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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2015

Karl der Große. Friedrich Barbarossa.: Minnesang und Minnedienst zur Hohenstaufenzeit by Freytag, Gustav
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 11 by
The Cult of St George in Medieval England by Good, Jonathan
Magna Carta and the England of King John by
Health and the City: Disease, Environment and Government in Norwich, 1200-1575 by Fay, Isla
The Middle Ages by Lord, John
Denkmahle des Mittelalters. Erster Band.: St. Gallen's altteutsche Sprachschätze. by Hattemer, Heinrich
Denkmahle des Mittelalters. Zweiter Band.: St. Gallen's altteutsche Sprachschätze. by Hattemer, Heinrich
Denkmahle des Mittelalters. Dritter Band.: St. Gallen's altteutsche Sprachschätze. by Hattemer, Heinrich
Textual Masculinity and the Exchange of Women in Renaissance Venice by Quaintance, Courtney
Die Wahrnehmung des Fremden in Marco Polos "Il Milione" by Anonym
Cosimo de Medici als Kulturpatron der Renaissance. Eine kulturhistorische Untersuchung am Beispiel des Klosters San Marco in Florenz by Kaffenberger, Karolin
Bishops and Power in Early Modern England by Harmes, Marcus K.
The Romance of Tristran by Beroul and Beroul II: A Diplomatic Edition and a Critical Edition by Sargent-Baur, Barbara N.
Monarchische Herrschaftsformen Der Vormoderne in Transkultureller Perspektive by Flüchter, Antje, Drews, Wolfram, Dartmann, Christoph
Das Lehnswesen im Kölner Raum zur Zeit Philipps von Heinsberg (1167-1191) by Bock, Martin
Der Investiturstreit. Entwicklung der Reichskirche unter Konrad II. und Heinrich II. by Endrizzi, Laura
The History of the Knights Templar, the Temple Church, and the Temple by Addison, Charles G.
Manners, Customs, and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period by LaCroix, Paul
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by Bede
Laienheiligkeit in den italienischen Städten im Mittelalter by Cornelii, Sabrina
Pfalzgraf Johann und die Obere Pfalz zur Zeit der Hussiteneinfälle by Lutz, Nathalie
John of Damascus: New Studies on His Life and Works by Kontouma, Vassa
Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650 by
Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages by Lawrence, C. H.
The Crusades to the Holy Land: The Essential Reference Guide by Murray, Alan
"Causa scribendi" und die Darstellungsabsicht in der Geschichtsschreibung Adams von Bremen: Die Vita Adalberts von Bremen by Endrizzi, Laura
Abelard and Heloise. Love and Crime.: REMARKS on A Literal Translation of their Correspondence by Oberson, Roland Denise
The Medieval New: Ethical Ambivalence in an Age of Innovation by Ingham, Patricia Clare
The Middle Ages on Television: Critical Essays by
Kampf gegen Seeraub. Die Hanse und die sogenannten "Vitalienbrüder" by Fischer, Henning
Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference: Commentary, Conflict, and Community in the Premodern Mediterranean by
Ecclesiastical Knights: The Military Orders in Castile, 1150-1330 by Conedera, Sam Zeno
Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus, Flavius
The Alexiad by Comnena, Anna
The Alexiad by Comnena, Anna
The Hounds of God: a tale of 13th century England by Bogen, Deborah
Geschichtlich-Geographischer Wegweiser für das Mittelalter und die Neuere Zeit by Boettcher, Carl
Curiosités judiciaires et historiques du moyen âge by Agnel, Emile
Geschichte der deutschen Bibel im Mittelalter by Vollmer, Hans
Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England, 1450-1700 by Fusaro, Maria
Doctors in English: A Study of the Wycliffite Gospel Commentaries by
A Chronology of the Crusades by Venning, Timothy, Frankopan, Peter
Mahomet & Charlemagne by Pirenne, Henri
Die Kreuzzüge und das heilige Land by Heyck, Ed
Against Apion by Josephus, Flavius
Out of Love for My Kin: Aristocratic Family Life in the Lands of the Loire, 1000-1200 by Livingstone, Amy
Mittelalterliche Erinnerungskultur in der Bildenden Kunst. Formen und Funktion einer Mystifizierung von Friedrich I. Barbarossa in deutschen Freskenzy by Schlapp, Mona
Der Konflikt zwischen Vlad Țepeș alias Dracula und der Kronstadt Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts by Schlapp, Mona
Gabrijelov Pasijon by Majdic, Gregor
Landschaftliche Verfassung in Oberdeutschland am Beispiel Tirol by Schmudlach, René
Das Wormser Konkordat von 1122. Die Ereignisse im Hinblick auf die Regierungsjahre Heinrichs V. und den Verlauf des Investiturstreits by Rapp, Marcel
Lucrezia Borgia by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Geschichte der ost- und westfränkischen Carolinger vom Tode Ludwigs des Frommen bis zum Ende Conrads I. (840-918). by Gfrörer, August
Geschichte der ost- und westfränkischen Carolinger vom Tode Ludwigs des Frommen bis zum Ende Conrads I. (840-918). by Gfrörer, August
Bedeutung gesellschaftlicher Interpretationen von Geschlecht im Kontext der frühneuzeitlichen Hexenverfolgungen by Schlapp, Mona
Consolation in Medieval Narrative: Augustinian Authority and Open Form by Schrock, C.
