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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2012

Renaissance Impostors and Proofs of Identity by Eliav-Feldon, M.
Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia by Cooper, Eric, Decker, Michael J.
Writing History in Renaissance Italy: Leonardo Bruni and the Uses of the Past by Ianziti, Gary
The Knights Hospitaller in the Levant, C.1070-1309 by Riley-Smith, J.
Roger II and the Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily by
Botany Bay: The Real Story by Frost, Alan
Roger II and the Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily by
The Tyrant of Siena by Mahoney, Jude
The Expansion of Europe, 1250-1500 by North, Michael
Hospitäler im spätmittelalterlichen Thüringen: vom kirchlichen zum bürgerlichen Hospital: Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand ausgewählter regionaler by Berger, Juliane
Luthers Leben by Köstlin, Julius
Die Sächsischen und Salischen Kaiser by Bühler, Johannes
Das Hansische Kontor in Antwerpen by Evers, Walter
The Papacy and Crusading in Europe, 1198-1245 by Rist, Rebecca
The World Before Domesday: The English Aristocracy 900-1066 by Williams, Ann
Early Modern Supernatural: The Dark Side of European Culture, 1400â "1700 by Davidson, Jane
Der Pontifikat Urbans II. unter genauerer Betrachtung des 1. Kreuzzuges by Knecht, Tobias
A History of Tasmania by Reynolds, Henry
A History of Tasmania by Reynolds, Henry
Meerfahrt nach Tyrus: Suche nach Barbarossas Grab im Vorderen Orient by Suhr, Heiko
Die Krönung des Papstes auf dem "Kot-Stuhl": Darstellung des päpstlichen Krönungszeremoniells unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der sedes stercatoria by Meyer, Daniel
Von Der Reliquie Zum Ding: Heiliger Ort - Wunderkammer - Museum by Laube, Stefan
From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East by
Byzantium Between the Ottomans and the Latins: Politics and Society in the Late Empire by Necipoglu, Nevra
Kommunikative Elemente im Sermon Bertholds von Regensburg unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ihm zugeschriebenen Predigt "Von drin mûren" by Faßbender, Aaron
Die Hansa und der deutsche Ritter-Orden in den Ostseeländern by Von Schlözer, Kurd
Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited: The History of a Controversy by Scott, Emmet
Encyclopedia of the Black Death by Byrne, Joseph P.
Deutsche Kaisergeschichte in der Zeit der Salier und Staufer by Hampe, Karl
Philippus Cancellarius by Schetter, Barbara
The Views of the Hosts of Alien Merchants, 1440-1444 by
British Fortifications Through the Reign of Richard III: An Illustrated History by Lepage, Jean-Denis G. G.
The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Latin Literature by Hexter, Ralph, Townsend, David
The Rise of Female Kings in Europe, 1300-1800 by Monter, William
Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burkhardt, Jacob
Die Dauer der Stiftung by Lohse, Tillmann
Die Kirchliche Krise Des Spätmittelalters: Schisma, Konziliarismus Und Konzilien by Müller, Heribert
Les Ducs De Bourgogne: Études Sur Les Lettres, Les Arts Et L'industrie Pendant Le Xve Siècle Et Plus Particulièrement Dans Les Pays-bas Et Le by
A History of Geographical Discovery: In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Heawood, Edward
Vision and Image in Early Christian England by Henderson, George
Kaiser Karl V. und Papst Paul III. by Friedensburg, Walter
European Transformations: The Long Twelfth Century by
Medieval Film by
Die Geschichtsquellen der Preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft by Hirsch, Theodor, Töppen, Max, Strehlke, Ernst
Die Geschichtsquellen der Preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft by Hirsch, Theodor, Töppen, Max, Strehlke, Ernst
She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth by Castor, Helen
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness: Arab Travellers in the Far North by Ibn Fadlan
Antiquities of the Jews by Whiston, William, Josephus, Flavius
No Man's Land by Conway, Martin
Lords' Rights and Peasant Stories: Writing and the Formation of Tradition in the Later Middle Ages by Teuscher, Simon
Machen Kleider Leute? Kleiderordnungen im Spätmittelalter und deren Veränderung in der Frühen Neuzeit by Bolz, Janina
Die Erfahrung und Beschreibung des Unglaublichen im Reisebericht by Knecht, Tobias
Exulanten in Sachsen by Schultze, Christian
Histoire Commerciale, Politique Et Diplomatique Des Echelles Du Levant: L'orient Marseille Et La Méditerranée... by Salvador, Édouard
Ambiguous Locks: An Iconology of Hair in Medieval Art and Literature by Milliken, Roberta
Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation by Ranke, Leopold Von
Die Geschichtsquellen der Preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft by Hirsch, Theodor, Töppen, Max, Strehlke, Ernst
Die Geschichtsquellen der Preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft by Strehlke, Ernst, Hirsch, Theodor, Töppen, Max
Die Renaissance by Gobineau, Graf
Anglo-Saxon England by
Kiel als Adelsstadt und Kapitalmarkt by Fricke, Björn
The Pope Who Quit: A True Medieval Tale of Mystery, Death, and Salvation by Sweeney, Jon M.
