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Medieval & Renaissance History in 2024

L'Ultima Volonta: Giovanni Boccaccio, Il 'Decameron' E Il Codice Hamilton 90 by Nocita, Teresa
Leeds Medieval Studies Vol.2 by
Gutierre De Palma: Breue Reprehensorium ad Quosdam Fratres Religiosos by Gutierre, de Palma
Chypre, l'Ile Des Nations Chretiennes 1192-1473 by Fenoy, Laurent
Gutierre De Palma: Breue Reprehensorium ad Quosdam Fratres Religiosos by Gutierre, de Palma
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses: Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era by
The Oxford History of British and Irish Catholicism, Volume I: Endings and New Beginnings, 1530-1640 by
Mass Conversions to Christianity and Islam, 800-1100 by
A United Europe of Things: Portable Material Culture Across Medieval Europe by
Crusade, Settlement and Historical Writing in the Latin East and Latin West, C. 1100-C.1300 by
Bede: Commentary on the Gospel of Luke by Kendall, Calvin B., Wallis, Faith
The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us about Distraction by Kreiner, Jamie
How to Be a Renaissance Woman: The Untold History of Beauty & Female Creativity by Burke, Jill
The Mining Towns of the Bohemian Ore Mountains by Royt, Jan, Hrubá, Michaela, Simková, Tána
Medieval Mobilities: Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements by
Roger Bacon and the Incorruptible Human, 1220-1292: Alchemy, Pharmacology and the Desire to Prolong Life by Allen, Meagan S.
Contact Zones: Fur, Minerals, Milk, and Other Things by
Mit Sallust Geschichte Schreiben: Inter- Und Hypotextualität in Der Nachantiken Latinität by Bieritz, Carl-Friedrich
Mary, Mother of God: Devotion and Doctrine in the Visual Arts, 1450-1700 by
Grunwald and Orsha: The History and Legacy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's Most Decisive Battles by Charles River
Religious and Intellectual Diversity in the Islamicate World and Beyond Volume II: Essays in Honor of Sarah Stroumsa by
The Victorian Value "The Angel in the House" and its Implementation in Daily Life by Anonymous
Gesta Romanorum / The Deeds of the Romans: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World - A Journey Through Medieval Legends and Morals by Unknown
Gesta Romanorum / The Deeds of the Romans: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World - A Journey Through Medieval Legends and Morals by Unknown
Beards & Baldness in the Middle Ages: Three Texts by
Beards & Baldness in the Middle Ages: Three Texts by
Artemisia Gentileschi and Feminism in Early Modern Europe by Garrard, Mary D.
The Mabinogion. Mabinogion: Four Branches of the Mabinogi. "Cztery galęzie" Mabinogi by Sarwa, Andrzej, Guest, Charlotte
Lordship and Locality in the Long Twelfth Century by Boston, H. C.
The Medicine of the Friars in Medieval England by Jones, Peter Murray
Christian Images and Their Jewish Desecrators: The History of an Allegation, 400-1700 by Aron-Beller, Katherine
The Exile's Cookbook: Medieval Gastronomic Treasures from Al-Andalus and North Africa by Ibn Razain Al-Tujaibbaooi
Les Forets Princieres Dans Le Comte de Bourgogne Aux Xive Et Xve Siecles by Gresser, Pierre
Les Odes Spirituelles: Sur l'Air Des Chansons de CE Temps (1623) by Picardet, Anne
Perception and Awareness: Artefacts and Imageries in Medieval European Jewish Cultures by
Buried in the Borderlands: An Artefact Typology and Chronology for the Netherlands in the Early Medieval Period on the Basis of Funerary Archaeol by Van Tongeren, Tim
Critical Confessions Now by
Prophetic Futures by
Wie wurden zeremonielle Akte und Rituale während der Kaiserkrönung von Otto I. inszeniert? by Anonymous
The Renaissance and the Wider World by Ferraro, Joanne M.
