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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2018

Medieval England, 500-1500: A Reader by
Perfection's Therapy: An Essay on Albrecht Dürer's Melencolia I by Merback, Mitchell B.
Histoire des croisades: Édition intégrale - Huit Livres by De Nogent, Guibert, Guizot, François
The Deceived by Intronati of Siena
The Deceived by Intronati of Siena
Medieval Ireland by Downham, Clare
Medieval Ireland by Downham, Clare
El enigma del grial: La reliquia de los mil rostros by 50minutos
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
The Cambridge World History by
Leocaffis by Chiarle, Duilio
Der Bündnisvertrag Ottos IV. mit Markgraf Albrecht von Brandenburg (1212), ed. MGH Const. II, Nr. 41 by Gries, Christa
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Leonardo da Vinci by Charles River
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Lucrezia Borgia by Charles River
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Michelangelo by Charles River
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Niccolo Machiavelli by Charles River
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Raphael by Charles River
Legends of the Renaissance: The Lives and Legacies of Ferdinand & Isabella by Charles River
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Cesare Borgia by Charles River
Armenia Christiana: Armenian Religious Identity and the Churches of Constantinople and Rome (4th - 15th Century) by Stopka, Krzysztof
Burchards Bericht Über Den Orient: Reiseerfahrungen Eines Staufischen Gesandten Im Reich Saladins 1175/1176 by Thomsen, Christiane M.
Legends of the Renaissance: The Life and Legacy of Lorenzo de' Medici by Charles River
The Amorous Heart: An Unconventional History of Love by Yalom, Marilyn
Migrations in Medieval and Early Colonial India by
The Oldest Legend: Acts of the Canonization Process, and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary by
The Modern Spain Sourcebook: A Cultural History from 1600 to the Present by
Warfare in England by Belloc, Hilaire
The New World in Early Modern Italy, 1492-1750 by
La battaglia dei Giganti: The battle of Marignano by Donvito, Filippo, Cristini, Luca Stefano
Ibn Al-Haytham's Theory of Conics, Geometrical Constructions and Practical Geometry: A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics Volume 3 by Rashed, Roshdi
Amantes medievales by Villalobos, Eduardo Agüera
The History of Islam, Volume 1 by Al-Djazairi, S. E.
Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles) by
Der Vertrag von Tordesillas und die Aufteilung der Welt zwischen Spanien und Portugal durch den Papst by Beck, Carsten
The Samurai: The History and Legacy of Japan's Military Elite by Charles River
The Samurai: The History and Legacy of Japan's Military Elite by Charles River
La Malinche, die Graskönigin. Frauen und ihre Rollen während der Conquista by Eccius, Sebastian
Economic Growth (Routledge Revivals): England in the Later Middle Ages by Bridbury, A. R.
Jews in Medieval England: Teaching Representations of the Other by
Middleton & Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse by Nicol, David
Machtausdehnung des Oldenburger Grafenhauses. Gräfliche Regentschaften zwischen dem 11. und dem frühen 15. Jahrhundert by Zilinski, Anna
Odin and Thor: The Origins, History and Religious Evolution of the Norse Gods by Charles River
Literature of the Crusades by
The Thuggee: The History of the Thugs, the World's First Organized Gang of Professional Assassins by Charles River
The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire: The History of the Turkish Empire's Creation and Its Destruction Over 600 Years Later by Charles River
The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire: The History of the Turkish Empire's Creation and Its Destruction Over 600 Years Later by Charles River
The Thuggee: The History of the Thugs, the World's First Organized Gang of Professional Assassins by Charles River
Der Fürstenspiegel von Thomas von Aquin: Die Tyrannis und der Tyrannenmord im Fürstenspiegel von Thomas von Aquin im Vergleich zur "Politik" von Arist by Klahm, Astrid
Zealots for Souls: Dominican Narratives of Self-Understanding During Observant Reforms, C. 1388-1517 by Huijbers, Anne
