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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2019

Flaunting by Bailey, Amanda
Coinage and Coin Use in Medieval Italy by Rovelli, Alessia
Constructing Catalan Identity: Memory, Imagination, and the Medieval by Vargas, Michael A.
Understanding Medieval Liturgy: Essays in Interpretation by
Marie of France: Countess of Champagne, 1145-1198 by Evergates, Theodore
The Carolingian Empire: The History and Legacy of the Frankish Rulers Who Unified Most of Europe and Established the Holy Roman Empire in the by Charles River
Saint Nicholas and Krampus: The History of the Popular Companions Who Reward and Punish Children during the Christmas Season by Charles River
Saint Nicholas and Krampus: The History of the Popular Companions Who Reward and Punish Children during the Christmas Season by Charles River
English Rural Society, 1200-1350 by Titow, J. Z.
Die Seeschlacht zwischen der Spanischen Armada und der Englischen Flotte von 1588 by Anonymous
Burchardiflut 1634. Eine durch Menschen verursachte "Sündenfluth"? by Anonymous
Rethinking the Scottish Revolution: Covenanted Scotland, 1637-1651 by Stewart, Laura A. M.
The Birth of Modern Belief: Faith and Judgment from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment by Shagan, Ethan H.
Venice as the Polity of Mercy: Guilds, Confraternities, and the Social Order, C. 1250-C. 1650 by Mackenny, Richard
Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic by
Emotions and Gender in Byzantine Culture by
Legal Literacy in Premodern European Societies by
Inventing Modernity in Medieval European Thought, Ca. 1100-Ca. 1550 by
Kingship, Society, and the Church in Anglo-Saxon Yorkshire by Pickles, Thomas
Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Thomas Hobbes by Raylor, Timothy
Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of the World by Headley, John M.
Between Friends: Discourses of Power and Desire in the Machiavelli-Vettori Letters of 1513-1515 by Najemy, John M.
From Poliziano to Machiavelli: Florentine Humanism in the High Renaissance by Godman, Peter
Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of the World by Headley, John M.
Between Friends: Discourses of Power and Desire in the Machiavelli-Vettori Letters of 1513-1515 by Najemy, John M.
From Poliziano to Machiavelli: Florentine Humanism in the High Renaissance by Godman, Peter
Before the Gregorian Reform: The Latin Church at the Turn of the First Millennium by Howe, John
Nicholas of Cusa and the Making of the Early Modern World by
Collected Works of Erasmus: Paraphrase on Matthew, Volume 45 by Erasmus, Desiderius
Word Outward: Medieval Perspectives on the Entry into Language by Marvin, Corey J.
Charting Memory: Recalling Medieval Spain by
Early Modern Constructions of Europe: Literature, Culture, History by
Political Theory and Law in Medieval Spain (1930) by Madden, Marie R.
del Interregno a Las Postrimerías del Compromiso de Caspe: Actitudes Nobiliarias En La Corona de Aragón by Gonzalez, Joaquin Vazquez
Hermits and Anchorites in England, 1200-1550 by
Hermits and Anchorites in England, 1200-1550 by
Military Society and the Court of Chivalry in the Age of the Hundred Years War by Caudrey, Philip
Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms by
A Sourcebook of Early Modern European History: Life, Death, and Everything in Between by
Renaissance Mass Murder: Civilians and Soldiers During the Italian Wars by Bowd, Stephen D.
Shakespeare on the Record: Researching an Early Modern Life by
Saxon Identities, AD 150-900 by Flierman, Robert
Medieval Elite Women and the Exercise of Power, 1100-1400: Moving Beyond the Exceptionalist Debate by
Die Cadolzburg. Residenz, Amtssitz, militärischer Stützpunkt und Jagdschloss by Knaus, Philipp
Cecily Duchess of York by Laynesmith, J. L.
The Path of the Martyrs: Charles Martel, The Battle of Tours and the Birth of Europe by West, Ed
Nuremberg tournaments 1446-1561 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
A Sourcebook of Early Modern European History: Life, Death, and Everything in Between by
The University in Society, Volume I: Oxford and Cambridge from the 14th to the Early 19th Century by
The University in Society, Volume II: Europe, Scotland, and the United States from the 16th to the 20th Century by
The University in Society, Volume I: Oxford and Cambridge from the 14th to the Early 19th Century by
The University in Society, Volume II: Europe, Scotland, and the United States from the 16th to the 20th Century by
Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100-1118 by Edgington, Susan B.