Die Welt Des Evangeliars: Liesborner Abteigesprache Zur Kunst- Und Kulturgeschichte, Band 1 by
Tudor Networks of Power by Ahnert, Sebastian E., Ahnert, Ruth
Au Lit Au Moyen Age: Comment Et Avec Qui by Frugoni, Chiara
The Umayyad Empire by Marsham, Andrew
Die Rolle der Frauen im Handel und Handwerk des spätmittelalterlichen Lübecks by Anonymous
Jan Hus und die Kirchenreformation. Ketzer oder Reformator? by Anonymous
Women of the Anarchy by Bennett Connolly, Sharon
Medieval Christianity: A Captivating Guide to Christian History, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire through the Great Schism by History, Captivating
Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2 by
The Brewers' Book, Part 1, 1418-25: An Edition of the Minute Book of William Porlond, Clerk of the Brewers' Company by Metcalfe, Caroline Anne
Maratha Paintings by Deshmukh, Dr S. B.
Gunpowder Technology in the Fifteenth Century: A Study, Edition and Translation of the Firework Book by Müller, Axel
The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women's Roles in Society by Janega, Eleanor
Bad Chaucer: The Great Poet's Greatest Mistakes in the Canterbury Tales by Pugh, Tison
La solitude: de l'Europe à l'Amérique du Sud by Sarmiento, Favio
Instrument of Memory: Encounters with the Wandering Jew by Lampert-Weissig, Lisa
Latin Scientific Literature, 1450-1850 by Korenjak, Martin
Sultan Mehmed II: The 21-year-old Who Brought an End to the Roman Empire by Khan, Yusuf
Iberia Pontificia. Vol. VIII-IX: Dioeceses Secoviensis, Seguntina, Zamorensis by Sanchez, Santiago Dominguez, Berger, Daniel, Engel, Frank
Microstructures and Mobility in the Byzantine World by
Lauchheim IV: Die Graber Aus Der Siedlung Lauchheim 'Mittelhofen' by Hoke, Benjamin
King Arthur's Last Battle: Arthur's Death in America by Maccann, Robert
Sententiae in Quatuor Libris Distinctae: Vier Bucher Der Sentenzen by Lombardus, Petrus
Reveries in Italy: Essays and Poems by Collins, Jeffrey Hale
Heirs to Heresy: Faith & Fear by Bahr, Alan
The Invention of Power: Popes, Kings, and the Birth of the West by Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce
Coping with Life During the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) by Haude, Sigrun
Daily Life in Arthurian Britain by Shepherd, Deborah J.
A Bridge to the Sky: The Arts of Science in the Age of 'Abbas Ibn Firnas by Anderson, Glaire D.
Rethinking European Modernity: Reason, Power, and Coloniality in Early Modern Thought by Schelkshorn, Hans
What Is Medieval?: Decoding Approaches to the Medieval and Medievalism in the 21st Century by
Emotion and the History of Rhetoric in the Middle Ages by Copeland, Rita
Armies of the Crusaders, 1096-1291: History, Organization, Weapons and Equipment by Esposito, Gabriele
Forever In Our Hearts: Jamie's Journey by McLeod, Kathryn
Feminist Intersectionality: Centering the Margins in 21st-Century Medieval Studies by
Game of Thrones - A View from the Humanities Vol. 2: Heroes, Villains and Pulsions by
Die Kanzleisprache Ludwigs Des Bayern Im Europäischen Kontext: Mit Einer Ausstellung Von Urkunden Aus Dem Staatsarchiv Augsburg by
The Trial of Giordano Bruno by Maifreda, Germano
Crusade: The Uses of a Word from the Middle Ages to the Present by
Dante, Eschatology, and the Christian Tradition: Essays in Honor of Ronald B. Herzman by
An Introduction to Medieval History by Dymond, Dorothy
Bericht Der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission 101/102 (2020/2021) by Gebruder Mann Verlag
The Old Bulgaria Museum Collection / Стара България Му&#1079 by
The Voice of the People?: Political Participation Before the Revolutions by Blockmans, Wim
The Production of Knowledge of Normativity in the Age of the Printing Press: Martín de Azpilcueta's Manual de Confessores from a Global Perspective by
The Voice of the People?: Political Participation Before the Revolutions by Blockmans, Wim
Casa de Borja: Una fascinante guía sobre los Borja y sus enemistades con la familia Médicis, la dinastía Sforza y Girolamo Savonarola by History, Captivating
Distrust of Institutions in Early Modern Britain and America by Levack, Brian P.
