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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2003

Recreation in the Renaissance: Attitudes Towards Leisure and Pastimes in European Culture, C.1425-1675 by Arcangeli, A.
Spanish and Portuguese Romances of Chivalry by Thomas, Henry
Plagiarism in Early Modern England by Kewes, P.
The Chronicle of William of Puylaurens: The Albigensian Crusade and Its Aftermath by Sibly, W. a., Sibly, M. D.
Die Freiburger Handfeste von 1249 by
The Norman Conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily by Brown, Gordon S.
Four Irish Martyrologies: Drummond, Turin, Cashel, York by
A History of Ornament Ancient and Medieval by Hamlin, A. D. F.
A Short History of the Inquisition by Anonymous
Writing Women's History Since the Renaissance by Spongberg, Mary
Auf der Suche nach den Wurzeln des alten Kirchdorfes Paffrath by Flock, Inge
Women of the Renaissance A Study in Feminism by Maulde La Claviere, R. de
Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages by Cutts, E. L.
Studies in Medievalism XII: Film and Fiction: Reviewing the Middle Ages by
Inquisition A Political and Military Study of Its Establishment by Nickerson, Hoffman
Church Treasury of History, Custom and Folklore by Andrews, William
The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance Europe by Cohn Jr, Samuel K.
The Cuban Slave Market, 1790 1880 by Iglesias Garcia, Fe, Garcia, Fe Iglesias, Barcia, Maria del Carmen
West African Slavery and Atlantic Commerce: The Senegal River Valley, 1700 1860 by Searing, James F.
English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages by Jusserand, J. J.
The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe by Geary, Patrick J.
Unknown Crusader Castles by Molin, Kristian
Everyday Life in Medieval England by Dyer, Christopher
The Anglo-Saxon State by Campbell, James
Marriage Disputes in Medieval England by Pedersen, Frederik
Lanfranc: Scholar, Monk, Archbishop by Cowdrey, H. E. J.
The Year 1000: Religious and Social Response to the Turning of the First Millennium by
The Year 1000: Religious and Social Response to the Turning of the First Millennium by
Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady by
Encountering Medieval Textiles and Dress: Objects, Texts, Images by
France in the Central Middle Ages: 900-1200 by Charles, Nickie Graham
France in the Central Middle Ages: 900-1200 by
Creating Community with Food and Drink in Merovingian Gaul by Effros, B.
Charlemagne & France: A Thousand Years of Mythology by Morrissey, Robert
Shen Pao-Chen and China's Modernization in the Nineteenth Century by Pong, David
Muslim Brotherhoods in Nineteenth-Century Africa by Martin, B. G.
Henry of Ghent and the Transformation of Scholastic Thought: Studies in Memory of Jos Decorte by
de-Industrialization: Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects by Linden, Marcel Van Der
The Templar Treasure at Gisors by Markale, Jean
Free Movement of Persons Within the European Community by Mei, A. Pieter Van Der
The Origins of World War I by
Understanding the Middle Ages: The Transformation of Ideas and Attitudes in the Medieval World by Kleinschmidt, Harald
Cities of Ladies: Beguine Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, 12-1565 by Simons, Walter
Conciliation and Confession: The Struggle for Unity in the Age of Reform, 1415-1648 by
Conciliation and Confession: The Struggle for Unity in the Age of Reform, 1415-1648 by
Interpretation and Allegory: Antiquity to the Modern Period by Whitman
Merovingian Mortuary Archaeology and the Making of the Early Middle Ages: Volume 35 by Effros, Bonnie
Age of the Cloister: The Story of Monastic Life in the Middle Ages by Brooke, Christopher
Sir John Hawkins by Kelsey, Harry
The Secret of Secrets: The Scholarly Career of a Pseudo-Aristotelian Text in the Latin Middle Ages by Williams, Steven James
Nicolaus Cusanus Zwischen Deutschland Und Italien: Beiträge Eines Deutsch-Italienischen Symposiums in Der Villa Vigoni by
Albigensian Heresy by Warner, H. J.
A Medieval Scrap Heap by Edwards, W. H.
Essays on Archaeological Subjects by Wright, Thomas
Medical Economy During the Middle Ages by Fort, George F.
The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages by Brandon, Raphael, Brandon, J. Arthur
King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend by Castleden, Rodney
The Three Edwards: War and State in England 1272-1377 by Prestwich, Michael
The Three Edwards: War and State in England 1272-1377 by Prestwich, Michael
Prelude to the Mahdiyya: Peasants and Traders in the Shendi Region, 1821 1885 by Bjorkelo, Anders, Bj Rkelo, Anders
Power and Violence in the Colonial City: Oruro from the Mining Renaissance to the Rebellion of Tupac Amaru (1740 1782) by Cornblit, Oscar, Oscar, Cornblit
Medieval Cruelty: Changing Perceptions, Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period by Baraz, Daniel
Die Lehrautorität Des Papstes Und Die Dominikanertheologen Der Schule Von Salamanca by Horst, Ulrich
Islamic Humanism by Goodman, Lenn Evan
Thirteenth Century England IX: Proceedings of the Durham Conference 2001 by
Medieval Women and the Law by
Medieval Maidens: Young Women and Gender in England, 1270-1540 by Phillips, Kim
New Light on the Renaissance by Bayley, Harold
Symbolisms of Heraldry by Wade, W. Cecil
Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance by Owen, John
The Tournament in England, 1100-1400 by Barker, Juliet R. V.
