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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2009

Byzantine Military Unrest, 471-843: An Interpretation by Kaegi, Walter Emil
Manzikert to Lepanto: the Byzantine World and the Turks, 1071-1571 Papers Given at the Nineteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Mar by Ursinus, Michael, Bryer, Anthony
Peoples and Settlement in Anatolia and the Caucasus, 800-1900 by Bryer, Anthony
Chronicling History: Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy by
Erotic Tales of Medieval Germany: Volume 328 by
The Forms of Renaissance Thought: New Essays in Literature and Culture by
The Reconquest Kings of Portugal: Political and Cultural Reorientation on the Medieval Frontier by Lay, S.
Charms, Charmers and Charming: International Research on Verbal Magic by
Friendship, Love, and Trust in Renaissance Florence by Kent, Dale
Structure sociale, famille, chretiente a Byzance, IVe-XIe siecle by Patlagean, Evelyne
Byzance et les Arabes Volume III by Vasiliev, Alexander A.
Byzance et les Arabes Volume II Book II by Vasiliev, Alexander A.
The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, Volume I by Winfield, David, Bryer, Anthony
The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, Volume II by Winfield, David, Bryer, Anthony
The Medieval Missionary by Addison, James Thayer
Worchester 1186-1218 by
Ladder of Shadows: Reflecting on Medieval Vestige in Provence and Languedoc by Sobin, Gustaf
Reichskammergericht: Garant für die Aufrechterhaltung der Ordnung des deutschen Reiches oder nur Instrument zur Durchsetzung kaiserlicher I by Fromm, Ingo
Das Problem des Transitus bis ins 12. Jahrhundert und bei Bernhard von Clairvaux by Schrader, Toralf
Das Weib im altgermanischen Recht und Leben by Dahn, Felix
Afrikaners of the Kalahari: White Minority in a Black State by Russell, Margo, Russell, Martin
Envoys and Political Communication in the Late Antique West, 411 533 by Gillett, Andrew
Medieval Domesticity by
A Proposal For Improving And Adorning The Island Of Great Britain: For The Maintenance Of Our Navy And Shipping (1755) by Wade, Edward
An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Heat, And Into Its Mode Of Action In The Phenomena Of Combustion, Vaporization, Etc. (1863) by Colburn, Zerah
A Record Of The City Of Armagh: From The Earliest Period To The Present Time (1861) by Rogers, Edward
Anthropometry Of The Siouan Tribes V23, Part 3 (1920) by Sullivan, Louis Robert
Arnold Von Brescia Und Seine Zeit, Nebst Einem Anhang: Uber Die Stiftung Des Paraklet Bei Nogent An Der Seine (1825) by Francke, Heinrich
Bibliomania In The Middle Ages: Or Sketches Of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes, And Illuminators (1849) by Merryweather, Frederick Somner
A History Of The Novel Previous To The Seventeenth Century (1895) by Warren, Frederick Morris
A Guide To The Principal Chambered Barrows And Other Prehistoric Monuments In The Islands Of The Morbihan, The Communes Of Locmariaker, Carnac, Plouha by Lukis, William Collings
A History Of The Architecture Of The Abbey Church Of St. Alban: With Special Reference To The Norman Structure (1847) by Buckler, Charles Alban, Buckler, John Chessell
A Detailed Comparison Of The Eight Manuscripts Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1913) by Koch, John
A Brief Historical Relation Of State Affairs V1: From September 1678 To April 1714 (1857) by Luttrell, Narcissus
The World of the Stonors: A Gentry Society by Noble, Elizabeth
Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe by
The Ages of Faith: Popular Religion in Late Medieval England and Western Europe by Tanner, Norman
The Register of Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln 1420-1431: II by
Against All England: Regional Identity and Cheshire Writing, 1195-1656 by Barrett Jr, Robert W.
Religious Warfare in Europe 1400-1536 by Housley, Norman
Pope Innocent III (1160/61-1216): To Root Up and to Plant by Moore, John C.
Saint Louis by Le Goff, Jacques
Defining Medievalism(s) by
Warum fielen Bernard Mandevilles Lehren in Vergessenheit? by Seitz, Raphael
West Indian Slavery and British Abolition, 1783-1807 by Ryden, David Beck
From Caledonia to Pictland: Scotland to 795 by Fraser, James E.