Consolation in Medieval Narrative: Augustinian Authority and Open Form by Schrock, C.
La Peste noire et ses ravages: L'Europe décimée au XIVe siècle by Jonathan Duhoux, 50minutes
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Mysticism and Reform, 1400-1750 by
Mysticism and Reform, 1400-1750 by
Urban Legends: Civic Identity and the Classical Past in Northern Italy, 1250-1350 by Benes, Carrie E.
Egyptian Oedipus: Athanasius Kircher and the Secrets of Antiquity by Stolzenberg, Daniel
The Transformations of Magic: Illicit Learned Magic in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance by Klaassen, Frank
Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies on Spain and Portugal in Honour of P. E. Russell by
Der Kölner Aufstand von 1074 und die Erhebung für Heinrich IV. im Jahre 1106 by Tok, Huzeyfe
Northern Scotland: Volume 6 by
Reinterpreting Genoese Civil Conflicts: The Chronicle of Ottobonus Scriba by Inguscio, Agostino
Princely Education in Early Modern Britain by Pollnitz, Aysha
Transformations of Knowledge in Dutch Expansion by
Schwerpunkte des Abbaus von Erzen und Handelsströme im Mittelalter by Kohnle, Christian
Reinterpreting Genoese Civil Conflicts: The Chronicle of Ottobonus Scriba by Inguscio, Agostino
Vlad Tepes - Der Vampir? Der "literarische Weg" des walachischen Woiwoden Vlad Tepes vom Spätmittelalter bis zu Stokers "Dracula" by Anonymous
Wills of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, 1627-1628 by
Robert Grosseteste as Bishop of Lincoln: The Episcopal Rolls, 1235-1253 by
A History of the County of Somerset: XI: Queen Camel and the Cadburys by
Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe by
Reconsidering Gender, Time and Memory in Medieval Culture by
Anglo-Norman Studies XXXVII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2014 by
Henry VI by Grummitt, David
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
The New Cambridge Medieval History by Abulafia, David
The New Cambridge Medieval History by
The Great Heathen Army: Ivar "the Boneless" and the Viking invasion of Britain by Baillie, Benjamin James
Enemies in the Plaza: Urban Spectacle and the End of Spanish Frontier Culture, 146-1492 by Devaney, Thomas
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History, Volume 2: A World with Agriculture, 12,000 BCE-500 CE by
The Cambridge World History, Volume 6: The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 1. Foundations by
The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor by
Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages - Updated Edition by Nirenberg, David
Mittelalter by Müller, Harald
A Corresponding Renaissance: Letters Written by Italian Women, 1375-1650 by Kaborycha, Lisa
Money and the Church in Medieval Europe, 1000-1200: Practice, Morality and Thought by Gasper, Giles E. M., Gullbekk, Svein H.
The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints by Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate
Magna Carta by Garnett, George, Hudson, John, Holt, J. C.
