• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Men's Studies in 2004

The Male in the Head: Young People, Heterosexuality and Power by Holland, Janet, Holland, J., Ramazanoglu, C.
The Male Body at War: American Masculinity During World War II by Jarvis, Christina
The Promise Keepers: Servants, Soldiers, and Godly Men by Bartkowski, John P.
Knights Without Armor by Kipnis, Aaron
Victorian Demons: Medicine, Masculinity, and the Gothic at the Fin-De-Siècle by Smith, Andrew
Beyond the Latin Lover: Marcello Mastroianni, Masculinity, and Italian Cinema by Reich, Jacqueline
Masculinities in Politics and War: Gendering Modern History by
Manliness and Its Discontents: The Black Middle Class and the Transformation of Masculinity, 1900-1930 by Summers, Martin
Sex, Men, and Babies: Stories of Awareness and Responsibility by Hutchinson, Sally, Marsiglio, William
All That Makes a Man: Love and Ambition in the Civil War South by Berry, Stephen W.
Talking Cock by Herring, Richard
Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old South by
Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities by
Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods: An Exploration Into the Religious Significance of Male Homosexuality in World Perspective by Long, Ronald
Hunters Beware by George
Saggin', Survivin', Soarin': The Guide to Achieving True Manhood in the Hip Hop Era by Man of Hip Hop, The Wise
Eco-Man: New Perspectives on Masculinity and Nature by Allister, Mark
Eco-Man: New Perspectives on Masculinity and Nature by Allister, Mark
Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times Part Three by Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper
Feminism and Masculinities by
A Companion to Gender Studies by
Men in Groups by
Men and the Language of Emotions by Galasinski, D.
Men and the Language of Emotions by Galasinski, D.
Gender Equality and Men: Learning from Practice by Ruxton, Sandy