From Caledonia to Pictland: Scotland to 795 by Fraser, James E.
A Companion to Britain in the Later Middle Ages by
Ansätze zu einer inneren Staatlichkeit im Karolingerreich by Exler, Siegfried
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties Over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries by Maclehose, William
Rijswijk 1697 - Das Zeremoniellwesen des Friedenskongresses und inoffizielle Direktverhandlungen by Hofstetter, Alexander
An Account Of The Churches Of St. Peter Of Shipden And Of St. Peter And Paul Of Cromer, In The County Of Norfolk (1870) by Rye, Walter
Archeologic Investigations In James And Potomac Valleys (1894) by Fowke, Gerard
An Account Of Some Remarkable Ancient Ruins, Lately Discovered In The Highlands, And Northern Parts Of Scotland: In A Series Of Letters To G. C. M. (1 by Williams, John
Athenais: Or The First Crusade (1866) by Stigand, William
An Account Of The Castle And Town Of Denbigh (1829) by Newcome, Richard
Antiqua Explorata: Being The Result Of Excavations Made By R. C. Neville, During The Winters Of 1845-46, And The Spring Of 1847 (1847) by Neville, Richard Cornwallis
Descripcam Corografica Do Reyno De Portugal (1739) by Freire, Antonio De Oliveira
Cis tertium Lapidem miliarium - Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Zisterzienserordens: Vorbild, Tendenzen und Probleme der monastischen Gemeinschaft im 11 by Skorupa, Holger
The Northern Lands: Germanic Europe, C.1270 - C.1500 by Nicholas, David
Transformations of Late Antiquity: Essays for Peter Brown by Papoutsakis, Manolis
Die Goldene Bulle: Politik - Wahrnehmung - Rezeption by
Die Hessischen Reimpredigten: Text by
Die Hessischen Reimpredigten: Untersuchungen Zu Überlieferung, Sprache Und Herkunft by Lenz-Kemper, Barbara
Byrhtferth of Ramsey: The Lives of St. Oswald and St. Ecgwine by
Tanganyika Under German Rule 1905 1912 by Iliffe, John
Northern Renaissance Art by Nash, Susie
Anglo-Jewry Since 1066: Place, Locality and Memory by Kushner, Tony
Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela by Melczer, William
The Chronicle of the Czechs by Cosmas of Prauge
When Asia Was the World: Traveling Merchants, Scholars, Warriors, and Monks Who Created the ""riches of the ""east"" by Gordon, Stewart
Sieben Köpfe Martin Luthers von acht hohen Sachen des christlichen Glaubens by Mohr, Josepha
Die Rezeption der großen geographischen Entdeckungen in der deutschen humanistischen Tradition des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts: Dargestellt am Streit über by Knaak, Holger
Europe And The Turks (1907) by Buxton, Noel
Fridthjof's Saga: A Norse Romance (1876) by Tegner, Esaias
Facecye Polskie Z Roku 1624 (1903) by Bruckner, Aleksander
Europe In Renaissance And Reformation, 1453-1659 (1911) by Hollings, Mary a.
Benvenuto Cellini (1912) by Cust, Robert Henry Hobart
Europe In Renaissance And Reformation, 1453-1659 (1911) by Hollings, Mary a.
Bibliotheca Historica Sueo-Gothica Af C. G. Warmholtz: Register (1889) by Warmholtz, Carl Gustaf
Early England Up To The Norman Conquest (1876) by York-Powell, Frederick
Fairford Graves: A Record Of Researches In An Anglo-Saxon Burial Place In Gloucestershire (1852) by Wylie, William Michael
Von der Kunst, die Kunst des Sterbens zu verlernen by Brauhardt, Marcel
Wilhelm Maurenbrecher - Neue Forschungsergebnisse und Einsichten by Todte, Mario
Malleus Maleficarum by Kramer, Heinrich, Sprenger, James, Summers, Montague
The Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela by Melczer, William
The Northern Lands: Germanic Europe, C.1270 - C.1500 by Nicholas, David
Der Templerorden by Opitz, Annika
Zum Stand der Diskussion über die Entstehung des Alleinstimmrechts der sieben Kurfürsten bei der deutschen Königswahl und die Ausbildung des Kurfürste by Freter, Harald
Judenpogrome und die Rolle der Bischöfe im Kontext des ersten Kreuzzuges by Langenbach, Stefan
Encountering Medieval Textiles and Dress: Objects, Texts, Images by
The Bureaucracy of Han Times by Bielenstein, Hans
Land and Lineage in China: A Study of T'Ung-Ch'eng County, Anhwel, in the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties by Beattie, Hilary J.
