• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Men's Studies in 2011

Fat Boys: A Slim Book by Gilman, Sander L.
The Achilles Heel Reader (Routledge Revivals): Men, Sexual Politics and Socialism by
Black Manhood and Community Building in North Carolina, 1900?1930 by Hornsby-Gutting, Angela
New Men: Manliness in Early America by
New Men: Manliness in Early America by
The Male Brain: A Breakthrough Understanding of How Men and Boys Think by Brizendine, Louann
The Societal Evolution of Male Stereotypes: Gender Bashing of Men in America by Lowrance, James M.
When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity by
Counterblast: 1954 Facsimile by McLuhan, Marshall, Gordon, W. Terrence
The Achilles Effect: What Pop Culture is Teaching Young Boys about Masculinity by Smith, Crystal
The Achilles Effect: What Pop Culture Is Teaching Young Boys about Masculinity by Smith, Crystal
Gender-Class Equality in Political Economies by Prince Cooke, Lynn
The Media and the Models of Masculinity by Moss, Mark
American Menswear: From the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century by Hill, Daniel Delis
Performing American Masculinities: The 21st-Century Man in Popular Culture by
Knockout: The Boxer and Boxing in American Cinema by Grindon, Leger
Can Men Be Rational? by Russell, Bertrand
Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy by Smeeding, Timothy, Garfinkel, Irwin, Mincy, Ronald B.
The Grumpy Old Git's Guide to Life by Tibballs, Geoff
Masculinity in the Black Imagination: Politics of Communicating Race and Manhood by Jackson, Ron, II
Masculinity, Senses, Spirit by
There When He Needs You: How to Be an Available, Involved, and Emotionally Connected Father to Your Son by Bernstein, Neil I.
Inclusive Masculinity: The Changing Nature of Masculinities by Anderson, Eric
What Is Masculinity?: Historical Dynamics from Antiquity to the Contemporary World by
If We Must Die: From Bigger Thomas to Biggie Smalls by Ellis, Aime J.
Men and Development: Politicizing Masculinities by
Men and Development: Politicizing Masculinities by
Masculinity and Film Performance: Male Angst in Contemporary American Cinema by Peberdy, D.
Masculinity and Film Performance: Male Angst in Contemporary American Cinema by Peberdy, D.
Reconnecting, Redirecting, and Redefining 21st Century Males by Holliday, H. E.
Reconnecting, Redirecting, and Redefining 21st Century Males by Holliday, H. E.
Invisible No More: Understanding the Disenfranchisement of Latino Men and Boys by
Invisible No More: Understanding the Disenfranchisement of Latino Men and Boys by
Of Muscles and Men: Essays on the Sword and Sandal Film by
Men and Masculinities Around the World: Transforming Men's Practices by
Masculine Style: The American West and Literary Modernism by Worden, D.
Masculine Style: The American West and Literary Modernism by Worden, D.
Men and Masculinities Around the World: Transforming Men's Practices by
Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription, and War in Post-Soviet Russia by Eichler, Maya
Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription, and War in Post-Soviet Russia by Eichler, Maya
The Art of Manliness Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues by McKay, Brett, McKay, Kate
Brothers of a Vow: Secret Fraternal Orders and the Transformation of White Male Culture in Antebellum Virginia by Pflugrad-Jackisch, Ami
Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement, 1890-1918 by MacDonald, Robert
Thinking Men: Masculinity and its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition by
The Gender of Sexuality: Exploring Sexual Possibilities by Rutter, Virginia, Schwartz, Pepper
Morality and Masculinity in the Carolingian Empire by Stone, Rachel
The Sex of Men in Premodern Europe: A Cultural History by Simons, Patricia
Constructions of Masculinity in British Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present by
Constructions of Masculinity in British Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present by
Contemporary Hollywood Masculinities: Gender, Genre, and Politics by Krimmer, Elisabeth, Kord, Susanne
Asian Masculinities: The Meaning and Practice of Manhood in China and Japan by