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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2022

Les Trouvailles Merovingiennes d'Alsace Vol. 2: Bas Rhin by Frey, Anette
The Fall of Christendom: The Road to Acre 1291 by Bartlett, W. B.
Defense of the Faith: Scholastics of the High Middle Ages by Anselm
La Historia de las Ocho Cruzadas 1095-1272: Libro 1 - La Cruzada de Pedro el Ermitaño by Matrecano, David S.
Thirty Years' War: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Medieval History of India by Singh, Abhinav
Prostitution in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt. Leben und arbeiten im spätmittelalterlichen Frauenhaus by Pelzmann, Anja
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Magdeburg. Das Bistum Naumburg 2. Das Domstift Naumburg by Ludwig, Matthias
Dante: A Life by Barbero, Alessandro
A Soldiers' Chronicle of the Hundred Years War: College of Arms Manuscript M 9 by Curry, Anne, Ambühl, Rémy
On Pestilence: A Renaissance Treatise on Plague by Mercuriale, Girolamo
Animals and Sacred Bodies in Early Medieval Ireland: Religion and Urbanism at Clonmacnoise by Soderberg, John
On Pestilence: A Renaissance Treatise on Plague by Mercuriale, Girolamo
Natural Law Republicanism: Cicero's Liberal Legacy by Hawley, Michael C.
Chaucer's Queens: Royal Women, Intercession, and Patronage in England, 1328-1394 by Tingle, Louise
Social Rights and the Politics of Obligation in History by
Judentum und Christentum im Westgotenreich von Toledo. Ein Zusammenleben zwischen Konfrontation und Faszination by Selzer, Bela
A Poetry of Things: The Material Lyric in Habsburg Spain by Barnard, Mary E.
Fiction, Memory, and Identity in the Cult of St. Maurus, 830-1270 by Wickstrom, John B.
Reformation England 1480-1642 by Marshall, Peter
Richard von Cornwall. Königswahlen und Kaisererhebung vom ostfränkischen Reich bis zur Doppelwahl 1256: Warum konnte Richard von Cornwall zum römisch- by Sarich, Paul
The Autobiography of Sir Götz von Berlichingen by Von Berlichingen, Götz
Custom, Law, and Monarchy: A Legal History of Early Modern France by Kim, Marie Seong-Hak
Immortal Latin by Martin, Marie-Madeleine
The Council of Ephesus of 431: Documents and Proceedings by Price, Richard
Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance: Trecento Historians of the Mezzogiorno by Musto, Ronald G.
The Medieval Islamic Republic of Letters: Arabic Knowledge Construction by Al-Musawi, Muhsin J.
Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages: Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past by Ali, Samer M.
What Is a Book?: The Study of Early Printed Books by Dane, Joseph a.
Philippa of Hainault: Mother of the English Nation by Warner, Kathryn
Gregory the Great: Ascetic, Pastor, and First Man of Rome by Demacopoulos, George E.
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales by Willmott, Hugh
Trafficking with Demons: Magic, Ritual, and Gender from Late Antiquity to 1000 by Rampton, Martha
Die Menschenfresser-Kontroverse. Vespuccis Kannibalen-Reiseberichte aus der frühen Neuzeit: Kurzgefasste Planung zu einem Unterrichtsentwurf (Geschich by Anonym
Das Toleranzpatent Josephs II. als Teil der Aufklärungsbewegung. Analyse des Patents by Karl, Fiona
The Invention of Power: Popes, Kings, and the Birth of the West by Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce
Scottish Miscellany: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Scotland the Brave by Green, Jonathan
Historische Studien im Odenwald: 18 Untersuchungen von der Jungsteinzeit über fränkische Landnahme, Kolonisation der Klöster, Zenten, Bauernkrieg und by Kumpf, Gert Heinz
Swansea Miracle by Thomas, Ann Marie
Klara von Assisi. Kopie des Franziskus oder Frau mit reformativem Charakter und Ordensgründerin? by Albert, Simon
Immortal Latin by Martin, Marie-Madeleine
Roman Identity from the Arab Conquests to the Triumph of Orthodoxy by Whalin, Douglas
The Borgias by Strathern, Paul
Trace and Aura: The Recurring Lives of St. Ambrose of Milan by Boucheron, Patrick
Using Concepts in Medieval History: Perspectives on Britain and Ireland, 1100-1500 by
The Illusion of the Burgundian State by Lecuppre-Desjardin, Élodie
After the Black Death: Plague and Commemoration Among Iberian Jews by Einbinder, Susan L.
