• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2015

Richard I by Abbott, Jacob
Romulus by Abbott, Jacob
William The Conqueror by Abbott, Jacob
Les vérités de Fausz by Yves Le Merre
Yolande of Aragon (1381-1442) Family and Power: The Reverse of the Tapestry by Rohr, Zita Eva
Höfische Frauenbilder im Mittelalter zwischen Ablehnung und Anbetung by Kaufmann, Lisa
Fasching am Wiener Hof. Grundmuster und Variationen des höfischen Faschings anhand des Tagebuchs von Khevenhüller-Metsch by Hümmer, Julia
Lebensmittelverfälschungen und -verunreinigungen im Mittelalter. Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle der Lebensmittelqualität am Beispiel der Stadt Berlin by Gasow, Anika
Der Krieg als Vater aller Dinge. Die Folgen der Militärreformen Peters I. für die russische Zivilbevölkerung by Müller, Dennis
Entdecker wider Willen? Wahrnehmung und Erfahrung der neuen Welt im Bordbuch des Christoph Kolumbus by Hümmer, Julia
Von einem Wüterich, der hieß Fürst Dracula aus der Walachei: Von ainem wutrich der hieß Trakle waida von der Walachei by Angelico, Liane, Beheim, Michel, Axelrod, Gerald
Die rechtliche Stellung der Frau in den Konsitutionen von Melfi und dem Sachsensspiegel by Gasow, Anika
Bishops, Authority and Community in Northwestern Europe, c.1050-1150 by Ott, John S.
Religiöse Toleranz oder politisches Kalkül? Glaubensflüchtlinge und Peuplierungspolitik in der Hohenzollernmonarchie im Barockzeitalter by Wilms, Maximilian
Leonardo's Brain: Understanding Da Vinci's Creative Genius by Shlain, Leonard
Medieval Literature: A Very Short Introduction by Treharne, Elaine
The Complete Literary Works of Lorenzo de' Medici, "The Magnificent" by Medici, Lorenzo De'
Cromwells Konzept der 'liberty of conscience' im Konflikt mit den Zeitgenossen by Wilms, Maximilian
The Battle of Northampton 1460 by Ingram, Mike
Machiavelli's Legacy: The Prince After Five Hundred Years by
The Collapse and Recovery of Europe, AD 476-1648 by Schwartzwald, Jack L.
Defining Boundaries in Al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Iberia by Safran, Janina M.
Vade-mecum de la FÉODALITÉ: Mémento pour tous démêlant le vrai du faux by La France Pittoresque, Vigan, Valery
Renaissance in Italy: Italian Literature. John Addington Symonds Volume 1 by Symonds, John Addington
Causeries, Deuxieme Serie by Serie Y., Causeries Deuxieme
The Chronicle of Froissart by Froissart, Jean
Charlemagne: King Of The Franks by White, Cameron
Writing Medieval Women's Lives by
The Manly Priest: Clerical Celibacy, Masculinity, and Reform in England and Normandy, 166-13 by Thibodeaux, Jennifer D.
Herrschererhebung im10. Jahrhundert. Die Nachfolgebestrebungen Heinrichs I. by Bongen, Robert
Social Change in a Hostile Environment: The Crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem by Ben-Ami, Aharon
Social World of Florentine Humanists, 1390-1460 by Martines, Lauro
Florentine Politics and Society, 1343-1378 by Brucker, Gene A.
Studies in Medieval Legal Thought: Public Law and the State 1100-1322 by Post, Gaines
The Green Count of Savoy: Amedeus VI and Transalpine Savoy in the Fourteenth-Century by Cox, Eugene L.
Die Kaiserkrönung Karls des Großen im Jahre 800 by Otten, Lisa
Assemblies and Representation in Languedoc in the Thirteenth Century by Bisson, Thomas N.
