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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2017

Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Verfassung und Verwaltung der Stadt Koblenz bis zum Jahre 1500 by Bär, Max
Quantitative Studies of the Renaissance Florentine Economy and Society by Lindholm, Richard T.
Leopold I. von Anhalt-Dessau und das preußische Königshaus. Eine Wechselwirkung persönlicher Weltanschauungen: Der Wandel der Beziehungen zwischen Leo by Witte, Robert
Archaeology on Medieval Knights' Manor Houses in Poland by Marciniak-Kajzer, Anna
The Small Regiment: Volume 1 Origins of the Clan MacKinnon 100 BCE-1621 CE by McKinnon, Gerald a.
Jan Hus. Initiator der Hussitischen Revolution? by Krohn, John
Ambrose: Church and Society in the Late Roman World by Moorhead, John
The Stoic Origins of Erasmus' Philosophy of Christ by Dealy, Ross
The Anarchy: War and Status in 12th-Century Landscapes of Conflict by Creighton, Oliver H., Wright, Duncan W.
Merkantilismus und Wirtschaftsleben in den Reichsstädten Ulm, Esslingen und Schwäbisch Hall vom 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert by Anonym
Aggressive and Violent Peasant Elites in the Nordic Countries, C. 1500-1700 by
Inhabited Spaces: Anglo-Saxon Constructions of Place by Discenza, Nicole
The Hundred Years War: The History of Europe's Most Famous War of the Middle Ages by Charles River
Vom Platz zum Viertel. Die Entwicklung des Lübecker Marktes im 14. Jahrhundert by Witte, Kevin
New Worlds?: Transformations in the Culture of International Relations Around the Peace of Utrecht by
Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Stadt und Land. Die Stadt Soest und ihrer Herrschaft über die Börde by Witte, Kevin
Die Kapitularien. Gab es nach der Kaiserkrönung eine Zäsur von Karls Herrschaft? by Witte, Kevin
Staatsgeheimnisse: Arkanpolitik Im Wandel Der Zeiten by
The Turbulent Crown: The Story of the Tudor Queens by Hui, Roland
Love's Wounds: Violence and the Politics of Poetry in Early Modern Europe by Nazarian, Cynthia N.
"Über die Menschenfresser" von Michel de Montaigne. Die "Wilden" Südamerikas oder Analyse eines Menschenbildes by Seeling, Mathias
Legends of the Middle Ages: The Life and Legacy of Vlad the Impaler by Charles River
Regelbuch und Observanz by Engler, Claudia
Countess Elizabeth Bathory: The Life and Legacy of History's Most Prolific Female Serial Killer by Charles River
William Wallace: The Life and Legacy of the Scottish Freedom Fighter by Charles River
Deutsche Geschichte unter den Karolingern by Mühlbacher, Engelbert
Cities and Solidarities: Urban Communities in Pre-Modern Europe by
Entangled Histories: Knowledge, Authority, and Jewish Culture in the Thirteenth Century by
The Longman Companion to Renaissance Europe, 1390-1530 by Fletcher, Stella
Europe in the High Middle Ages: 1150-1300 by Mundy, John H.
French Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I & Henry II by Knecht, R. J.
Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries by Hay, Denys
Charles I 1625-1640 by Quintrell, Brian
Geschichte des Kreuzzugs Kaiser Friedrich I. by Fischer, Karl
History with a Grain of Salt: Book Four: Book Four: Renaissance by Singer, Zeno
The Anglo-Saxon Age: The Birth of England by Wall, Martin
The Soldier's Life: Martial Virtues and Manly Romanitas in the Early Byzantine Empire by Stewart, Michael Edward
El Castillo de Jadraque: Las Torres del Cardenal by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Invisible Weapons: Liturgy and the Making of Crusade Ideology by Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia
La Inquisición española: Historia y legado de la infame persecución de los herejes por la Iglesia Católica by Charles River
Das Kaisertum Karls des Großen. Die Kaiserkrönung und ihre Quellen by Witte, Kevin
The Parihaka Cult by Bolton, Kerry
La Inquisición española: Historia y legado de la infame persecución de los herejes por la Iglesia Católica by Charles River
Geschichte des Kreuzzugs Kaiser Friedrichs I. by Fischer, Karl
Albion's People: English Society 1714-1815 by Rule, John
Pope Joan: The Indestructible Legend of the Catholic Church's First and Only Female Pontiff by Charles River
Pope Joan: The Indestructible Legend of the Catholic Church's First and Only Female Pontiff by Charles River
The Nature of the English Revolution by Morrill, John
Medieval Family Roles by
Justinian I. Vom Sohn eines Bauern zum Herrscher der Einheit by Christogeros, Michalis
Proctors for Parliament: Clergy, Community and Politics, C.1248-1539. (the National Archives, Series SC 10): Volume I: C.1248-1377 by McHardy, Alison K., Bradford, Phil
Civic Community in Late Medieval Lincoln: Urban Society and Economy in the Age of the Black Death, 1289-1409 by Kissane, Alan
The Politics of Counsel in England and Scotland, 1286-1707 by
Authority and Spectacle in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of Teofilo F. Ruiz by
The Birth of the Past by Schiffman, Zachary S.
