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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2016

Elementi medievali nei dintorni di Poggio Moiano (Rieti) by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Roadworks: Medieval Britain, Medieval Roads by
Gesta Romanorum: A New Translation by
Pagan Virtue in a Christian World: Sigismondo Malatesta and the Italian Renaissance by D'Elia, Anthony F.
Kaiser Maximilian I. by Heyck, Ed
Der Untergang des Hellenismus und die Einziehung seiner Tempelgüter durch die christlichen Kaiser by Lasaulx, Ernst Von
Saint Vincent Ferrer, His World and Life: Religion and Society in Late Medieval Europe by Daileader, Philip
Saint Vincent Ferrer, His World and Life: Religion and Society in Late Medieval Europe by Daileader, Philip
The Ways of Love: Eleven Romances of Medieval France by Goodrich, Norma Lorre
Die Gründung einer Stadt im Mittelalter: Planungsprinzipien, Vorbilder, archäologische Befunde by Anonym
Knights in Arms: Prose Romance, Masculinity, and Eastern Mediterranean Trade in Early Modern England, 1565-1655 by Stanivukovic, Goran
The Crusades: An Introduction to: The Crusades by Tyrell, James
Über den Ursprung und das Wesen des Feudalismus by Kühns, Friedr Jul
Geschichte der Kreuzzüge by Della Torre, Robert
Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg im Mittelalter by Brosien, Hermann
Der Konflikt von Heinrich IV. mit Gregor VII. und sein Gang nach Canossa by Anonymous
Friedrich der Weise, Kurfürst von Sachsen, ein Lebensbild aus dem Zeitalter der Reformation by Tutzschmann, Max Moritz
Die Signorie der Skaliger in Verona. Die Medien der Memoria by Bozkurt, Sevgi
Ruling England 1042-1217 by Huscroft, Richard
Die altgläubige Position und Haltung Karls V. rund um den Augsburger Reichstag von 1530 by Ehrengruber, Johannes
Holiness and Power: Constantinopolitan Holy Men and Authority in the 5th Century by Kosinski, Rafal
Shakespeare's Dark Lady: Amelia Bassano Lanier the Woman Behind Shakespeare's Plays? by Hudson, John
Eine mailändisch-thüringische Heiratsgeschichte aus der Zeit König Wenzels by Wenck, Karl
The Jalayirids: Dynastic State Formation in the Mongol Middle East by Wing, Patrick
Ruling England 1042-1217 by Huscroft, Richard
Hussiten am historischen Horizont. Deutsche Forschungs- und Deutungsansätze in Ost und West (1949-1989) by Schmidt, Gerhard
The History of the Crusades by Michaud, Joseph
The Feudal Kingdom of England: 1042-1216 by Barlow, Frank
Herrschergestalten des deutschen Mittelalters by Hampe, Karl
The History of the Crusades by Michaud, Joseph
Middle-Class Writing in Late Medieval London by Richardson, Malcolm
The Royal Abbey of Reading by Baxter, Ron
Christian Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom by Abulafia, Anna Sapir
Christians and Jews in Angevin England: The York Massacre of 1190, Narratives and Contexts by
Die muslimische Kultur Süditaliens unter den Normannen by Altieri, Riccardo
The History of the Crusades by Michaud, Joseph
Els darrers templers by Mestres Girbal, Enric
Making Early Medieval Societies by
Life in a Medieval City by Gies, Frances, Gies, Joseph
Heresy and Inquisition in France, 1200-1300 by
Heresy and Inquisition in France, 1200-1300 by
Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages: Transcultural Perspectives by
Famous Men of the Middle Ages by Haaren, John H.
Politics and Power in Late Fatimid Egypt: The Reign of Caliph al-Mustansir by Thomson, Kirsten
Renaissance Woman by Servadio, Gaia
Disunited Kingdoms: Peoples and Politics in the British Isles 1280-1460 by Brown, Michael
Church and People in the Medieval West, 900-1200 by Hamilton, Sarah
The Fourth Estate: A History of Women in the Middle Ages by Shahar, Shulamith
Fools and Idiots?: Intellectual Disability in the Middle Ages by Metzler, Irina
Records of the Kurds: Territory, Revolt and Nationalism, 1831-1979 13 Volume Set: British Documentary Sources by
Wonder and Skepticism in the Middle Ages by Brewer, Keagan
Arguing it Out: Discussion in Twelfth-Century Byzantium by Cameron, Averil
John Dudley: The Life of Lady Jane Grey's Father-in-Law by Hartweg, Christine
The Age of Feudalism and Theocracy by Prutz, Hans
Henry the Liberal: Count of Champagne, 1127-1181 by Evergates, Theodore
A Journal by Thomas Hughes by Hughes, Thomas
The Merovingian Kingdoms 450 - 751 by Wood, Ian
Isabel la Católica: Influencia en Puerto Rico by Morales Phd, Carmen Alicia
Cross and Scepter: The Rise of the Scandinavian Kingdoms from the Vikings to the Reformation by Bagge, Sverre
Eating Beauty: The Eucharist and the Spiritual Arts of the Middle Ages by Astell, Ann W.
