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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Military Strategy in 2023

Cybersecurity Governance in Latin America: States, Threats, and Alliances by Solar, Carlos
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Bloody Verrières: The I. Ss-Panzerkorps Defence of the Verrières-Bourguebus Ridges: Volume II: The Defeat of Operation Spring and the Battles of Tilly by Gullachsen, Arthur W.
War and International Relations: A Critical Analysis by Szanto, Balazs
The Conduct of War in the 21st Century: Kinetic, Connected and Synthetic by
Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy by
The Ghost at the Feast: America and the Collapse of World Order, 1900-1941 by Kagan, Robert
Most Battle Tested Military Quotes of All Time: A motivational and extraordinary manual by Flurry, Eben
Russian Military Strategy: Organizing Operations for the Initial Period of War by Geist, Edward, Reach, Clint, Blanc, Alexis A.
Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy: Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age by Dover, Robert
Torch: North Africa and the Allied Path to Victory by Ohara, Vincent
Dictionary of Fortifications: An Illustrated Glossary of Castles, Forts, and Other Defensive Works from Antiquity to the Present Day by Lepage, Jean-Denis
Military History for the Modern Strategist: America's Major Wars Since 1861 by O'Hanlon, Michael
Science of Arms: The Art of War in the Century of the Soldier 1672 - 1699: Volume 1 - Preparation for War & the Infantry by Carter, Stephen M.
The Military Institutions of the Romans by Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
Small Unit Raids: An Illustrated Manual by Luke, Matthew
Small Unit Tactics: An Illustrated Manual by Luke, Matthew
The Art of War, Version 2.0: Sun Tzu for the Twenty-First Century by Bendis, Keith, Queenan, Joe
Survival: February - March 2023 by
New Directions for Projecting Land Power in the Indo-Pacific: Contexts, Constraints, and Concepts by Mazarr, Michael J., Beauchamp-Mustafaga, Nathan, Wong, Jonathan P.
Managing Escalation While Competing Effectively in the Indo-Pacific by Lin, Bonny, Frederick, Bryan, Gunness, Kristen
Anti-Access Warfare: Countering A2/AD Strategies by Tangredi, Sam J.
Airpower Applied: U.S., Nato, and Israeli Combat Experience by
Airpower Reborn: The Strategic Concepts of John Warden and John Boyd by
Margin of Victory: Five Battles That Changed the Face of Modern War by MacGregor, Douglas
Universal Command and Control Language Early System Engineering Study: Performance Effects of a Universal Command and Control Standard by Dimarogonas, James, Léveillé, Jasmin, Osburg, Jan
Flawed Commanders and Strategy in the Battles for Italy, 1943-45 by Battistelli, Pier Paolo, Sangster, Andrew
Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Scharre, Paul
Arnhem 1944: Battle Story by Brown, Chris
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Battle of the Bulge 1944-45 by Rawson, Andrew
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Information, Cyber and Space Domain and its Application in Future Land Warfare by Mallick, Pk
All Roads Led to Gettysburg: A New Look at the Civil War's Pivotal Campaign by Harman, Troy D.
All Roads Led to Gettysburg: A New Look at the Civil War's Pivotal Campaign by Harman, Troy D.
C'est la Guerre, 2nd Edition by Hay, Alexander
Cost Estimating Framework for U.S. Marine Corps Joint Cyber Weapons by Goughnour, Thomas, McKernan, Megan, Wilson, Bradley
Genova 1746-1748: Fortificazioni, topografia, poliorcetica, vicende e uomini del grande assedio by Majocco, Fulvio
Australia's Security in China's Shadow by Graham, Euan
Escalation Dynamics in Cyberspace by Lonergan, Erica D., Lonergan, Shawn W.
Adaptation Under Fire: How Militaries Change in Wartime by Barno, David
Civil War Infantry Tactics: Training, Combat, and Small-Unit Effectiveness by Hess, Earl J.
Gaining Victory in Systems Warfare: China's Perspective on the U.S.-China Military Balance by Cozad, Mark, Engstrom, Jeffrey, Harold, Scott W.
High Command: Australia's Struggle for an Independent War Strategy, 1939-1945 by Horner, David
How Can the Mobility Air Forces Better Support Adaptive Basing?: Summary Analysis, Findings, and Recommendations by Brown, Jeffrey S., Deblois, Bradley, Orletsky, David T.
Armies in Retreat: Chaos, Cohesion, and Consequences by Army University Press
Rudolf Hess: A New Technical Analysis of the Hess Flight, May 1941 by Wilbourn, Richard, Harris, John
Convoy: The Defence of Sea Trade 1890-1990 by Winton, John
Grey Wolf, Grey Sea: Aboard the German Submarine U-124 in World War II by Gasaway, E. B.
