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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Miscellaneous Languages in 2011

The Essentials of Greek Grammer: A Reference for Intermediate Students of Attic Greek by Pratt, Louise
Madhuvani - A Pictorial Sanskrit Book alongwith basic grammar: Samskrutha Chaitrika Akshara Maala by K, Vidwan Jagannathan
Lucian's A True Story: An Intermediate Greek Reader: Greek Text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary by Hayes, Edgar Evan, Nimis, Stephen
The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages by Ledgeway, Adam
None but India (Bharat) The Cradle of Aryans, Sanskrit, Vedas, & Swastika: Aryan Invasion of India' and 'IE Family of Languages'Re-examined and Rebutt by Motwani, Jagat
The Languages of Australia by Dixon, R. M. W.
Eros at the Banquet: Reviewing Greek with Plato's Symposiumvolume 40 by Pratt, Louise
Dive Into Spanish by Green, Chris
Protagoras by Plato
From Beauty Fear to Beauty Fever: A Critical Study of Contemporary Chinese Female Writers by Yang, Xin
An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy, Volume 2: The Inscriptions of Attica by
An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy 2 Volume Set by
An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy - Volume 1 by Roberts, E. S.
Etymologicum Graecae Linguae Gudianum: Et Alia Grammaticorum Scripta E Codicibus Manuscriptis Nunc Primum Edita by
Ancient Scholarship and Grammar: Archetypes, Concepts and Contexts by
An Indian Glossary by Roberts, T. T.
Searching for Aboriginal Languages by Dixon, R. M. W.
The Origin of Speeches: Intelligent Design in Language by Mozeson, Isaac E.
The Indus Script: A Positional-Statistical Approach by Korvink, Michael
The Persian Language (RLE Iran B) by Levy, Reuben
A Grammar of Semelai by Kruspe, Nicole
Looking at Lysistrata: Eight Essays and a New Version of Aristophanes' Provocative Comedy by
Making Out in Burmese: (Burmese Phrasebook) by Rhoden, T. F.
Writing Greek: An Introduction to Writing in the Language of Classical Athens by Anderson, Stephen, Taylor, John
A Concise Dictionary of Middle English by Skeat, Walter William, Mayhew, A. L., Mayhew, Anthony Lawson
Tagalog Verb Dictionary by Gallo-Crail, Rhodalyne, Hawkins, Michael C.
The Republic by Plato
The Greek Language by Palmer, Leonard R.
Suetonius: Domitian by Suetonius
Dari a Language Map: Quick Reference Phrase Guide for Beginning and Advanced Use. Words and Phrases in English, Dari, and Phonetics for Eas by Kershul, Kristine K.
Romani Dictionary: Gurbeti - English / English - Gurbeti by Tahirovic Sijercic, Hedina
Romani Dictionary: English - Kalderash by Lee, Ronald
The Origin of the Baltic and Vedic Languages: Baltic Mythology by Paliepa, Janis
Zeitschrift für Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik. Heft 6.1 by
Dialectology as Dialectic: Interpreting Phula Variation by Pelkey, Jamin R.
Egyptian Civilization Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology by Waddell, L. a.
Egyptian Civilization Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology by Waddell, L. a.
Global English and Arabic: Issues of Language, Culture, and Identity by
The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar by
Complete Catalan Beginner to Intermediate Course: Learn to Read, Write, Speak and Understand a New Language by Yates, Alan, Poch, Anna
Catalan Dictionary & Phrasebook by Britton, A.
'O Faia Fa'atumua O Samoa Mai Tala O Le Vavau by Simanu, 'Aumua Mata'itusi, Papalii, Aumua Mataitusi Sima
Bengali (Bangla)-English/English-Bengali (Bangla) Practical Dictionary by Thompson, Hanne-Ruth
Essential Tagalog Grammar - A Reference for Learners of Tagalog (Part of Learning Tagalog Course, Book 1 of 7) by De Vos, Fiona
Rivista Di Storia Antica, Volume 8 by Anonymous
Latin Language Tests: Mark Schemes: Mark Schemes by Carter, Ashley
Latin Language Tests for Levels 1 and 2 and GCSE by Carter, Ashley
Gesprochene Sprache in der Romania by Koch, Peter, Oesterreicher, Wulf
Pashto Grammar by Ullah, Noor
A Grammar of Vaeakau-Taumako by Næss, Åshild, Hovdhaugen, Even
La représentation du rêve de l'ailleurs par la voix féminine migration et féminisme dans les oeuvres de Maryse Condé, Aminata Sow Fall, Gisèle Pineau, by Nathalie Ngo Bakonde, Elise
The Arabic Commentary Of Yefet Ben Ali The Karaite, On The Book Of Hosea by Hal-Lewi, Yafet Ben Ali, Birnbaum, Philip
The Europeanization of Modern Written Chinese: The Case Study of the Changing Third Person Pronouns in the Twentieth Century and Beyond by Chan, Ho Yan
Anglo-Karen Dictionary by Blackwell, George, Wade, Jonathan, Binney, J. G.