Die Protokollbuecher des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies: Teil 4: Der Uebergang an das Haus Habsburg (1477 bis 1480) by
Advanced Longsword: Form and Function by Windsor, Guy
Advanced Longsword: Form and Function by Windsor, Guy
Western Perspectives on the Mediterranean: Cultural Transfer in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, 400-800 AD by
'Goddam': An Archer's Tale by Hitchin, Paul R.
The Queen's Conjuror: The Life and Magic of Dr. Dee by Woolley, Benjamin
Law and Authority in the Early Middle Ages by Faulkner, Thomas
Ancestral Journeys: The Peopling of Europe from the First Venturers to the Vikings by Manco, Jean
Wer waren die Hausarmen? Zum Begriff der "Hausarmen" im Mittelalter by Anonym
History With a Grain of Salt: Book Three by Singer, Zeno
Education in Twelfth-Century Art and Architecture: Images of Learning in Europe, C.1100-1220 by Cleaver, Laura
Margaret of Anjou by Abbott, Jacob
Der Ochsenweg und die Via Regia. Die bedeutendsten Handelsstraßen des Mittelalters als Orte der Gesetzlosigkeit oder des Recht und der Ordnung? by Grohmann, Gregor
Medieval Damascus: Plurality and Diversity in an Arabic Library: The Ashrafiya Library Catalogue by Hirschler, Konrad
Parallel source problems in medieval history by Duncalf, Frederic
Transkulturelle Verflechtungsprozesse in der Vormoderne by
The History of the Knights Templar by Addison, Charles
The History of the Knights Templar by Addison, Charles
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews Under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Fernandez-Morera, Dario
The History of the Knights Templar by Addison, Charles
Early Modern Constructions of Europe: Literature, Culture, History by
The Byzantine Dark Ages by Decker, Michael J.
The Byzantine Dark Ages by Decker, Michael J.
A History of the Middle Ages, 300-1500 by Riddle, John M.
Der Fall Akkons im Jahr 1291. Gebrochene Moral der Verteidiger oder Genialität der Mameluken? by Sailer, Eva
Portmahomack: Monastery of the Picts by Carver, Martin
Ibn Al-Jazzar On Fevers by Bos, Gerrit
Lehmkatenherrlichkeit? Landesgeschichte, Literatur und das Mittelalter in Brandenburg-Preußen im 19. Jahrhundert by Anonymous
The colours of our petals by Davies, Aled
Women in Medieval Western European Culture by
The Age of the Renaissance by Prutz, Hans
A People's History of India 20: Technology in Medieval India, C. 650-1750 by Habib, Irfan
The Age of the Vikings by Winroth, Anders
Die Gründung des Erzbistums Gnesen und der Akt von Gnesen by Kißler, Florian
Spaces for Reading in Later Medieval England by Flannery, Mary C.
The Cambridge Companion to Medievalism by
Kaiserprophetieen und Kaisersagen im Mittelalter. by Kampers, Franz
China's Southern Tang Dynasty, 937-976 by Kurz, Johannes L.
