• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Miscellaneous Languages in 2014

Language, Education and Nation-Building: Assimilation and Shift in Southeast Asia by
Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis: Subjectivity in Enunciative Pragmatics by Angermuller, J.
Lithuanian Practical Dictionary by Urbonaite-Narkevičiene, Gailute
God-Marathi Phonetics: The Phonetics of Language of Heavenly Maratha Gods and goddesses by Palaskar, Sunil M.
Introduction to Avestan by Martínez García, Javier, de Vaan, Michiel
South and Southeast Asian Psycholinguistics by
English/Tagalog: Kamatayan Sa Lookout Mountain - Enhanced Edition by Borello, Alfonso
Landscapes of Power: Selected Papers from the XV Oxford University Byzantine Society International Graduate Conference by
Of Mermaids and Others: An Introduction to the Poetry of Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill by
Herodotus and Greek History (Routledge Revivals) by Hart, John
Raum und Zeit im Kontext der Metapher: Korpuslinguistische Studien zu franzoesischen und spanischen Raum-Zeit-Lexemen und Raum-Zeit-Lokutionen by Plötner, Kathleen
Distribution und Funktionen von Vergangenheitsformen im aelteren Obersorbischen: Eine empirische Untersuchung unter Beruecksichtigung der Verhaeltniss by Brankackec, Katja
Recht nach dem Arabischen Fruehling: Beitraege zum islamischen Recht IX by
A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language by
Sanskrit Primer by Narale, Ratnakar
Dictionary of Kammu Yuan Language and Culture by Svantesson, Jan-Olof, Lundstrom, Hakan, Kam Raw, Lindell Kristina
The History of Basque by Trask, R. L.
Chinese Medical Concepts in Urban China: Change and Persistence by Böke, Martin
Das fremde Japan: Ainu - Kami - Shinto: Die praehistorischen Wurzeln im Weltbild der Japaner by Mahlstedt, Ina
Speak Koine Greek: A Conversational Phrasebook by Long, Fredrick J., Halcomb, T. Michael W.
The Social Mind: Language, Ideology, and Social Practice by Gee, James Paul
Haitian Creole Practical Dictionary: Haitian Creole-English/English-Haitian Creole by Theodore, Charmant
Tamil Teacher by Narale, Ratnakar
Sanskrit for English Speaking People by Narale, Ratnakar
La literatura vasca traducida by Manterola Agirrezabalaga, Elizabete
Communicating Across Cultures: A Coursebook on Interpreting and Translating in Public Services and Institutions by Valero-Garcés, Carmen
Emerging from out of the Margins: Essays on Haida Language, Culture, and History by White, Fredericke
Vocabulário Português-Estoniano - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Arménio - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Georgiano - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Letão - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Lituano - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Malaio - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Tadjique - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checheno - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checo - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Estoniano - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Arménio - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Georgiano - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Letão - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Lituano - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Malaio - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Romeno - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Tadjique - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checheno - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checo - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Estoniano - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Arménio - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Arménio - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Georgiano - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Georgiano - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Letão - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Lituano - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Letão - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Lituano - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Malaio - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Malaio - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Romeno - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Romeno - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Tadjique - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Tadjique - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checheno - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checo - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Estoniano - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checheno - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Checo - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
An Essay on the Modern Pronunciation of the Greek and Latin Languages by Price, Uvedale
Greek Grammar by Smyth, Herbert Weir
Greek Grammar by Smyth, Herbert Weir
Vocabulário Português-Romeno - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
The Textualization of the Greek Alphabet by Woodard, Roger D.
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: An Intermediate Ancient Greek Reader by Hadavas, C. T.
English-Haitian Creole Glossary of Idiomatic Phrases & Expressions by Barthèlemy, Roody
Translationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium III: Beitraege zur Uebersetzungs- und Dolmetschwissenschaft (Koeln/Germersheim) by
Language Proficiency Testing for Chinese as a Foreign Language: An Argument-Based Approach for Validating the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Hsk) by Meyer, Florian
The Physician as a Rebellious Intellectual: The Book of the Two Pieces of Advice or "Kitāb al-Naṣīḥatayn" by c Abd al-Laţ&# by Joosse, N. Peter
Germans in Tonga by Bade, James N.
Galen, Three Treatises: An Intermediate Greek Reader: Greek Text with Running Vocabulary and Commentary by Nimis, Stephen, Hayes, Edgar Evan
Ireland: Ur of the Chaldees by Wilkes, Anna
Asklepios: The Cult Of The Greek God Of Medicine by Walton, Alice
A Critical Lexicon And Concordance To The English And Greek New Testament: A Thru M by Bullinger, Ethelbert W.
Kwakiutl Texts by Hunt, George, Boas, Franz
A Synopsis Of The Gospels In Greek: With Various Readings And Critical Notes by Wright, Arthur
Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods from B.C. 146 to A.D. 1100 V1 by Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides
Kathlamet Texts by Boas, Franz
Greek Lexicon Of The Roman And Byzantine Periods From B.C. 146 To A.D. 1100 V2 by Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides
Greek Sculpture: A Collection of Sixteen Pictures of Greek Marbles by Hurll, Estelle M.