Swein Forkbeard's Invasions and the Danish Conquest of England, 991-1017 by Howard, Ian
Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif by Lahey, Stephen E.
Fama by
Fama: The Politics of Talk and Reputation in Medieval Europe by
The Fourth Estate: A History of Women in the Middle Ages by Shahar, Shulamith
Aesthetics and Subjectivity by Bowie, Andrew
Textual and Material Culture in Anglo-Saxon England: Thomas Northcote Toller and the Toller Memorial Lectures by
Body and Sacred Place in Medieval Europe, 1100-1389 by Hayes, Dawn Marie
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Bistum Münster 7,3: Die Diözese by
Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570 by Clendinnen, Inga
The Britons by Snyder, Christopher A.
The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism by Teiser, Stephen F.
Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages by
Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages by
Manhood and the Duel: Masculinity in Early Modern Drama and Culture by Low, J.
Renaissance Papers 2002 by
Bond Men Made Free: Medieval Peasant Movements and the English Rising of 1381 by Hilton, Rodney
Sir Edward Coke and the Elizabethan Age by Boyer, Allen D.
Gesta principum Polonorum: The Deeds of the Princes of the Poles by
Le chiese della Sabina: cenni storici e descrizione: Volume VI by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Theatre of the Book 1480-1880: Print, Text and Performance in Europe by Peters, Julie Stone
The Pilgrimage of Grace and the Politics of the 1530s by Hoyle, R. W.
English Diplomatic Practice in the Middle Ages by Chaplais, Pierre
First Globalization: The Eurasian Exchange, 1500-1800 by Gunn, Geoffrey C.
High and Mighty Queens of Early Modern England: Realities and Representations by
Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517 1570 by Clendinnen, Inga
Prostitution in the Medieval World by Markun, Leo
Myths and Legends of the Middle Ages: Their Origin and Influence On Literature and Art by Guerber, Helene a.
Pierre de la Rue and Musical Life at the Habsburg-Burgundian Court by Meconi, Honey
Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe: Society in Transformation by Frassetto, Michael
Anglo-Chinese Encounters since 1800 by Gungwu, Wang
Die kleineren Dichtungen Heinrichs von Mügeln by
Beate Hildegardis Cause et cure by
Die Landständische Verfassung by Krüger, Kersten
Étrennes: Untersuchungen Zum Höfischen Geschenkverkehr Im Spätmittelalterlichen Frankreich Zur Zeit König Karls VI. (1380-1422) by Hirschbiegel, Jan
Die Landständische Verfassung by Krüger, Kersten
Apocalypse in Rome: Cola Di Rienzo and the Politics of the New Age by Musto, Ronald G.
Travel In The Middle Ages by Verdon, Jean
Travel in the Middle Ages by Verdon, Jean
Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism by Stone, Jacqueline I.
The Apocalyptic Year 1000: Religious Expectaton and Social Change, 950-1050 by Kingsbury, Damien
The Apocalyptic Year 1000: Religious Expectaton and Social Change, 950-1050 by Brody, Howard S.
Anglo-Chinese Encounters Since 1800: War, Trade, Science and Governance by Wang, Gungwu, Gungwu, Wang
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Konstanz 2: Die Bischöfe Vom Ende Des 6. Jh. Bis 1206 by
The Townscape of Darlington by Newman, Christine M., Potts, Graham R., Cookson, Gillian
Secuencias de cambio social en una región mediterránea: Análisi sarqueológico de la depressión de Vera (Almeria) entre los siglos V y XI by Menasanch de Tobaruela, Montserrat
Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon Royal Houses by Yorke, Barbara
Revival and Reform in Islam by Haykel, Bernard
Revival and Reform in Islam by Haykel, Bernard
Medieval Worlds: A Sourcebook by
Medieval Worlds: A Sourcebook by
The Viking-Age Rune-Stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia by Sawyer, Birgit
From Norman Conquest to Magna Carta: England 1066-1215 by Daniell, Christopher
The English and the Normans: Ethnic Hostility, Assimilation, and Identity 1066 - C. 1220 by Thomas, Hugh M.
Anglo-Norman Studies XXV: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2002 by
A History of Japan, 1582 1941: Internal and External Worlds by Cullen, L. M.
The Experience of Crusading by
A History of Japan, 1582 1941: Internal and External Worlds by Cullen, L. M.
