• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Men's Studies in 2001

Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men by Gartner, Richard B.
Men without Women: Masculinity and Revolution in Russian Fiction, 1917-1929 by Borenstein, Eliot
The Bear Book II: Further Readings in the History and Evolution of a Gay Male Subculture by Wright, Les
The Bear Book II: Further Readings in the History and Evolution of a Gay Male Subculture by Wright, Les
Studs, Tools, and the Family Jewels: Metaphors Men Live by by Murphy, Peter F.
Studs, Tools, and the Family Jewels: Metaphors Men Live By by Murphy, Peter F.
Dandies: Fashion and Finesse in Art and Culture by
Dandies: Fashion and Finesse in Art and Culture by
The Men and the Boys by Connell, R. W.
Manliness and Militarism: Educating Young Boys in Ontario for War by Moss, Mark
Family Men: Middle-Class Fatherhood in Industrializing America by Johansen, Shawn
Pregnant Man: How Nature Makes Fathers Out of Men by Churchwell, Gordon
Masculinity: Identity, Conflict, and Transformation by Steinberg, Warren
The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man by Von Franz, Marie-Louise
Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture by
American Sympathy: Men, Friendship, and Literature in the New Nation by Crain, Caleb
Rum, Sodomy and the Lash: Piracy, Sexuality, and Masculine Identity by Turley, Hans
Men at Work: Labour, Masculinities, Development by
A Question of Manhood: A Reader in U.S. Black Men's History and Masculinity by
Chinese American Masculinities: From Fu Manchu to Bruce Lee by Chan, Jachinson
The Graffiti Subculture: Youth, Masculinity and Identity in London and New York by MacDonald, N.
Man the Species: Almost Extinct: The Search for a New Paradigm by Bellinson, Leonard E.
Boys and Their Toys?: Masculinity, Technology, and Class in America by
What's Not to Love?: The Adventures of a Mildly Perverted Young Writer by Ames, Jonathan
What about the Boys? by Martino
Making Sense of Men's Magazines by Jackson, Peter, Stevenson, Nick, Brooks, Kate
The Lonely Guy and the Slightly Older Guy by Friedman, Bruce Jay
Resilient Widowers: Older Men Speak for Themselves by Moore, Alinde, Stratton, Dorothy
Traps by
Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities by Whannel, Garry
Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities by Whannel, Garry
Playboys in Paradise: Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-Style in Modern America by Osgerby, Bill
Average Single Male: (Asm) Uncovered by Parker, James
The Seasons of Masculinity by McMillan, Anthony B.
Playboys in Paradise: Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-Style in Modern America by Osgerby, Bill
Russian Masculinities in History and Culture by
The Masculinities Reader by