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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2021

I Guerrieri di Dio: Breve storia delle Crociate by Samuelson, Richard J.
The Darkwood Enigma by Allan, Brian J.
The Rohonc Code: Tracing a Historical Riddle by Láng, Benedek
Souls under Siege by Archambeau, Nicole
The Medieval Economy of Salvation by Davis, Adam J.
Invisible Weapons by Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia
An Icelandic Literary Florilegium: A Festschrift in Honor of Úlfar Bragason by
Chaos in the Castle or Peace in the Palace: Straighten Your Crown. Capture His Heart. Discover Your Happily Ever After. by White, Dan, White, Lydia
Economics of Faith: Reforming Poverty in Early Modern Europe by Chung-Kim, Esther
Arthurianism in Early Plantagenet England: From Henry II to Edward I by Berard, Christopher Michael
Elite Participation in the Third Crusade by Bennett, Stephen
Studies in Medievalism XXX: Politics and Medievalism (Studies) II by
Inauguration and Liturgical Kingship in the Long Twelfth Century: Male and Female Accession Rituals in England, France and the Empire by Dale, Johanna
Singing the Crusades: French and Occitan Lyric Responses to the Crusading Movements, 1137-1336 by Paterson, Linda
Power From On High: Theocratic Kingship from Constantine to the Reformation by Campbell, Phillip
Tiwanaku y Puma Punku: La historia y legado del lugar sagrado antiguo más famoso de América del Sur by Charles River
Tiwanaku y Puma Punku: La historia y legado del lugar sagrado antiguo más famoso de América del Sur by Charles River
The Saint and the Count: A Case Study for Reading Like a Historian by Shopkow, Leah
Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Pre-Modern World: Cultural-Historical, Social-Literary, and Theoretical Reflections by Classen, Albrecht
Herakleios, Der Schwitzende Kaiser: Die Oströmische Monarchie in Der Ausgehenden Spätantike by Viermann, Nadine
Early Britain-Roman Britain by Conybeare, John William Edward
The Year 1000: When Globalization Began by Hansen, Valerie
Long Live the King: The Mysterious Fate of Edward II by Warner, Kathryn
The Archaeology and Material Culture of Queenship in Medieval Hungary, 1000-1395 by Mielke, Christopher
Erasmus on Literature: His Ratio or 'System' of 1518/1519 by
Samuel Wesley and the Crisis of Tory Piety, 1685-1720 by Gibson, William
Rosicrucian Magic: A Reader on Becoming Alike to the Angelic Mind by Acher, Frater
Schwabstedt und die Bischoefe von Schleswig (1268-1705): Beitraege zur Geschichte der bischoeflichen Burg und Residenz an der Treene by
Die ersten Jakobuspilger aus Deutschland im 11. Jh. n. Chr.: Welche Ziele verfolgten Paulina von Paulinzella und Siegfried I. von Mainz mit ihren Wall by Puhze, Yannick
Der Einfluss der Kirche auf das Hinrichtungsritual im Spätmittelalter. Von Gerson bis zur Carolina by Sammel, Tim
Die Stellung der Juden in der Gesellschaft der Frühen Neuzeit by Flieger, Cheyenne
Ein Leben für die Gunst der Obrigkeit? Der Aufstieg des Mayer Amschel Rothschild by Muno, Till
Thou Art the Man: The Masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages by Karras, Ruth Mazo
The Book of Geoffroi de Charny: With the Livre Charny by Wilson, Ian
The Ring and the Book: screenplay adaptation of the Robert Browning poem: Creating from the Unconscious Companion Edition by Janeti, Joseph
Codex Epistolaris Carolinus: Letters from the Popes to the Frankish Rulers, 739-791 by McKitterick, Rosamond, Pollard, Richard Matthew, Espelo, Dorine Van
Die Aussageabsichten der Stiftungseinträge im "Liber Pontificalis". Eine Diskussion verschiedener Thesen by Anonymous
Four Shakespearean Period Pieces by de Grazia, Margreta
Papst Gregor VII. und sein Platz im "Investiturstreit": Die Kirchenreform im 11. Jahrhundert by Anonymous
Byzantine Religious Law in Medieval Italy by Morton, James
The Birth of Modern Belief: Faith and Judgment from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment by Shagan, Ethan H.