Surprising Bedfellows: Hindus and Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern India by
Das Verhältnis Der Allmacht Gottes Zum Kontradiktionsprinzip Nach Wilhelm Von Ockham by Schröcker, Hubert
Historical Studies of Church Building in the Middle Ages: Venice, Siena, Florence by Norton, Charles Eliot
Accounts of the Feoffees of the Town Lands of Bury St Edmunds, 1569-1622 by
Fifteenth-Century Studies Vol. 28 by
Environment, Power, and Injustice by Jacobs, Nancy J.
Environment, Power, and Injustice by Jacobs, Nancy J.
King John: New Interpretations by
This Is My Body: Representational Practices in the Early Middle Ages by Kobialka, Michal Andrzej
Legends of Arthur by Barber, Richard
Dreaming of Cockaigne: Medieval Fantasies of the Perfect Life by Pleij, Herman
Firearms: A Global History to 1700 by Chase, Kenneth
Italian Renaissance by
Homoeroticism and Chivalry: Discourses of Male Same-Sex Desire in the Fourteenth Century by Zeikowitz, R.
Noblewomen, Aristocracy and Power in the Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Realm by Johns, Susan M.
Homoeroticism and Chivalry: Discourses of Male Same-Sex Desire in the 14th Century by Zeikowitz, R.
The Knights Templars: God's Warriors, the Devil's Bankers by Sanello, Frank
The Kingdom of the Scots: Government, Church and Society from the Eleventh to the Fourteenth Century by Barrow, G. W. S.
Latin Church in the Middle Ages by Lagarde, Andre
Scottish Gypsies Under the Stewarts by Macritchie, David
The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1146-1246 by Dimnik, Martin
The Unbound Prometheus by Landes, David S., Landes, David
Recreating Ancient History: Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period by De Landtsheer, Jeanine, Enenkel, Karl A. E., de Jong, Jan
The Experience of Crusading 2 Volume Hardback Set by
The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present by Landes, David S.
History of the Origin and Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal by Herculano, Alexandre
Most Excellent and Famous History of the Most Renowned Knight Amadis of Greece, Surnamed the Knight of the Burning Sword by Amadis of Greece, Of Greece
Medieval Inquisition by Guiraud, Jean
2002 by
A Knight at the Movies: Medieval History on Film by Aberth, John
A Knight at the Movies: Medieval History on Film by Aberth, John
Natur im Mittelalter by
Nobilities in Transition 1550-1700: Courtiers and Rebels in Britain and Europe by Asch, Ronald G.
The Fifteenth Century III: Authority and Subversion by
Preachers and People in the Reformations and Early Modern Period by
From Norman Conquest to Magna Carta: England 1066-1215 by Daniell, Christopher
Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance: History Series (Hambledon Press), V. 13 by Fryde, E. B.
Parliament and Politics in Late Medieval England: Volume III by Roskell, John S.
Politicians and Virtuosi: Essays on Early Modern History by Koenigsberger, H. G.
Studies in Medieval History: Presented to R.H.C. Davis by
Renaissance Essays by Hay, Denys
Medieval London Widows, 1300-1500 by
Late Monasticism and Reformation by Dickens, A. G.
The German Hero: Politics & Pragmatism: Politics and Pragmatism in Early Medieval Poetry by Murdoch, Brian
Scotland and Its Neighbours in the Middle Ages by Barrow, G. W. S.
The Haskins Society Journal Studies in Medieval History: Volume 2 by Patterson, Robert
Studies in Thirteenth-Century Justice and Administration by Meekings, C. A. F.
Renaissance War Studies by Hale, J. R.
Lollards & Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509-58 by Dickens, A. G.
William de la Pole: Merchant and King's Banker: Merchant and King's Banker (1366) by Fryde, E. B.
Class Conflict and the Crisis of Feudalism: Essays in Medieval Social History by Hilton, Rodney
Crown, Household and Parliament in Fifteenth Century England by Myers, A. R.
The Welsh Castles of Edward I by Taylor, A. J.
Hero & Exile: Art of Old English Poetry by Greenfield, Stanley B.
Functions of the Medieval Parliament of England by Sayles, G. O.
Elizabethans by Collinson, Patrick
Communications and Power in Medieval Europe: The Carolingian and Ottonian Centrues by Leyser, Karl
England and Her Neighbours, 1066-1453 by
Unrevolutionary England, 1603-1642 by Russell, Conrad
The Danelaw by Hart, Cyril
From Alfred the Great to Stephen by Davis, R. H. C.
Church and Chronicle in the Middle Ages by
William Caxton and English Literary Culture by Blake, N. F.
The Haskins Society Journal Studies in Medieval History: Volume 3 by Patterson, Robert
Warriors and Churchmen in the High Middle Ages: Essays Presented to Karl Leyser by Reuter, Timothy
The Perception of the Past in 12th Century Europe by Magdalino, Paul
War, Politics and Culture in 14th Century England by Sherborne, James
Law, History, the Low Countries and Europe by Caenegem, R. C., Van Caenegem, R. C.
Colonial England, 1066-1215 by Holt, J. C.
Ireland and Britain, 1170-1450 by Frame, Robin
Henry IV: The Establishment of the Regime, 1399-1406 by
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