William Wallace and Robert the Bruce: The Lives of Scotland's Most Famous Military Heroes by Charles River
The History and Folklore of Vampires: The Stories and Legends Behind the Mythical Beings by Charles River
The Early Christian Centuries by Rousseau, Philip
The Later Middle Ages in England 1216 - 1485 by Wilkinson, Bertie
Killing and Being Killed: Bodies in Battle: Perspectives on Fighters in the Middle Ages by
Radical Puritans in England 1550 - 1660 by Acheson, R. J.
Yarnton: Neolithic and Bronze Age Settlement and Landscape by Dennis, Caroline, Bell, Christopher, Hey, Gill
Die Stellung der Minderheiten im Osmanischen Reich des Spätmittelalters by Güclü, Mustafa
Barbarian and Noble by Lansing, Marion Florence
Die Stadtgeschichte von Danzig. Das Konkurrenzverhältnis zwischen Stadt und Landesherr by Müller, Laurenz
Das Verhältnis Friedrichs II. von Hohenstaufen zum Islam by Wasserscheid, Jakob
The Templars, the Witch, and the Wild Irish: Vengeance and Heresy in Medieval Ireland by Callan, Maeve Brigid
The Routledge Companion to Commedia dell'Arte by
Separation Scenes: Domestic Drama in Early Modern England by Christensen, Ann C.
The English Church, 940-1154 by Loyn, H. R.
Ludwig II. Der Landgraf von Thüringen und die Sagen über ihn: Über den Wert von Sagen als historische Quelle by Glas, Lina
Bildungsmigration in der frühen Neuzeit. Die Universität Rostock by Damrath, Marc
Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation by Ranke, Leopold Von
Studien zur Geschichte des zweiten Kreuzzuges by Kugler, Bernhard
Studien zur Geschichte des zweiten Kreuzzuges by Kugler, Bernhard
The Impact of Humanism on Western Europe During the Renaissance by Goodman, A., MacKay, Angus
Andreas Dandolo und seine Geschichtswerke by Simonsfeld, Henry
The Vikings in North America: The History and Legacy of the Norse Settlements in Greenland and Vinland by Charles River
Constantinople: Capital of Byzantium by Harris, Jonathan
Constantinople: Capital of Byzantium by Harris, Jonathan
Tageno Ansbert und die Historia Peregrinorum by Chroust, Anton
Der schwarze Tod in Deutschland: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts by Hoeniger, Robert
Dissertazione sulle due chiese di Santa Maria a Poggio Moiano (RI) by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Otto IV. und Innozenz III. Beurteilung der päpstlich-welfischen Allianz by Geiger, Christina
Jonas of Bobbio: Life of Columbanus, Life of John of Réomé, and Life of Vedast by
Jonas of Bobbio: Life of Columbanus, Life of John of Réomé, and Life of Vedast by
Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft by
Conversion and Islam in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Lure of the Other by
Crusades: Volume 15 by
Kicked Out of Heaven Vol. II: The Untold History of The White Races cir. 700 - 1700 a.d. by Booker, Keenan
Der Prager Frieden von 1635 und sein absolutistischer Gehalt by Flock, Sebastian
Quaestiones Super Priora Analytica Aristotelis by Brito, Radulphus
The Sea in History - The Medieval World by
Kaiser Maximilian I. by Klüpfel, Karl
Medieval St Andrews: Church, Cult, City by
Empress Adelheid and Countess Matilda: Medieval Female Rulership and the Foundations of European Society by Nash, Penelope
Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities by Morgan, Hollie L. S.
The Principality of Antioch and Its Frontiers in the Twelfth Century by Buck, Andrew D.