Rebel Angels: Space and Sovereignty in Anglo-Saxon England by Fitzgerald, Jill
Quakers, Christ, and the Enlightenment by
Humanism: Foundations, Diversities, Developments by Rüsen, Jörn
The Medieval Dagger by Windsor, Guy
Carlomagno: Una guía fascinante sobre el mayor monarca del Imperio carolingio y cómo gobernó sobre francos, lombardos y romanos by History, Captivating
Carlomagno: Una guía fascinante sobre el mayor monarca del Imperio carolingio y cómo gobernó sobre francos, lombardos y romanos by History, Captivating
Disknowledge: Literature, Alchemy, and the End of Humanism in Renaissance England by Eggert, Katherine
Strange Tales of Scotland: Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Strange, Jack
Strange Tales of Scotland: Large Print Hardcover Edition (Large Print Edition) by Strange, Jack
It's A Strange Place, England (Large Print Edition) by Strange, Jack
It's A Strange Place, England (Large Print Edition) by Strange, Jack
It's A Strange Place, England by Strange, Jack
It's A Strange Place, England by Strange, Jack
It's A Strange Place, England by Strange, Jack
Strange Tales of Scotland by Strange, Jack
The Strangeness That Is Wales: Large Print Hardcover Edition (Large Print Edition) by Strange, Jack
Portugalete (Bizkaia) a finales de la Edad Media: La documentación del Registro General del Sello del Archivo General de Simancas (1476-1499) by Rodríguez Lajusticia, Francisco Saulo
Migration Im Karolingischen Italien: Herrschaft, Sozialverhältnisse in Lucca Und Das Schreiben Über Gruppen by Predatsch, Paul
Thomas Middleton and the Plural Politics of Jacobean Drama by Kaethler, Mark
A Companion to the Global Renaissance: Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion, 1500-1700 by
Environment and Habitation Around the Ancient Black Sea by
Die Heiligenenkomien Des Nikolaos Kabasilas: Einleitung Und Kritische Edition by Hadjiafxenti, Christina
Never Greater Slaughter: Brunanburh and the Birth of England by Livingston, Michael
Machines of the Mind: Personification in Medieval Literature by Breen, Katharine
The Old English and Anglo-Latin Riddle Tradition by
Friedrich Barbarossa und seine Gegner im Konflikt um die lombardischen Städte by Rasche, Ullrich Michael
Four Shakespearean Period Pieces by de Grazia, Margreta
Same-Sex Marriage in Renaissance Rome by Ferguson, Gary
Lepanto and Beyond: Images of Religious Alterity from Genoa and the Christian Mediterranean by
Tsar's Happy Occasion: Ritual and Dynasty in the Weddings of Russia's Rulers, 1495-1745 by Martin, Russell E.
History with a Grain of Salt: Book Five: Recent Times by Singer, Zeno
The Lacys of Limerick: An Irish history of the de Lacy family by Lacy, Roy a.
A History of Britain Before 1066: Volume 2--The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: 410 A.D.-802 A.D. by Oman, Charles
The World We Have Lost by Laslett, Peter
The World We Have Lost by Laslett, Peter
A History of Britain Before 1066: Volume 2--The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: 410 A.D.-802 A.D. by Oman, Charles
Britain and its Neighbours: Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by
Britain and its Neighbours: Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by
Dorestad and Its Networks: Communities, Contact and Conflict in Early Medieval Europe by
The Ilkhanids in Anatolia: Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Medieval Period, Symposium Proceedings by
Dorestad and Its Networks: Communities, Contact and Conflict in Early Medieval Europe by
Est Insolitum Inquirere Taliter: Latin and German Documents from Heinricus Institoris's Witch Hunts in Ravensburg and Innsbruck by S. MacKay, Christopher
Elionor of Sicily, 1325-1375: A Mediterranean Queen of Two Worlds by Kagay, Donald J.
Deutungsmöglichkeiten von Wunderzeichen in der Frühen Neuzeit. Versuch einer Kategorisierung by König, Marie
The Crown Pleas of the Suffolk Eyre of 1240 by
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the National Archives XXXV: 1 Edward V to Richard III (1483-1485) by
Queenship at the Renaissance Courts of Britain: Catherine of Aragon and Margaret Tudor, 1503-1533 by Beer, Michelle L.
Illegitimacy in Medieval Scotland, 1100-1500 by Marshall, Susan
Beowulf - Imperium Press (Western Canon) by Maclear, Aidan, Anonymous
Altnordisch 1: Die Sprache der Wikinger, Runen und isländischen Sagas by Byock, Jesse L.
Maximi et minimi: Comunidades rurales, diferenciación social y poder feudal en León (siglos X y XI) by Godoy, Analía
Violence and Risk in Medieval Iceland: This Spattered Isle by Falk, Oren
Augustine and Time by
To Savor the Meaning: The Theology of Literary Emotions in Medieval Kashmir by Reich, James D.