Authority in Byzantine Provincial Society, 950 1100 by Leonora, Neville, Neville, Leonora
Das Beginentum: Eine alternative Lebensform für Frauen vom Hochmittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit by Luger, Marion
The Good Wife's Guide (Le Ménagier de Paris): A Medieval Household Book by
The Serf, the Knight, and the Historian by Barthélemy, Dominique
The Good Wife's Guide (Le Ménagier de Paris): A Medieval Household Book by
The Serf, the Knight, and the Historian by Barthélemy, Dominique
The Paston Letters: A Selection in Modern Spelling by
Cartulaire Des Templiers Du Puy-En-Velay (1882) by Chassaing, Augustin
Gunnlaugs Saga Ormstungu (1908) by Mogk, Eugen
Die Geologie Der Griechen Und Romer: Ein Beitrag Zur Philosophie Der Geschicht (1851) by Lasaulx, Ernst Von
Chronicles Of The Castle And Of The Earls Of Leicester: From The Foundation Of The Castle To The Merger Of The Earldom In The Crown Of England (1867) by Reeve, William Napier
Cours D'Histoire Universelle V2: Histoire Du Moyen-Age (1874) by Schoetter, Johann
Histoire Generale, Et Raisonee De La Republique De Genes V1, Part 1 (1794) by Bastide, Jean-Francois de
Branje Od Tih V' Kmetizhke Kalendre Postavlenih Ino Nekerih Drugih Svetnikov (1833) by Krempl, Anton
Cartulaire Roussillonnais (1880) by Alart, B.
Guionvac'h: Chronique Bretonne (1890) by Kerardven, L.
Chronicon Centulense Ou Chronique De L'Abbaye De Saint-Riquier (1899) by Aldenburgensis, Hariulfus
Pest, Geißlerzüge und Judenverfolgungen zur Zeit der ersten Pestwelle 1347-51 by Altmann, Philipp
Theophanu - Eine oströmische Prinzessin als weströmische Kaiserin by Schwab, Sandra
Medieval Petitions: Grace and Grievance by
Saints' Cults in the Celtic World by
Gildas's de Excidio Britonum and the Early British Church by George, Karen
The Medieval Cook by Henisch, Bridget A.
Das vergessene Volk: Regionale Recherche nach Spuren der Slawen und Wenden genannten Völker by Lüders, Andreas
Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald by
Produktionszentren rohstoffintensiver Waren und die Stadt in Spätantike und Mittelalter: Produktion rohstoffintensiver Waren in der Germania Inferior by Chiriaco, Marco
Wie exotisch waren Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit? by Luger, Marion
The Marvels of Rome by Benedict XVI
The Sack of Rome by Guicciardini, Luigi
Verwandtschaft, Freundschaft, Bruderschaft by
The Proprietary Church in the Medieval West by Wood, Susan
The Norman Conquest: A New Introduction by Huscroft, Richard
History and Politics in Late Carolingian and Ottonian Europe: The Chronicle of Regino of Prüm and Adalbert of Magdeburg by
The Other Empire: Metropolis, India and Progress in the Colonial Imagination by Marriott, John
History and Politics in Late Carolingian and Ottonian Europe: The Chronicle of Regino of Prüm and Adalbert of Magdeburg by
Daily Life in Anglo-Saxon England by Crawford, Sally
Mind Over Matter: Essays on Mentalities in Medieval India by
de Administrando Imperio by Porphyrogenitus, Constantine
Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination by Freedman, Paul
On Trans-Saharan Trails: Islamic Law, Trade Networks, and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Western Africa by Lydon, Ghislaine
Prophecy, Alchemy, and the End of Time: John of Rupescissa in the Late Middle Ages by Devun, Leah
Les Templiers En Eure-Et-Loir: Historie Et Cartulaire (1902) by Metais, Charles
Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja XXIII: Finska Fornminnesforeningens Tidskrift XXIII (1905) by Appelgren, Hjalmar, Nervander, Emil Fredrik
Letters From Snowdon: Descriptive Of A Tour Through The Northern Counties Of Wales, Containing The Antiquities, History, And State Of The Co by Cradock, Joseph
English Lyric Poetry, 1500-1700: With An Introduction (1897) by
Histoire De L' Academie D' Arras (1872) by Van Drival, E.
