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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 2009

The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 12: Music by
Sound and Light: La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela by
Ramones by Porter, Dick
Why Classical Music Still Matters by Kramer, Lawrence
Hugo Riemann and the Birth of Modern Musical Thought by Rehding, Alexander, Alexander, Rehding
Music for the Common Man: Aaron Copland During the Depression and War by Crist, Elizabeth Bergman
A Triste Cancao Do Sul: Subsidios Para A Historia Do Fado (1904) by Pimentel, Alberto
A Pilgrimage To Beethoven: A Novel (1909) by Wagner, Richard
A Practical Course In Ear Training: Or A Guide For Acquiring Relative And Absolute Pitch (1899) by Jadassohn, Salomon
A Travers Chants: Etudes Musicales Adorations, Boutades Et Critiques (1872) by Berlioz, Hector
A Key To The 501 Exercises In Modern Harmony In Its Theory And Practice (1907) by Spalding, Walter Raymond, Foote, Arthur
A Course Of Harmony (1899) by Bridge, Frederick, Sawyer, Frank Joseph
A Practical Introduction To Composition: Harmony Simplified (1901) by York, Francis L.
Aural Harmony, Part 1 (1918) by Robinson, Franklin Whitman
A Course Of Counterpoint And Fugue V1 (1841) by Cherubini, Luigi
Aesthetik Der Tonkunst (1884) by Engel, Gustav Eduard
Kulturelle Räume Und Ästhetische Universalität: Musik Und Musiker Im Exil by
Dane Rudhyar: His Music, Thought, and Art by Ertan, Deniz
Organ and Its Music in German-Jewish Culture by Fruhauf, Tina
Indian Music for the Classroom by Sarrazin, Natalie
Analyzing Popular Music by
A Practical Introduction To Composition: Harmony Simplified (1901) by York, Francis L.
A Triste Cancao Do Sul: Subsidios Para A Historia Do Fado (1904) by Pimentel, Alberto
History of the Violin, Its Ancestors and Collateral Instruments from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Volume 1. (Fascimile reprint). by Van Der Straeten, Edmund S. J.
History of the Violin, Its Ancestors and Collateral Instruments from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Volume 2. (Fascimile reprint). by Van Der Straeten, Edmund
Auber: Offenbach (1869) by De Mirecourt, Eugene
Elemens De Musique Theorique Et Pratique: Suivant Les Principes De M. Rameau (1759) by Jombert, Charles-Antoine, Bruyset, Jean-Marie
Alfredo Catalani: Appunti, Ricordi (1893) by Depanis, Giuseppe
Allemannische Lieder (1843) by Fallersleben, Hoffmann Von
Anatoloische Volkslieder: Aus Der Kaba Dili (1888) by Grunfeld, Leopold
Journal De Musique V1 Part 1: Historique, Theorique Et Pratique (1770) by Minkoff
Dell' Origine E Delle Regole Della Musica, Colla Storia Del Suo Progresso, Decadenza, E Rinnovazione (1774) by Antonio Eximeno Y Pujades
Church Chorals And Choir Studies (1850) by Willis, Richard Storrs
Dance and the Music of J. S. Bach by Jenne, Natalie, Little, Meredith
Listening Well; On Beethoven, Berlioz, and Other Music Criticism in Paris, Boston, and New York, 1764-1890 by Saloman, Ora Frishberg
Memoirs of the Life of the Late George Frederic Handel. [Facsimile of the 1760 edition.] by Mainwaring, John
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.5 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.5.] by Hawkins, John
The Pianoforte, Its Origin, Progress, and Construction. [Facsimile of 1860 edition]. by Rimbault, Edward F.
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.1 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.1.] by Hawkins, John
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.2 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.2.] by Hawkins, John
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.3 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.3.] by Hawkins, John
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Vol.4 of 5. [Facsimile of 1776 Edition of Vol.4.] by Hawkins, John
Hopkins - The Organ, its History and Construction ... preceded by Rimbault - New History of the Organ [Facsimile reprint of 1877 edition, 816 pages] by Rimbault, Edward F., Hopkins, Edward J.