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance by Devun, Leah
The Norman Conquest in English History: Volume I: A Broken Chain? by Garnett, George
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance by Devun, Leah
Les Vikings by Bouet, Damien
Le Costume Médiéval: de 1320 À 1480 by Véniel, Florent
Queens, Eunuchs and Concubines in Islamic History, 661-1257 by El-Azhari, Taef
Making Mongol History: Rashid Al-Din and the Jamiʿ Al-Tawarikh by Kamola, Stefan
L'empire du Songhay (1464-1591): Diversité et tolérance ethnique en Afrique de l'Ouest médiévale by Ba, Amadou
England's Rise to Greatness, 1660-1763: Volume 7 by
England's Rise to Greatness, 1660-1763: Volume 7 by
Iberian Moorings: Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the Tropes of Exceptionalism by Brann, Ross
Conversations About History, Volume 2 by Burton, Howard
Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 2 by Burton, Howard
Hæstingas: A retelling of the valiant fall of England in verse by Moffett, James
Reinarás después de muerta by de Frutos, Javier
JLS 89 The Use of Hereford: A Medieval Diocesan Rite Reconsidered by Smith, William
The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian by
Refusing to Kiss the Slipper: Opposition to Calvinism in the Francophone Reformation by Bruening, Michael W.
Justice and Mercy: Moral Theology and the Exercise of Law in Twelfth-Century England by Byrne, Philippa
British Battles 493-937: Mount Badon to Brunanburh by Breeze, Andrew
Rethinking Norman Italy: Studies in Honour of Graham A. Loud by
Emotional Monasticism: Affective Piety in the Eleventh-Century Monastery of John of Fécamp by Mancia, Lauren
Historical Replica Constructions In Wood And Metal: Vikings: Volume 1 by Robinson, Wayne, Joyce, Shannon, Wyley, Stephen (Sven)
The Remaking of the Medieval World, 1204: The Fourth Crusade by Lincoln, Kyle C., Giebfried, John J.
Die Goldene Horde. Soziokulturelle Auswirkungen auf die mittelalterliche Rus und das gegenwärtige Russland by Braun, Anastasia
The Sermons and Liturgy of Saint James: Book I of the Liber Sancti Jacobi by
The Sermons and Liturgy of Saint James: Book I of the Liber Sancti Jacobi by Dunn, Maryjane
Das Reisekönigtum während der Herrschaft Maximilian I. im Hinblick auf das Jahr 1493 by Flieger, Cheyenne
The Middle Ages for Kids through the lives of kings, heroes, and saints by Fet, Catherine
The Venetian Bride: Bloodlines and Blood Feuds in Venice and Its Empire by Fortini Brown, Patricia
L'homme armé.: Expériences de la guerre et du combat en Castille au XVe siècle by Baloup, Daniel
Vergleich der Ordensgründer Ignatius von Loyola und Hieronymus Aemiliani. Weshalb haben sich ihre Orden nicht vereint? by Stumpf, Jonathan
The Middle Ages: A Graphic History by Janega, Eleanor
Invisible Enlighteners: The Jewish Merchants of Modena, from the Renaissance to the Emancipation by Francesconi, Federica
Prostitution in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: The Dark Side of Sex and Love in the Premodern Era by Classen, Albrecht
European Thought and Culture, 1350-1992: Burdens of Knowing by Sauter, Michael J.
European Thought and Culture, 1350-1992: Burdens of Knowing by Sauter, Michael J.
Hypatia by Ronchey, Silvia
Hungary Between Two Empires 1526-1711 by Pálffy, Géza
Hungary Between Two Empires 1526-1711 by Pálffy, Géza
Geography and Religious Knowledge in the Medieval World by
Bibliophilos: Books and Learning in the Byzantine World by
King and Emperor: A New Life of Charlemagne by Nelson, Janet L.
Das Massaker vom 20. September 1565 in Florida. Vergleich der Berichte von Gonzalo Solís de Merás und Nicolas Le Challeux by Zeimet, Ayline
A República de Veneza: a história do Império Veneziano e sua influência no Mediterrâneo by Charles River
A República de Veneza: a história do Império Veneziano e sua influência no Mediterrâneo by Charles River
Everyday Political Objects: From the Middle Ages to the Contemporary World by
The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300-525 CE by Fleming, Robin
Prostitution and Subjectivity in Late Medieval Germany by Page, Jamie
Heraldic Hierarchies: Identity, Status and State Intervention in Early Modern Heraldry by
The Brothers York: A Royal Tragedy by Penn, Thomas
The Kharijites in Early Islamic Historical Tradition: Heroes and Villains by Hagemann, Hannah-Lena
Close Fire and European Order XVII: Warfare in 17th Century Europe by Macdowall, Simon
Countdown to Victory by Turner, Barry
The Szekler Nation and Medieval Hungary: Politics, Law and Identity on the Frontier by Kalnoky, Nathalie
A Short History of the Normans by Hicks, Leonie V.
