• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 1991

The Late Romantic Era: Volume 7: From the Mid-19th Century to World War I by
Experiencing Music: A Composer's Notes by Holmboe, Vagn
Experiencing Music: A Composer's Notes by Holmboe, Vagn
An Invitation to the Opera: The Perfect Companion for Opera Enjoyment, Entertaining and Enlightening to Novices and Aficionados Alike by Digaetani, John L.
Music in Late Medieval Bruges by Strohm, Reinhard
Bach and the Riddle of the Number Alphabet by Tatlow, Ruth, Ruth, Tatlow
Yankee Musician in Europe: The 1837 Journals of Lowell Mason by
Orchestral Performance Practices in the Nineteenth Century: Size, Proportions, and Seating by Koury, Daniel J.
Choral Music on Record by
Music in Greek and Roman Culture by Comotti, Giovanni
Jazz People PB by Wilmer, Valerie
The Aladdin/Imperial Labels: A Discography by Ruppli, Michel
Great Contemporary Pianists Speak for Themselves by Mach, Elyse
Music Alone: Philosophical Reflections on the Purely Musical Experience by Kivy, Peter
Music History During the Renaissance Period, 1425-1520: A Documented Chronology by Gangwere, Blanche
Jazz in Its Time by Williams, Martin
Music and Musicians in Early Nineteenth-Century Cornwall: The World of Joseph Emidy - Slave, Violinist and Composer by McGrady, Richard
Haydn, the Creation by Temperley, Nicholas
Berg: Violin Concerto by Pople, Anthony
Handel: Messiah by Burrows, Donald
American Experimental Music 1890-1940 by Nicholls, David
Ernst Kurth: Selected Writings by Kurth, Ernst, Ernst, Kurth
Nineteenth-Century Music: Volume 5 by Dahlhaus, Carl
Mendelssohn and His World by
The Idea of Absolute Music by Dahlhaus, Carl
HarperCollins College Outline History of Western Music by Miller, Hugh M.
Summa Musice: A Thirteenth-Century Manual for Singers by
A Guide to Musical Styles: From Madrigal to Modern Music by Moore, Douglas
Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship by Boulez, Pierre, Walsh, Stephen
The Roots of the Blues by Charters, Samuel Barclay
Crosstown Traffic: Jimi Hendrix and the Post-War Rock'n'Roll Revolution by Murray, Charles Shaar
The Forms and Orders of Western Liturgy from the Tenth to the Eighteenth Century: A Historical Introduction and Guide for Students and Musicians by Harper, John
The Fender Telecaster by Duchossoir, A. R.
Mozart's Symphonies: Context, Performance Practice, Reception by Zaslaw, Neal
What's the Matter with Today's Experimental Music?: Organized Sound Too Rarely Heard by Landy, Leigh
Beethoven: Missa Solemnis by Drabkin, William
Mahler: Symphony No. 3 by Franklin, Peter
Alfred Einstein on Music: Selected Music Criticisms by Einstein, Alfred, Dower, Catherine, Gold, Catherine
Gesualdo: The Man and His Music by Watkins, Glenn
The Science of Musical Sounds by Sundberg, Johan
Philosophy and the Analysis of Music: Bridges to Musical Sound, Form, and Reference by Ferrara, Lawrence