Imperial Defence by Wilkinson, Spenser, Dilke, Charles Wentworth
Kindheit in Byzanz: Emotionale, Geistige Und Materielle Entwicklung Im Familiären Umfeld Vom 6. Bis Zum 11. Jahrhundert by Ariantzi, Despoina
Renaissance In Italy: Italian Literature, Volume 4... by Symonds, John Addington
Rudolf von Habsburg by Redlich, Oskar
Dartmoor's Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages by Fox, Harold
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire: Volume I: Maximilian I to the Peace of Westphalia, 1493-1648 by Whaley, Joachim
Die Geistlichen Ritterorden by Prutz, Hans
Dartmoor's Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages by Fox, Harold
Devotio moderna - Das Phänomen der neuen Frömmigkeit im Spätmittelalter by Schmidt, Arndt
Die Katastrophe von 1167 und die Folgen, die sich dadurch für die kaiserliche Politik ergaben: Italienpolitik Friedrich Barbarossa by Förster, Micael
Elizabeth I. - Königin von England by Barfknecht, Imke
The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof. Volume 1 of 2 by
Monarchs of the Renaissance: The Lives and Reigns of 42 European Kings and Queens by Potter, Philip J.
Kaiser Friedrich II. und die letzten Hohenstaufen by Schirrmacher, Friedrich
Die Geschichtsquellen der Preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordensherrschaft by Hirsch, Theodor, Töppen, Max, Strehlke, Ernst
Johannes von Paltz - Monastischer Privatgelehrter oder universitätsgelehrter Monastiker? Versuch einer Einordnung by Horzetzky, Robert
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - Illustrated and Annotated by
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - Illustrated and Annotated by
Häresie als politisches Delikt - Der Fall Farinata Degli Uberti by Deco, Marina
Die Basler Kartause St. Margarethental (1401-1564): Klösterliche Abgeschiedenheit im Trubel der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt by Peterson, Keno
Der Vater als Kerkermeister: Kaiser Friedrich II. und sein Sohn König Heinrich (VII.) by Niesen, Edwin
Die Inquisition in Österreich im Spätmittelalter: Die Verfolgung der Waldenser und der Juden in Österreich by Beiser, Emanuel
Karl der Große und die Awaren: Die Awarenkriege Karls des Großen by Beiser, Emanuel
The Annals of Fulda: Ninth-Century Histories, Volume II by
Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe by Heather, Peter
Das Erzbistum Magdeburg - Gründung durch Kaiser Otto I. by Pape, Sven-Friedrich
Hermann Bote: Das Schichtbuch - Aufstände im mittelalterlichen Braunschweig by Pape, Sven-Friedrich
Early Lives of St Dunstan by
Die Beziehungen Rudolfs von Habsburg zu Papst Gregor X. by Otto, Heinrich
The Wars of the Jews: With Additional Facts from Jewish History... by Josephus, Flavius
Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought: From Philip the Chancellor (Ca. 1225) to Francisco Suárez by Aertsen, Jan
Geschichte der Bauernkriege in Deutschland und der Schweiz by Deuber, Franz Anselm
Hermann von Stahleck by Baumgärtner, Lionel
Hermann II., Erzbischof von Köln by Hennes, J. H.
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolo
Tancred by Von Sydow, Oscar
Wie reagierte der frühneuzeitliche Staat im Deutschen Reich im 18. Jahrhundert auf das Gauner- und Räuberwesen?: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit by Böhm-Udelhoven, Michael
Transnationalism in Ancient and Medieval Societies: The Role of Cross-Border Trade and Travel by Howard, Michael C.