Les Épigrammes de Maxime Planude by Taxidis, Ilias
The Academy of the Sword by Thibault D'Anvers, Gerard
Warfare in the Era of Pike and Shot: The History and Legacy of the Military Strategies that Ushered in Modern Warfare by Charles River
Warfare in the Era of Pike and Shot: The History and Legacy of the Military Strategies that Ushered in Modern Warfare by Charles River
La piccola Gioconda - Il lato oscuro by Samoggia, Pierpaolo
Le Virtù Attrattive Delle Donne by Marturano, Aldo C., Hasanov, Mahmud, Bababekov, Haydar
The Fatimid Empire by Brett, Michael
The Fatimid Empire by Brett, Michael
Bernhard von Clairvaux und seine Bedeutung für den zweiten Kreuzzug by Flems, Dennis
The Black Death: The History and Legacy of the Middle Ages' Deadliest Plague by Charles River
Mediaeval Heresy and the Inquisition: Annotated by Tuberville M. a., A. S.
The Teaching and Learning of Arabic in Early Modern Europe by
Poison's Dark Works in Renaissance England by Wilson, Miranda
Geschichte des Kreuzzugs Kaiser Friedrich's I. by Fischer, Karl
Genoa's Freedom: Entrepreneurship, Republicanism, and the Spanish Atlantic by Salonia, Matteo
Women in Mongol Iran: The Khatuns, 1206-1335 by de Nicola, Bruno
Geschichte des Kreuzzugs Kaiser Friedrich's I. by Fischer, Karl
Die bayrische Politik im Bauernkrieg: und der Kanzler Dr. Leonhard von Eck by Vogt, Wilhelm
Byzantium and the Emergence of Muslim-Turkish Anatolia, ca. 1040-1130 by Beihammer, Alexander Daniel
Reconfiguring the Fifteenth-Century Crusade by
The Lyon Collection of Anglo-Saxon Coins by Lyon, Stewart
Hybrid Renaissance: Culture, Language, Architecture by Burke, Peter
Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754): Learning and Literature in the Nordic Enlightenment by
The Crusades: The Fight for the Holy Land by 50minutes
The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders by Heather, Peter
Architecture and Landscape in Medieval Anatolia, 1100-1500 by
Der Mönch und Professor Martin Luther: Luthers Kritik am Ablasshandel by Kretschmar, Maik
Zwischen der gehobenen Gellschaft und den Kritikern Napoleons. Der Einfluss des Salons von Juliette Récamier auf die damalige französische Gesellschaf by Möbes, Vanessa
Machtkämpfe in Florenz. Die Pazzi-Verschwörung um die Familie de' Medici by Braun, Pit
Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald by
Bedeutung und Besonderheiten der Taufe im Mittelalter by Öneri, Tülin
Margery Kempe and the Lonely Reader by Krug, Rebecca L.
Die Juden zur Zeit Karls IV. by Anonym
La guerra de las Rosas: El conflicto que inspiró Juego de Tronos by Dougherty, Martin J.
Karl V. und die deutsche Reformation by Baumgarten, Hermann
The Battle on the Marchfeld. Military aspects and political significance by Keßel, Dominik
Viking Friendship: The Social Bond in Iceland and Norway, C. 900-1300 by Sigurdsson, Jon Vidar
The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment by
Castle History Architechture Greyscale Photo Adult Coloring Book, Mind Relaxation Stress Relief: Just added color to release your stress and power bra by Leaves, Banana
Webbed Feet and Wildfowlers by Smith, Diane Calton
Der Dreißigjährige Krieg. Ursachen und Verlaufsabriss by Anonym
Crusading and the Crusader States by Jotischky, Andrew
Crusading and the Crusader States by Jotischky, Andrew
The End of the Middle Ages: Essays and Questions in History by Robinson, A. Mary F.
Samarkand: The History and Legacy of One of Asia's Oldest Cities by Charles River
Samarkand: The History and Legacy of One of Asia's Oldest Cities by Charles River
Renaissances: The Cultures of Italy, 1300-1600 by Mackenney, Richard
Arthur and the Kings of Britain: The Historical Truth Behind the Myths by Russell, Miles
Die Hölle im Mittelalter: Ihre Entstehung, Darstellung sowie Qualen by B, N.
Tempus Invocationum by Maurice, Pierre
Martoni's Pilgrimage: to the centre of the world and back by Mole, John
Religious Franks: Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong by
Medieval European Coinage by Grierson, Philip, Crusafont, Miquel, Balaguer, Anna M.
Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Fusaro, Maria
Die Äbtissin Hathumod von Gandersheim. Wie beeinflusste Leben und Wirken Hathumods ihr Lebensumfeld? by M, Gina
Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media: Appropriating the Middle Ages in the Twenty-First Century by Elliott, Andrew B. R.
A Verray Parfit Praktisour: Essays Presented to Carole Rawcliffe by
Medieval Cantors and Their Craft: Music, Liturgy and the Shaping of History, 800-1500 by
Medievalism: A Critical History by Matthews, David
The English Aristocracy at War: From the Welsh Wars of Edward I to the Battle of Bannockburn by Simpkin, David
The Making of Medieval History by
The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291 by Morton, Nicholas
The Crusade of Richard I, 1189-92 by Archer, Thomas Andrew
Bishops Polit Commun England 1213-72 C by Ambler
Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Explorations of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water by
Byzantine Perspectives on Neoplatonism by
Wasser in der mittelalterlichen Kultur / Water in Medieval Culture by
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror, Jaume I, 1257-1276. I: Society and Documentation in Crusa by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Erreurs et mensonges historiques Série 3 by Barthelemy, Charles
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror, Jaume I, 1257-1276. I: Society and Documentation in Crusa by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages by
Das Argument als Alternative zum Kampf. Die Auseinandersetzung des Petrus Venerabilis mit dem Islam vor dem Hintergrund des zweiten Kreuzzuges by Priebst, Benjamin
English Travellers of the Renaissance by Howard, Clare
The Silk Road: The History and Legacy of the Trade Routes that Connected Europe and Asia by Charles River
Warfare in the Middle Ages: The History of Medieval Military and Siege Tactics by McLachlan, Sean, Charles River
English Episcopal ACTA 45: Bath and Wells 1206-1247 by
Life in the Medieval University by Rait, Robert S.
Past and Present by Carlyle, Thomas
Militärtechnische Innovationen der Neuzeit. Die Landsknechte by Kofler, Armin
Beatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates: The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombard by Kitanov, Severin Valentinov
Das organisierte Verbrechen in den Unterschichten der Frühen Neuzeit: Die Flucht in die Kriminalität am Beispiel des Schinderhannes by Thale, Dominik
Das Leben des Erasmus (Vita Erasmi): Übersetzung der Autobiographie des Erasmus von Rotterdam by Benedict, Ulrich
Das Bistum Lebus und seine Bedeutung für die deutsche Ostsiedlung by Zelle, Urs
Die Dragonaden. Welche Auswirkungen hatten Flucht und Verfolgung der Hugenottenauf Frankreich? by Anonymous
Der Frieden von Edinburgh und Northampton 1328. Aus schottischer und aus englischer Sicht by Grave, Christoph
Psellos and the Patriarchs: Letters and Funeral Orations for Keroullarios, Leichoudes, and Xiphilinos by Psellos, Michael
The Making of England: A New History of the Anglo-Saxon World by Atherton, Mark
Jan Hus: Religious Reform and Social Revolution in Bohemia by Fudge, Thomas A.
Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World: Christian Identity and Practice Under Muslim Rule by Tieszen, Charles
The Lettered Knight: Knowledge and aristocratic behaviour in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by Aurell, Martin
Ragnar Lothbrok: A Legendary Viking Warrior, His Family, and His Legacy by Yarc, Dustin
The Templar Mission to Oak Island and Beyond: Search for Ancient Secrets: The Shocking Revelations of a 12th Century Manuscript by Halpern, Zena
The Renaissance Ethics of Music: Singing, Contemplation and Musica Humana by Kim, Hyun-Ah
Houses of Lancaster and York by Gairdner, James
Crusades and Memory: Rethinking Past and Present by
Medieval Queens by Rockefeller, Laurel A.
Les Registres de Boniface VIII: Recueil Des Bulles de CE Pape Publiées. Tome 4: Ou Analysées d'Après Les Manuscrits Originaux Des Archives Du Vatican by Boniface VIII
The Cultural Patronage of Medieval Women by
A Dream Within A Dream by Padgett, Clarence W.
The Knight, the Cross, and the Song: Crusade Propaganda and Chivalric Literature, 11-14 by Elst, Stefan Vander
The English Lyric Tradition: Reading Poetic Masterpieces of the Middle Ages and Renaissance by Goldstein, R. James
Catalogue of the Collection of Arabic Coins Preserved in the Khedival Library at Cairo by Lane-Poole, Stanley
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