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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Military Strategy in 2016

The Battle of Britain: An Analysis in Terms of Center of Gravity, Culminating Point, Fog, Friction and the Stronger Form of War by School of Advanced Military Studies
The Reasons for the Success of the Sixth Coalition Against Napoleon in 1813 by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Early Operational Art: Nathanael Greene's Carolina Campaign 1780-1781 by School of Advanced Military Studies
Balancing Congressional Needs for Classified Information: A Case Study of the Strategic Defense Initiative by U. S. Naval Academy
Combined Arms in the Bradley Infantry Platoon by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Marine Corps Budgetary Reprogramming Effectiveness by Naval Postgraduate School
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76 by Department of Defense
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76 by Department of Defense
The New Guard: A Service Equivalent Force by Joint Advanced Warfighting School
A Dynamic Game on Network Topology for Counterinsurgency Applications by Air Force Institute of Technology
Fire in the City Airpower in Urban, Smaller-Scale Contingencies by School of Advanced Airpower Studies
Returning to Army Leadership by United States Army War College
Grab them by the Nose and Kick them in the Pants: Patton on Combined Arms Operational Maneuver by United States Marine Corps
Logistics and the Fight: Lessons From Napoleon by United States Marine Corps
Israel's Way of War: A Strategic and Operational Analysis, 1948-2014 by Eilam, Ehud
The Grand Strategy that Won the Cold War: Architecture of Triumph by
War Diaries from Inside Hitler's Headquarters by Fensch, Thomas
War Diaries from Inside Hitler's Headquarters by Fensch, Thomas
Delta Force: The Elite US Special Forces Unit by Adams, Eric, Winters, John
The View From First Mountain: A personal view of the Democracy Transition Program after the Croatian War of Independence by Hanne, William G.
Strategic Airpower as Operational Fires: Integrating Long-Range Bombers into Campaign Design by United States Army Command and General S.
Fueling Operational Maneuver by United States Army Command and General S.
Interrogating International Relations: India's Strategic Practice and the Return of History by Vivekanandan, Jayashree
The Evolution of Strategic Thought: Classic Adelphi Papers by
Comparing Strategies of the 2nd Punic War: Rome's Strategic Victory Over the Tactical/Operational Genius, Hannibal Barca by U. S. Army War College
Global War On Terrorism: Analyzing The Strategic Threat by College, Joint Military Intelligence
Siege Warfare: The Fortress in the Early Modern World 1494-1660 by Duffy, Christopher
Deutsches Afrika Korp DAK 1941-1943 by Uruena a., Gustavo
Submarine Warfare: Weaponry, Strategy & Actions by Mullins, Edwin H.
Handbook of Research on Military, Aeronautical, and Maritime Logistics and Operations by
Lectures on Land Warfare; A tactical Manual by Author, Anonymous
Art Of War by Tzu, Sun
Grand Strategy and Military Alliances by
Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 by Corbett, Julian S.
Strategy and Politics by Gray, Colin S.
Outsourcing War: The Just War Tradition in the Age of Military Privatization by Eckert, Amy E.
The Organization and Order of Battle of Militaries In World War II: Volume I - Germany by Pettibone, Charles D.
Sleeper Cell by Dorsay, Kierra
Strategic Basing and the Great Powers, 1200-2000 by Harkavy, Robert E.
Rediscovering Irregular Warfare: Colin Gubbins and the Origins of Britain's Special Operations Executivevolume 52 by Linderman, A. R. B.
The Soul of Armies: Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Military Culture in the Us and UK by Long, Austin
The Soul of Armies: Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Military Culture in the Us and UK by Long, Austin
A History of Military Occupation from 1792 to 1914 by Stirk, Peter M. R.
Strategy Six Pack by Tzu, Sun, Caesar, Julius, Einhard
The Art of War (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Tzu, Sun
Inside Israel's Northern Command: The Yom Kippur War on the Syrian Border by
The Art of War: Bilingual Edition, English and Chinese by Sun Tzu
Confronting al Qaeda: The Sunni Awakening and American Strategy in al Anbar by Cottam, Martha L., Huseby, Joe W.
Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947 by Hoffman, Bruce
A New Strategy for Complex Warfare: Combined Effects in East Asia by Drohan, Thomas A.
Over the Horizon: Ready or Not? by School of Advanced Military Studies
American Airpower Strategy in World War II: Bombs, Cities, Civilians, and Oil by Crane, Conrad C.
Strategy: Context and Adaptation from Archidamus to Airpower by
Carl Von Clausewitz: Historical and Political Writings by Von Clausewitz, Carl
Deterrence and Defense by Snyder, Glenn Herald
Strategy in the Missile Age by Brodie, Bernard
Elements of Military Art and Science: Military Tactics, Strategy, Art and Science to 1865 by Halleck, Henry Wager
Sun Tzu's Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Playing War: Wargaming and U.S. Navy Preparations for World War II by Lillard, John M.
Japan's Imperial Army: Its Rise and Fall by Drea, Edward J.
China's Cyber Power by Inkster, Nigel
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Special Operations Research Topics 2016 by Joint Special Operations University
Lessons Encountered: Learning from the Long War by National Defense University Press
L'Art de la Guerre by Tzu, Sun
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century CE to the Third by Luttwak, Edward N.
4th Generation Warfare Handbook by Lind, William S., Thiele, Gregory a.
The EU, Strategy and Security Policy: Regional and Strategic Challenges by
War, Strategy and History: Essays in Honour of Professor Robert O'Neill by
International Military Operations in the 21st Century: Global Trends and the Future of Intervention by
Drones and the Future of Air Warfare: The Evolution of Remotely Piloted Aircraft by Kreuzer, Michael P.
SMART Security Cooperation Objectives: Improving DoD Planning and Guidance by Marquis, Jefferson P., Zimmerman, S. Rebecca, McNerney, Michael J.
Sir John Fortescue's The Hard Learned Lesson: the British Army & the Campaigns in Flanders & the Netherlands against the French 1792-99 by Fortescue, J. W.
Sir John Fortescue's The Hard Learned Lesson: the British Army & the Campaigns in Flanders & the Netherlands against the French 1792-99 by Fortescue, J. W.
The Tao Teh King: The Tao and its Characteristics by Lao-Tse
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Strategy Six Pack 3 by Bridge, Cyprian, Abbott, Jacob, Abbot, Willis J.
22nd Air Landing Infantry Division 1935-1945 by Uruena a., Gustavo
Preventive Force: Drones, Targeted Killing, and the Transformation of Contemporary Warfare by
Preventive Force: Drones, Targeted Killing, and the Transformation of Contemporary Warfare by
South Atlantic Conflict of 1982: A Case Study in Military Cohesion by U. S. Army
Samurai to Soldier: Remaking Military Service in Nineteenth-Century Japan by Jaundrill, D. Colin
The Book of Five Rings by Musashi, Miyamoto
Why Air Forces Fail: The Anatomy of Defeat by
Why so Conventional? America's Propensity to Wage Traditional Large-Scale Warfare by Naval Postgraduate School
Cuba in War Time by Davis, Richard Harding
The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry: and 14th (F. & F. Yeo.) Battn. R.H. 1914-1919 by Ogilvie, D. D.
Reconceptualizing Deterrence: Nudging Toward Rationality in Middle Eastern Rivalries by Lieberman, Elli
The Routledge Handbook of the Cold War by
Napoleon the Little by Hugo, Victor
Assassin's Mace: A Chinese Game Changer by Khan, Saif Ul Islam
GeneralFeldmarschall Erwin Rommel El Zorro del Desierto by Uruena a., Gustavo
World War 2 History: True Stories Of The Wehrmacht War Crimes And Atrocities by Zachary, Cyrus J.
Vom Kriege: Das populäre Werk des Militärwissenschaftlers Carl von Clausewitz zur Kriegstheorie by Von Clausewitz, Carl
Secrets of the Samurai: The Martial Arts of Feudal Japan by Ratti, Oscar, Westbrook, Adele
Ruses de guerre by Polyen
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Ethics of Military Privatization: The US Armed Contractor Phenomenon by Barnes, David M.
