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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2020

The Conformity: Manifestation, Proclamation, Exaltation by
Dynasty: A Very Short Introduction by Duindam, Jeroen
Touching, Devotional Practices, and Visionary Experience in the Late Middle Ages by
Catalogue of the imperial Byzantine coins in the British Museum (Volume II) by Wroth, Warwick
The complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer by
Early European history by Webster, Hutton
The Bonds of Humanity: Cicero's Legacies in European Social and Political Thought, Ca. 1100-Ca. 1550 by Nederman, Cary J.
Scientific Works of Robert Grosseteste, Volume 1: Knowing and Speaking: Robert Grosseteste's de Artibus Liberalibus 'on the Liberal Arts' and de Gener by
The War of 1812: A Captivating Guide to the Military Conflict between the United States of America and Great Britain That Started durin by History, Captivating
Das unabhängige Schlesien: Schlesien im Mittelalter 1202-1327/39 by Schreiber, Rene
The War of 1812: A Captivating Guide to the Military Conflict between the United States of America and Great Britain That Started durin by History, Captivating
Die Ausbildung von Töchtern im mittelalterlichen Bürgertum by Knaus, Philipp
The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages by Heng, Geraldine
Erik the Red: A Captivating Guide to the Viking Who Founded the First Norse Settlement in Greenland by History, Captivating
The Turkic Peoples in Medieval Arabic Writings by Frenkel, Yehoshua
Vikings: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Vikings, Erik the Red and Leif Erikson by History, Captivating
The Tudors: A Captivating Guide to the History of England from Henry VII to Elizabeth I by History, Captivating
History of the Vikings: A Captivating Guide to the Viking Age and Feared Norse Seafarers Such as Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar the Boneless, Egil Skal by History, Captivating
Hunger im Hochmittelalter. Ein regionales Ausnahmephänomen oder permanent zu knappe Nahrungsmittel? by Müller, Philipp
Women and Society in Early Medieval India: Re-interpreting Epigraphs by Verma, Anjali
The Grace of the Italian Renaissance by Mac Carthy, Ita
Die rechtliche Stellung der Handwerkswitwe im Zunftwesen in der frühen Neuzeit. Ein Zwitterstatus zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung? by Grossklaus, Juliane
Isabella of France: The Rebel Queen by Warner, Kathryn
Kirchliche Zuständigkeit in der politischen Idee Friedrichs II. Mit besonderem Blick auf das Königreich Sizilien by Sosnitzki, Jana
The Princes in the Tower: An Enigma... 500 Years in the Making by Egginton, Ben
Celtic Mythology: The Complete Guide to Celtic Myths from the Irish, Scottish, Brittany and Welsh Mythology Including Tales, Gods, Legen by Drake, Josh
Medieval Considerations of Incest, Marriage, and Penance by Rouillard, Linda Marie
Baldric of Bourgueil: History of the Jerusalemites: A Translation of the Historia Ierosolimitana by
Kings, Lords and Courts in Anglo-Norman England by Karn, Nicholas
Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Murder in Medieval Europe by Tartakoff, Paola
Tra Roma e Bisanzio: Il Papato e l'Impero d'Oriente da Giustiniano alla Caduta di Costantinopoli by Sibilio, Vito
Inscribing Knowledge in the Medieval Book: The Power of Paratexts by
Late Anglo-Saxon Prayer in Practice: Before the Books of Hours by Thomas, Kate H.