Die Entdeckung von Amerika durch die Isländer by Hermes, Karl Heinrich
Through the Heart of Asia - Volume 1 by Bonvalot, Gabriel
Through the Heart of Asia - Volume 2 by Bonvalot, Gabriel
Through the Heart of Asia 2 Volume Set: Over the Pamïr to India by Bonvalot, Gabriel
The House of Crawford, Volume II: New Perspectives on Crawford Heritage by Crawfurd, Raymond, Craufurd, Georgina, Crawford, Kevan C.
Renaissance In Italy: The Age Of The Despots. V. 2. The Revival Of Learning. V. 3. The Fine Arts. V. 4. Italian Literature, Pt. 1-2... by Symonds, John Addington
Narratives of Adversity: Jesuits on the Eastern Peripheries of the Habsburg Realms (1640-1773) by Shore, Paul J.
Geschichte Kaiser Sigmunds by Von Aschbach, Joseph
Der rituelle Umgang der Karolinger mit den Päpsten by Kleinau, Renate
Reimagining Europe: Kievan Rus' in the Medieval World, 988-1146 by Raffensperger, Christian
Agnes Blannbekin, Viennese Beguine: Life and Revelations by Wiethaus, Ulrike
Music and Ceremony at the Court of Charles V: The Capilla Flamenca and the Art of Political Promotion by Ferer, Mary Tiffany
Roles of the Sea in Medieval England by
Guidance for Women in Twelfth-Century Convents by
Anne of France: Lessons for My Daughter by Jansen, Sharon L.
Theodori Metropolitae Cyzici Epistulae by
Women of the Gilte Legende: A Selection of Middle English Saints Lives by Tracy, Larissa
Early Medieval Philosophy by Burch, George Bosworth
From Fief to Indenture: The Transition from Feudal to Non-Feudal Contract in Western Europe by Lyon, Bryce Dale
The History of the Holy Grail, Part 3... by Lovelich, Henry
Peter von Aragon und die sizilianische Vesper by Cartellieri, Otto
Deutsches Leben Im 12. Und 13. Jahrhundert by Dieffenbacher, J.
Getreide und Salz - Der Versorgungsstandard thüringischer Lande im späten Mittelalter by Göpfert, Cosima
Die Liudolfinger in Thüringen im ausgehenden 9. und beginnenden 10. Jahrhundert: Machtpolitische Verschiebungen mit Blick auf das Kloster Hersfeld und by Göpfert, Cosima
The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy by Witt, Ronald G.
Of Natural and Supernatural Things, Also, of the First Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, of the Medicine or Tincture of Antimony and by Valentinus, Basilus, Bacon, Roger, Holland, John Isaac
Das Herrschaftsverständnis Ottos I. im Spiegel der Siegelbildnisse by Arndt, Christiane
Die Kreuzzüge - Bewaffnete Wallfahrten ins Heilige Land? by Grenkowski, Gabriele
King Travels: Festive Traditions in Late Medieval & Early Mo by Ruiz, Teofilo F.
A King Travels: Festive Traditions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain by Ruiz, Teofilo F.
The Axe and the Oath: Ordinary Life in the Middle Ages by Fossier, Robert
Market Power: Lordship, Society, and Economy in Medieval Catalonia (1276-1313) by Milton, G.
Market Power: Lordship, Society, and Economy in Medieval Catalonia (1276-1313) by Milton, G.
The [European] Other in Medieval Arabic Literature and Culture: Ninth-Twelfth Century AD by Hermes, N.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 1 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 2 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 3 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 4 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 5 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 6 by Gibbon, Edward
The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave Us the Renaissance by Al-Khalili, Jim
The Hypotyposis of the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis, Constantinople (11th-12th Centuries): Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Morris, Rosemary, Jordan, R. H.
Guns, Race, and Power in Colonial South Africa by Storey, William Kelleher
Deuber's Geschichte der Schifffahrt im atlantischen Ozean by Deubner
Foundation: The History of England Volume I by Ackroyd, Peter
Fifteenth-Century Studies 37 by
Die Städtepolitik Heinrichs (VII.) by Staggl, Andreas
Medieval Women by Power, Eileen
What Is a Book?: The Study of Early Printed Books by Dane, Joseph a.
Alina, The White Lady of Oystermouth: The Ghost Haunting Oystermouth Castle by Thomas, Ann Marie
Die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen des süddeutschen Klosterbarock am Beispiel des Klosters Ottobeuren by Koller, Jacqueline
Die Situation nach dem Tod Karls des Großen - Bruderkämpfe und Reichszerfall by Weiß, Katharina
Kunst, Künstler und Mäzene - Die Stiftungen der Fugger by Zwer, Christian
Königliche Stiftungen des Mittelalters im historischen Wandel by Moddelmog, Claudia
Bigamy and Christian Identity in Late Medieval Champagne by McDougall, Sara
Marriage, Property, and Women's Narratives by Livingston, S.
