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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Miscellaneous Languages in 2022

Things That Are (Said) and Things That Are Not: A Brief Look at the Ideological Context of the Basque Language by Anabitarte, Naroa
Hausa Contemporary Bible, Hardcover, Red Letter by Zondervan
Building in Words: The Process of Construction in Latin Literature by Reitz-Joosse, Bettina
Basque and its Closest Relatives: A New Paradigm by Bengtson, John D.
Des parlers d'oïl à la francophonie by
Prosodie und Konstruktionsgrammatik by
Einführung in die romanische Sprachwissenschaft by Rainer, Franz, Pöll, Bernhard, Pöckl, Wolfgang
A Grammar of Paluai: The Language of Baluan Island, Papua New Guinea by Schokkin, Dineke
Grammatical Reconstruction: The Sogeram Languages of New Guinea by Daniels, Don
The Semantics of Word Division in Northwest Semitic Writing Systems: Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Moabite and Greek by Crellin, Robert S. D.
Written Scots in Scotland and Ulster: A review of traditional spelling practice and recent recommendations for a normative orthography by Eagle, Andy
Français-Mongol Je Suis Timide / Би ичээд байна Livre d'images bilingue pour e by Carlson, Richard
Complete Aramaic by Reymond, Eric
Parecidos razonables: Relaciones entre literatura y filosofía para el siglo XXI by
Tense-Switching in Classical Greek by Nijk, Arjan A.
A Grammar of Modern Baba Malay by Lee, Nala H.
Choosing Your Cebuano with Collocations: Stand Out More Articulate by Borello, Alfonso
Burmese Student Dictionary by
El Queísmo En La Historia: Variación Y Cambio Lingüístico En El Régimen Preposicional del Español (Siglos XVI-XXI) by Velando Casanova, Mónica, Blas Arroyo, José Luis
Fearless Foreign Language: The Sit Down + Speak Up! Essentials for Learning a Language by Hayes, Margaret
Basque for English-Speakers by Fernández, Beatriz
Persian in International Relations and Foreign Policy: A Content-Based Approach by Mizza, Daria, Esmaili-Sardari, Mohamad
Persian in International Relations and Foreign Policy: A Content-Based Approach by Esmaili-Sardari, Mohamad, Mizza, Daria
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Lets - 3000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Litouws - 9000 woorden by Taranov, Andrey
A Textbook in Classical Tibetan by Bialek, Joanna
The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary: Revised and Expanded: 2nd Edition by
Sociodidactique du plurilinguisme et de l'altérité inclusive: Des langues régionales aux langues des migrants by Chateaureynaud, Marie-Anne
Graphic Politics in Eastern India: Script and the Quest for Autonomy by Choksi, Nishaant
Minne und Gnade in der Klage Hartmanns von Aue by Ostmeyer, Sebastian M.
Saturday Movies, Hele'uhila Tokonaki by Mangisi, Sione Tapani
Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d'origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique by Pereira, Christophe, Vicente, Ángeles, Corriente, Federico
Teaching Latin: Contexts, Theories, Practices by Hunt, Steven
A Greek Reader: Companion to a Primer of Biblical Greek by Jeong, Mark
Rethinking Orality I: Codification, Transcodification and Transmission of 'Cultural Messages' by
Learn Malayalam in 30 Days Through English by Vikal, Krishna Gopal
Learn Tamil in 30 Days Through English by Vikal, Krishna Gopal
A Medieval Latin Reader: An Intermediate Latin Commentary (Latin text with vocabulary and notes) by Hadavas, C. T.
L'oeuvre de Lucien Tesnière by
Biblical Greek Simplified by Jackson, Jeremy Rea
Enseigner une matière scolaire dans une langue étrangère: Des théories aux pratiques by Carol, Rita
Teaching Latin: Contexts, Theories, Practices by Hunt, Steven
Aegean Linear Script(s) by Salgarella, Ester
The Grammar of the Utterance: How to Do Things with Ibero-Romance by Corr, Alice
Conversational Tahitian: An Introduction to the Tahitian Language of French Polynesia by Tryon, D. T.
Conversational Tahitian: An Introduction to the Tahitian Language of French Polynesia by Tryon, D. T.
An Anatomy of Chinese Offensive Words: A Lexical and Semantic Analysis by Jiang, Ning, Tien, Adrian, Carson, Lorna
Japanese for Busy People Book 1: Kana: Revised 4th Edition (Free Audio Download) by Ajalt
Analytisches Worterbuch Des Meroitischen/Analytic Meroitic Dictionary, Volume 3 by Hallof, Jochen
A Dictionary of Austronesian Monosyllabic Roots (Submorphemes) by Blust, Robert
Rethinking Orality II: The Mechanisms of the Oral Communication System in the Case of the Archaic Epos by
Intimität in der Sprache by Steinke, Britta
A Grammar of Yélî Dnye: The Papuan Language of Rossel Island by Levinson, Stephen C.