The Vikings Reimagined: Reception, Recovery, Engagement by
The Horse in Premodern European Culture by
The Performance Tradition of the Medieval English University: The Works of Thomas Chaundler by Meacham, Thomas
Greeks and Trojans on the Early Modern English Stage by Hopkins, Lisa
Global Refuge: Huguenots in an Age of Empire by Stanwood, Owen
Die politischen Reisen des Friedrich III. Leitmotive, Itinerar und Wirksamkeit der Reisepraxis eines spätmittelalterlichen Kaisers by Anonym
Reformation und theologische Bildkritik. Bilderstürme in ihrem geschichtlichen Kontext by Kahlberg, Benjamin
Die Hexenverfolgung in Deutschland. Inwiefern unterscheiden sich Schilderungen von Teufelsbegegnungen von Geständnissen vermeintlicher Hexen? by Hauck, Laura
Imperial Visions of Late Byzantium: Manuel II Palaiologos and Rhetoric in Purple by Leonte, Florin
14th Cent. German tournament knights by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Medieval Literature on Display: Heritage and Culture in Modern Germany by Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra
The Ottoman Empire's Most Important Battles: The History and Legacy of the Ottomans' Biggest Victories and Defeats by Charles River
Geschichte der Fatimiden-Chalifen nach arabischen Quellen by Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand
Dead Voice: Law, Philosophy, and Fiction in the Iberian Middle Ages by Rodríguez-Velasco, Jesús D.
History and the Written Word: Documents, Literacy, and Language in the Age of the Angevins by Bainton, Henry
The Ottoman Empire's Most Important Battles: The History and Legacy of the Ottomans' Biggest Victories and Defeats by Charles River
History of society and democracy: before new epoch: The Dawn of Europe: Middle Ages and Renaissance by Buychik, Alexander
Miyamoto Musashi: The Life and Legacy of Japan's Most Legendary Samurai by Charles River
Herrschaftsausübung der fränkischen Hausmeier: Beziehung zum Königtum am Beispiel von Ebroin und Pippin dem Jüngeren by Dreesch-Rosendahl, Simon
Miyamoto Musashi: The Life and Legacy of Japan's Most Legendary Samurai by Charles River
Emotions in a Crusading Context, 1095-1291 by Spencer, Stephen J.
Der Erfurter Kongress von 1808. Das Zeremoniell zwischen Früher Neuzeit und Moderne by Schwambach, Christian
Die Herrschaft von Konrad I. von Wettin by Schwambach, Christian
El Louvre: La historia y legado del museo de arte más famoso del mundo by Charles River
Was waren die Gründe für das Scheitern des "gemeinen Mannes" im Bauernkrieg 1524-26? by Gerstacker, Oliver
Der Heilige Sebastian. Heiligenverehrung in der mittelalterlichen Stadt: Inwiefern dienten Schutzheilige als Verbindungspunkt zu Gott? by Gül, Dilan
Debating Medieval Europe: The Early Middle Ages, C. 450-C. 1050 by
Islam: Architect of a Progressive Civilization by Neshat, Shah Ebadur Rahman
Der Gesandtenaustausch zwischen Karl dem Großen und Harun al-Raschid. Zur Problematik des Schenkens im Mittelalter: Zwischen Ehrerweisung und Demütigu by Binder, Sebastian
French Chivalry: Chivalric Ideas and Practices in Mediaeval France by Painter, Sidney
Das Seelenheil Ottos I. im Spiegel seiner Urkunden by Gries, Christa
Apuntes sobre las monedas medievales en la península Ibérica.: 2.1 Las monedas de los hispanos suevos e hispanos godos. by Regueiro Robaina, Manuel
Thevdemirvs Dux. El último godo. El ducado de Aurariola y el final del reino visigodo de Toledo by Morín de Pablos, Jorge, Barroso Cabrera, Rafael, Sánchez Ramos, Isabel María
The Inquisition: A Brief History by Jones, Robert C.
Genoa's Freedom: Entrepreneurship, Republicanism, and the Spanish Atlantic by Salonia, Matteo
The Wars of the Jews by Josephus, Flavius
Antonius Diogenes, "Die unglaublichen Dinge jenseits von Thule" by Schmedt, Helena
Papsturkunden in Spanien: Vorarbeiten Zur Hispania (Iberia) Pontificia. III. Kastilien by
Die Städte der Ludowinger anhand von Gotha und Freyburg by Schwambach, Christian
Machiavelli: The Art of Teaching People What to Fear by Boucheron, Patrick
Power and Place in Europe in the Early Middle Ages by
The Intellectual World of the Italian Renaissance by Celenza, Christopher S.