Commemorating Power in Early Medieval Saxony: Writing and Rewriting the Past at Gandersheim and Quedlinburg by Greer, Sarah
Die "Banderia Prutenorum" des Jan Dlugosz. Inwiefern kam es nach der Schlacht von Tannenberg im Jahre 1410 zwischen dem Deutschen Orden und Polen zu e by Weber, Tom
Perceptions of Medieval Manuscripts: The Phenomenal Book by Treharne, Elaine
A Briefe Historie of Wytches by Fraser, Zan
Onstage Violence in Sixteenth-Century French Tragedy: Performance, Ethics, Poetics by Meere, Michael
Making the Bible French: The Bible Historiale and the Medieval Lay Reader by Patterson, Jeanette
Playful Pictures: Art, Leisure, and Entertainment in the Venetian Renaissance Home by Henry, Chriscinda
Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England: The Separation of the Citizen from the Self by Hunter, Lynette
The Gaelic Background of Old English Poetry Before Bede by Ireland, Colin A.
Gesicht und Schrift by Benz, Maximilian
Culture and Ideology Under the Seleukids: Unframing a Dynasty by
The Draining of the Fens: Projectors, Popular Politics, and State Building in Early Modern England by Ash, Eric H.
A Chronology of Medieval British History: 1307-1485 by Venning, Timothy
A Chronology of Medieval British History: 1066-1307 by Venning, Timothy
Armies and Political Change in Britain, 1660-1750 by Smith, Hannah
Controversial Histories - Current Views on the Crusades: Engaging the Crusades, Volume Three by
Inquisition and Knowledge, 1200-1700 by
Robin Hood: Victory Through Defiance by Willis, Jim
The Templars, the Hospitallers and the Crusades: Essays in Homage to Alan J. Forey by
Political Thought in the Mamluk Period: The Unnecessary Caliphate by El-Merheb, Mohamad
Peasant Perceptions of Landscape: Ewelme Hundred, South Oxfordshire, 500-1650 by Brookes, Stuart, Mileson, Stephen
A History of Britain Before 1066: Volume 3-The Danish Wars, 796 A.D.-1066 A.D. by Oman, Charles
A History of Britain Before 1066: Volume 3-The Danish Wars, 796 A.D.-1066 A.D. by Oman, Charles
Die Revolution von 1525. Der Bauernkrieg und die Politisierung des gemeinen Mannes by Gutscher, Lucas
The Battle of Hastings: The Fall of the Anglo-Saxons and the Rise of the Normans by Bradbury, Jim
Early Modern Court Culture by
Early Modern Court Culture by
Erziehung und Bildung an der St. Galler Klosterschule des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts: Versuch der Rekonstruktion des mittelalterlichen klösterlichen Schu by Bett, Claudia
Common Culture and the Ideology of Difference in Medieval and Contemporary Poland by Pac, Teresa
Jan Pieterszoon Coen. Geschichtliches Wirken als Kaufmann, Schlächter und Empire Builder by Sofka, Mario
Diachronic Dialectology: New Methods and Case Studies in Medieval Norwegian by Blaxter, Tamsin S. T.
