• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Middle Eastern Art in 2013

We Are Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in a Time of War by
Between Exits: Paintings by Hani Zurob by Boullata, Kamal
The Politics of Art in Modern Egypt: Aesthetics, Ideology and Nation-Building by Kane, Patrick
Diary of an Imaginary Egyptian by LaBelle, Brandon
Revolution Graffiti: Street Art of the New Egypt by Gröndahl, Mia
Harems of the Mind: Passages of Western Art and Literature by Yeazell, Ruth Bernard
Siculo-Norman Art: Islamic Culture in Medieval Sicily by Mauro, Eliana, Sessa, Ettore, Quartarone, Carla
Islamic Art and the Museum: Approaches to Art and Archeology of the Muslim World in the Twenty-First Century by
Embracing Universal Individualism: Art as a Spiritual Construct by Rahman, Waseem
Les Lions En Pierre Sculptee Chez Les Bakhtiari: Description Et Significations de Sculptures Zoomorphes Dans Une Societe Tribale Du Sud-Ouest de L'Ira by Khosronejad, Pedram
Safar Voyage: Contemporary Works by Arab, Iranian, and Turkish Artists by Baird, Jill
Signs Taken in Wonder: Searching for Contemporary Art about Istanbul by
Joana Hadjithomas/Khalil Joreige by
Özlem Sulak: Fictive Presence by
Kufic Stone Inscription Culture, Script, and Graphics: The Aesthetic Art and Global Heritage of Early Kufic Calligraphy by Mousavi Jazayeri, S. M. V., Christian, Leonie M.
The Queen of Heaven. a New Interpretation of the Goddess in Ancient Near Eastern Art by White, Gavin
Kufic Stone Inscription Culture, Script, and Graphics: The Aesthetic Art and Global Heritage of Early Kufic Calligraphy by Christian, Leonie M., Mousavi Jazayeri, S. M. V., Mousavi Jazayeri, S. M. H.
The Origins of Palestinian Art by Hon, Gordon, Makhoul, Bashir
The Origins of Palestinian Art by Hon, Gordon, Makhoul, Bashir
The Art and Life of Chaouki Chamoun by Chamoun, Chaouki