Words That Tear the Flesh: Essays on Sarcasm in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Cultures by
Die Sizilische Verschwörung von 1246. Teil des ideologischen Endkampfes zwischen Friedrich II. und Papst Innocenz IV.? by Zimmermann, Sabrina
Peace and Penance in Late Medieval Italy by Jansen, Katherine Ludwig
Robert the Devil: The First Modern English Translation of Robert le Diable, an Anonymous French Romance of the Thirteenth Century by
Odin: As Origens, História e Evolução do Deus Nórdico by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
Odin e Thor: As Origens, História e Evolução Religiosa dos Deuses Nórdicos by Charles River, Harasta, Jesse
El surgimiento del Imperio Otomano: La Historia del Establecimiento del Imperio Turco en el Medio Oriente y Europa del Este by Charles River
El surgimiento del Imperio Otomano: La Historia del Establecimiento del Imperio Turco en el Medio Oriente y Europa del Este by Charles River
Leocaffis by Chiarle, Duilio
History of Florida by... Book 4 part 1: The mystery of the maps of Christopher Columbus by Ashrafyan, Konstantin
History of Florida by... Book 4. Part 1 . (English-Russian): Secret of Colombo's map. Spain -Turkish. by Ashrafyan, Konstantin
City Life York Eboracum- Eforwic -Jorvic: Edited Revised 2018 Edition by Buckley, Daniel Peter
John of Salisbury and the Medieval Roman Renaissance by O'Daly, Irene
Forschungsbericht über die Schlacht von Lützen. Welchen Forschungsgewinn liefert die Archäologische Forschung? by Gebelein, Alexander
Hexenverfolgung zwischen Glauben und obrigkeitlicher Willkür beim Prozess des Johan Abschlags by Gebelein, Alexander
Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Porrois, Au Diocèse de Paris: Plus Connue Sous Son Nom Mystique Port-Royal, 1204-1280. Volume 1 by Sans Auteur
Making Early Medieval Societies by
To Live Like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain by Constable, Olivia Remie
Der erste Königsumritt des Saliers Konrad II by Klahm, Astrid
The Cathars: The History and Legacy of the Gnostic Christian Sect During the Middle Ages by Charles River
The Cathars: The History and Legacy of the Gnostic Christian Sect During the Middle Ages by Charles River
The Fall of Constantinople: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire and the End of the Byzantine Empire by Charles River
Charlemagne: Father of the Franks, Leader of the Lombards, and Premier Holy Roman Emperor by In60learning
The Rise and Fall of British Crusader Medievalism, C.1825-1945 by Horswell, Mike
Digital Gaming Re-Imagines the Middle Ages by
Carcassonne: The History and Legacy of the Castles, Campaigns, and Crimes in France's Fabled Walled City by Charles River
Carcassonne: The History and Legacy of the Castles, Campaigns, and Crimes in France's Fabled Walled City by Charles River
A Magical World: Superstition and Science from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment by Wilson, Derek K.
The Crusader States: The History of the European States Established in the Middle East during the Crusades by Charles River
Architectural Invention in Renaissance Rome: Artists, Humanists, and the Planning of Raphael's Villa Madama by Elet, Yvonne
Der Hoftag von Quedlinburg. Die Bedeutung für Otto den Großen by T, Julia
Die neun Kurfürstentümer des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation: Das große Fürstenlexikon Band 2 by Noack, Konstantin
Premodern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers: Gender, Sex, and Power in Popular Culture by
Die Frau im Mittelalter. Was es bedeutete, eine Frau im Mittelalter zu sein by Anonym
The Medieval World by
Medieval City of Agra by Trivedi, K. K.
The Wars of the Roses Colouring Book by Bayani, Debra
The Fourth Crusade: The History of the Crusade that Resulted in the Sack of Constantinople by Charles River
The Lithic Garden: Nature and the Transformation of the Medieval Church by Doquang, Mailan S.
The Medieval World by
Bibliography of the Exact Sciences in the Low Countries from Ca. 1470 to the Golden Age (1700) by Hoogendoorn, K.
Amantes Medievales II: Cientos de secretos por desvelar en la Edad Media by Agüera Villalobos, Eduardo
Frans Floris (1519/20-1570): Imagining a Northern Renaissance by Wouk, Edward H.