Bach and the Dance of God by Mellers, Wilfrid
Russian Theoretical Thought in Music by
Wire's Pink Flag by Neate, Wilson
Dancing with the Devil, how Puff burned the bad boys of Hip-Hop: Dancing with the Devil by Curry, Mark
Aspekte der Musik, Kunst und Religion zur Zeit der Tschechischen Moderne- Aspects of Music, Arts and Religion during the Period of Czech Modernism by
Music, Philosophy, and Modernity by Bowie, Andrew, Andrew, Bowie
Aesthetics of Opera in the Ancien Regime, 1647 1785 by Thomas, Downing A.
Beethovenjahrbuch (1908) by
Beethoven: Nach Den Schilderungen Seiner Zeitgenossen (1877) by Nohl, Ludwig
Bach-Jahrbuch (1920) by Bachgesellschaft, Neue
Bach-Jahrbuch (1920) by Bachgesellschaft, Neue
Apo-Apo: Zarzuela (1908) by Lopez, Pantaleon S.
Everybody's Guide To Music: With Illustrated Chapters On Singing And Cultivation Of The Voice, Full And Explicit Helps To The Piano And Organ (189 by Booth, Josiah
Beethoven's Neunte Symphonie: Eine Analyse (1888) by Hennig, Carl Rafael
Beethoven's Unterricht Bei J. Haydn, Albrechtsberger Und Salieri (1873) by Nottebohm, Gustav
Beethoven: Nach Den Schilderungen Seiner Zeitgenossen (1877) by Nohl, Ludwig
Cantos Populares Espanoles V5 (1883) by Marin, Francisco Rodriguez
Fr. Schubert: Sa Vie, Ses Oeuvres, Son Temps (1865) by Barbedette, Hippolyte
Frilby: An Operatic Burlesque (1895) by Cary, Walter, Olmsted, John Bartow, Sprague, Frederic Almycarleton
Auld Robin Gray: A Ballad (1825) by Barnard, Anne
Ballades Et Fantaisies (1854) by Murger, Henri
Journal De Musique V1 Part 2: Historique, Theorique Et Pratique (1770) by Minkoff
Carl Heinrich Graun Als Opernkomponist (1899) by Mayer-Reinach, Albert
Dark Star: An Oral Biography of Jerry Garcia by Greenfield, Robert
Haendel (1912) by Brenet, Michel
Guido D' Arezzo: Monaco Ed Eremita Camaldolese, Ristoratore Dell' Arte Musicale (1882) by Camaldolese
Grund-Richtiger, Kurtz, Leicht, Und Nothiger Unterricht Der Musicalischen Kunst (1687) by Speer, Daniel
Cantes Gitanos (1907) by Katacla, El Bachiller
Cantes Gitanos (1907) by Katacla, El Bachiller
Grund-Richtiger, Kurtz, Leicht, Und Nothiger Unterricht Der Musicalischen Kunst (1687) by Speer, Daniel
Guido D' Arezzo: Monaco Ed Eremita Camaldolese, Ristoratore Dell' Arte Musicale (1882) by Camaldolese
Chanson's Populaires Grecques (1876) by Legrand, Emile
Chants Populaires Des Roumains De Serbie (1889) by Picot, Emile
A Genetic Study Of Rhythm (1901) by Squire, Carrie Ransom
Children's Harmony: Treating Of Scales, Keys, Intervals, Simple Chords, And Chord-Connections (1896) by Shepard, Frank Hartson
Capriccios (1898) by Leeds, Katherine Frances
Chansons Rosses (1898) by Fursy, Henri
Anecdotes of George Frederick Handel and John Christopher Smith by Coxe, William
American Choral Directors Association by Sharp, Tim, Prucha, Christina
Sound Commitments: Avant-Garde Music and the Sixties by Adlington, Robert
Studien zur zeitgenoessischen Musik fuer Floete solo in der zweiten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Analytische Betrachtungen zu formalen, außermusikali by Farwick, Susanne
The Who on Record: A Critical History, 1963-1998 by Atkins, John
Johnny Cash and the Paradox of American Identity by Edwards, Leigh H.