Land and Credit: Mortgages in the Medieval and Early Modern European Countryside by
Imperial Ladies of the Ottonian Dynasty: Women and Rule in Tenth-Century Germany by Jestice, Phyllis G.
Crusades: Volume 17 by
Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy by
Formative Britain: An Archaeology of Britain, Fifth to Eleventh Century AD by Carver, Martin
L'Anjou, Pas Si Doux: Comtes d'Anjou 1ère Période 850 -1100 by Saintilan, Yannick
Czech Franciscan Book Culture. Libraries of Franciscans, Conventual Franciscans, and Capuchins through centuries by Bajger, Matyás Franciszek
Nicholas Mesarites: His Life and Works (in Translation) by Angold, Michael
Stuart Succession Literature: Moments and Transformations by
Martin Luther und der "deutsche Sonderweg". Die deutsche Nation in der Frühen Neuzeit by Gottschalt, Stephan
Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy by
The Bulgarian State in 927-969: The Epoch of Tsar Peter I by
Weeping for Dido: The Classics in the Medieval Classroom by Woods, Marjorie Curry
Bill of Rights. Wie die Bill of Rights vom House of Commons und House of Lords zur Zeit ihrer Entstehung und Verabschiedung wahrgenommen wurde by Gehring, Jonas
Das Alhambra Edikt. Die Ausweisung der spanischen Juden im 15. Jahrhundert by Anonymous
The Art of War in Italy 1494-1529 by Taylor, F. L.
History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century: Part 1 the Mongols Proper and the Kalmyks by Howorth, Henry Hoyle
Wahrnehmung und Beschreibung des Islam in den spätmittelalterlichen Pilgerberichten des Arnold von Harff und Bernhard von Breydenbach by Anonym
Die Judenvertreibung in Köln 1424: Das Rechtfertigungsschreiben der Stadt Köln an den König Sigmund by Anonym
The Chronicles of Froissart by Froissart, Jean
Conf Mob & Eng Cathol Count-Ref Eur C by Corens
Hildegard von Bingen. Von der Inklusen zur Seherin und Äbtissin by Wandke, Clemens
The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt by
Knights of Agincourt: A Roll of Honour by Archibald, Steve
Il mistero della Croce di Pauciuri: Sulle tracce dell'abate Ursus, dell'Ordine di Sion e dei templari in Calabria by
Die Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Sachsen im Mittelalter und in der Reformationszeit, etc. by Schultze, Walther
Mémoires Géographiques Et Historiques Sur L'égypte, Et Sur Quelques Contrées Voisines by Quatremère, Etienne
Kingdom NIGHT - An Adventure Coloring Book XXL by The Art of You
Il Tancredi di Rodolfo di Caen: L'epopea italonormanna della Prima Crociata by Amatuccio, Giovanni
Le mystère de la croix de Pauciuri: Sur les traces de l'abbé Ursus, de l'Ordre de Sion et des Templiers de Calabre by
Märtyrer per definitionem. Der Prozess gegen Jan Hus auf dem Konzil von Konstanz by Kogan, Katharina
Die Franken als erfolgreiche Kreuzfahrer. Warum gelang es den Europäern trotz strategischer Unterlegenheit, das Morgenland vorerst zu erobern by Schmidt, Christin
Zwischen Kooperation Und Konfrontation: Dänemark Und Das Frankenreich Im 9. Jahrhundert by Helten, Volker
Music of the Renaissance: Imagination and Reality of a Cultural Practice by Lütteken, Laurenz
Journey Through Tudor England: Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London to Stratford-upon-Avon and Thornbury Castle by Lipscomb, Suzannah
The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century by
Die Rolle der Kurfürsten bei der Königswahl. Nach Inkrafttreten der Goldenen Bulle (1356) by Müller, Lucius
The Tudor Cookbook: From Gilded Peacock to Calves' Feet Pie by Breverton, Terry
Brutal Reasoning: Animals, Rationality, and Humanity in Early Modern England by Fudge, Erica
Aristocratic Marriage, Adultery and Divorce in the Fourteenth Century: The Life of Lucy de Thweng (1279-1347) by Wells-Furby, Bridget
Arthurianism in Early Plantagenet England: From Henry II to Edward I by Berard, Christopher Michael
Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History by Porck, Thijs