Illustration Of The Customs Of A Manor In The North Of England: During The Fifteenth Century (1822) by Hibbert, Samuel
Diary Of A Dean: Being An Account Of The Examination Of Silbury Hill, And Of Various Barrows And Other Earthworks On The Downs Of North by Merewether, John
Les Roumains Au Moyen-Age (1885) by Xenopol, Alexandru Dimitrie
Law And Politics In The Middle Ages: With A Synoptic Table Of Sources (1898) by Jenks, Edward
Our English Villages: Their Story And Their Antiquities (1889) by Ditchfield, Peter Hampson
Latin And Teutonic Christendom: A Historical Sketch (1870) by Cox, George William
Dorval Et Dorsan Part 1: Ou Memoires Pour Servir A L'Histoire Des Moeurs Du Dix-Huitieme Siecle (1770) by Gomicourt, Auguste-Pierre Damiens De
Epochs Of The Papacy: From Its Rise To The Death Of Pope Pius IX In 1878 (1881) by Pennington, Arthur Robert
The Price of Fidelity by Weisz, Szidonia-Anna
Hexen und Hexenverfolgungen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert in Luxemburg und Kurtrier: Vergleich des Prozesses der Catherine Theis aus Useldingen mit dem G by Schleich, Isabelle
Der Albigenserkreuzzug im Spiegel der "schönen" Literatur des 13. Jahrhunderts by Hollergschwandner, Christoph
Das Handelshaus der Runtinger: Ein Regensburger Familienunternehmen des 14. Jahrhunderts? by Wildenauer, Jessica
Das Verhältnis zwischen Erzbischof Balduin von Trier und den Juden des Erzstiftes Trier by Krüger, Jessica
Mädchenbildung im Mittelalter by Bär, Nicole
Die Entwicklung des Königsideals in England (757-1216): Heinrich II. (1154-1189) als Vertreter dieses Ideals? by Funk, Janina
Vom Kettenhemd zum Harnisch: Die Entwicklung der deutschen Schutzbewaffnung im Übergang vom Hoch- zum Spätmittelalter by Pommer, Benjamin
Johannes Gutenberg: Der Erfinder und Unternehmer als Initiator der Medienrevolution by Pommer, Benjamin
Süddeutschland in den Revolutions- und napoleonischen Kriegen: Ein erster Überblick by Wörner, Nadine
Sachsen von der Karolingerzeit bis zur Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts: "Die Wortgruppe Francia et Saxonia" by Mogk, Carsten
Der Konflikt zwischen Liebe und Ehe im Hohen Mittelalter by Manderbach, Ann-Sophie
Weistümer: Definition, geschichtliche Entwicklung, sprachliche Besonderheiten by Braasch, Lars-Benja
The Aristocratic Families in Early Imperial China: A Case Study of the Po-Ling Ts'ui Family by Ebrey, Patricia Buckley
English Kalendars: Before A.D. 1100 by Wormald, Francis
Aelfwine's Prayerbook: (London, British Library, Cotton Titus D. XXVI + XXVII) by Günzel, Beate
A Pre Conquest English Prayer-Book: [Bl Mss Cotton Galba A.XIV and Nero A.II (Ff.3-13)] by
A Commentary on the Cistercian Hymnal: Explantio Super Hymnos Quibus Utitur Ordo Cisterciensis: A Critical Edition of Troyes Bib. Mun. Ms. 658 by Beers, John Michael
The Brigittine Breviary of Syon Abbey: From the MS with English Rubrics F.4.11 at Magdalene College, Cambridge by Collins, A. Jefferies
Haciendas and Ranchos in the Mexican Bajio: Leon 1700 1860 by Brading, David, Brading, D. a.