Frisians of the Early Middle Ages by
Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XIX by
Popular Memory and Gender in Medieval England: Men, Women, and Testimony in the Church Courts, C.1200-1500 by Kane, Bronach
Ports in the Medieval European Atlantic: Shipping, Transport and Labour by
Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History by Porck, Thijs
Shoeless: Carmelite Spirituality in a Disquieted World by Wallenfang, Megan, Wallenfang, Donald
Shoeless: Carmelite Spirituality in a Disquieted World by Wallenfang, Donald, Wallenfang, Megan
Our Troth: Heathen Gods by
Our Troth: Heathen Gods by
Fontes Minores XIII by
Medieval People by Power, Eileen
Medieval People by Power, Eileen
Repent or Die!: GREAT BATTLES OF THE RENAISSANCE Volume I by Granillo, Manny, Butler, William
Insights Into Social Inequality: A Quantitative Study of Neolithic to Early Medieval Societies in Southwest Germany by Grossmann, Ralph
Insights Into Social Inequality: A Quantitative Study of Neolithic to Early Medieval Societies in Southwest Germany by Grossmann, Ralph
Anglo-Norman Studies XLIII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2020 by
A Companion to the Song of Songs in the History of Spirituality by
Malitia temporis?: Personas, gobierno y entorno de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalén en Navarra medieval by Dulska, Anna K.
The Worlds of Medieval Europe by Backman, Clifford R.
The Usurper King: The Fall of Richard II and the Rise of Henry of Bolingbroke, 1366-99 by Bruce, Marie Louise
John Fisher's Court Sermons: Preaching for Lady Margaret, 1507-1509 by
Iconoclasm by Freedberg, David
The Later Middle Ages by
Joan of Arc and Christine de Pizan's Ditié by Green, Karen
The Later Middle Ages by
The Normans and the 'Norman Edge': Peoples, Polities and Identities on the Frontiers of Medieval Europe by
Civic Medicine: Physician, Polity, and Pen in Early Modern Europe by
Engaging Transculturality: Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies by
Florence After the Medici: Tuscan Enlightenment, 1737-1790 by
Spain and the Irish Mission, 1609-1707 by Bravo Lozano, Cristina
Religious Tolerance from Renaissance to Enlightenment: Atheist's Progress by MacPhail, Eric
Machiavelli and Political Conspiracies: The Struggle for Power in the Italian Renaissance by Campi, Alessandro
Bede and Time: Computus, Theology and History in the Early Medieval World by Maccarron, Máirín
The Dance of Death in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Environmental Stress, Mortality and Social Response by
Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: Perceptions, Encounters, and Clashes by Berto, Luigi Andrea
Early Medieval Text and Image Volume 1: The Insular Gospel Books by O'Reilly, Jennifer
Pastoral Care in Medieval England: Interdisciplinary Approaches by
The Countryside Of Hospitaller Rhodes 1306-1423: Original Texts And English Summaries by Luttrell, Anthony, O'Malley, Greg
The Social Fabric of Fifteenth-Century Florence: Identities and Change in the World of Second-Hand Dealers by Meneghin, Alessia
Francesco Robortello (1516-1567): Architectural Genius of the Humanities by Sgarbi, Marco
Roman Tales: A Reader's Guide to the Art of Microhistory by Cohen, Thomas V.
The Revolt of Snowballs: Murano Confronts Venice, 1511 by Judde de Larivière, Claire
Nordic Elites in Transformation, C. 1050-1250, Volume I: Material Resources by
The Crusades in the Modern World: Engaging the Crusades, Volume Two by
Arianism by Dunn, Marilyn
Bad Christians, New Spains: Muslims, Catholics, and Native Americans in a Mediterratlantic World by Hamann, Byron Ellsworth
The Routledge History of Medieval Magic by Rider, Catherine, Page, Sophie
Wie sah die Machtstellung des Papsttums zur Zeit der römischen Kommune aus? by Dehmel, Dominic
Global Medieval Contexts 500 - 1500: Connections and Comparisons by Davis-Secord, Sarah, Klimek, Kimberly, Troyer, Pamela
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