Grey Wolf, Grey Sea: Aboard the German Submarine U-124 in World War II by Gasaway, E. B.
Global Perspectives on Space Power by Szymanski, Paul
Blood and Ruins: The Last Imperial War, 1931-1945 by Overy, Richard
The War Commentaries of Julius Caesar by Caesar, Julius
The Book Of Five Rings by Musashi, Miyamoto
The Book Of Five Rings by Musashi, Miyamoto
Clear, Hold, and Destroy: Pacification in the Phú Yên and the American War in Vietnam by Thompson, Robert J.
Men Against Fire: The Problem of Battle Command by Marshall, S. L. a.
At G.H.Q. by Charteris, Brigadier-General John
At G.H.Q. by Charteris, Brigadier-General John
Survival: April - May 2023 by
Hitler's American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germany's March to Global War by Simms, Brendan, Laderman, Charlie
Understanding Cyber-Warfare: Politics, Policy and Strategy by Whyte, Christopher, Mazanec, Brian
Understanding Cyber-Warfare: Politics, Policy and Strategy by Mazanec, Brian M., Whyte, Christopher
Droit Public: La Rôle de l'Armee En Démocratie by Randri, Olivier
Guerrilla Warfare Large Print (Large Print Edition) by Guevara, Che
Arms Sales and Regional Stability by
Quantifying Potential Cost Avoidance Implications of Outcomes Reported in Behavioral and Social Science Research by Shanley, Michael G., Orvis, Bruce R., Krull, Heather
How Can the Mobility Air Forces Better Support Adaptive Basing?: Appendixes A-C, Supporting Analyses of Adaptive Basing, Soft Power, and Historical Ca by Brown, Jeffrey S., Deblois, Bradley, Orletsky, David T.
Assessment of Joint All Domain Command and Control Requirements and the Use of Live, Virtual, and Constructive Capabilities for Training by Toukan, Mark, Marler, Timothy, Sims, Carra S.
Deter, Disrupt, or Deceive: Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest by
The Decline and Fall of Republican Afghanistan by Maley, William, Jamal, Ahmad Shuja
Deter, Disrupt, or Deceive: Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest by
War Stuff: The Struggle for Human and Environmental Resources in the American Civil War by Cashin, Joan
The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age by
Operation C3: Hitler's Plan to Invade Malta 1942 by Burtt, John
Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Scharre, Paul
Fighting Techniques of the Elite Forces: How to Train and Fight Like the Special Operations Forces of the World by Thompson, Leroy
Churchill, Master and Commander: Winston Churchill at War 1895-1945 by Tucker-Jones, Anthony
Age of Danger: Keeping America Safe in an Era of New Superpowers, New Weapons, and New Threats by Shanker, Thom, Hoehn, Andrew
Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming by
Artificial Intelligence and International Conflict in Cyberspace by
From Muskets to Rifles... Fast Play Wargame for 19th Century Conflicts by Hay, Alexander
U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat by Sadler, Brent D.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: The Enduring Alliance by Lindley-French, Julian
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: The Enduring Alliance by Lindley-French, Julian
Understanding Territorial Withdrawal: Israeli Occupations and Exits by Pinfold, Rob Geist
The Black Red Tail Angels, Third Edition by Hill, Ezra M., Sr.
Der Stahlhelm - Bund Der Frontsoldaten: Eine Veteranenorganisation Und Ihr Verhältnis Zum Nationalsozialismus by Werberg, Dennis
A Brief Guide to Maritime Strategy by Holmes, James R.
A Brief Guide to Maritime Strategy by Holmes, James R.
Military Strategy: A Global History by Black, Jeremy
The Dawn of Chaos: The Fall of Eastern Han and the Rise of the Three Kingdoms: Power Struggles, Betrayals, and the Birth of Rival Kingdom by Morgan, Jonathan T.
The Bushido Code: Words of Wisdom from Japan's Greatest Samurai by Kamiko, Tadashi
L'operazione "Mincemeat" by Mattesini, Francesco
Operation "Mincemeat" by Mattesini, Francesco
Learn Oriya Through English In 30 Days by Vikal, Krishna Gopal
Divided on D-Day: How Leadership Failures Threatened the Normandy Invasion by Ramsay, David, Gordon, Edward E.
Targeted Killings, Law and Counter-Terrorism Effectiveness: Does Fair Play Pay Off? by Falk, Ophir
Military Strategy of Great Powers: Managing Power Asymmetry and Structural Change in the 21st Century by Edström, Håkan, Westberg, Jacob
Vanishing Trade Space: Assessing the Prospects for Great Power Cooperation in an Era of Competition--A Project Overview by Cohen, Raphael S., Treyger, Elina, Beauchamp-Mustafaga, Nathan
War Games by Burtch, Andrew, Deruaz, Marie-Louise
Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2023: Key Developments and Trends by
Nuclear Decisions: Changing the Course of Nuclear Weapons Programs by Koch, Lisa Langdon
Five Rings (Pocket Edition) by Musashi, Miyamoto
The Art of War (Pocket Edition) by Tzu, Sun
Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West by Walton, Calder
Waging a Good War: A Military History of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968 (Large Print Edition) by Ricks, Thomas E.