Yana Texts by Sapir, Edward
A Synopsis of the Gospels in Greek: With Various Readings and Critical Notes by Wright, Arthur
Ireland: Ur Of The Chaldees by Wilkes, Anna
Greek Sculpture: Its Spirit And Principles by Mach, Edmund Von
The Attitude of the Greek Tragedians Toward Nature by Fairclough, Henry Rushton
The Rise of the Greek Epic: Being a Course of Lectures Delivered at Harvard University by Murray, Gilbert
Some Aspects of the Greek Genius by Butcher, Samuel H.
Springs And Wells In Greek And Roman Literature: Their Legends And Locations by Smith, James Reuel
A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament: N Thru Z by Bullinger, Ethelbert W.
Chaldaean Oracles by Mead, G. R. S.
The Acts of the Apostles Translated Out of the Original Greek by American Bible Society
Chapters on Greek Dress by Evans, Maria Millington
Constantine: The Last Emperor of the Greeks or the Conquest of Constantinople by the Turks (A.D. 1453) by Mijatovich, Chedomil
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age V1: Prolegomena, Achaeis or the Ethnology of the Greek Races by Gladstone, William E.
Zarathushtra and the Greeks by Mills, Lawrence Heyworth
Asklepios: The Cult of the Greek God of Medicine by Walton, Alice
The Cults of the Greek States V4 by Farnell, Lewis Richard
Classic Greek Course in English by Wilkinson, William Cleaver
A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament: A Thru M by Bullinger, Ethelbert W.
The Cults Of The Greek States V1 by Farnell, Lewis Richard
The Duchess of Wrexe Her Decline and Death: A Romantic Commentary by Walpole, Hugh
The Cults Of The Greek States V5 by Farnell, Lewis Richard
Joseph Conrad: His Romantic Realism by Stauffer, Ruth M.
Greek Lexicon Of The Roman And Byzantine Periods From B.C. 146 To A.D. 1100 V1 by Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides
On the Structure of Greek Tribal Society an Essay by Seebohm, Hugh E.
Hupa Texts by Goddard, Pliny Earle
The Palaeography of Greek Papyri by Kenyon, Frederic G.
Kato Texts by Goddard, Pliny Earle
A Library of Universal Literature V3: Greek Orations by
Harvard Lectures On Greek Subjects by Butcher, Samuel Henry
Kathlamet Texts by Boas, Franz
Kwakiutl Texts by Boas, Franz, Hunt, George
Logia Iesou: Sayings of Our Lord from an Early Greek Papyrus by Grenfell, Bernard Pyne
Joseph Conrad: His Romantic Realism by Stauffer, Ruth M.
A Manual of the Chaldee Language by Riggs, Elias
Greek Wonder Tales by Garnett, Lucy M. J.
The Message Of Greek Art by Powers, H. H.
Hymns of the Greek Church by
The Religious Thought of the Greeks by Moore, Clifford Herschel
Greek Fairy Tales by Kingsley, Charles
The Panchatantra-Text of Purnabhadra: And Its Relation to Texts of Allied Recensions as Shown in Parallel Specimens by Hertel, Johannes
The People Of Turkey: Twenty Years' Residence Among Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks And Armenians V1 by Blunt, Mrs Fanny Janet
Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods from B.C. 146 to A.D. 1100 V2 by Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides
The Historical Antiquities of the Greeks with Special Reference to Their Political Institutions V1 by Wachsmuth, William
The Cults of the Greek States V3 by Farnell, Lewis Richard
Lectures on Greek Prose Composition by Sidgwick, A.
San Carlos Apache Texts by Goddard, Pliny Earle
Tagalog Down & Dirty: Filipino Obscenities, Insults, Sex Talk, Drug Slang and Gay Language in the Philippines by Henderson, Emmett
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 4 by Themistius
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 1-3 by Themistius
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 5-8 by Themistius
Themistius: On Aristotle on the Soul by Todd, Robert B.
The Most Precious Possession: The Ring of Polycrates in Ancient Religious Narratives by Segal, Eliezer
Sprachenpluralität und -autorisierung by Schwägerl-Melchior, Verena
Esperanto. Erfolg einer Plansprache by Wessely, Johanna
An Homeric Dictionary for Use in Schools and Colleges: From the German of Dr Georg Autenrieth by Autenrieth, Georg
Mark: GlossaHouse Illustrated Greek-English New Testament by Halcomb, T. Michael W., Long, Fredrick J.