The Vikings: Third Edition by Roesdahl, Else
Leocaffis by Chiarle, Duilio
Leocaffis by Chiarle, Duilio
Der Elefant Karls des Großen. Kultureller Kontakt zwischen Muslimen und Christen im frühen Mittelalter by Meier, Lars-Steffen
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
The Cathars and Carcassonne: The History and Legacy of the Medieval Christian Group and Its Last Stronghold by Charles River
The Cathars and Carcassonne: The History and Legacy of the Medieval Christian Group and Its Last Stronghold by Charles River
The Hagia Sophia: The History of the Famous Church and Mosque by Charles River
The Holy Grail: The History and Legend of the Famous Relic by Charles River
Undoing Babel: The Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon Literature by Major, Tristan
Stratton Churchwardens' Accounts, 1512-1578 by
Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations in the Later Middle Ages by
Papal Protection and the Crusader: Flanders, Champagne, and the Kingdom of France, 1095-1222 by Park, Danielle E. a.
Fourteenth Century England X by
Pietro Monte's Collectanea: The Arms, Armour and Fighting Techniques of a Fifteenth-Century Soldier by
malaspina: a story of death and life by Mencatelli, Lucio
Verzeichnis Der in Den Supplikenregistern Der Pönitentiarie Hadrians VI. Vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen Und Orte Des Deutschen Reiches 1522-1523: Text by
Experten, Wissen, Symbole: Performanz Und Medialität Vormoderner Wissenskulturen by
Topographien Des Alltags: Bologna Und Straßburg Um 1400 by Arnaud, Colin
The Ash Wednesday Supper: A New Translation by Bruno, Giordano
Medieval Tastes: Food, Cooking, and the Table by Montanari, Massimo
Die Darstellung der Bistumsgründung Bamberg im Jahr 1007 in der Bischofchronik des Lorenz Fries im Vergleich mit anderen historischen Quellen by Knieling, Laura
Arabian Drugs in Early Medieval Mediterranean Medicine by Amar, Zohar, Lev, Efraim
The Siege of Jerusalem in 1099: The History and Legacy of the Climactic Battle of the First Crusade by Charles River
The English Armada: The Greatest Naval Disaster in English History by Santos, Luis Gorrochategui
The English Armada: The Greatest Naval Disaster in English History by Santos, Luis Gorrochategui
An Apocalyptic History of the Early Fatimid Empire by Velji, Jamel
Art Patronage, Family, and Gender in Renaissance Florence: The Tornabuoni by Deprano, Maria
Animal Languages in the Middle Ages: Representations of Interspecies Communication by
Charlemagne: Father of a Continent by Barbero, Alessandro
Ambulante Herrschaft. Das Reisekönigtum des Friedrich Barbarossa: Die Pfalzen im ostfränkischen Raum und ihre Bedeutung für den Kaiser im 12. Jahrhund by Wollboldt, Oliver
Reframing the Alhambra: Architecture, Poetry, Textiles and Court Ceremonial by Bush, Olga
Die rechtliche Stellung der Ehefrau im frühen Mittelalter im Kontext des "Edictus Rothari" by Ibald, Julian
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume II by Nicholls, George
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume III by Nicholls, George
Hilda and Virginia by Duffy, Maureen
Das Postwesen in der Frühen Neuzeit by Anonymous
A History of the English Poor Law: Volume I by Nicholls, Sir George
Der Petersablass in den Provinzen von Albrecht von Brandenburg: Methoden der Verbreitung und Organisation am Beispiel Johann Tetzels by Micus, Jannik
Medieval Lives (Harperperennial) by Cantor, Norman F.
Le Développement Commercial de Split Et Zadar Aux Xve-Xvie Siècles by Fabijanec-S
L''entourage Féminin de Charlemagne by Lereau-M
Le Censier de Saint-Mayeul by Taillefer-I
L''avouerie d''anthisnes by Carre-P
Le Développement Commercial de Split Et Zadar Aux Xve-Xvie Siècles II by Fabijanec-S
Datation Par Luminescence de l''architecture Médiévale by Vieillevigne-E
La Voie de la Pénitence by Yagello-Knupffer-H
Les Médecins Experts À La Fin Du Moyen-Âge by Faucher-O
Un Herbier de la Sage-Femme Médiévale by Page-F
Édition Critique d'Un Extrait de la Chanson d'Aspremont by Melan-A
Les Coustumes Du Beauvoisis. Tome 1 by de Beaumanoir-P
Chroniques d'Enguerrand de Monstrelet by de Monstrelet-E
Chroniques d'Enguerrand de Monstrelet by de Monstrelet-E
Chroniques d'Enguerrand de Monstrelet by de Monstrelet-E
Medieval Imagery in Today's Politics by Wollenberg, Daniel
La Langue Franc Aise Sous Le Re Gne D Henri VI D Angleterre by Crevier-C
Déconstruction Des Stéréotypes Autour de la Culture Juive À Byzance by Gardette-P
Histoire du sultan Djelal-ed-Din Mankobirti, prince du Kharezm (Éd.1895) by Chihab Al Din M
Why Does Michelangelo Matter?: A Historian's Questions about the Visual Arts by Rabb, Theodore K.