The Italian Wars: Volume 3 - Francis I and the Battle of Pavia 1525 by Alberici, Vincenzo, Predonzani, Massimo
International Law in Europe, 700-1200 by Benham, Jenny
The Tudor Socialite: A Social Calendar of Tudor Life by Knights, Jan-Marie
Tudor Roses: From Margaret Beaufort to Elizabeth I by Licence, Amy
The Audacious Crimes of Colonel Blood: The Spy Who Stole the Crown Jewels and Became the King's Secret Agent by Hutchinson, Robert
Medieval Arms and Armour: A Sourcebook. Volume I: The Fourteenth Century by
Lovell Our Dogge: The Life of Viscount Lovell, Closest Friend of Richard III and Failed Regicide by Schindler, Michèle
Inventing the Berbers: History and Ideology in the Maghrib by Rouighi, Ramzi
Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages by Donkin, Lucy
Montaigne Et l'Art Du Prologue Au Xvie Siecle by Tripet, Arnaud
Burgunderkriege und Marignano. Das Ende der Expansionspolitik und der Beginn der Neutralität der Alten Eidgenossenschaft?: Von den historischen Gegebe by Maienfisch, Jonas
Siena tra Repubblica e Granducato: Per studiare il ceto dirigente by Ascheri, Mario
Die Beziehungen Benvenuto Cellinis zu Herzog Cosimo I. und dessen Gemahlin Eleonora von Toledo. Eine ambivalente Beziehung? by Anonymous
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1 by Gibbon, Edward
The Experience of Neighbourhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by
Charters of Barking Abbey and Waltham Holy Cross by
The Lord Stewartby Collection of Scottish Coins at the Hunterian, University of Glasgow: Part I. James IV - James VI, 1488-1625 by MacKay, William A.
The Victoria History of the County of Oxford: Volume XX: The South Oxfordshire Chilterns: Caversham, Goring, and Area by
A Medieval Songbook: Trouvère MS C by
The Legacy of Gildas: Constructions of Authority in the Early Medieval West by Joyce, Stephen J.
Emotion and the History of Rhetoric in the Middle Ages by Copeland, Rita
Parliament and Convention in the Personal Rule of James V of Scotland, 1528-1542 by Blakeway, Amy
History of Universities: Volume XXXIV/2: Teaching Ethics in Early Modern Europe by
Jeanne d'Arc, Ou l'Héroïne Française. Tome 1 by Gottis-A
Der Ausbau des portugiesischen Kolonialreichs. Wie bauten die Portugiesen ihr Handelsimperium auf? by Schneider, Martin
Das Ältere Eutiner Stadtbuch (1469-1564): Quelle Der Administrativen Schriftlichkeit, Der Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Einer Spätmittelalterliche by Schwerdtfeger-Klaus, Alexander
Anne de France: Fille de Louis XI, duchesse de Bourbon by Cluzel, Jean
La Sorcière (Nouvelle Édition) (Éd.1878) by Michelet J
Cartulaire de Notre-Dame-Des-Ardents À Arras (Éd.1876) by Sans Auteur
Die Thüringer Grafenfehde 1342-1346. Der Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur wettinischen Vorherrschaft? by Hutschenreuter, Felix
The Dark Queens: The Bloody Rivalry That Forged the Medieval World by Puhak, Shelley
Die erste Weltumsegelung durch Sebastian del Cano und Ferdinand Magellan: Warum ist Cano in Vergessenheit geraten? by Galbas, Dennis
The Peasant War in Germany by Engels, Friedrich
A Cultural History of Peace in the Renaissance by
A Cultural History of Peace in the Medieval Age by