Politik und Religion. Zur Rezeptions- und Wirkungsgeschichte der Ideen von Jan Hus im Südwesten des Reiches: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Wormser B by Sahitolli, Arian
William Marshal by Crouch, David
Cosmas von Prag und seine Sicht auf die Deutschen: Eine Quellenkritik by Kißler, Florian
Die Schlacht von Bouvines 1214 und ihre Folgen by Marx, Thomas
Motive des Wendenkreuzzugs von 1147: Religiöse Ideologie christlicher Missionare oder imperialistisches Machtstreben sächsischer Herrscher? by Kalk, Florian
When Brothers Dwell in Unity: Byzantine Christianity and Homosexuality by Morris, Stephen
William Marshal by Crouch, David
The Knowne World Atlas: A Territorial Maps & Heraldry Coloring Book for the Society for Creative Anachronisms, circa AS L by Greyhand, Sarre
The Scadian Knowne World, A.S. 50: Volume 1 of 2, the 1st Eight Kingdoms by Greyhand, Sarre
Charlemagne The Dark Secret by De Moreau D'Andoy, Elisabeth
Die Nacht zu Kilian by Joergson, Ralf
The Arabic Influences on Early Modern Occult Philosophy by Saif, Liana
Darstellungsvergleich der Hinrichtung von Jan Hus in den Augenzeugenberichten von Peter Mladoniowitz und Poggio Braccioloni by Walz, Tina
Der Schwarze Tod und seine Folgen für die Bevölkerung Europas by Koch, Josephine
Migrations in Medieval and Early Colonial India by
Die Beziehungen zwischen der Hanse und Dänemark im 14. Jahrhundert. Hintergründe, Verlauf und Ergebnisse der Kriege zwischen den Hansestädten und dem by Zedler, Paul
The Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350: A Brief History with Documents by Na, Na
María de Molina, Queen and Regent: Life and Rule in Castile-León, 1259-1321 by Pepin, Paulette Lynn
El manuscrito del Matarraña by Hernández, Silvestre
The Middle Ages: A Study Unit To Promote Critical and Creative Thinking by Stark, Rebecca
La Princesse de Cleves: Cet Amour impossible... by Breck, Rostand
The Waning of the Middle Ages: A Study of the Forms of Life, Thought, and Art in France and the Netherlands in the XIVth and XVth Centuries by Huizinga, Johan
The Scadian Knowne World, A.S. 50: Volume 2 of 2, the Latter 12 Kingdoms by Greyhand, Sarre
From Body to Community: Venereal Disease and Society in Baroque Spain by Berco, Cristian
North Africa Under Byzantium and Early Islam by
Common Law and Feudal Society in Medieval Scotland by Macqueen, Hector L.
Von der Kriegsübung zum höfischen Fest. Die Entwicklung des Turnierwesens bis zum Hochmittelalter: Der soziale Aufstieg von William Marshall by Winter, Denise
Kleine Erwachsene oder engelsgleiche Wesen? Das Kindheitsbild im Mittelalter by Groth, Norman
El Reino de Mallorca: La Difícil Herencia de Jaime I by Alcazar Segura, Agustin
English Medieval Shrines by Crook, John
Domesday Now: New Approaches to the Inquest and the Book by
Chivalry, Kingship and Crusade: The English Experience in the Fourteenth Century by Guard, Timothy
Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies: Essays in Honor of E. Jane Burns by
Reading as the Angels Read: Speculation and Politics in Dante's 'Banquet' by Ardizzone, Maria Luisa
Denmark and Europe in the Middle Ages, c.1000�1525: Essays in Honour of Professor Michael H. Gelting by
Werewolf Histories by
The Cartographer 1492: 1492 by Seiden, Othniel J.
Scottish Episcopal ACTA: Volume I: The Twelfth Century by
Spaces for Reading in Later Medieval England by Flannery, Mary C.
Ambiguität im Mittelalter by
Certain Sainthood: Canonization and the Origins of Papal Infallibility in the Medieval Church by Prudlo, Donald S.
Contesting the Middle Ages: Debates that are Changing our Narrative of Medieval History by Aberth, John
The Near West: Medieval North Africa, Latin Europe and the Mediterranean in the Second Axial Age by Fromherz, Allen James
Women in Medieval Europe 1200-1500 by Ward, Jennifer
El Yerno del Sastre: Luché junto con el enemigo para salvar a mi pueblo by Arroyo, Lita
Women in Medieval Europe 1200-1500 by Ward, Jennifer
Ikki: Social Conflict and Political Protest in Early Modern Japan by White, James W.
Inventing Eleanor: The Medieval and Post-Medieval Image of Eleanor of Aquitaine by Evans, Michael R.
Excommunication for Debt in Late Medieval France: The Business of Salvation by Lange, Tyler
Die Herrschaft Julbach. Aufstieg und Niedergang by Gampenrieder, Monika
On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State by Strayer, Joseph R.