Floral Culture and the Tudor and Stuart Courts by
Medieval Christianity: A Captivating Guide to Christian History, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire through the Great Schism by History, Captivating
Woden: A Historical Companion by Pollington, Stephen
Woden: A Historical Companion by Pollington, Stephen
Maternal Materialities: Objects, Rituals and Material Evidence of Medieval and Early Modern Childbirth by
Magnates and Merchants in Early Modern Kilkenny by
Global Trade and the Shaping of English Freedom by Pettigrew, William A.
Emperor John II Komnenos: Rebuilding New Rome 1118-1143 by Lau, Maximilian C. G.
The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70 by Price, Richard, Montinaro, Federico
Hitler's Ambitions Unleashing the Second World War": Hitler's Role in Igniting World War II" by Mage, Kitchen
The Logic of Hatred: From Witch Hunts to the Terror by Rogozinski, Jacob
The Reigns of Edmund, Eadred and Eadwig, 939-959: New Interpretations by
The Logic of Hatred: From Witch Hunts to the Terror by Rogozinski, Jacob
Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship by
Wild: Tales from Early Medieval Britain by Jeffs, Amy
Les Pratiques de la Grace Des Ducs Et Duchesses de Bourgogne by Beaulant, Rudi
Rene d'Anjou, Prince En Lorraine: Espace, Pouvoir Et Coutume Entre France Et Empire Au Xve Siecle by Dauphant, Leonard
Rene d'Anjou, Prince En Lorraine: Espace, Pouvoir Et Coutume Entre France Et Empire Au Xve Siecle by Dauphant, Leonard
Les Pratiques de la Grace Des Ducs Et Duchesses de Bourgogne by Beaulant, Rudi
Rising from the Ashes: Revolution of Europe's Phoenix: Transforming Traditions, Inspiring Tomorrow by Mage, Kitchen
William Worcester, the Boke of Noblesse and the English Texts from Its Codicil by
The Theologian and the Empire: A Biography of José de Acosta (1540-1600) by I. Prieto, Andrés
A Cultural History of Memory in the Middle Ages by
A Cultural History of Memory in the Early Modern Age by
A Cultural History of Democracy in the Renaissance by
Plato in Medieval England: Pagan, Scientist, Alchemist, Theologian by Jayne, Sears
Making of the Eastern Vikings: Rus' and Varangians in the Middle Ages by
The Renaissance of Feeling: Erasmus and Emotion by Essary, Kirk
How Divine Images Became Art: Essays on the Rediscovery, Study and Collecting of Medieval Icons in the Belle Époque by Tarasov, Oleg
The Lord Stewartby Collection of Scottish Coins at the Hunterian, University of Glasgow: Part II. Robert III - James III, 1390-1488 by MacKay, William A.
The Multifunctionality of a Medieval Hagiography: A Historical Case Study of the 'Gesta Et Passio' and the Making of the Danish Royal Saint Cnut (C. 1 by Fritz, Fiona
How Divine Images Became Art: Essays on the Rediscovery, Study and Collecting of Medieval Icons in the Belle Époque by Tarasov, Oleg
Making Empire: Ireland, Imperialism, and the Early Modern World by Ohlmeyer, Jane
English Episcopal ACTA 47: Bath and Wells 1275-1302 by
Journey Through Western Europe: Exploring the Threads of Tradition, Innovation, and Influence" by Mage, Kitchen
Shedding Light on the Age of Enlightenment: From Darkened Minds to Radiant Futures: Rediscovering the Age of Enlightenment by Mage, Kitchen
Legacy of the Treaty of Westphalia: How the Treaty of Westphalia Shaped the Modern World by Mage, Kitchen
Leeds Medieval Studies Vol.3 by
Die Stadt Der Ritter: Kriegerische Habitusformen Der Elite Der Spatmittelalterlichen Stadt Koln by Jansen, Markus
Kampfer Auf Dem Schlachtfeld - Kampfer in Den Texten: Schlachtenschilderungen in Den Historiografischen Quellen Des 14. Und Beginnenden 15. Jahrhunder by Wiedmaier, Helen
The Umayyad Empire by Marsham, Andrew
Saints, Cure-Seekers and Miraculous Healing in Twelfth-Century England by Salter, Ruth J.