Sistah MC Droppin' Rhymes with a Beat: Rap, Rhetoric and Resistance by Desnoyers-Colas, Elizabeth
Anarchic Societies of Sounds by Haskins, Rob
Handel's Messiah and His English Oratorios: A Closer Look by Finane, Ben
Brahms' Symphonies: A Closer Look by Hurwitz, David
Current of Music: Elements of a Radio Theory by
Sonic Boom!: The History of Northwest Rock, from Louie, Louie to Smells Like Teen Spirit by Blecha, Peter
Pearl Harbor Jazz: Change in Popular Music in the Early 1940s by Townsend, Peter
The Mahler Family Letters by Mahler, Gustav
Magic in the Night: The Words and Music of Bruce Springsteen by Kirkpatrick, Rob
What to Listen for in Music by Copland, Aaron
Mozart, Weber and Wagner - With Various Essays on Musical Subjects by Berlioz, Hector
Old Violins by Haweis, H. R.
Les Maitres Musiciens De La Renaissance Francaise (1908) by Expert, Henry
Gluck (1919) by Tiersot, Julien
Giulio Caccini (1908) by Ehrichs, Alfred
Giulio Caccini (1908) by Ehrichs, Alfred
Gluck (1919) by Tiersot, Julien
Letters Of Richard Wagner To Emil Heckel: With A Brief History Of The Bayreuth Festivals (1899) by Wagner, Richard
Letters From Italy And Switzerland (1863) by Bartholdy, Felix Mendelssohn
Edippo A Colono: Dramma Per Musica In Tre Atti (1817) by Guillard, Nicolas Francois, Sacchini, Antonio
Letters From Italy And Switzerland (1863) by Bartholdy, Felix Mendelssohn
Franzosische Volkslieder (1877) by Haupt, Moriz
Les Maitres Musiciens De La Renaissance Francaise: Claude Le Jeune (1900) by
Letters Of Richard Wagner To Emil Heckel: With A Brief History Of The Bayreuth Festivals (1899) by Wagner, Richard
Jean Guyot De Chatelet: Illustre Musicien Wallon Du Seizieme Siecle (1875) by Lyon, Clement
English Verses Set To Hindu Music: In Honor Of His Royal Highness The Prince Of Wales (1875) by Tagore, Sourindro Mohun
First Year Harmony (1908) by Tapper, Thomas
Le Tresor D'Orphe'e (1600) by Francisque, Antoine
Letters Of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: From 1833 To 1847 (1863) by Bartholdy, Felix Mendelssohn
Hours With My Lyre (1884) by Rush, Edwin Rees
Lettres Intimes (1882) by Berlioz, Hector
Such Freedom, If Only Musical: Unofficial Soviet Music During the Thaw by Schmelz, Peter John
Mozart: Overture To The Marriage Of Figaro: Pocket Score by Schuster, Mark, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Old Violins and Violin Lore - Famous Makers of Cremona and Brescia, and of England, France and Germany (with Biographical Dictionary); Famous Players; by Haweis, H. R.
Land of a Thousand Dances: Chicano Rock 'n' Roll from Southern California by Reyes, David, Waldman, Tom
Somebody Scream!: Rap Music's Rise to Prominence in the Aftershock of Black Power by Reeves, Marcus
Beyond Memory: Recording the History, Moments and Memories of South African Music by Mojapelo, Max
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Volume 24: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
Harmony Made Practical: A Comprehensive Treatise (1900) by Boise, Otis Bardwell
Notes D'Ethnographie Musicale (1905) by Tiersot, Julien
Little Biographies: MacDowell (1921) by Humiston, William Henry
Richard Wagners Briefwechsel V2: Mit Seinen Verleger (1911) by Wagner, Richard
Mendacious Madrigals And Metrical Misfits (1900) by O. M.