A Sketch Grammar of Kopar: A Language of New Guinea by Foley, William a.
En Torno a la Delimitación de Determinadas Categorías Lingüísticas by
Learn Tagalog While Having Fun! - For Children: KIDS OF ALL AGES - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover How to Imp by Linguas Classics
New Zeeland Sign Language by Publishing, Cristie
The Historical Phonology of Tibetan, Burmese, and Chinese by Hill, Nathan
Migration, Mobility and Language Contact in and around the Ancient Mediterranean by
Lauga: Understanding Samoan Oratory by Muaiava, Sadat
Learn Latin While Having Fun! - For Children: KIDS OF ALL AGES - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover How to Impro by Linguas Classics
Learn Vietnamese While Having Fun! - For Beginners: EASY TO INTERMEDIATE - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover Ho by Linguas Classics
Emotions Across Cultures: Ancient China and Greece by
Morphologie comparée du mentonnais et du ligurien alpin by Forner, Werner
Aristophanes PEACE: Interlineal GREEK-ENGLISH text, with alternate LITERAL & VERSE translations by Fraser, Greg
Reading & Writing Burmese: A Workbook for Self-Study: Learn to Read, Write and Pronounce Burmese Correctly (Online Audio & Printable Flash Cards) by Johnstone, Angus, Mo, A. Zun
A Grammar of Bunaq by Schapper, Antoinette
The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics by
The Routledge Handbook of Persian Literary Translation by
Nou Di, We Say, Nous Disons by Thomas, Marie-Thérèse L.
Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax by
Verb Doubling and Dummy Verb: Gap Avoidance Strategies in Verbal Fronting by Hein, Johannes
Prosody in Syntactic Encoding by
The Greater Awyu Languages of West Papua by Vries, Lourens De
Case, Agreement, and Their Interactions: New Perspectives on Differential Argument Marking by
Japanese for Busy People Book 1: The Workbook: Revised 4th Edition (Free Audio Download) by Ajalt
Einfache Slowakisch Kurzgeschichten: Kurzgeschichten auf Slowakisch für Anfänger by Nagy, Adam
Máku: A Comprehensive Grammar by Rogers, Chris
Brazilian Portuguese for Dummies by Jacobson-Sive, Karen
Japanese for Busy People Kana Workbook: Revised 4th Edition (Free Audio Download) by Ajalt
Gaelic Tree Alphabet Coloring Book by Root, Caroline
Histoires Courtes en Indonésiens: Apprendre l'Indonésiens facilement en lisant des histoires courtes by Hidayat, Nur
Histoires Courtes en Estonien: Apprendre l'Estonien facilement en lisant des histoires courtes by Saar, Lisandra
Histoires Courtes en Roumain: Apprendre l'Roumain facilement en lisant des histoires courtes by Fieraru, Florin
Beginner's Ukrainian with Interactive Online Workbook, 3rd Integrated Edition by Shevchuk, Yuri I.
Ukrainian Picture Dictionary Coloring Book: Over 1500 Ukrainian Words and Phrases for Creative & Visual Learners of All Ages by Lingo Mastery
Racconti in Indonesiano: Racconti in Indonesiano per principianti e intermedi by Setiawan, Nur
A Sourcebook for Ancient Greek: Grammar, Poetry, and Prose by Tomarchio, John
B'ajlom ii Nkotz'i'j Publications' Guide to Classical Syriac: Extended Version, 3rd Edition by G. R., Mateo, Chigüela, Sandra
The Expression of "Collectivity" in Romance Languages: An Empirical Analysis of Nominal Aspectuality with Focus on French by Kleineberg, Désirée
Korte Verhalen in het Indonesisch: Korte verhalen in Indonesisch voor beginners en gevorderden by Sari, Sri
Korte Verhalen in het Roemeens: Korte verhalen in Roemeens voor beginners en gevorderden by Fieraru, Mihai
Korte Verhalen in het Bulgaars: Korte verhalen in Bulgaars voor beginners en gevorderden by Petrov, Georgi
शब्ददेखि वाक्य सम्म (From Word to Sentence): &#2 by Shivakoti, Madhav Prasad
Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics with Sign List by Budge, Wallis E. a.
Numeral Classifiers and Classifier Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean by
Ist Inklusion eine besondere Chance für den Philosophieunterricht? by Busch, Oliver
Illustrated Māori Dictionary by Reed, A. W.
D-L Goe. VizitĂ. Bubico by Caragiale, I. L.