Ovid Unseens by Owen, Mathew
Diálogos intertextuales 6: The Lion King / El Rey León: Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil alemana e inglesa: trasvases semióticos by
Let's Speak Indonesian: Ayo Berbahasa Indonesia, Volume 1 by Barnard, Erlin, Suharni, Lucy, Rafferty, Ellen
Indonesian Grammar in Context: Asyik Berbahasa Indonesia, Volume 1 by Rafferty, Ellen, Burns, Molly F., Argazali-Thomas, Shintia
Doctoral Experiences in Finland by
An Introduction to Occitan: From One Novice to Another by Luton, David S.
Lsp in Colombia: Advances and Challenges by
The Content of Indian and Iranian Studies by Bailey, H. W.
Egyptian Language (Routledge Revivals): Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Dyskolos: Griechisch - Deutsch by Menander
Kankanaey: A Role and Reference Grammar Analysis by Allen, Janet L.
Fijian Reference Grammar by Schutz, Albert J.
Facets of Linguistics: Proceedings of the 14 th Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium 2013 in Halle an der Saale by
Multilingualism and Mobility in Europe: Policies and Practices by
Afrikanische Silbenspiele: Betrachtet im Kontext von Sondersprachen by Friedrich, Patricia
A Grammatical Sketch of Hainan Cham by Fengxiang, Li, Thurgood, Graham, Thurgood, Ela
Language Contact in the Early Colonial Pacific by Drechsel, Emanuel J.
Biesik Jumiekan: Introduction to Jamaican Language by Chang, Larry
A Comparative Study of the Melanesian Island Languages by Ray, Sidney Herbert
Morphotactics: Basque Auxiliaries and the Structure of Spellout by Nevins, Andrew, Arregi, Karlos
Verbal Aspect Theory and the Prohibitions in the Greek New Testament by Huffman, Douglas S.
Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Why the study of Egyptian hieroglyphs needs an overhaul by Stewart Sr, David Grant
Space and Location in the Circulation of Knowledge (1400-1800): Korea and Beyond by
Magie Und Ritual Bei Apollonios Rhodios: Studien Zur Ihrer Form Und Funktion in Den Argonautika by Schaaf, Ingo
Lucian, On the Death of Peregrinus: An Intermediate Ancient Greek Reader by Hadavas, C. T.
Media Arabic: A Coursebook for Reading Arabic News (Revised and Updated Edition) by Elgibali, Alaa, Korica Sullivan, Nevenka
Persian: Here and Now Book II, Intermediate Persian by Farokhfal, Reza
From Modern Theory to a Poetics of Experience: Polish Studies in Literary History and Theory by
Verbal Aspect Theory and the Prohibitions in the Greek New Testament by Huffman, Douglas S.
Wandering Between Two Worlds; The Formative Years of Cao Xueqin 1715-1745 by Gray, Ronald R.
The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature by
Interferenzfehler deutschlernender Aserbaidschaner: Morpho-syntaktische und lexiko-semantische Interferenzfehler beim gesteuerten und ungesteuerten Fr by Isakova, Pari
Worrorra: a language of the north-west Kimberley coast by Clendon, Mark
Cognitive and Pragmatic Aspects of Speech Actions by
Different Words - Same Meaning Fijian Trade Version by Alford, Douglas J., Alford, Pakaket
Medu Neter n Keredu 1: Medu Neter for Children Series - 1 by Amen, Rkhty
Grammar of Septuagint Greek by
Manual of Language Acquisition by
Hellenistic and Biblical Greek by McLean, B. H.
The Unspeakable: Narratives of Trauma by
Varronianus: A Critical and Historical Introduction to the Philological Study of the Latin Language by Donaldson, John William
An Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet by Knight, Richard Payne
Hellenistic and Biblical Greek by McLean, B. H.
Jarai Clauses and Noun Phrases: Syntactic Structures in an Austronesian Language by Jensen, Joshua
Types of Reduplication: A Case Study of Bikol by Mattes, Veronika
Sprachminderheiten: Gestern, Heute, Morgen- Minoranze Linguistiche: Ieri, Oggi, Domani by
The Original Language by Stewart Sr, David Grant
Einführung in die romanische Literaturwissenschaft: Vorlesungsmitschrift by Gmiat, Kinga
Tuttle Concise Indonesian Dictionary: Indonesian-English/English-Indonesian by Kramer, A. L. N., Koen, Willie, Davidsen, Katherine
Learn New Testament Greek by Dobson, John H.
Tine (1889) by Bang, Herman
A Sanskrit Grammar: Including Both the Classical Language and the Older Dialects of Veda and Brahmana by Whitney, William Dwight
Nicomachi Geraseni Pythagorei Introductionis Arithmeticae Libri II (1866) by Nicomachus
de Cruce Libri Tres: Ad Sacram Profanamque Historiam Utiles; Una Cum Notis (1594) by Lipsius, Justus
Longinus on the Sublime: The Greek Text Edited After the Paris Manuscript by Longinus, Roberts, W. Rhys
Catechismus Christianae Fidei, in Quo Veritas (1586) by Toshokan, Tenri, Valignano, Alessandro
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