• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Instruction: Brass in 2024

20 Greatest Hymns for Trombone Duet by Dockery, B. C.
Step by Step Guide on How to Play Cornet: Unlock The Secrets Of Cornet Playing With Proven Techniques, Essential Tips, And Fun Exercises For Novice Mu by Sylas, Mishra
20 Greatest Hymns for Trombone Solo with Piano Accompaniment by Dockery, B. C.
20 Greatest Hymns for Solo Trombone by Dockery, B. C.
Larouse Music Pardal Vol.1 Trombone Daily Proguessive Studies: New York by Perez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose
Holifield's Practical Approach for the Professional Trumpet Player: How to Practice to Become more In Demand or even a Virtuoso by Holifield, John F., Jr.
Escuela Superior de Trompeta N-1 Por Jose Pardal: Merza by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose, Lopez, Jose
How to Play the Jazz Trumpet for Beginners: Learn Jazz Trumpet Theory, Harmony, and Techniques from Scratch with Guided Audio Recordings by Randall, Jason
Escuela Superior de Trompeta Por Jose Pardal N-2: Merza by Company, Pardal Music, Lopez, Jose, Pardal, Jose
10 Christmas Songs for Brass Quartet by Bratz, Jeff
Trumpet exercise for beginners, New Era: Sound the Trumpet: Unleash Your Musical Potential From Beginner to Virtuoso: the complete Trumpet Exercise Co by Darwin, Albert C.
Bands in American Musical History: Inflection Points and Reappraisals by
Sad Trombone: Womp, Womp! by Devoe, Analisa
The Beginner's Guide to Playing the Trumpet: Unleashing Your Musical Passion for Profound Success by Sterling, Maximilian
The Warm-Up Safari by Jose Pardal N-10: London by Company, Pardal Music, Lopez, Jose, Merza, Jose
Bass Trombone Method by Jose Pardal Vol,1: New York by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose, Perez, Jose Lopez
Trombone Method by Jose Pardal Vol,1: New York by Perez, Jose Lopez, Company, Pardal Music
Real Book Australia N-1 by Jose Pardal: Merza by Pardal, Jose, Lopez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music
Real Book Australia N-2 by Jose Pardal: Merza by Lopez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose
Real Book Australia N-3 by Jose Pardal: Merza by Lopez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose
Jose Pardal Metodo del Deza de Trompeta N-1: Merza by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose, Lopez, Jose
Advanced Studies in Bass Trombone by José Pardal N-1: Boston by Lopez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose
Warm Up of Flexibelity for Trombone N-1: Merza by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose
Modern Trombone Method by Jose Pardal Vol.1: New York by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose, Lopez, Jose
Book Terminator Octatonic Scale by Jose Pardal Trombone: New York by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose, Lopez, Jose
How to Play the Harmonica: A Complete Guide for Beginners - Chromatic and Diatonic Harmonica by Green, Dylan
Dystonia Relaxation and Flexibility Vol.1: Trombone by Company, Pardal Music, Pardal, Jose, Lopez, Jose
Jose Pardal Metodo del Deza de Trompeta Merza N-2: Trompeta by Pardal, Jose, Perez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music
Merza Brass N-1 Trombone: New York by Pardal, Jose, Perez, Jose, Company, Pardal Music
The King of Speed for Piano by José Pardal N-1: London by Company, Pardal Music, Trombon, Jose Pardal
How to Play the Trombone: A Comprehensive Guide To Learning how To Play The Trombone. Basics, Features, Easy Instructions, And Mastering Techniq by Dustin, Henry
Trumpet Christmas Duets by Lewis, Eddie
Playing The Horn: Technique and Beyond by Baker, Julian
Bottom Brass: Die Tuba im Jazz: Geschichte, Persönlichkeiten, Aufnahmen by Möltgen, Peter
50 Greatest Hymns for Solo Trombone by Dockery, B. C.