• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Composition in 2021

The Eagle 53 Guitarist Lush Chords: Chords and Scales for Eagle 53 Guitars by O'Sullivan, John
An Exploration of Compositional Technique in the Operas of Kaija Saariaho and Christian Jost by Kern, Friedrich Heinrich
Elements of Music Composition: Organicism. Coherence. Comprehensibility. by Ure, Kevin a.
A Case for Charpentier: Treatise on Accompaniment and Composition by Williams, Carla E.
The Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Music by McLean, Alex
Manuscript Book Medium Staves: Great Music Writing Notebook Medium Staff, Blank Sheet Music Notebook! by Helj, Mirela
Manuscript Book Large Staves: Great Music Writing Notebook Wide Staff, Blank Sheet Music Notebook! by Helj, Mirela
The Imagination of Experiences: Musical Invention, Collaboration, and the Making of Meanings by Taylor, Alan
The Arabian Scale in Eagle 53: 507 Chords in the Arabian Scale for Eagle 53 Guitars and Pianos by O'Sullivan, John
Piano Music Composition Notebook by Harrlez, Iris Lorry
Piano Music Composition Notebook by Harrlez, Iris Lorry
The Music Production Guide: Mixing - Mastering - Releasing - Marketing. All you need to know in one book! (focused on FL Studio) by Von Hoch, Raphael
The Music Producer's Guide To Compression by Hewitt, Ashley
FL Studio Shortcuts: Powerful FL Studio Tricks for Beginners to Make Better Songs Faster (Best FL Studio Workflow Tips You Need to Know as by House, Screech
Sonas La Klarneto by Domínguez Arcos, Alicia
Steps to Parnassus in The 21st Century: An Overview of Composition Skills: First Edition by Parker, Joel Matthew Bradley
ELEMENT X ISOTOFÓNIC (Método de composición de técnica serial) by Soto, Pere
The Complete Book of Modes for Guitar: Book1 The Major Scale Modes by Moretto, Remo
Thinking in and about Music: Analytical Reflections on Milton Babbitt's Music and Thought by Bernstein, Zachary
Blank Sheet Music Notebook: GREAT MUSIC NOTEBOOK Composition Book Notebook for Musicians Cool Cover... Large 10 Staves per Page, 100 Pages by Marrow, Philip
Musical Motives: A Theory and Method for Analyzing Shape in Music by Auerbach, Brent
Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns by Slonimsky, Nicolas
Routledge International Handbook of Music Psychology in Education and the Community by
Tutti Possono Scrivere una Canzone: I Passi per Diventare Cantautore Partendo da Zero anche se Non Sai Suonare by Lambda
Writing Great Music: Creating Magnificent Melodies For Your Song Lyrics by Hollister, Susan
The Creative Electronic Music Producer by Brett, Thomas
The Creative Electronic Music Producer by Brett, Thomas
Strings and Ivory: The Exhaustive Book of Scales and Modes by Carl, Jeffrey
Composing with Constraints: 100 Practical Exercises in Music Composition by Variego, Jorge
The Practice of Musical Improvisation: Dialogues with Contemporary Musical Improvisers by
Strings and Ivory: Chords and Inversions by Carl, Jeffrey
Charles Roland Berry. Study Scores. Syms. no.4 & 5. Ondes Martenot Concerto: complete original orchestral score by Berry, Charles Roland
All Harmonies in Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament by Gaede, Tao
The Mind's Ear: Exercises for Improving the Musical Imagination for Performers, Composers, and Listeners by Adolphe, Bruce
Musical Authorship from Schütz to Bach by Rose, Stephen
Strings and Ivory: Chord Progressions by Carl, Jeffrey
Strings and Ivory: Chord Progressions by Carl, Jeffrey
Strings and Ivory: Chords and Inversions by Carl, Jeffrey
The Power of Why 25 Musicians Composed a Legacy: Why 25 Musicians Composed a Legacy by St Germain, Glory
Pick a Pocket or Two: A History of British Musical Theatre by Mordden, Ethan
The Wound That Will Never Heal: An Allegorical Interpretation of Richard Wagner's the Ring of the Nibelung by Heise, Paul Brian
Eagle 53 Beatless Lutes and 19EDO: Beatless Chords on Stringed Instruments by O'Sullivan, John
Strings and Ivory: Music Reference Guide For Beginners by Carl, Jeffrey
Introduction to Musical Composition by Ridgway, Max
Sound in the Ecstatic-Materialist Perspective on Experimental Music by Wanke, Riccardo D.
How to Write Lyrics: Better Words for Your Songs by Rooksby, Rikky
Music Production Methods: A Concise Guide for Understanding Your Role, Process, and Order by Bess, Josh
Music Production Methods: A Concise Guide for Understanding Your Role, Process, and Order by Bess, Josh
GarageBand Basics: The Complete Guide to GarageBand by Viaje, Aventuras de
GarageBand Basics: The Complete Guide to GarageBand by Viaje, Aventuras de
Arrangement: melodi med becifring by Lohse, Martin
The Music Theory Matrix(TM): Squaring the Circle of Fifths by Frimberger, Lisa Madeline
Desired Artistic Outcomes in Music Performance by Carvalho, Sara, Welch, Graham F., Dalagna, Gilvano
Xenakis Creates in Architecture and Music: The Reynolds Desert House by Reynolds, Karen, Reynolds, Roger
Xenakis Creates in Architecture and Music: The Reynolds Desert House by Reynolds, Karen, Reynolds, Roger
Music, Lyrics, and Life: A Field Guide for the Advancing Songwriter by Errico, Mike
Doing Research in Sound Design by
Doing Research in Sound Design by
Children's Guided Participation in Jazz Improvisation: A Study of the 'Improbasen' Learning Centre by Gravem Johansen, Guro
The Music Producer's Guide To Reverb by Hewitt, Ashley
Audio and Recording for Everyone by Dingman, Earl R.
HowExpert Guide to Playing Guitar: 101+ Tips to Choosing, Maintaining, and Learning How to Play the Guitar for Beginners by Howexpert, Fernandez, Norm
The Power of Why 29 Musicians Climbed to Superstar by St Germain, Glory
Sonic Phantoms: Composition with Auditory Phantasmatic Presence by Ellison, Barbara, Bailey, Thomas Bey William
Unity Game Audio Implementation: A Practical Guide for Beginners by Coggan, Andrew
Unity Game Audio Implementation: A Practical Guide for Beginners by Coggan, Andrew
Women in Jazz: Musicality, Femininity, Marginalization by Buscatto, Marie
Women in Jazz: Musicality, Femininity, Marginalization by Buscatto, Marie