Conquered: The Last Children of Anglo-Saxon England by Parker, Eleanor
County and Nobility in Norman Italy: Aristocratic Agency in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1130-1189 by Fernández-Aceves, Hervin
Medieval Women and War: Female Roles in the Old French Tradition by Harwood, Sophie
World Medievalism: The Middle Ages in Modern Textual Culture by D'Arcens, Louise
Medieval Animals on the Move: Between Body and Mind by
World Medievalism: The Middle Ages in Modern Textual Culture by D'Arcens, Louise
Deception in Medieval Warfare: Trickery and Cunning in the Central Middle Ages by Titterton, James
The Wycliffite Old Testament Lectionary by
The Spaces of Renaissance Anatomy Theater by
Medieval Sovereignty by Latham, Andrew
Elite Women as Diplomatic Agents in Italy and Hungary, 1470-1510: Kinship and the Aragonese Dynastic Network by O'Leary, Jessica
Illuminating Metalwork: Metal, Object, and Image in Medieval Manuscripts by
Papal Overlordship and European Princes, 1000-1270 by Wiedemann, Benedict
The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70 by Montinaro, Federico, Price, Richard
Planning in the Early Medieval Landscape by Blair, John, Rippon, Stephen, Smart, Christopher
Dissimilar Similitudes: Devotional Objects in Late Medieval Europe by Bynum, Caroline Walker
Spectres of John Ball: The Peasants' Revolt in English Political History, 1381-2020 by Crossley, James
The Red Prince: The Life of John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster by Carr, Helen
Liturgische Poesie als historiographische Quelle. Darstellung des Ersten Kreuzzuges in auserwählten "piyyutim" von Ephraim ben Isaak von Regensburg by Bogeljic-Petersen, Marija
The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian by Edwards, Michael, Murphy, James J.
Hidden Cities: Urban Space, Geolocated Apps and Public History in Early Modern Europe by
Authorship, Worldview, and Identity in Medieval Europe by
Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages: From Muhammad to Dante by Frassetto, Michael
Spectres of John Ball: The Peasants' Revolt in English Political History, 1381-2020 by Crossley, James
Disease and Society in Premodern England by Theilmann, John
Disease and Society in Premodern England by Theilmann, John
Der Rheinische Städtebund von 1254/56. Motive, Ziele und Zerfall by Killat, Paul
Dante Alighieri nella Marca Trevigiana: e altri personaggi illustri del Trecento by Loydran, Gabriel Orson
Disfigurement: Life in Medieval Europe by
Armenfürsorge im Wandel. Sozialdisziplinierung am Beispiel der Armenfürsorge in der frühen Neuzeit by Gitt, Eduard
Il processo ai Templari: Dalla fama all'infamia. Da Gerusalemme ai roghi by Mazzucchelli, Alessandro
Trust and Distrust: Corruption in Office in Britain and Its Empire, 1600-1850 by Knights, Mark
The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages by Salisbury, Joyce E.
The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages by Salisbury, Joyce E.
Creativity, Contradictions and Commemoration in the Reign of Richard II: Essays in Honour of Nigel Saul by
Scandinavia in the Age of Vikings by Sigurdsson, Jon Vidar
Forged in the Shadow of Mars: Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Florence by Sposato, Peter W.