Jeux de Guerre by Burtch, Andrew, Deruaz, Marie-Louise
Survival: June - July 2023 by
Understanding the Military Design Movement: War, Change and Innovation by Zweibelson, Ben
The Art of War: A Clear-cut Translation by Tzu, Sun
Unorthodox Strategies for the Everyday Warrior: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Competitor by Sawyer, Ralph D.
Independent Review of the Homeland Security Grant Program Terrorism Risk Formula and Data by Cham, Jonathan, Mitch, Ian, Saum-Manning, Lisa
Terrorism Net Assessment by Sudkamp, Karen M., Kelly, Terrence K., Gompert, David C.
Die Kunst des Krieges: Eine Neue Übersetzung by Tzu, Sun
Rome: Strategy of Empire by Lacey, James
Rome: Strategy of Empire by Lacey, James
The Sea in Russian Strategy by
The Sea in Russian Strategy by
Julius Caesar's Civil War: Tactics, Strategies and Logistics by Romane, Julian
Emerging Options for Field-Grade Officer Promotions in the U.S. Air Force by Schaefer, Agnes Gereben, Robbert, Albert A., Crown, John S.
The Knights Templar at War, 1120-1312 by Hill, Paul
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Mercenary's Legacy: Tales of Honor, Duty and Sacrifice by Tucker, Rolf
Shadow Warriors: Modern-Day Mercenaries in Action by Tucker, Rolf
On War by Clausewitz, Carl Von
Cybersecurity Governance in Latin America: States, Threats, and Alliances by Solar, Carlos
Victory or Death: Military Decisions that Changed the Course of the American Revolution by Crowder, Jack Darrell
A History of the Barricade by Hazan, Eric
Military History Chronicles: Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 2023 Campaign by Ballard, Jeffrey
The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific: Strategy, Order, and Regional Security by
The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific: Strategy, Order, and Regional Security by
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Israel and the Cyber Threat: How the Startup Nation Became a Global Cyber Power by Siboni, Gabi, Freilich, Charles D., Cohen, Matthew S.
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
The Naval War of 1812 (Complete Edition): The history of the United States Navy during the last war with Great Britain, to which is appended an accoun by Roosevelt, Theodore
Advanced Land Warfare: Tactics and Operations by
Military Camouflage by Lowry, Bernard
Chinese Next-Generation Psychological Warfare: The Military Applications of Emerging Technologies and Implications for the United States by Beauchamp-Mustafaga, Nathan
Alternative Futures Following a Great Power War: Supporting Material on Historical Great Power Wars by Evans, Alexandra T.
Lead Forward: Mobility Air Force Command Nodes for Complex Operations by Lostumbo, Michael J., Brown, Jeffrey S., Oliver, Stephen W.
U.S.-China Rivalry in a Neomedieval World: Security in an Age of Weakening States by Heath, Timothy R., Kong, Weilong, Dale-Huang, Alexis
A Treatise Upon the Duties of Light Troops by Ehwald
Les Travaux De Mars, Ou L'art De La Guerre: Divisé En Trois Parties... by Mallet, Allain Manesson
Moltkes Militärische Werke. by
Breve Tratado De Las Obligaciones De Un Joven Oficial De Caballeria Ligera En Una Campaña Abierta Y Modo De Desempeñarla: Adaptado Á Las Reales Ordena by Sanjuán, José
The First and Second Battles of Newbury and The Siege of Donnington Castle by Money, Walter
L' Art De La Guerre: Ou Maximes Et Instructions Sur L'art Militaire; Volume 2 by
Instructions to the American Delegates to the Hague Conferences, 1899 and 1907 by
A Treatise On Field Fortification by Mahan, Dennis Hart
The Conduct of War: A Short Treatise On Its Most Important Branches and Guiding Rules by Goltz, Colmar
A Treatise On Field Fortification, and Other Subjects Connected With the Duties of the Field Engineer. [With] Plates by Macaulay, John Shortall
Des Principes De La Guerre: Conférences Faites À L'école Supérieure De Guerre by Foch, Ferdinand
Infantry Fire Tactics by Mayne, Charles Blair
La Cryptographie Militaire, Ou, Des Chiffres Usités En Temps De Guerre: Avec Un Nouveau Procédé De Déchiffrement Applicable Aux Systèmes À Double Clef by Kerckhoffs, Auguste
Infantry Tactics, and Bayonet Exercise by Washington, Patten George
A Course Of Elementary Fortification: Including Rules, Deduced From Experiment, For Determining The Strength Of Revetments: Treated On A Principle Of by
Manoeuvres, Or Practical Observations On the Art of War. 2 Vols. [In 6 Pt. With] the Practice of Manoeuvring a Battalion of Infantry by Young, William
The Year of Battles: A History of the Franco-German War of 1870-71. Embracing Also Paris Under the Commune: Or the Red Rebellion of 1871. a by Brockett, L. P.