Operational Logistics: The Art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations by Kress, Moshe
Strategic Narratives, Public Opinion and War: Winning domestic support for the Afghan War by
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Napoleon and His Marshals by Macdonell, A. G.
Elvis's Army: Cold War GIs and the Atomic Battlefield by Linn, Brian McAllister
Samurai Mind: Lessons from Japan's Master Warriors (Classic Texts on Cultivating Mental Discipline and Achieving Victory) by
Dazzle: Disguise and Disruption in War and Art by Taylor, James
Cassandra in Oz: Counterinsurgency and Future War by Crane, Conrad Charles
21st Century Patton: Strategic Insights for the Modern Era by
The Wehrmacht Retreats: Fighting a Lost War, 1943 by Citino, Robert M.
Geopolitical Constructs: The Mulberry Harbours, World War Two, and the Making of a Militarized Transatlantic by Flint, Colin
Blitzkrieg: Myth, Reality, and Hitler's Lightning War: France 1940 by Clark, Lloyd
Shadow Warriors / Les Guerriers de l'Ombre: The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command / Le Commandement Des Forces d'Opérations Spéciales Du Cana by Horn, Bernd
Diogenes Station: A Perspective on Transformational Leadership Thirty Years Later by Hanne, William G.
Diogenes Station: A Perspective on Transformational Leadership Thirty Years Later by Hanne, William G.
The Art of War & Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy by Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Tzu, Sun
Theorist of Maritime Strategy: Sir Julian Corbett and his Contribution to Military and Naval Thought by Widen, J. J.
Theory and Case of Warfare by Segell, Glen
Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century by
Clausewitz's Timeless Trinity: A Framework For Modern War by Fleming, Colin M.
Modern Military Strategy: An Introduction by Sloan, Elinor C.
British Naval Aviation: The First 100 Years by
Battles Before Gunpowder by Krone, Joe
Life among the Apaches by Cremony, John Carey, Roman, Anton
The Hindenburg Line by Romanych, Marc, Osborn, Patrick R.
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Protecting Civilians During Violent Conflict: Theoretical and Practical Issues for the 21st Century by
The Book of Five Rings: (Booklet) by Musashi, Miyamoto
Frederick the Great on Warfare: Battlefield Tactics of the Seven Year's War & Military Instruction to the Officers of His Army by Frederick II, King o by King of Prussia, Frederick, II
Frederick the Great on Warfare: Battlefield Tactics of the Seven Year's War & Military Instruction to the Officers of His Army by Frederick II, King o by King of Prussia, Frederick, II
Twilight Warriors: The Soldiers, Spies, and Special Agents Who Are Revolutionizing the American Way of War by Kitfield, James
The Books of Five Rings by Musashi, Miyamoto
A Snake in the Road: A different take on the U.S. involvement in Vietnam by Hanne, William G.
Waging Insurgent Warfare: Lessons from the Vietcong to the Islamic State by Jones, Seth G.
Cyber Warfare: A Multidisciplinary Analysis by
Strategy Six Pack by Einhard, Caesar, Julius, Tzu, Sun
Australia's American Alliance: Towards a New Era? by
The Rise of the Indian Navy: Internal Vulnerabilities, External Challenges by
Joining the Fray: Outside Military Intervention in Civil Wars by Shirkey, Zachary C.
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Art of War: Ancient Wisdom . . . Modern Twist by Tzu, Sun
Wisdom and War: The Royal Naval College Greenwich 1873 1998 by Dickinson, Harry
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
War, Strategy and the Modern State, 1792-1914 by Cavanagh Hodge, Carl
Land Based Air Power or Aircraft Carriers?: A Case Study of the British Debate about Maritime Air Power in the 1960s by Dyndal, Gjert Lage
Rethinking Western Approaches to Counterinsurgency: Lessons From Post-Colonial Conflict by Glenn, Russell W.
The Art of War Sun Tzu by Tzu, Sun
The Body and Military Masculinity in Late Qing and Early Republican China: The Art of Governing Soldiers by Schillinger, Nicolas
Losing Binh Dinh: The Failure of Pacification and Vietnamization, 1969-1971 by Boylan, Kevin M.