Tungatjeta 1: Lehrbuch des Kosovo-Albanischen by Kuqi, Adrian
Sapa, Apa, Mana or Who, What, Where: Baba Malay for Beginners in Bite Sized Portions by Fuller, Theresa
Politeness in Ancient Greek and Latin by
Analytisches Worterbuch Des Meroitischen / Analytic Meroitic Dictionary, Volume 4 by Hallof, Jochen
Other Indonesians: Nationalism in an Unnative Language by Errington, Joseph
Differenzierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht mit Digital Storytelling by Anonym
Noveller på Rumänska: Korta berättelser på Rumänska för nybörjare och elever på mellanstadiet by Fieraru, Marian
Fremder Text - fremde Welt? by Wolf, Johanna
Japanese for Busy People Book 1: Romanized: Revised 4th Edition (Free Audio Download) by Ajalt
The Indo-European Language Family by
A Reader in Biblical Greek by Wright, Richard a.
On Modernism by Klein, Jürgen
Beginning Armenian: A Communicative Textbook by Karamanoukian, Charry
Beginning Armenian: A Communicative Textbook by Karamanoukian, Charry
Tokipono: La lingvo de bono by Lang, Sonja
Amcham, Apasair, Bila or How, Why, When: Baba Malay for Beginners in Bite Sized Portions by Fuller, Theresa
Tagalog Picture Dictionary Coloring Book: Over 1500 Tagalog Words and Phrases for Creative & Visual Learners of All Ages by Lingo Mastery
An Introduction to Arabic Translation: Translator Training and Translation Practice by Abdul-Raof, Hussein
An Introduction to Arabic Translation: Translator Training and Translation Practice by Abdul-Raof, Hussein
A Grammar of Ugaritic by Olivero, Vladimir, Screnock, John
A Grammar of Ugaritic by Screnock, John, Olivero, Vladimir
Learning Tagalog: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Filipino/Tagalog Quickly! (Free Online Audio & Flash Cards) by Barrios, Joi, Camagong, Julia
Wie Napoleon das Gemälde Le Premier Consul franchissant les Alpes au col du Grand-Saint-Bernard zur Beeinflussung der öffentlichen Meinung bezüglich s by Anonym
Handbook of the Ainu Language by
Reading & Writing Thai: A Workbook for Self-Study: A Beginner's Guide to the Thai Alphabet and Pronunciation (Free Online Audio and Printable Flash Ca by Rattanakhemakorn, Jintana
A Sanskrit Reader: With Vocabulary and Notes by Lanman, Charles Rockwell
Hawaiian Phrase Book. Na Huaolelo a me na Olelo Kikeke ma ka Olelo Beritania, a me KaKa Olelo Hawaii by Hawaii, Ka Olelo
The Tantraloka of Abhinava Gupta, With Commentary by Rajanaka Jayaratha; Volume 4 by Shastri, Madhusudan Kaul, Abhinavagupta, Rajanaka, Shastri, Mukunda Rama
The Ashtadhyayi. Translated Into English by Srisa Chandra Vasu; Volume 6 by Vasu, Srisa Chandra, Panini, Panini
Gulshan i Raz: The Mystic Rose Garden of Sa'd ud din Mahmud Shabistari. The Persian Text, With an En by Whinfield, E. H.
Doctrina Christiana: The first book printed in the Philippines Manila by Anonymous
A Simplified Grammar of the Danish Language by E. C. (Elise C. )., Otté
Morphologie Historique du Latin by Ernout, Alfred
A Grammar Of The Mandingo Language: With Vocabularies by Macbrair, Robert Maxwell
Outlines of Basque Grammar by J. Van Eys, Willem
The Adventures Of Oliver Twist by Dickens, Charles
The Ashtadhyayi. Translated Into English by Srisa Chandra Vasu; Volume 6 by Panini, Panini, Vasu, Srisa Chandra
English-Esperanto Dictionary by O'Connor, John Charles, Hayes, C. F.
A Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language With Dialogues and Vocabulary by Barker, William Burckhardt
Ethiopic Grammar by Dillmann, August, Bezold, Carl
A Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners, in Devanâgarî and Roman Letters Throughout by Müller, Friedrich Max
The Vedanta-Sara by Yogindra, Sadananda
A Sanskrit Primer: Based on the Leitfaden Für Den Elementar-Cursus Des Sanskrit of George Bühler by Perry, Edward Delavan
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary With an Index of English Words, King List and Geological List; Volume I by Budge
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam by Anonymous
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Based Upon the St. Petersburg Lexicons by Cappeller, Carl
An English-Persian Dictionary by Wollaston, Arthur Naylor
A Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Müller, Max
A Sanskrit Primer: Based on the Leitfaden Für Den Elementar-Cursus Des Sanskrit of George Bühler by Perry, Edward Delavan
English and Persian Dictionary by Behramji, Sohrabshah
An Elementary Grammar of Kannada or Canarese Language by Hodson, Thomas
Practical and Theoretical Esperanto by Talmey, Max
The Babylonian Epic of Creation Restored From the Recently Recovered Tablets of Assur by Langdon, Stephen
Typhoon and Other Stories by Conrad, Joseph
An Introduction to the Grammar of the Tibetan Language by Das, Sarat Chandra, Panchen, Situ
Le Lotus De La Bonne Loi, Traduit Du Sanscrit, Accompagné D'un Commentaire Et De Vingt Et Un Mémoires Relatifs Au Buddhisme, Par E. Burnouf... by Burnouf, Eugène
Finnische Märchen by Meyer, Gustav, Salmelainen, Eero
Compendium of Philosophy, by Aung, Shwe Zan
The Travels of Macarius: Patriarch of Antioch; Volume 1 by
A Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian by Tucker, William Thornhill
Ueber Die Sprache Und Weisheit Der Indier: Ein Beitrag Zur Begrundung Der Alterthumskunde by Von Schlegel, Friedrich
Dictionnaire Esperanto-français... by Beaufront, Louis De
English-Hungarian Dictionary; Volume 1 by Bizonfy, Ferencz
The Tantraloka of Abhinava Gupta, With Commentary by Rajanaka Jayaratha; Volume 6 by Shastri, Madhusudan Kaul, Abhinavagupta, Rajanaka, Shastri, Mukunda Rama
An English Translation of the Sushruta Samhita, Based on Original Sanskrit Text; Volume 3 by Bhishagratna, Kunja Lal, Susruta, Susruta
Moorish Literature: Comprising Romantic Ballads Tales of the Berbers by Anonymous
A Complete Practical Grammar of the Hungarian Language; With Exercises, Selections From the Best Authors, and Vocabularies, to Which is Added a Histor by Csink, J.
Hieratische Lesestücke für den Akademischen Gebrauch by Georg, Möller
Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language by Pandosy, Marie Charles
Babylonian Liturgies; Sumerian Texts From the Early Period and From the Library of Ashurbanipal, for the Most Part Transliterated and Translated, With by Langdon, Stephen
A Concise Grammer of the Malagasy Language by Parker, G. W.
A Dictionary of the Päli Language by Childers, Robert Cæsar
An Introductory Grammar of the Oriya Language by Sutton, Amos
A Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian by Tucker, William Thornhill
A Dictionary of the Päli Language by Childers, Robert Cæsar
The Oldest Code of Laws in the World; the Code of Laws Promulgated by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, B.C. 2285-2242 by
Finnische Märchen by Salmelainen, Eero, Meyer, Gustav
An Introduction To The Khasi Language: Comprising A Grammar, Selections For Reading, And A Vocabulary by Pryse, W.
The Tantraloka of Abhinava Gupta, With Commentary by Rajanaka Jayaratha; Volume 4 by Abhinavagupta, Rajanaka, Shastri, Mukunda Rama, Shastri, Madhusudan Kaul
Tibetan Grammar by Jäschke, Heinrich August
A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages by Caldwell, Robert
An English Translation of the Sushruta Samhita, Based on Original Sanskrit Text. Edited and Published by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. With a Full a by Susruta, Susruta, Bhishagratna, Kunja Lal
An Avesta Grammar in Comparison With Sanskrit and the Avestan Alphabet and Its Transcription by Jackson, Abraham Valentine Williams
Grammar and Vocabulary of Waziri Pashto by Lorimer, John Gordon
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; Rendered Into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald by Dulac, Edmund, Fitzgerald, Edward, Khayyam, Omar
An Anglo-Burmese Dictionary by Hough, G. H.
Assyrian Primer, an Inductive Method of Learning the Cuneiform Characters by Prince, John Dyneley
A Sanskrit Reader: With Vocabulary and Notes by Lanman, Charles Rockwell
Main Street by Lewis, Sinclair
A Manchu Grammar: With Analysed Texts by Von Möllendorff, Paul Georg
Tibetan Grammar by Jäschke, Heinrich August
Ottoman-Turkish Conversation-Grammar: A Practical Method of Learning the Ottoman-Turkish Language by Hagopian, V. H.
Dictionary of the Amharic Language in two Parts, Amharic and English, and English and Amharic by Isenberg, Charles William
A Grammar of the Persian Language by Forbes, Duncan
A Malayalam and English Dictionary; Volume 1 by Gundert, Hermann
English and Bengali Dictionary, for the Use of Schools by Sykes, James
A Short Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Old Norsk Tongue or Icelandic Language by Rask, Rasmus Kristian
The Dialect of the English Gypsies by Smart, Bath Charles
A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language: With English and Samoan Vocabulary by Pratt, George
The Kalevala: The Epic Poem of Finland into English by Lönnrot, Elias
Gitanjali Song Offerings: A Collection of Prose Translations by Yeats, W. B., Tagore, Rabindranath
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