Lost and Found: Locating Foundlings in the Early Modern World by
Synodalis Consonantia: Konziliengeschichte ALS Spiegelbild Kirchlicher Diskussionskultur by
Les Prieures de Saint-Victor de Paris (Xiie-Premiere Moitie Du Xvie Siecle): Implantation Et Fonctionnement d'Un Reseau Canonial Entre Senlis Et Orlea by Colaye-Rabiant, Julie
Global Revolution in Motion: The Global Revolution in Motion: Unleashing the Tide of Change by Mage, Kitchen
Medieval Eastern Europe, 500-1300: A Reader by
Loci Sepulcrales: Places of Memory and Burial in the Middle Ages by
Anthony Woodville: Sophisticate or Schemer? by Burton, Danielle
Performing Arguments: Debate in Early English Poetry and Drama by Giles-Watson, Maura
The Politics of Emotion: Love, Grief, and Madness in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia by Silleras-Fernandez, Nuria
Medieval Eastern Europe, 500-1300: A Reader by
Motive für die Wahl einer neuen Grablege bei den Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein (1327-1476) by Anonymous
Holy Enemies of Freedom: How Martin Luther Unleashed the Beast of Anti-Semitism by Deus, A. J.
Holy Enemies of Freedom by Deus, A. J.
Les villes du Moyen Âge: Essai d'histoire économique et sociale (Suivi de "Villes, marchés et marchands au moyen âge") by Pirenne, Henri
Karthago: Archäologische Stadtbiographie by Altekamp, Stefan
Siena: The Life and Afterlife of a Medieval City by Stevenson, Jane
The Deorhord: An Old English Bestiary by Videen, Hana
The Dreadful History and Judgement of God on Thomas Müntzer: The Life and Times of an Early German Revolutionary by Drummond, Andrew
Vikingos. Entre la historia y la leyenda by Forbus, Jason R.
Justice Et Societe Dans La Chatellenie de Bressuire (Xive-Xve Siecle) by Bonnaud, Muriel
Justice Et Societe Dans La Chatellenie de Bressuire (Xive-Xve Siecle) by Bonnaud, Muriel
In Den Schuhen Des Kaisers: Usurpationen Und Ihre Performanz Im Byzantinischen Reich (10.-12. Jahrhundert) by Heher, Dominik
Joan Martí de Figuerola: Works (1519-1521): Disputas. Lumbre de Fe Contra La Secta Mahomética Y El Alcorán. Volume 2 by Ruiz García, Elisa, F. Bernabé Pons, Luis
Heinrich VIII. und die Religion: Vom Verteidiger des Glaubens zum Oberhaupt seiner eigenen Kirche by Deike, Katrin
Die Sachsengeschichte von Widukind von Corvey als Beispiel für Geschichtsschreibung im Mittelalter: Die Frage nach Objektivität, Realität und Fiktion by Deike, Katrin
The Archaeology of War: Studies on Weapons of Barbarian Europe in the Roman and Migration Period by Kontny, Bartosz
Die nicht-tyrannische Darstellung Heinrichs des Löwen in der Chronik Ottos von Freising: Ein Indiz dafür, dass eine negative Kontrastierung zu Friedri by Anonymous
The Last Days of English Tangier: The Out-Letter Book of Governor Percy Kirke, 1681-1683 by
Joan Martí de Figuerola: Works (1519-1521): Disputas. Lumbre de Fe Contra La Secta Mahomética Y El Alcorán (2-Volume Set) by Ruiz García, Elisa, F. Bernabé Pons, Luis
From Asgard to Valhalla: The Remarkable History of the Norse Myths by O'Donoghue, Heather
Frankish Jerusalem by Gutgarts, Anna
La Piel del Oso by Ponce de León Y. Hueva, Javier
Pouvoir Et Solidarites d'Une Famille Seigneuriale: Le Parentat Lusignan Entre France, Iles Britanniques Et Orient Latin (Xe-Xive Siecles) by de Vasselot de Regne, Clement
The Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries by Walsh, James J.