Prester John: The Legend and Its Sources by
Rulership and Rebellion in the Anglo-Norman World, C.1066-C.1216: Essays in Honour of Professor Edmund King by
Maximilians Ruhmeswerk by
Lemmata by
The Significance of the Place-Name Element *funta in the Early Middle Ages by Hawkins, Jillian
Outside the Box by Holmes, Paul
Beli Saracen by Majdic, Gregor
Stadt im Bauernkrieg. Die Reformation am Beispiel von Memmingen by Mai, Patrick
The Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld by
Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain: Volume I - Crisis, Renewal, and the Ministers' Dilemma by Gwynn, Robin
The Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld by
Kurfürstin Henriette Adelaide und die Ballettkunst in Biographie und Zeit am Münchener Hof (1652-1676) by Anonym
Entstehung und Entwicklung zisterziensischen Lebens in mittelalterlichen Städten am Beispiel der Stadt Trier by Schubert, Philipp
Der Sturz Heinrichs des Löwen im Blick zeitgenössischer Geschichtsschreibung zwischen 1180 und 1239 by Freund, Sophia
Exiles in Sepharad: The Jewish Millennium in Spain by Gorsky, Jeffrey
Soziale Aspekte des ritterlichen Turniers by Werth, Christian
Stadthöfe und Festkultur des Adels als Ehrensystem im Mittelalter by Lukas, Fabian
Die graue Masse der Kreuzfahrer und die Kreuzzüge aus byzantinischer Sicht. Anna Komnenes "Alexias" by Budde, Stephan
Reform der Armenpolitik europäischer Städte im 16. Jahrhundert by Wacker, Constantin
Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia's Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane by Starr, S. Frederick
Astrologische Praxis zur öffentlichen Herrscherkritik. Der Nativität-Spiegel Ludwig des XIV. by Thiele, Simon
Honor, Vengeance, and Social Trouble by Arnade, Peter, Prevenier, Walter
Honor, Vengeance, and Social Trouble: Pardon Letters in the Burgundian Low Countries by Prevenier, Walter, Arnade, Peter
Imagining Religious Leadership in the Middle Ages: Richard of Saint-Vanne and the Politics of Reform by Vanderputten, Steven
Madness: A History by Pietikäinen, Petteri
Madness: A History by Pietikäinen, Petteri
The Cambridge World History by
The Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, AD 271-855 by Dey, Hendrik W.
Die Geschichte und besondere Lebensweise der hutterischen Kommunen by Sauer, Sidney
The Wars of the Roses: The Key Players in the Struggle for Supremacy by Lewis, Matthew
Samurai and Ninja: The Real Story Behind the Japanese Warrior Myth That Shatters the Bushido Mystique by Cummins, Antony
The Thorney Liber Vitae (London, British Library, Additional MS 40,000, Fols 1-12r): Edition, Facsimile and Study by
Women in Thirteenth-Century Lincolnshire by Wilkinson, Louise J.
Dudo of Saint-Quentin's Historia Normannorum: Tradition, Innovation and Memory by Pohl, Benjamin
King John and Religion by Webster, Paul
East Anglia and Its North Sea World in the Middle Ages by
The True Chronicles of Jean Le Bel, 1290 - 1360 by Bel, Jean Le
A Short History of the Crusades by Mombert, J. I.
The Book Trade in the Italian Renaissance by Nuovo, Angela
Reformation: A World in Turmoil by Atherstone, Andrew
Erasmus, Man of Letters: The Construction of Charisma in Print - Updated Edition by Jardine, Lisa
Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium by Herrin, Judith
Margins and Metropolis: Authority Across the Byzantine Empire by Herrin, Judith
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
Analyse von Hermann Löhers "Wehmütige Klage der Frommen Unschuldigen". Eine Anklageschrift oder letzte Beichte? by Anonym
Aqa A-Level History: The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Ferriby, David
Mahnen und Regieren by Suchan, Monika
The History of the Crusades: All Volumes by Michaud, Joseph Francois
A History of Science in World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge by Montgomery, Scott L., Kumar, Alok
Jean Gerson and Gender by McLoughlin, N.