Anglo-Karen Dictionary by Blackwell, George, Wade, Jonathan, Binney, J. G.
Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: A Reader by
The Moods of Homeric Greek by Willmott, Jo
Latin Primer 3: Teacher Edition by Wilson, Martha
Grammar of the Sanskrit Language by Wilkins, Charles
Khairete O Mathetai: An Introduction to Ancient Greek for Secondary School Students by Proctor, Ryan M.
Old Avestan Syntax and Stylistics: With an Edition of the Texts by West, Martin
Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Paperback Version by Magiera, Janet M.
A Primer of Biblical Greek by Croy, N. Clayton
Entlehnung in der Kommunikation und im Sprachwandel by Winter-Froemel, Esme
The Tai-Kadai Languages by Luo, Yongxian, Diller, Anthony, Edmondson, Jerry
Translations of Selected Tagore Songs by Chakraborty, Dipali
Französische Sprachgeschichte. by Klare, Johannes
Romanische Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkomprehension in Europa. by
Learn to Read Greek, Part I [With Workbook] by Keller, Andrew, Russell, Stephanie
Wörter und Sachen - Sachen und Wörter by Plath, Thorsten
The Cleasby & Vigfusson Old Norse to English Dictionary by Agnarsson, Volundr Lars, Cleasby, Richard, Vigfusson, Gudbrand
Indonesian Slang: Colloquial Indonesian at Work by Torchia, Christopher, Djuhari, Lely
Über Die Kawi-Sprache Auf Der Insel Java by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Über Die Kawi-Sprache Auf Der Insel Java by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Über Die Kawi-Sprache Auf Der Insel Java by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Über Die Kawi-Sprache Auf Der Insel Java 3 Volume Set by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
From Present to Past and Back: Papers on Baltic and Slavic Accentology by Sukac, Roman
Cultural and Linguistic Encounters: Arab EFL Learners Encoding and Decoding Idioms by Daoudi, Anissa
Plutarch's Dialogue on Love: An Intermediate Greek Reader: Greek Text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary by Nimis, Stephen a., Hayes, Edgar Evan
Philippine and Chamorro Linguistics Before the Advent of Structuralism by
Grammatici Latini by Keil, Heinrich
Morphological Autonomy: Perspectives from Romance Inflectional Morphology by Maiden, Martin
Sophocles: Ajax by Sophocles
A Grammar of Mian by Fedden, Sebastian
Topics in Oceanic Morphosyntax by
Pashto: An Elementary Textbook, Volume 2 [With CDROM] by Inomkhojayev, Rahmon
Pashto: An Elementary Textbook, Volume 1 [With CDROM] by Inomkhojayev, Rahmon
A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic by Zoëga, Geir T.
Abecedarium Latinum by Sipes, Peter
Essential Tagalog Grammar - A Reference for Learners of Tagalog (Part of Learning Tagalog Course, Book 1 of 7) by De Vos, Fiona
New Testament Greek: An Introduction by McLean, B. H.
Gli uomini si legano per la lingua. Festschrift für Werner Forner zum 65. Geburtstag by
Lexicon Syriacum...: Praefatiis Est Th. Nöldeke... by Brockelmann, Carl
Lexicon to the Syriac New Testament by Jennings, William
British Classics Outside England: The Academy and Beyond by
Annual Review of South Asian Languages and Linguistics: 2011 by
The Pragmatics of Catalan by
Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53-86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation by Gildenhard, Ingo
Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53-86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation by Gildenhard, Ingo
Tagalog Down & Dirty: Filipino Obscenities, Insults, Sex Talk, Drug Slang and Gay Language in The Philippines by Henderson, Emmett
A Basic Plan for the Development of Haiti by Alceus, Roberson
Contemporary Vietnamese Readings by Thuan, Nguyen Bich
Contemporary Vietnamese: An Intermediate Text by Thuan, Nguyen Bich
Learn to Read Greek: Part 2, Textbook and Workbook Set by Keller, Andrew, Russell, Stephanie
Learning ROILA by Bartneck Phd, Christoph, Sutherland Phd, Dean, Stedman, Alison
Die Anwendung der Europäischen Charta der Regional- oder Minderheitensprachen: Eine kritische Betrachtung by Lilie, Antonia
Cajun Vocabulation by Voisin, Gordon J.
Cajun Vocabulation by Voisin, Gordon J.
Siraya: Retrieving the Phonology, Grammar and Lexicon of a Dormant Formosan Language by Adelaar, Alexander
A Grammar of Warrongo by Tsunoda, Tasaku
The Story of a People: An Anthology of Palestinian Poets within the Green-Lines- Edited and translated by Jamal Assadi- With Assistance from by
Sanskrit and Indian Studies: Essays in Honour of Daniel H.H. Ingalls by
The Elements of Hittite by Van Den Hout, Theo