• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Instruction: General in 1989

Dimensions of Musical Thinking by
Science of the Singing Voice by Sundberg, Johan
Songs for a Gospel People by Hobbs, R. Gerald
Symphonia: A Critical Edition of the Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum (Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations) by Hildegard
Italian Art Song by White, Robert C., Lakeway, Ruth C.
Chopin: Pianist and Teacher: As Seen by His Pupils by Eigeldinger, Jean Jacques
Selected Studies: For Clarinet by
Patterns of Sound - Vol. II: A Practical Sight-Singing Course by
Introducing the Positions for Viola: Volume 2 - Second, Fourth and Fifth by Whistler, Harvey S.
Rubank Intermediate Method - Oboe by
Pares Scales: Flute or Piccolo by
Rubank Advanced Method - Oboe Vol. 1 by
Concert and Contest Collection for BB Bass Clarinet: Solo Book Only by
Elementary Scales and Bowings - Violin: (First Position) by
Instrumental Virtuosi: A Bibliography of Biographical Materials by Cowden, Robert H.
Messiah in Full Score by Handel, George Frideric
The Rolling Stone Interviews: 1967-1980 by Rolling Stone Magazine
Drum Techniques of Led Zeppelin: Note for Note Transcriptions of 23 Classic John Bonham Drum Tracks by Led Zeppelin, Led, Bergamini, Joe
Harp Exercises for Agility and Speed by Friou, Deborah
Rubrics: A Liturgical Suite for Organ: Organ Solo by
Historical Vocal Pedagogy Classics by Coffin, Berton
Subject Guide to Classical Instrumental Music by Goodenberger, Jennifer