The Right to Dress by
Die Hauptinstruktion für die kaiserlichen Gesandten auf dem westfälischen Friedenskongress für die Verhandlungen mit den Franzosen am 15 Juli 1643 in by Westendorf, Helena
Ireland's Forgotten Past: A History of the Overlooked and Disremembered by Bunbury, Turtle
The Cathars and Huguenots: The History and Legacy of the Major French Christian Groups Who Were Persecuted by the Catholics by Charles River
Law in Common: Legal Cultures in Late-Medieval England by Johnson, Tom
Die Rolle der Massaker in den französischen Religionskriegen von 1562-1598 by Gusakov, Denis
Rostock im Mittelalter. Entstehung, Autonomieentwicklung und Ratsverfassung der Hansestadt Rostock by Holzlehner, Tim
Medieval European Coinage by Saccocci, Andrea, Day, William R., Jr., Matzke, Michael
La proliferación de los relojes mecánicos en el Occidente (Siglos XIV-XVII): La "revolución" de los tiempos cotidianos by Kerkmann, Tim R.
Unruhen in der Ständegesellschaft der Frühen Neuzeit anhand der Bauernaufstände in Süddeutschland von 1525 by Fabian, Roderick
The Royal Touch in Early Modern England: Politics, Medicine and Sin by Brogan, Stephen
Scottish Episcopal ACTA: Volume II: The Early Thirteenth Century, C.1200-C.1240 by
Edward I: New Interpretations by
Medical Texts in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture by Kesling, Emily
Bastard Feudalism, English Society and the Law: The Statutes of Livery, 1390-1520 by McKelvie, Gordon
Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies: Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and Their Patterns of Growth. a Study of the Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow Cathed by Tucker, Joanna
The Growth of Royal Government Under Henry III by
Government and Merchant Finance in Anglo-Gascon Trade, 1300-1500 by Blackmore, Robert
Minderheiten Und Mehrheiten: Erkundungen Religiöser Komplexität Im Mittelalterlichen Afro-Eurasien by Weltecke, Dorothea
Die Religionsverhandlungen auf dem Augsburger Reichstag 1530: Die Positionen der verhandelnden Mächte und die Aussichten hinsichtlich einer möglichen by Anonym
The Knights Templar: Grand Masters by Bauer, Conrad
Bürgertum und Freimaurer in Sachsen by Rasche, Ullrich Michael
Banjaras of Medieval Deccan: Trade, Transport and Itinerant Communities by Bhukya, Saidulu
Sheela-Na-Gig: Sacred Celtic Images of Feminine Divinity by Roberts, Jack
Ausweitung oder Mäßigung?: Untersuchung über Folter in Hexenprozessen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung auserwählter Richtlinien der Constitutio by Lauer, Jan
Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici and the Crisis of Renaissance Italy by Brown, Alison
Die Reformation im königlichen Ungarn by Lauer, Alexander
Heinrich VIII. und die römisch-katholische Kirche. Wie versuchte Heinrich VIII. die Verbreitung der lutherischen Lehre in England zu unterbinden? by Winkler, Anna
Medieval Travel and Travelers: A Reader by
British Battles 493-937: Mount Badon to Brunanburh by Breeze, Andrew
Medieval England: A Captivating Guide to English History in the Middle Ages, Including Events Such as the Norman Conquest, Black Death, by History, Captivating
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Medievalism by
Caminos a Tierra Santa: Crónicas de la Primera Cruzada y el nacimiento de la orden templaria by Agüera, Eduardo
Prophecy, Fate and Memory in the Early Medieval Celtic World by
The King's Knight: The Complete Campaigns by Ironside, J. a.
Der Weg des Kaffees nach Europa und Auswirkungen auf das gesellschaftliche Leben in der Frühen Neuzeit by Anonymous
Die ersten Heiligen der Kiewer Rus'. Boris und Gleb in hagiographischen Erzählungen und der "Nestorchronik" by Anonym
The Quest for Certainty in Early Modern Europe: From Inquisition to Inquiry, 1550-1700 by Fuchs, Barbara, García-Arenal, Mercedes
St. Cuthbert's Journey: The stuff of legend or the victim of unrecorded fact? by Hamnett, Keith
Trees and Timber in the Anglo-Saxon World by
Anglo-Saxon Farms and Farming by Banham, Debby, Faith, Rosamond
African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic by Bennett, Herman L.
