• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Miscellaneous Languages in 1998

Exploranda Latina: Latin Comprehension and Unseen Practice by Wilson, W. Michael
Classical Epic: Homer and Virgil by Jenkyns, Richard
Articles on Aristotle: Volume 4: Psychology and Aesthetics by
Virgil's Metre: A Practical Guide to Reading Latin Hexameter Poetry by Nussbaum, G.
Plutarch: Life of Pericles: A Companion by Podlecki, A. J.
Plautus: Menaechmi: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Plautus
Silver Latin Epic by Currie, H. M.
Aristophanes: Scenes from Birds by Aristophanes
Euripides: Cyclops by Euripides
Introduction to New Testament Greek: Tutor's Manual: A Quick Course in the Reading of Koine Greek by Beetham, Frank, Balaam, Alison
Livy: Book XXII by Livy
Virgil: Aeneid XII by Virgil
Acts of the Apostles: Passages for Translation by Leary, T. J.
Via Vertendi: A Latin Unseen Course by Young, B. W.
Menander: Dyskolos by Menander
A Day in the Life of Ancient Athens by Deighton, Hilary J.
Tibullus: Elegies I by Tibullus, Albius
Variorum: A Greek Translation Book (Greek Unseens) by Evans, J. J., Moore, J. M.
Diodorus Siculus: Philippic Narrative by Siculus, Diodorus
Greek Grammar by Goodwin, W. W.
Greek We Speak by Barker, Peter
Lucian: Selections by Lucian
A Greek Prose Course: Unit 2: Philosophy by Plato
An Introduction to New Testament Greek: A Quick Course in the Reading of Koine Greek by Beetham, Frank
An Introduction to Old Occitan by Paden, William D.
A Greek Prose Reading Course for Post-Beginners: Historiography: Thucydides: Events at Pylos and Sphacteria by Thucydides
Livy: Book II by Livy, Livius, Titus
Day in the Life of Ancient Rome by Deighton, Hilary J.
Latin in Our Language by Barker, Peter
Xenophon: Symposium by
Nicander: Poems by Nicander of Colophon
A Greek Prose Course: Unit 1: Forensic Oratory by Lysias
Horace: Odes by Horace
A Greek Prose Course: Unit 3: Public Oratory by Demosthenes
Key to Latin Prose Composition by Hillard, A. E., North, M. a.
Das Ron von Daffo (Jos-Plateau, Zentralnigeria): Morphologische, syntaktische und textlinguistische Strukturen einer westtschadischen Sprache by Seibert, Uwe
Referring to Space: Studies in Austronesian and Papuan Languages by
Latin Grammar by Lodge, Gonzalez, Gildersleeve, B. L.
Verbal Periphrases in a Functional Grammar of Spanish by Olbertz, Hella
Beginning Greek with Homer: An Elemental Course Based on Odyssey V by Beetham, Frank
Lynch: Pacific Languages: An Intro by Lynch, John
Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verbs by Goodwin, William W.
The Greek Dialects by Buck, Carl D.
Concise Compendium of the World's Languages by Campbell, George L.
Grammatik der portugiesischen Sprache by Gärtner, Eberhard
English-Ilocano Dictionary & Phrasebook by Rubino, Carl
Tibetan-English Dictionary by Jaschke, H. A.
Namoy Misagmera Purig =: Historias Escritas Por Nuestra Gente by Daley, Karen Ann
The Phonology of Armenian by Vaux, Bert
The Dong Language in Guizhow Province, China by Yaohong, Long, Lung, Yao-Hung, Long, Yaohong
Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by Klimov, Georgij A.
Biblical Greek Exegesis: A Graded Approach to Learning Intermediate and Advanced Greek by Guthrie, George H., Duvall, J. Scott
Verbal Periphrases in Romance by Squartini, Mario
Numerus und Nominalaspekt by Meisterfeld, Reinhard
Fragments of the Tocharian a Maitreyasamiti-Nataka of the Xinjiang Museum, China by
Actancy by Lazard, Gilbert
Latin Unseen Translation by Hyde, R.
Bugotu-English/English-Bogutu Concise Dictionary: A Language of the Solomon Islands by Ivens, Walter
A Grammar of Kambera by Klamer, Marian
Four Greek Plays by
Sezione 1, Grammatica storica delle lingue romanze by
Dialettologia, Geolinguistica, Sociolinguistica by
Transitivität Und Diathese in Romanischen Sprachen by
Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament by Trenchard, Warren C.
Classics in Translation by Jones, Peter
Aristophanes: Ecclesiazusae by Aristophanes
Basque-English/English-Basque Dictionary & Phrasebook by Conroy, Joseph
Dictionnaire historique des noms de famille romans (IX) by
Homeric Grammar by Munro, D.