Idols in the East: European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100-1450 by Akbari, Suzanne Conklin
The Newport Tower is John Dee's 1583 New World Church of the Holy Sepulcher. by Egan, James Alan
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg: Part II, Anglo-Saxon Coins 1016-1066 by Potin, V. R.
Social Theories of the Middle Ages by Jarrett, Bede
The Origins of the English Parliament, 924-1327 by Maddicott, J. R.
Social Theories of the Middle Ages by Jarrett, Bede
Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World: Angola and Brazil During the Era of the Slave Trade by Ferreira, Roquinaldo Amaral
The Legends of King Arthur and his Knights by Knowles, Sir James
The Norman Crusade The First Crusade and the Conquest of the Kingdom of Heaven by Baillie, Benjamin James
King Alfred's Book of Laws: A Study of the Domboc and Its Influence on English Identity, with a Complete Translation by Preston, Todd
Renaissance In Italy: . Italian Literature. Pt.1, 2nd Ed. by Symonds, John Addington
Die Pestprozession zu Erfurt: Von der Bittprozession zur Gedenkprozession und der Rolle des Rates by Bahn, Stefan Sebastian
The Art of War in Italy, 1494-1529: the Transition From Mediaeval to Modern Warfare During the Renaissance by Taylor, F. L.
The Art of War in Italy, 1494-1529: the Transition From Mediaeval to Modern Warfare During the Renaissance by Taylor, F. L.
Anglo-Saxon Art by Webster, Leslie
The Medieval Latin Hymn by Messenger, Ruth Ellis
Lucretia Borgia: An Exceptional and Notorious Woman of the Renaissance Papacy by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Lucretia Borgia: an Exceptional and Notorious Woman of the Renaissance Papacy by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Ecclesia in Medio Nationis: Reflections on the Study of Monasticism in the Central Middle Ages by
Leaders of the Anglo-Saxon Church: From Bede to Stigand by
Holy Scripture and the Quest for Authority at the End of the Middle Ages by Levy, Ian Christopher
The Beguine, the Angel, and the Inquisitor: The Trials of Marguerite Porete and Guiard of Cressonessart by Field, Sean L.
Danzigs Theinahme an dem Kriege der Hanse gegen Christian II. von Dänemark by Boeszoermeny, R.
Geschichte der Preußischen Politik by Droysen, Johann Gustav
'The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire': The Church of St Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, and its Medieval Monuments by
Human Skeletal Remains from the Medieval Site of Sanjan: Osteobiographic analysis by Mushrif-Tripathy, Veena, Walimbe, S. R.
Manure Matters: Historical, Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives by
Verzeichnis Der in Den Supplikenregistern Der Pönitentiarie Alexanders VI. Vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen Und Orte Des Deutschen Reiches (1492-1503) by
Canossa by Fried, Johannes
Politisch-soziale und volkskulturelle Aspekte des Saubannerzugs von 1477 by Fuchs, Fabian
Multicultural China in the Early Middle Ages by Chen, Sanping
Geschichte der Deutschen bis zur höchsten Machtentfaltung des Römisch-Deutschen Kaisertums unter Heinrich III. by Besse, P.
Geschichten der romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494 bis 1514 by Ranke, Leopold Von
The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History by Pfaff, Richard William
The Poor and the Perfect: The Rise of Learning in the Franciscan Order, 1209-1310 by Şenocak, Neslihan
Representing the Plague in Early Modern England by
Women and Aristocratic Culture in the Carolingian World by Garver, Valerie
Friedrich Barbarossa by Brentano, Hanny
The Body of the Conquistador: Food, Race and the Colonial Experience in Spanish America, 1492 1700 by Earle, Rebecca
The Mortgage of the Past: Reshaping the Ancient Political Inheritance (1050-1300) Volume 2 by Oakley, Francis
Biberach im Spätmittelalter: Joachim von Pflummern über die "religiösen und kirchlichen Zustände [...]" by Lindner, Sören
Five Prehistoric Archeological Sites in Los Angeles County, California: Publications of the Frederick Webb Hodge Anniversary Publication Fund, V6 by Walker, Edwin Francis
Medieval Military Technology, Second Edition by Smith, Robert Douglas, DeVries, Kelly Robert
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