• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mexican History in 1997

Public Men and Virtuous Women: The Gendered Languages of Religion and Politics in Upper Canada, 1791-1850 by Morgan, Cecilia
Democracy Within Reason: Technocratic Revolution in Mexico by Centeno, Miguel Angel
Texas and Northeastern Mexico, 1630-1690 by Chapa, Juan Bautista
The Mexican Right: The End of Revolutionary Reform, 1929-1940 by Sherman, John W.
The Secret History of Gender: Women, Men, and Power in Late Colonial Mexico by Stern, Steve J.
Soldiers of Misfortune: The Somervell and Mier Expeditions by Haynes, Sam W.
The Mexican National Army by Depalo, Willam A., Depalo, William a.
Teotihuacan: An Experiment in Living by Pasztory, Esther
The Cities of Ancient Mexico: Reconstructing a Lost World by Sabloff, Jeremy A.
Wandering Peoples: Colonialism, Ethnic Spaces, and Ecological Frontiers in Northwestern Mexico, 1700-1850 by Radding, Cynthia
Mexican Postcards by Monsivais, Carlos
The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy, and the War Against Time by Sullivan, William
Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladora: Life Histories of Women Workers in Tijuana by Iglesias Prieto, Norma
Maya Revolt and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century by Patch, Robert W.
A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest of Mexico by Melville, Elinor G. K.
The City of Mexico in the Age of Díaz by Johns, Michael
Strategy, Security, and Spies: Mexico and the U.S. as Allies in World War II by Paz, María Emilia
The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900 by Silver, A. I.
Dictionary of Mexican Rulers, 1325-1997 by Vazquez-Gomez, Juana
Architecture and Its Sculpture in Viceregal Mexico by Mullen, Robert J.
People of the Peyote: Huichol Indian History, Religion, and Survival by
A New Time for Mexico by Fuentes, Carlos
Indian Women of Early Mexico by
Decentering the Regime: Ethnicity, Radicalism, and Democracy in Juchitán, Mexico by Rubin, Jeffrey W.
Postconquest Coyoacan: Nahua-Spanish Relations in Central Mexico, 1519-1650 by Horn, Rebecca
Mestizo: The History, Culture and Politics of the Mexican and the Chicano --The Emerging Mestizo-Americans by Vento, Arnoldo Carlos
Revolutionary Mexico: The Coming and Process of the Mexican Revolution, Tenth Anniversary Edition by Hart, John Mason