Constructing a Civic Community in Late Medieval London: The Common Profit, Charity and Commemoration by Harry, David
Inauguration and Liturgical Kingship in the Long Twelfth Century: Male and Female Accession Rituals in England, France and the Empire by Dale, Johanna
A Protestant Lord in James VI's Scotland: George Keith, Fifth Earl Marischal (1554-1623) by Kerr-Peterson, Miles
Representing Beasts in Early Medieval England and Scandinavia by
A Biographical Register of the Franciscans in the Custody of York, C.1229-1539 by
Religious Men and Masculine Identity in the Middle Ages by
Der Kreuzzug von 1101. Zeitliche und regionale Einordnung, Kreuzzugsdefinitionen by Schlickeisen, Enrico
Serving Byzantium's Emperors: The Courtly Life and Career of Michael Attaleiates by Krallis, Dimitris
Heresy in Late Medieval Germany: The Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker and the Waldensians by Välimäki, Reima
Permanent Revolution: The Reformation and the Illiberal Roots of Liberalism by Simpson, James
China und Asiens maritime Achse im Mittelalter by Ptak, Roderich
The Paradigm of Simias: Essays on Poetic Eccentricity by Kwapisz, Jan
"Dem ghemeynen copmanne der dutschen hense to Brugge in Vlaanderen". Hansische Diplomatie im Burgundischen Jahrhundert by Hasler, Johann
Byzantium and the West: Perception and Reality (11th-15th c.) by
The Pendle Witch Trials of 1612 by Holding, David
Les Grecs au Moyen Age: Étude Historique by Bikélas, D.
Les Grecs au Moyen Age: Étude Historique by Bikélas, D.
The Writer's Gift or the Patron's Pleasure?: The Literary Economy in Late Medieval France by McGrady, Deborah
Natur- und Wunderphänomene in den Berichten zur Zeit des Investiturstreits by Wiesbeck, Franziska
Rittertum und wirtschaftlicher Wandel by Anonymous
The Book of Tribulations: The Syrian Muslim Apocalyptic Tradition: An Annotated Translation by Nu'aym B. Hammad Al-Marwazi by Al-Marwazi, Nu'aym B. Hammad
Die Entwicklung der "Bundschuhverschwörungen" im Oberrheingebiet by Weber, Michael
Die katholische Kirche und ihr Kampf gegen die Katharer. Eine Quellenanalyse zum letzten gewaltlosen Vorgehen gegen den Katharismus by Isaak, Tobias
Viking Law and Order: Places and Rituals of Assembly in the Medieval North by Sanmark, Alexandra
The Right to Dress by
Rivalrous Masculinities: New Directions in Medieval Gender Studies by
The Conversational Enlightenment: The Reconception of Rhetoric in Eighteenth-Century Thought by Randall, David
Maps and Travel in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period: Knowledge, Imagination, and Visual Culture by
Alessandro de' Medici: And the Life of his Lover and Murderer, Lorenzino de' Medici by Hone, Michael
Narratives of Voyages Towards the North-West by Rundall, Thomas
The English Church in the Middle Ages by Hunt, William
Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade by Demacopoulos, George E.
Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade by Demacopoulos, George E.
Narratives of Voyages Towards the North-West by Rundall, Thomas
Renaissance in Italy: The Catholic Reaction; in two Parts by Symonds, John Addington
Renaissance in Italy: The Catholic Reaction; in two Parts by Symonds, John Addington
Urban Panegyric and the Transformation of the Medieval City, 1100-1300 by Oldfield, Paul
The Roman de Toute Chevalerie: Reading Alexander Romance in Late Medieval England by Stone, Charles Russell
Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages by Thomas, Arvind
Medieval Gower Stories by Thomas, Ann Marie
One Clan or Two ?: The Feud Between the Macleans of Duart and the Maclaines of Lochbuie 1100 to 1717. by Maclean-Bristol, Nicholas
Viana de Foix by Perez, Miquel Romagosa
The Velestino Hoard: Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' by Curta, Florin, Szmoniewski, Bartlomiej Szymon
Anglo-Latin Gesta Romanorum by
Medical Economy During the Middle Ages by Fort, George F.