Social Formations in the Ancient World: From Evolution of Humans to the Greek Civilisation by Kumar, Rakesh
Social Formations in the Ancient World: From Evolution of Humans to the Greek Civilisation by Kumar, Rakesh
The Register of Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincoln 1420-1431: III by
Catholic Spectacle and Rome's Jews: Early Modern Conversion and Resistance by Michelson, Emily
Weird Medieval Guys: How to Live, Laugh, Love (and Die) in Dark Times by Swarthout, Olivia
Cahiers de Recherches Medievales Et Humanistes - Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies 2023-2,46 by
Agir En Commun Dans Les Societes Du Haut Moyen Age by
Medieval Irish Architecture and the Concept of Romanesque: Building Traditions in Eleventh- And Twelfth-Century Europe by O'Keeffe, Tadhg
Rethinking Intentionality, Person and the Essence: Aquinas, Scotus, Stein by
The Killer of the Princes in the Tower: A New Suspect Revealed by Trow, M. J.
Zwischen ROM Und Mailand Liturgische Kircheneinrichtungen Des Mittelalters in Italien: Historische Kontexte Und Interdisziplinare Perspektiven by
Cities and Economy in Europe: Markets and Trade on the Margins from the Middle Ages to the Present by
The Oxford Handbook of Thomas More's Utopia by Shrank, Cathy, Withington, Phil
Cities and Economy in Europe: Markets and Trade on the Margins from the Middle Ages to the Present by
Gerald of Wales: On the Deeds of Gerald, de Gestis Giraldi by
Visages Du Cardinal: Construction Et Transformations de l'Identite Symbolique Et Materielle Du Cardinalat a la Fin Du Moyen Age Et Sous La by Roch, Antony
Regional Identities and Cultures of Medieval Jews by
The Middle Dutch Brut: An Edition and Translation by Levelt, Sjoerd
Family and Feuding at the Court of James I: The Lake and Cecil Scandals by Luthman, Johanna
Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty by
Les Empires Berbères: Constructions Et Déconstructions d'Un Objet Historiographique by Ghouirgate, Mehdi
Changes of Monarchical Rule in the Late Middle Ages / Monarchische Herrschaftswechsel Des Spätmittelalters: Negotiations - Actors - Ambivalences / Aus by
Enigma in Rus and Medieval Slavic Cultures by
Alejandro Magno: Una apasionante guía sobre el surgimiento del Imperio macedonio, su gobernante y sus conquistas by Wellman, Billy
Agents Without Empire: Mobility and Race-Making in Sixteenth-Century France by Szabari, Antónia
Translating Faith: Ethiopian Pilgrims in Renaissance Rome by Kelly, Samantha
Deception in Medieval Warfare: Trickery and Cunning in the Central Middle Ages by Titterton, James
Early Speculative Bubbles & Increases In The Supply of Money: 4th Expanded Edition by French, Douglas E.
Agents Without Empire: Mobility and Race-Making in Sixteenth-Century France by Szabari, Antónia
A Companion to the Environmental History of Byzantium by
Archaeology of Body and Thought: From the Neolithic to the Beginning of the Middle Ages by Gralak, Tomasz
Temptation Transformed: The Story of How the Forbidden Fruit Became an Apple by Yadin-Israel, Azzan
The Freemasons: Unveiling the Mysteries of Freemasonry (2024) by Welch, Alison
The Illuminati: Unveiling the Secrets of the Illuminati (2024) by Stone, Muriel
Estatutos de la Franco-Masonería de los Caballeros Elegidos Coëns: Según el manuscrito original de 1767 by de Pasqually, Martinès
Regesten Zu Den Briefregistern Des Deutschen Ordens IV: Der Ordensfoliant 13 by
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