Military Review by Petersen, Frederick A.
Washington's Marines: The Origins of the Corps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777 by Usmc
Text Book of Military Topography by Richards, William Hamilton
Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics: For the Exercise and Maneuvers of Troops When Acting As Light Infantry Or Riflemen. Comprising the School of the Pla by Pace, William B.
Extracts From the Manual for the Patriotic Volunteer On Active Service in Regular and Irregular War: Being the Art and Science of Obtaining and Mainta by Forbes, Hugh
Technique Of Modern Tactics: A Study Of Troop Leading Methods In The Operations Of Detachments Of All Arms by Bond, Paul Stanley
Lectures on Cavalry by Hayne, Paul Trapier
Statement of a Proper Military Policy for the United States. Prepared by the War College Division, General Staff Corps, in Compliance With Instruction by
Staff Rides and Regimental Tours by Haking, Richard Cyril Byrne
Cavalry in Future Wars by Bernhardi, Friedrich Von
Statique De La Guerre Ou Principes De Stratégie Et De Tactique, Démontrés Par La Statique..., Ou Nouvelle Édition Du Mécanisme De La Guerre... by
Les Ruses De Guerre De Polyen: ... Avec Les Stratagesmes De Frontin; Volume 2 by (Macedo), Polyaenus
Modern War; Volume 2 by Derrécagaix, Victor Bernard
Leitfaden Für Den Unterricht Des Infanteristen Der Königlich Bayerischen Armee: Herausgegeben Von Otto Von Parseval. Mit 37 Holzschnitten by Parseval, Otto Von
Secrets of Success in War. How Modern Armies Organise, Train and Fight by Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Kraft Karl Aug, Dane, Edmund
Organ Der Militärwissenschaftlichen Vereine; Volume 42 by Verein, Militärwissenschaftlicher
Military Geography. Lectures in the Department of Military art, Delivered Before the Class of Office by Anonymous
Die Macht Der Persönlichkeit Im Kriege: Studien Nach Clausewitz by Freytag-Loringhoven, Hugo Friedrich P.
Extracts From the Manual for the Patriotic Volunteer On Active Service in Regular and Irregular War: Being the Art and Science of Obtaining and Mainta by Forbes, Hugh
Liber De Re Militari by Anonymous
Is War Diminishing? by Baltzly, Alexander, Woods, Frederick Adams
Views on Military Preparedness as Modified by the Texas Campaign; Addresses Presenting an Observation of the Recent Mobilization of the National Guard by Davis, Abel 1874-
Duties Of The General Staff by
Cavalry Tactics ..., Part 1 by
Soviet and East German Order of Battle in Berlin Area and Soviet Units in Siberia by
City Plans of Batumi, Yerevan, and Ordzhonikidze by
Modern Warfare by Williams, Henry Smith, Williams, Edward Huntington
The War of the Future in the Light of the Lessons of the World War by
Report Addressed to the Hon. Jefferson Davis: Secretary of War, On the Effects of Firing With Heavy Ordnance From Casement Embrasures: And Also the Ef by Totten, Joseph Gilbert
Attack and Defence of Coast Fortifications by Maguire, Edward
Upton's Infantry Tactics by Upton, Emory
Des Principes De La Guerre: Conférences Faites À L'école Supérieure De Guerre by Foch, Ferdinand
Arte Universal De La Guerra by Montecuccoli, Raimondo
A Treatise On Field Fortification by Mahan, Dennis Hart
Foundations on the Science of War by
The Safety of the Nation by Colvin, Ian D.
A Nation Trained in Arms or A Militia by General, Lieutenant -.
Is War Diminishing? by Woods, Frederick Adams, Baltzly, Alexander
Moltke Und Benedek: Eine Studie Über Truppenführung Zu Den "Taktischen Und Strategischen Grundsätzen Der Gegenwart." Zugleich Ein Beitrag by Von Schlichting, Sigismund Wilhelm Lo
Arte Universal De La Guerra by Montecuccoli, Raimondo
Lectures On the Tactics of Cavalry: And Elements of Manoeuvre for a Cavalry Regiment ( by Count Von Bismark, Tr. With Notes by N.L. Beamish) by Bismark, Friedrich Wilhelm
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