Weaving Words and Binding Bodies: The Poetics of Human Experience in Old English Literature by Cavell, Megan
Der Diskurs der "Türkengefahr" in Europa. Eine Folge der Eroberung Konstantinopels? by Nägele, Sarah
Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middle Ages by Caciola, Nancy Mandeville
Il libro della cavalleria di Geoffroi de Charny. L'etica del perfetto cavaliere by De Charny, Geoffroi, Amatuccio, Giovanni
Die Kaiserpolitik Ottos des Großen. Voraussetzungen, Verlauf und Erfolge by Turan, Nergis
Histoire de la République de Venise. Tome 2 by Daru, Pierre
Histoire de la République de Venise. Tome 6 by Daru, Pierre
Histoire de la République de Venise. Tome 8 by Daru, Pierre
Babylon Under Western Eyes: A Study of Allusion and Myth by Scheil, Andrew
Before the Gregorian Reform: The Latin Church at the Turn of the First Millennium by Howe, John
The Empire That Would Not Die: The Paradox of Eastern Roman Survival, 640-740 by Haldon, John
The Idea of a Moral Economy: Gerard of Siena on Usury, Restitution, and Prescription by Armstrong, Lawrin
'Ungainefull Arte' by McCabe, Richard A.
Die bayrische Politik im Bauernkrieg by Vogt, Wilhelm
The Cambridge Companion to Medievalism by
The Religious Worlds of the Laity in Late Antique Gaul by Bailey, Lisa Kaaren
Past Times: Sports and Games of Medieval Europe by Johnston, Jeffrey S.
Past Times: Sports and Games of Medieval Europe by Johnston, Jeffrey S.
Geschichte der preußischen Politik by Droysen, Johann Gustav
Studies in Byzantine Sigillography. Volume 12 by
Two Medieval Occitan Toll Registers from Tarascon by Paden, William D.
Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: The Material and Spiritual Conditions of the Culture of Death by
Die Zigeunerverfolgung im absolutistischen Deutschland by Alme, Michael
Karl der Große als "Vater Europas". Ein Mythos der Geschichtsschreibung? by Grenkowski, Gabriele
Der Große Nordische Krieg (1700-1721). Machtverschiebung durch den Kampf um die Ostseeherrschaft by Mnich, Ivonne
Italien im Itinerar der Kaiserin Theophanu. Ausarbeitung der wesentlichen Strukturen und Schwerpunkte by Anonymous
Joinings: Compound Words in Old English Literature by Davis-Secord, Jonathan
Landscape, Nature, and the Sacred in Byzantium by Della Dora, Veronica
Königin Eleonore von Aquitanien. Das politische Handeln einer Königin by Anonymous
Das Verhältnis von Christentum und Judentum im Europa des 12. Jahhunderts im Spiegel der Schriften Bernhards von Clairvaux by Anonymous
Der Kreuzzugsplan Gregors X. und das Ringen um die Kaiserkrone by Zimmermann, Peter
John of Gaunt: The Exercise of Princely Power in Fourteenth-Century Europe by Goodman, Anthony
Henry V: The Life of the Warrior King & the Battle of Agincourt by Cole, Teresa
First Book of Songs, Dances and Fantasies Guillaume Morlaye (1552): Edited and Transcribed for Guitar by Dydo, Stephen
Medieval Medicine: Its Mysteries and Science by Mount, Toni
Der Untergang des Templerordens by Butkus, Marcel
Friedrich II. und der Islam. Über seinen Umgang mit den Sarazenen by Kliebe, Martin
Bosworth 1485 by Ingram, Mike
The Green Count of Savoy: Amedeus VI and Transalpine Savoy in the Fourteenth-Century by Cox, Eugene L.
Florentine Politics and Society, 1343-1378 by Brucker, Gene A.
Household and Lineage in Renaissance Florence: The Family Life of the Capponi, Ginori and Rucellai by Kent, Francis William
The Science and Art of Renaissance Music by Haar, James
Ideology, Reason, and the Limitation of War: Religious and Secular Concepts, 1200-1740 by Johnson, James Turner
Patronage in the Renaissance by
Assemblies and Representation in Languedoc in the Thirteenth Century by Bisson, Thomas N.
Venetian Humanism in an Age of Patrician Dominance by King, Margaret L.
The Dark Ages and the Age of Gold by Fraser, Russell a.
Francois Hotman: A Revolutionary's Ordeal by Kelley, Donald R.
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror Jaume I, 1257-1276. Volume II, Foundations of Crusader Val by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Medieval Statecraft and Perspectives of History: Essays by Joseph Strayer by Strayer, Joseph R.
Order and Innovation in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Joseph R. Strayer by
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