The Martyrdom of the Franciscans: Islam, the Papacy, and an Order in Conflict by Macevitt, Christopher
Marozzo's Dagger: 16th century dagger combat of Achille Marozzo by
Medieval England: A Captivating Guide to English History in the Middle Ages, Including Events Such as the Norman Conquest, Black Death, by History, Captivating
Das Engelhusvokabular: Lexikographie, Diktat Und Lateinunterricht Im Spätmittelalter by Bunselmeier, Jennifer
Commerce of Knowledge: Trade, Religion, and Scholarship Between England and the Ottoman Empire, 1600-1760 by Mills, Simon
Zölibatsgebot von Gregor VII. und der Widerstand der Klerikerschaft by Bouras, Helen
Einforderung der Hussitensteuer in der Altmark by Bothe, Nico
Untersuchung und Deutung des Testaments des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi: Verhältnis zu den Regeln bullata und non bullata der Franziskaner by Anonymous
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, His Son, and the Quest to Build the World's Greatest Library by Wilson-Lee, Edward
Les origines du régime féodal by De Coulanges, Fustel
The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy by Cassirer, Ernst
Our Island Story by Marshall, H. E.
Invisible Agents: Women and Espionage in Seventeenth-Century Britain by Akkerman, Nadine
The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy by Cassirer, Ernst
Neighbours and Strangers: Local Societies in Early Medieval Europe by Zeller, Bernhard, West, Charles, Tinti, Francesca
Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester: A New Edition: Volume III: Transcription and Translation by
Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester: A New Edition: Volume II: Interpretative Essays and the History of the Codex Leicester by
A Renaissance Marriage: The Political and Personal Alliance of Isabella d'Este and Francesco Gonzaga, 1490-1519 by James, Carolyn
Stolen Song: How the Troubadours Became French by Zingesser, Eliza
Tewdric of Wales: Saint, King, Warrior, Martyr by Utting, A. R.
Die frühmittelalterliche Carta: Römische Ursprünge der Urkundenform und ihre Ausprägungen bei Langobarden und Franken by Lauer, Alexander
The Renaissance Speaks Hebrew by
The Story of Greece and Rome by Spawforth, Tony
The Story of El Cid: 1026-1090 by Watts, Henry Edward
The Court and Its Critics: Anti-Court Sentiments in Early Modern Italy by Ugolini, Paola
The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: From the 7th to the 12th Century by Lev, Yaacov
The Cartulary and Charters of the Priory of Saints Peter and Paul, Ipswich: Part II: The Charters by
The Miraculous and the Writing of Crusade Narrative by Spacey, Beth C.
The Fifteenth Century XVII: Finding Individuality by
Studies in Medievalism XXIX: Politics and Medievalism (Studies) by
The Chivalric Biography of Boucicaut, Jean II Le Meingre by
Designing Norman Sicily: Material Culture and Society by
Imagining Anglo-Saxon England: Utopia, Heterotopia, Dystopia by Karkov, Catherine E.
Hexenverfolgung: Eine kurze Auseinandersetzung mit der These des Buches "Die Vernichtung der weisen Frauen" von Heinsohn und Steiger by Franke, Eva
Paranormal Encounters in Iceland 1150-1400 by
Medieval Monasticisms: Forms and Experiences of the Monastic Life in the Latin West by Vanderputten, Steven
Naturereignisse Im Frühen Mittelalter: Das Zeugnis Der Geschichtsschreibung Vom 6. Bis 11. Jahrhundert by Wozniak, Thomas
Convents and Novices in Early Modern English Dramatic Works: In Medias Res by Rapatz, Vanessa L.