Elementi d'interesse e curiosità del centro storico di Poggio Moiano (Rieti) by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Hincmar of Rheims: Life and Work by
Surviving Kinsale: Irish Emigration and Identity Formation in Early Modern Spain, 1601-40 by O'Scea, Ciaran
Some Feudal Coats of Arms from Heraldic Rolls, 1298-1418 by Foster, Joseph
A History of Bassishaw Ward: c.1200 - c.1600 by Fox, Christine M.
The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century by Molyneaux, George
The Middle Ages in Popular Culture: Medievalism and Genre by
Der Tyrannenmord im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter. Eine legitime Form des Widerstandes? by Müller, Katharina
Landesherrliche Territorialpolitik. Laichingen im 14. Jahrhundert in der Konvergenzzone zur Reichsstadt Ulm by Kaiser, Kristian
Authority, Gender and Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern England by Broomhall, Susan
Das Geburtsdatum Karls des Großen: Im Jahr 742, 747 oder 748? by Benck, Kathrin
History With a Grain of Salt: Book Two: Antiquity by Singer, Zeno
Text/Image Relations in Late Medieval French Culture (14th C. - 16th C.) by
Wounded Dove in Honor and Disgrace by Trklja, Marta Pravica
A History of Science in World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge by Montgomery, Scott L., Kumar, Alok
The Origins of Corporations: The Mills of Toulouse in the Middle Ages by Sicard, Germain
Curiosités Judiciaires et Historiques. Procès contre les Animaux by Agnel, Emile
Revisiting the Poetic Edda: Essays on Old Norse Heroic Legend by
Crusading and Pilgrimage in the Norman World by
The Art of Swordsmanship by Hans Lecküchner by
Political Society in Later Medieval England: A Festschrift for Christine Carpenter by
The Idea of the Castle in Medieval England by Wheatley, Abigail
The Duke's Assassin: Exile and Death of Lorenzino De' Medici by Dall'aglio, Stefano
Petrarch's Secret, or the Soul's Conflict with Passion (Three Dialogues Between Himself and St. Augustine by Petrarch
Der Bedeutungswandel der "Goldenen Bulle". Rezeption und Nachwirkung in der Rechtswissenschaft by Löffler, Jens
Science and Religion in Mamluk Egypt: Ibn Al-Nafis, Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection by Fancy, Nahyan
Schrift und Schriftlichkeit im Rahmen mittelalterlicher Bildung by Mayr, Elisabeth
Mi senor ibn Mardanish by Rodríguez Hernández, Antonio
Countess Elizabeth Bathory: The Life and Legacy of History's Most Prolific Female Serial Killer by Charles River
The Vengeful Queen by Cundy, Deryk
Die Geschichte der sizilischen Flotte unter der Regierung Konrads IV. und Manfreds (1250-1266) by Cohn, Willy
Die großen Volkskrankheiten des Mittelalters by Hecker, J. F. C.
Hospitaller Piety and Crusader Propaganda: Guillaume Caoursin's Description of the Ottoman Siege of Rhodes, 1480 by Kagay, Donald J., Vann, Theresa M.
Godfrey of Viterbo and his Readers: Imperial Tradition and Universal History in Late Medieval Europe by
History of the Langobards by Paul the Deacon
Der Mitralis der Sicardus nach seiner Bedeutung für die Ikonographie des Mittelalters by Ficker, Paul Gerhard
Der Hexenhammer: Malleus Maleficarum. Dritter Teil by Kramer, Heinrich
Alien Albion: Literature and Immigration in Early Modern England by Oldenburg, Scott
Greek Fire: And Its Contribution to Byzantine Might by Karatolios, Konstantinos
Out of the Cauldron: The Life and Times of Europe's Witches by Dommermuth, Carol
Mary I and the Art of Book Dedications: Royal Women, Power, and Persuasion by Schutte, Valerie
The Life of a Medieval Buddhist Master by Gray, James
History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western Ethnicity, 550-850 by Reimitz, Helmut
Agrarian Reform in Russia by Leonard, Carol S.
Magna Carta by Holt, J. C.
Geschichte der Preußischen Politik by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Danzigs Theilnahme an dem Kriege der Hanse gegen Christian II. von Dänemark by Boeszoermeny, R.
Geschichte der Preußischen Politik by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Geschichte der Alemannen und Franken by Huschberg, Ferdinand
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