Seen And Heard (1873) by Mayo, Isabella Fyvie
Richard Wagner In Venedig (1883) by Perl, Henry
Histoire de L'Opera Bouffon, Part 2 (1768) by D'Orville, Andre Guillaume Contant
Harmony Made Practical: A Comprehensive Treatise (1900) by Boise, Otis Bardwell
Dictionnaire De Musique V2 (1769) by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
The Words and Music of Van Morrison by Hage, Erik
The American Musical and the Performance of Personal Identity by Knapp, Raymond
Lonesome Words: The Vocal Poetics of the Old English Lament and the African-American Blues Song by McGeachy, M.
The Music of Donald Martino by Kizas, Andrew J.
Number #1: The Story of the Original Highwaymen: A Journey Through Folk Music History-- The Folk Revivals, the Great Folk Music by Noble, Richard E.
La Musica Moderna y Contemporanea A Traves de los Escritos de Sus Protagonistas: Una Antologia de Textos Comentados by García Laborda, José M°
The Great American Symphony: Music, the Depression, and War by Tawa, Nicholas
The Modernist Legacy: Essays on New Music by
Recentering Anglo/American Folksong: Sea Crabs and Wicked Youths by Renwick, Roger Deveer
Current of Music: Elements of a Radio Theory by
Take Me Out to the Ball Game: The Story of the Sensational Baseball Song by McGuiggan, Amy Whorf
Grunge Is Dead: The Oral History of Seattle Rock Music by Prato, Greg
XO by Lemay, Matthew
The Durham Mission Tune Book: Containing One Hundred And Forty Hymn Tunes, Chants And Litanies, For The Durham Mission Hymn Book (1886) by
Ludwig Van Beethovens Samtliche Briefe Und Aufzeichnungen, 1783-1814 (1907) by Beethoven, Ludwig Van, Prelinger, Fritz
Studien Zur Geschichte Des Melodramas I (1901) by Istel, Edgar
Johannes Brahms Briefe An P. J. Simrock Und Fritz Simrock (1917) by Brahms, Johannes
Mass In G Major For Soli, Chorus, Orchestra, And Organ (1893) by Stanford, Charles Villiers
Kaiser-Lieder (1835) by Gaudy, Franz Bernhard Heinrich Wilhelm
Johann Rosenmuller, 1619-1684 (1898) by Horneffer, August
The Four Seasons (1913) by Ewald, Carl
The Durham Mission Tune Book: Containing One Hundred And Forty Hymn Tunes, Chants And Litanies, For The Durham Mission Hymn Book (1886) by
La Morte D' Ercole: Tragedia Per Musica In Tre Atti (1790) by Pepoli, Alessandro
The Concert And Other Studies (1917) by Jameson, Raymond De Loy
Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts by
Gustav Mahler and Guido Adler: Records of a Friendship by Reilly, Edward R.
Edward Elgar, Modernist by Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
Mendelssohn's Musical Education: A Study and Edition of His Exercises in Composition by Todd, R. Larry
Schenker Studies by
The Puccini Problem by Wilson, Alexandra
An Early Music Dictionary: Musical Terms from British Sources 1500 1740 by
Never Enough: The Story of the Cure by Apter, Jeff
Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide to Your Favorite Music Scenes--From Punk to Indie and Everything in Between by Simon, Leslie
Cat Power: A Good Woman by Goodman, Elizabeth
Schoenberg's Musical Imagination by Cherlin, Michael
From Jazz Funk & Fusion to Acid Jazz: The History of the Uk Jazz Dance Scene by Cotgrove, Mark
Beethoven by Kinderman, William
Nekrolog or Obituary Notice of Johann Sebastian Bach. Translated with an Introduction, Notes and Two Appendices by Walter Emery. (Facsimile of Autogra by Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Agricola, Johann Friedrich
Musik In Hannover (1903) by Fischer, Georg
The Songs Of Greece: From The Romaic Text, With Additions (1825) by
Simple Truths Used By Great Singers (1919) by Robinson-Duff, Sarah
The Rise And Development Of Opera: Embracing A Comparative View Of The Art In Italy (1912) by Goddard, Joseph
The History Of The Violin, And Other Instruments Played On With The Bow From The Remotest Times To The Present (1864) by Forster, Simon Andrew, Sandys, William
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