The Last Hindu Emperor: Prithviraj Chauhan and the Indian Past, 1200-2000 by Talbot, Cynthia
Die Inquisition. Strafprozessrecht mit dem Tatbestand der Häresie im Kirchenrecht by Kalus-Kersten, R. Jan
The [European] Other in Medieval Arabic Literature and Culture: Ninth-Twelfth Century AD by Hermes, N.
Marriage, Property, and Women's Narratives by Livingston, S.
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century by Boswell, John
Hexenprozesse gegen Männer. Die Hexenverfolgungen im genderspezifischen Kontext by Altrichter, Nathalie
Die Handschriften der Petro-Paulinischen Kirchenbibliothek zu Liegnitz by Gemoll, Wilhelm
I templari by Alviti, Gerardo
John Benet's Chronicle, 1399-1462: An English Translation with New Introduction by Hanham, Alison
Byzantine History In The Early Middle Ages: The Rede Lecture ... 1900 by Harrison, Frederic
Quellen zur Geschichte des Investiturstreites by Bernheim, Ernst
Beiträge zur Lübisch-Hansischen Geschichte by Mantels, Wilhelm
The Talents of Jacopo Da Varagine: A Genoese Mind in Medieval Europe by Epstein, Steven A.
Unruly Women: Performance, Penitence, and Punishment in Early Modern Spain by Boyle, Margaret E.
La Correspondance de Guillaume Budé Et Juan Luis Vives by
Writing the Lives of People and Things, AD 500-1700: A Multi-disciplinary Future for Biography by
Women and the Magna Carta: A Treaty for Control or Freedom? by Scutt, Jocelynne
Die territoriale Politik der Päpste von 500 bis 800 by Armbrust, L.
The Cartulary of St Leonard's Hospital, York: Rawlinson Volume [2 Volume Set] by
The Language of Space in Court Performance, 1400-1625 by Dillon, Janette
Slav Outposts in Central European History: The Wends, Sorbs and Kashubs by Stone, Gerald
Leprosy and Charity in Medieval Rouen by Brenner, Elma
God and the Gawain-Poet: Theology and Genre in Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Hatt, Cecilia A.
Merchant Crusaders in the Aegean, 1291-1352 by Carr, Mike
Carajicomedia: Parody and Satire in Early Modern Spain: With an Edition and Translation of the Text by Domínguez, Frank A.
Slav Outposts in Central European History: The Wends, Sorbs and Kashubs by Stone, Gerald
Shakespeare and the Imprints of Performance by Paul, J. Gavin
Religion, Power, and Resistance from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries: Playing the Heresy Card by
The Masorah of Elijah Ha-Naqdan: An Edition of Ashkenazic Micrographical Notes by Attia, Élodie
Katalog Der Mittelalterlichen Handschriften Der Universitäts- Und Landesbibliothek Bonn by Geiß, Jürgen
Pi - Ypsilon by Stephanus Von Byzanz
Orbis latinus: Ein Supplement zu jedem lateinischen und geographischen Wörterbuche by Grasse, Johann Georg Theodor
Päpstin Johanna by Rhoidis, Emmanuel
II Jornadas Predoctorales en Estudios de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media. Κτῆμα ἐς αἰεὶ: e by
The Politics of Chinese Medicine Under Mongol Rule by Shinno, Reiko
Wisdom from King Alfred's Middle Earth- Books Most Necessary to Know by Phillips, Stephen, Phillips, Schahresad
The Legend of Charlemagne in the Middle Ages: Power, Faith, and Crusade by
Wisdom and Her Lovers in Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic Literature by Francomano, E.
Venetian Renaissance Fortifications in the Mediterranean by Cosmescu, Dragoş
Thoughts on Art and Life by Vinci, Leonardo Da
Der deutsche Bauernkrieg by Barge, Hermann
Understanding Medieval Liturgy: Essays in Interpretation by
Translating Clergie: Status, Education, and Salvation in Thirteenth-Century Vernacular Texts by Waters, Claire M.
The Travels by Polo, Marco
The Templar's Chart, or Hieroglypic Monitor by Cross, Jeremy
The People of the Hansa by Kitchener, Simon