The Battle of Hastings by Bradbury, Jim
The Stained Glass of Herkenrode Abbey by Vanden Bemden, Yvette, Lecocq, Isabelle
Records of the Jesus Guild in St Paul's Cathedral, C.1450-1550: An Edition of Oxford, Bodleian MS Tanner 221, and Associated Material by
Scribal Cultures in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Linne R. Mooney by
Bishop ÆThelwold, His Followers, and Saints' Cults in Early Medieval England: Power, Belief, and Religious Reform by Hudson, Alison
Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft, and Diplomacy with Latin Europe by Krebs, Verena
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Konstanz 8. Die Konstanzer Bischöfe Von 1384 Bis 1434 by Arend, Sabine
Between Scholarship and Church Politics: The Lives of John Prideaux, 1578-1650 by Maddicott, John
Heirs of Flesh and Paper: A European History of Dynastic Knowledge Around 1700 by Tölle, Tom
Fibelausstattung und Lebensalter in der Merowingerzeit by Sorg, Marion
The Edge of Christendom on the Early Modern Stage by Hopkins, Lisa
Oxford: British Historic Towns Atlas - Volume VII by
Political Memory and the Constantinian Dynasty: Fashioning Disgrace by Usherwood, Rebecca
Poisoned Wells: Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422 by Barzilay, Tzafrir
Medieval Military Medicine: From the Vikings to the High Middle Ages by Burfield, Brian
London, 1100-1600: The Archaeology of a Capital City by Schofield, John
In the Cause of Humanity: A History of Humanitarian Intervention in the Long Nineteenth Century by Klose, Fabian
The Merovingian Kingdoms and the Mediterranean World: Revisiting the Sources by
The Darker Vision of the Renaissance: Beyond the Fields of Reason by
A New World in a Small Place: Church and Religion in the Diocese of Rieti, 1188-1378 by Brentano, Robert
A New World in a Small Place: Church and Religion in the Diocese of Rieti, 1188-1378 by Brentano, Robert
The City on the Thames by Jenkins, Simon
Popular Protest and Ideals of Democracy in Late Renaissance Italy by Cohn Jr, Samuel K.
I Medici: Il Potere Di Una Dinastia by Ricciardelli, Fabrizio
Medievalia Et Humanistica, No. 47: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture: New Series by
Pagans in the Early Modern Baltic: Sixteenth-Century Ethnographic Accounts of Baltic Paganism by
Medieval England: An Enthralling Overview of the English Middle Ages by History, Enthralling
Leading the Way to Heaven: Pastoral Care and Salvation in the Carolingian Period by Van Rhijn, Carine
Leading the Way to Heaven: Pastoral Care and Salvation in the Carolingian Period by Van Rhijn, Carine
Heinrich V. und die Staufer. Analyse des Verhältnisses by Düsterwald, Katharina
Heilseffizienz Aus Gemeinschaftssinn: Die Rosenkranzbruderschaft ALS Innovative Form Der Jenseitsvorsorge Um 1500 by Ranacher, Christian
The Medieval Postcolonial Jew, in and Out of Time by Krummel, Miriamne Ara
Die Ministerialität. Herausbildung und Bedeutung in der salischen und staufischen Monarchie by Horn, Christopher
Territoriality and the Early Medieval Landscape: The Countryside of the East Saxon Kingdom by Rippon, Stephen
The Madman and the Churchrobber: Law and Conflict in Early Modern England by Peacey, Jason
History, Scripture, and Authority in the Carolingian Empire: Frechulf of Lisieux by Ward, Graeme
Nobles and Nobilities of Europe, Vol I: A History of Structures, Law and Institutions by Sayer, Michael
Nobles and Nobilities of Europe, Vol IV: A History of Structures, Law and Institutions by Sayer, Michael
Nobles and Nobilities of Europe, Vol II: A History of Structures, Law and Institutions by Sayer, Michael
Nobles and Nobilities of Europe, Vol III: A History of Structures, Law and Institutions by Sayer, Michael
A Cultural History of Theatre in the Middle Ages by
Policeyordnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts. Gemeinnutz oder Eigennutz? by Hutschenreuter, Felix
Konrad von Marburg und die Anfänge der Inquisition auf deutschem Boden by Hutschenreuter, Felix
Scipione Borghese als Kardinalnepot. Ein Überblick über Bewertung und Ansehen by Seidel, Richard
Los almogávares y la conquista de Atenas by Silva, Adrian
Daily Life of Women in Chaucer's England by Edwards, Jennifer C.
Old Stories and Contemporary Issues in Films about Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Idealistic Thinking, Sex, Lies, and Video Political Agendas by Berto, Luigi Andrea
Old Stories and Contemporary Issues in Films about Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Idealistic Thinking, Sex, Lies, and Video Political Agendas by Berto, Luigi Andrea
Raised from the Ruins: Monastic Houses After the Dissolution by Whitaker, Jane
Global Perspectives on Early Medieval England by
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