Untersuchungen Zur Iatromagie in Der Byzantinischen Zeit: Zur Tradierung Gräkoägyptischer Und Spätantiker Iatromagischer Motive by Grimm-Stadelmann, Isabel
A Human Environment: Studies in Honour of 20 Years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels by
A Human Environment: Studies in Honour of 20 Years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels by
Napoleon Bonaparte während der Französischen Revolution. Jakobiner oder Opportunist? by Suntken, Onno
Subsidies, Diplomacy, and State Formation in Europe, 1494-1789: Economies of Allegiance by
Medieval Disability Sourcebook: Western Europe by McNabb, Cameron Hunt
Ernährung in der Frühen Neuzeit. Allgemeine Darstellungen für den deutschen Raum und konkrete Einblicke für das Herzogtum Mecklenburg by Massaro, Gino
La pureté en question: Exaltation et dévoiement d'un idéal entre juifs et chrétiens (Couronne d'Aragon 1391-1492) by Soussen, Claire
Gregory Palamas: The Hesychast Controversy and the Debate with Islam by Russell, Norman
The Cambridge World History of Violence by
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolò
Il Medioevo in 111 risposte vol.2: la vita in città by Rigliaco, Dario
Innovation in Byzantine Medicine: The Writings of John Zacharias Aktouarios (C.1275-C.1330) by Bouras-Vallianatos, Petros
The Revolution in Time: Chronology, Modernity, and 1688-1689 in England by Claydon, Tony
Trustworthy Men: How Inequality and Faith Made the Medieval Church by Forrest, Ian
Peace and Penance in Late Medieval Italy by Jansen, Katherine Ludwig
The Making of the Medieval Middle East: Religion, Society, and Simple Believers by Tannous, Jack
Norse Mythology: Tales of Norse Gods, Heroes, Beliefs, Rituals & the Viking Legacy by Hansen, Dale
Arts of Dying: Literature and Finitude in Medieval England by Smith, D. Vance
Kriterien der Partnerwahl im Mittelalter: Betrachtungen des Kriterienkatalogs von Spieß am Beispiel von Heinrich VII by Hake, Maximilian
Law and Authority in the Early Middle Ages by Faulkner, Thomas
Erasmus on the New Testament by
Il Medioevo in 111 risposte vol.3: Castelli e Cavalieri by Rigliaco, Dario
Magnificence: And Princely Splendour in the Middle Ages by Barber, Richard
The Dark Age of Tanks: Britain's Lost Armour, 1945-1970 by Lister, David
Roman Women in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries by
Liber Uricrisiarum: A Reading Edition by Daniel, Henry
Konzilien Und Kanonisches Recht in Spätantike Und Frühem Mittelalter: Aspekte Konziliarer Entscheidungsfindung by
The Visigothic Kingdom of Tolosa: The History and Legacy of the Goths' Kingdom in Gaul during the Collapse of the Roman Empire by Charles River
The Visigothic Kingdom of Tolosa: The History and Legacy of the Goths' Kingdom in Gaul during the Collapse of the Roman Empire by Charles River
Karl der Große und das Papsttum. Welchen Einfluss hatte Hadrian I. auf Karls Langobardenfeldzug? by Fröhlich, Tobi
The Cumans and Magyars: The History and Legacy of the Steppe Nomads Who Raided Europe Throughout the Late Middle Ages by Charles River
The Cumans and Magyars: The History and Legacy of the Steppe Nomads Who Raided Europe Throughout the Late Middle Ages by Charles River
The Sword and the Cross: Castile-León in the Era of Fernando III by
Das byzantinische Reich. Schlacht bei Manzikert 1071 by Jansig, Edwin
A Concise History of Byzantium by Treadgold, Warren
The Westford Knight and Henry Sinclair: Evidence of a 14th Century Scottish Voyage to North America, 2d ed. by Goudsward, David
Städtische Chronistik. Jüdische Gesellschaft im Mittelalter in Augsburg by Anonymous
The States of the Manors of Westminster Abbey C.1300 to 1422 Part 1 by
The States of the Manors of Westminster Abbey C.1300 to 1422 Part 2 by
The Map of Knowledge: A Thousand-Year History of How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found by Moller, Violet
Authority and Empire in Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist Communities by
Vikings: A History of the Northmen by Bartlett, W. B.
Emperor of the World by Latowsky, Anne A.
Defiant Priests: Domestic Unions, Violence, and Clerical Masculinity in Fourteenth-Century Catalunya by Armstrong-Partida, Michelle
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