Why Does Michelangelo Matter?: A Historian's Questions about the Visual Arts by Rabb, Theodore K.
Histoire des croisades by Richard-J
Histoire de l'Empire mongol by Roux, Jean-Paul
Charles V: Le Sage by Autrand, Françoise
L'Ordre de Cluny by Pacaut, Marcel
L'Angleterre au temps de la guerre des Deux-Roses by Kendall, Paul Murray
L'Autre Chrétien Pendant Les Croisades by Carrier-M
Jerusalem au temps des croisades(xième- xiiième siècles) by Koffi-K
Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Martin de Pontoise. Tome 4-5 by Depoin, Joseph
Becoming and Belonging in Ireland AD C. 1200-1600: Essays on Identity and Cultural Practice by
Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire by Levy-Rubin, Milka
Conquering the Middle East: The Lives and Legacies of Alexander the Great, Saladin and Genghis Khan by Charles River
Ghosts of England: On a Medium's Vacation by Gutro, Rob
Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages: V.1 by Shaw, Henry
The Later Middle Ages 1272 1485 by Holmes, George
La historia de la división suní y chií: entendiendo las divisiones dentro del Islam by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
Hexenjäger. Die Kurmainzer und Kurtrierer Hexenverfolgung im Vergleich by Schneider, Philipp
Die Eroberung des Langobardenreiches. Das fränkisch-langobardische Verhältnis von König Pippin bis zu Karl dem Großen by Schneider, Philipp
Pope Innocent III and the secular crusades by Pinnock, James
The Gobi Desert: The History and Legacy of the Asia's Largest Desert by Charles River
The Gobi Desert: The History and Legacy of the Asia's Largest Desert by Charles River
Die Entwicklung des städtischen Schulwesens im Spätmittelalter. Braunschweig, Lübeck und Breslau by Hesse, Maria
Giraldus Cambrensis und die Normannische Herrschaft in Wales by Schneider, Philipp
Fools and Idiots?: Intellectual Disability in the Middle Ages by Metzler, Irina
Land and Credit: Mortgages in the Medieval and Early Modern European Countryside by
The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages by Heng, Geraldine
The Reunification of China by Lorge, Peter
Richard Löwenherz. Ein Visionär im Heiligen Land by Glowka, Jörg
L'origine des constitutions urbaines au Moyen Âge by Pirenne, Henri
L'instruction des marchands au Moyen Âge by Pirenne, Henri
Hans Fugger und die Herzöge Bayerns: Untersuchung der Korrespondenz Hans Fuggers mit dem bayerischen Herzog Wilhelm V. by Glowka, Jörg
Die Politik der Girondins in der Legislative und im Konvent (1. Oktober 1791 - 2. Juni 1793) by Beckmann, Volker
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 44 by
The Castle at War in Medieval England and Wales by Spencer, Dan
Die Rolle des Grafen Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg während der Zweiten Wiener Türkenbelagerung by Böß, Pascal
Christine de Pizan and the Fight for France by Adams, Tracy
The Cambridge History of China by
The Cambridge History of China by
Berthold von Reichenau und Bernold von Konstanz. Süddeutsche Gregorianer im Kampf gegen Simonie und ihr Verständnis von auctoritas by Madlener, Janina
Die Darstellung und Bewältigung von Katastrophen in der Stadtchronik des Burkard Zink by Kissels, Tim
The Mongols and the West: 1221-1410 by Jackson, Peter
The Mongols and the West: 1221-1410 by Jackson, Peter
Global Trade and the Transformation of Consumer Cultures by Lemire, Beverly
The Art of Swordsmanship by Hans Lecküchner by
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