Die Reichspolitik der Markgrafen Johann I. und Otto III. von Brandenburg (1220-1266/67) by Liebmann, Michael
Judenhut und Gelber Fleck: Ursachen und Wirkung der Kennzeichnungsbestrebungen von Juden in Mittelalter und Neuzeit by Rommeiß, Lisa
Die Herkunft der Indianer auf dem amerikanischen Doppelkontinent by Menze, Jürgen
Die Feldzüge des Germanicus 14-16 n.Chr. und ihre Zielsetzung by Menze, Jürgen
Predigt in der Reformationszeit: Untersuchung eines Massenmediums am Beispiel des Bilderstreits in Wittenberg 1522 by Wörner, Nadine
Heinrich der Zänker, Herzog von Bayern: Ein Rebell greift nach der Krone by Munk, Alexander
Monastic Life in Anglo-Saxon England, C.600-900 by Foot, Sarah
Europa Im Spätmittelalter 1215-1378 by Fouquet, Gerhard, Fuhrmann, Bernd, Dirlmeier, Ulf
Medien und Sprachen humanistischer Geschichtsschreibung by
Der Ritterspiegel: Herausgegeben, Übersetzt Und Kommentiert by Rothe, Johannes
The Politics of Evil: Magic, State Power and the Political Imagination in South Africa by Crais, Clifton
The First Universities: Studium Generale and the Origins of University Education in Europe by Pedersen, Olaf
Medieval Clothing and Textiles, Volume 5 by
Edward the Confessor: The Man and the Legend by
The British Naval Staff in the First World War by Black, Nicholas
Hoch- und Niedergerichtsrechte in der Grundherrschaft: Die Rechtspflege im alten Reich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Patrimonialgerichtsbarkei by Häußler, Thorsten
An Economic History of the Silk Industry, 1830 1930 by Federico, Giovanni, Giovanni, Federico
Medieval India Under Mohammedan Rule, 712-1764 (1903) by Lane-Poole, Stanley
Medieval Lore From Bartholomaeus Anglicus (1905) by Steele, Robert
Miscellaneous Papers On Subjects Relating To Wales (1867) by Rees, Thomas
Ireland And The Anglo-Norman Church: A History Of Ireland And Irish Christianity From The Anglo-Norman Conquest To The Dawn Of The Reformation (1897) by Stokes, George Thomas
La Castilla Y El Mas Famoso Castellano: Discurso Sobre El Sitio, Nombre, Extension, Gobierno, Y Condado De La Antigua Castilla (1792) by Risco, Manuel
L'Esprit De La Ligue V1: Ou Histoire Politique Des Troubles De France (1767) by Anquetil, Louis-Pierre
Notitiae Ludae: Or Notices Of Louth (1834) by Bayley, Robert Slater
Some Account Of The Abbey Church Of St. Peter And St. Paul, At Dorchester, Oxfordshire (1845) by Addington, Henry
Medieval Lore From Bartholomaeus Anglicus (1905) by Steele, Robert
Notes On The Parishes Of Fyfield, Kimpton, Penton Mewsey, Weyhill And Wherwell, In The County Of Hampshire (1898) by Clutterbuck, Robert Hawley
Mappografia Dawnej Polski (1846) by Rastawiecki, Edward
On The Knowledge Possessed By The Ancient Chinese Of The Arabs And Arabian Colonies: And Other Western Countries (1871) by Bretschneider, E.
Medieval India Under Mohammedan Rule, 712-1764 (1903) by Lane-Poole, Stanley
Grand Tour - Die Adlige Bildungsreise ins Italien des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts by Lautsch, Sebastian
Peter Abaelard und seine Kritiker by Maiwald, Guido
Marco Polo und sein Werk "Il Milione": Bericht einer mittelalterlichen Reise oder zusammengestellter Reiseführer? by Pommer, Benjamin
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