clifford R.
Water and Society in Early Medieval Italy, Ad 400 1000 by Squatriti, Paolo
Church and State in Bourbon Mexico by Brading, D. A.
Caste, Conflict and Ideology: Mahatma Jotirao Phule and Low Caste Protest in Nineteenth-Century Western India by O'Hanlon, Rosalind, Rosalind, O'Hanlon
Silver Mining and Society in Colonial Mexico, Zacatecas 1546 1700 by Bakewell, P. J.
William of Malmesbury: Saints' Lives by
Women and the Family in Chinese History by Ebrey, Patricia
Sodomy in Early Modern Europe by
Pictish Sourcebook: Documents of Medieval Legend and Dark Age History by Calise, J. M. P.
Medieval Heresy: Popular Movements from the Gregorian Reform to the Reformation by Lambert, Malcolm
Immanence of the Infinite: Hans Blumenberg and the Threshold to Modernity by Brient, Elizabeth
Settlement and Social Organization: The Merovingian Region of Metz by Halsall, Guy
The First English Empire: Power and Identities in the British Isles 1093-1343 by Davies, R. R.
China and Historical Capitalism: Genealogies of Sinological Knowledge by
Lightning Over Yemen: Studies Volume: A History of the Ottoman Campaign in Yemen, 1596-71 by Al-Nahrawali, Qutb Al-Din
Society and Individual in Renaissance Florence by
The Waning of the Renaissance, 1550-1640 by Bouwsma, William J.
The Book of the Courtesans: A Catalogue of Their Virtues by Griffin, Susan
Fighting for Identity: Scottish Military Experiences C.1550-1900 by
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