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, His Son, and the Quest to Build the World's Greatest Library by Wilson-Lee, Edward
Cnut the Great by Bolton, Timothy
Writing the Welsh Borderlands in Anglo-Saxon England by Brady, Lindy
Crusading and Masculinities by
The River, the Plain, and the State by Zhang, Ling
Karl V. und Die Deutsche Reformation by Baumgarten, Hermann
The Roman and Teuton A Series Of Lectures by Kingsley, Charles
Herbert of Bosham: A Medieval Polymath by
The Contemporary English Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses by
Heroines of the Medieval World by Bennett Connolly, Sharon
Reading and Writing in Medieval England: Essays in Honor of Mary C. Erler by
The Dinner Book of the London Drapers' Company, 1564-1602 by
Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages by
Inquisition in the Fourteenth Century: The Manuals of Bernard Gui and Nicholas Eymerich by Hill, Derek
The Lateran Church in Rome and the Ark of the Covenant: Housing the Holy Relics of Jerusalem: With an Edition and Translation of the Descriptio Latera by Oftestad, Eivor Andersen
Urban Bodies: Communal Health in Late Medieval English Towns and Cities by Rawcliffe, Carole
Fifty Early Medieval Things: Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by Deliyannis, Deborah, Dey, Hendrik, Squatriti, Paolo
Un-blogged: A Fencer's Ramblings by Walker, Henry Leigh
Anchoritic Traditions of Medieval Europe by
Fifty Early Medieval Things: Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by Deliyannis, Deborah, Dey, Hendrik, Squatriti, Paolo
The Chronicle of Arnold of Lübeck by Loud, Graham A.
Otto von Freising und seine Beurteilung der karolingischen Dynastie in der "Chronica sive historia de duabus civitatibus" by Maiwald, Guido
Einfluss Clunys auf die Gregorianische Kirchenreform des 11. Jahrhunderts by Lewen, Andreas
Families of the King: Writing Identity in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle by Sheppard, Alice
Begegnungen mit dem Fremden. Die Japanmission der Jesuiten im 16./17. Jahrhundert by Ruoff, Tobias
The Business of the Roman Inquisition in the Early Modern Era by Maifreda, Germano
Das Germanische Europa by Mendelssohn, G. B.
The Accountant; Volume 31 by Anonymous
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire: T. 2, T. 3, T. 4, T. 5, T. 6, T. 7 by Gibbon, Edward
Anglo-Saxon Towers of Lordship by Shapland, Michael G.
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2: Complete In Eight Volumes by Gibbon, Edward
Lucrezia Borgia. by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
State Power in China, 900-1325 by
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2: With Maps by Gibbon, Edward
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire: With Notes By Henry Hart Milman. With Maps. In 4 Vol; Volume 1 by Gibbon, Edward
The Reign of Philip the Fair by Strayer, Joseph R.
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2: With Maps by Gibbon, Edward
The Reign of Philip the Fair by Strayer, Joseph R.
Francis I: The Maker of Modern France by Frieda, Leonie
Geschichte der Inquisition im Mittelalter. by Wieck, Heinz, Lea, Henry Charles, Hansen, Joseph
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 4: With Maps by Gibbon, Edward
Nordic Elites in Transformation, C. 1050-1250, Volume I: Material Resources by
The Chronicle of the Logothete by
Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing?: Construction and Transfer of Knowledge in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by
Select Documents Illustrating Mediaeval and Modern History by Reich, Emil
Sri Harsha of Kanauj: A Monograph on the History of India in the First Half of the 7th Century A.D. by Panikkar, K. M.
Dynastic Politics and the British Reformations, 1558-1630 by Questier, Michael
Teach Us to Pray: The Lord's Prayer, Catechesis, and Ritual Reform in the Sixteenth Century by Mahon, Katharine
Der Slawenaufstand von 983 und seine Rezeption in den früh- und hochmittelalterlichen Quellen by Polzin, Mario
Haithabu als Beispiel der frühen Stadtentwickung im nördlichen Europa by Polzin, Mario
Von den bäuerlichen Aufständen im alten Reich bis zum Bauernkrieg und ihren Ursachen by Krieg, Oliver
Das Konkordienwerk und die Pfalz. Warum die Unterzeichnung und Zustimmung des Pfalzgrafen Johann Casimirs zum Konkordienwerk im 16. Jahrhundert für ih by Anonym
History of the Cathars by Martin, Sean
Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and His World: A Conversation by
The Unruly Womb in Early Modern English Drama: Plotting Women's Biology on the Stage by Potter, Ursula A.
Pope Alexander VI: Renaissance Monster by Hone, Michael
Unknowing Fanaticism: Reformation Literatures of Self-Annihilation by Lerner, Ross
King Alfonso VIII of Castile: Government, Family, and War by
Witchcraft in the United States: The History of Witches, Practices, and Persecution in America by Charles River
Witchcraft in the United States: The History of Witches, Practices, and Persecution in America by Charles River
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