• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 2013

The Men and Women We Want: Gender, Race, and the Progressive Era Literacy Test Debate by Petit, Jeanne D.
The Castrato and His Wife by Berry, Helen
The Great Piano Virtuosos of Our Time by Von Lenz, Wilhelm
Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds by
Dinner with Lenny: The Last Long Interview with Leonard Bernstein by Cott, Jonathan
Zwischen biederen Fugen und atonalen Ausschweifungen: Neue Musik an den Hochschulen fuer Musik der DDR in den 1960er Jahren by Blanke, Inga
Die kaiserliche Hof-Musikkapelle in Wien von 1543 bis 1867 by Von Köchel, Ludwig Ritter
Woman's Work in Music by Elson, Arthur
No Stoppin' This Boppin': Let The Good Times Roll by Skurzewski, Terri, Skurzewski, Bob
Wilhelm Berger (1861-1911) Komponist - Dirigent - Pianist by
Buch der Lieder aus der Minnezeit by Storck, Wilhelm
Woman's Work in Music by Elson, Arthur
Boring Formless Nonsense: Experimental Music and the Aesthetics of Failure by Priest, Edritch
Boring Formless Nonsense: Experimental Music and the Aesthetics of Failure by Priest, Edritch
Wissende Des Unbewussten: Romantische Anthropologie Und Ästhetik Im Werk Richard Wagners by Schneider, Martin
The Starday Story: The House That Country Music Built by Gibson, Nathan D.
The Accessibility of Music by Eisentraut, Jochen
Bob Dylan: Writings 1968-2010 by Marcus, Greil
Sweet, Hot and Blue: St. Louis' Musical Heritage by Jones, Jimmy, Cunningham, Lyn Driggs
Singing Lessons For Everybody by Lawrence, Alice E.
Milwaukee Garage Bands: Generations of Grassroots Rock by Roller, Peter
Milwaukee Garage Bands: Generations of Grassroots Rock by Roller, Peter
Vom Glücke Beethovens by Schurig, Arthur
Franz Liszt by Bekker, Paul
This Music Leaves Stains: The Complete Story of the Misfits by Greene, James
Dance in Handel's London Operas by McCleave, Sarah
Msfl: A Concise Price Guide/Discography: Covering Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab's Early Releases 1-001 through 1-200 by Chlanda, Mikey
So This Is Showbiz!: Memories Of My Life in Music by Foster, Michelina M., Ansteth, Cleo
Byron and the Discourses of History by Pomarè, Carla
That's Got 'Em!: The Life and Music of Wilbur C. Sweatman by Berresford, Mark
Rosegger-Rezeption Bei Anton Webern by Kaiser, Elisabeth
Pioneers of Rock & Roll. #1: Special Edition #1 by Frieday, Leah, Cardinal, Captain
Die Geige by Drögemeyer, Hermann August
Heavy Metal: Controversies and Counterculture by
Heavy Metal: Controversies and Counterculture by
Political Beethoven by Mathew, Nicholas
The Life of Haydn by Jones, David Wyn
Jazz Icons: Heroes, Myths and the Jazz Tradition by Whyton, Tony
Carolina Beach Music from the '60s to the '80s: The New Wave by Simmons, Rick
Músicos de Cuba y del mundo: Nadie se va del todo by Borges-Triana, Joaquin
Our Ancient National Airs: Scottish Song Collecting from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Era by McAulay, Karen
Sound, Music, Affect: Theorizing Sonic Experience by
Noise Matters: Towards an Ontology of Noise by Hainge, Greg
Noise Matters: Towards an Ontology of Noise by Hainge, Greg
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EARLY AMERICAN VOCAL GROUPS - 100 Years of Harmony: 1850 to 1950 by Friedman, Douglas E., Gribin, Anthony J.
The Oxford Handbook of the American Musical by
First and Lasting Impressions: Julius Rudel Looks Back on a Life in Music by Paller, Rebecca, Julius Rudel, Julius
Charles Sanford Skilton: Studies of Contemporary American Composers by Howard, John Tasker
Das musikalische Kunstwerk als Patriot und Feind: Instrumentalisierung der Musik im Ersten Weltkrieg by Peitzmeier, Jens Christian
Text and Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll: The Beats and Rock Culture by Warner, Simon
Erinnerungen by Wagner, Siegfried
A Factor Analysis Of Music Tests: Catholic University Of America by Bower, Libbie B.
Aesthetics of Music: Aesthetics of Music in Sixteenth-Century Italy, France and Spain by Whitwell, David
The Tutelo Spirit Adoption Ceremony: Reclothing the Living in the Name of the Dead and Transcriptions and Analysis of Tutelo Music by Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, Herzog, George
Messiaen's Musical Techniques: The Composer's View and Beyond by Healey, Gareth
Dix ecrits de Richard Wagner by Wagner, Richard
The Original Tuxedo Jazz Band: More Than a Century of a New Orleans Icon by Newhart, Sally
British Rock Guitar by Foster, Mo
Martinů's Letters Home: Five Decades of Correspondence with Family and Friends by Martinů, Bohuslav, Popelka, Isa
The Aesthetic Life of Cyril Scott by Collins, Sarah
Loading the Silence: Australian Sound Art in the Post-Digital Age by Kouvaras, Linda Ioanna
North American Indian Musical Styles: Memoirs Of The American Folklore Society, V45 by Nettl, Bruno
Beyond Salsa Bass: The Cuban Timba Revolution - Latin Bass for Beginners by Moore, Kevin
Mapping Canada's Music: Selected Writings of Helmut Kallmann by Kallmann, Helmut
Antoni Szalowski: Person and Work by Szczurko, Elzbieta
The Music Documentary: Acid Rock to Electropop by
Joy Ride! the Stars and Stories of Philly's Famous Uptown Theater by Roberts, Kimberly C.
Joy Ride! the Stars and Stories of Philly's Famous Uptown Theater by Roberts, Kimberly C.
Musikgeschichte in Beispielen by Riemann, Hugo
Spanish Cathedral Music in the Golden Age by Stevenson, Robert Murrell
Whenever I Feel Like It by Goldberg, Aaron
La Chanson Française Du Xve Au Xxe Siècle: Avec Un Appendice Musical by Sans Auteur
Recueil General, de Toutes Les Chansons Mazarinistes. Et Avec Plusieurs Qui n'Ont Point Estées: Chantées by Sans Auteur
Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Facteur d'Orgues: Nouvelle Édition Contenant l'Orgue de DOM Bedos: de Celles, Et Tous Les Perfectionnements de la Facture Ju by Hamel, Marie-Pierre
Les Musiciens Et La Musique by Berlioz, Hector
Soixante-Neuf ANS À l'Opéra-Comique En Deux Pages: de la Première de la Dame Blanche: À La Millième de Mignon, 1825-1894 by Soubies, Albert
Voyage Musical En Allemagne Et En Italie: Études Sur Beethoven, Gluck Et Weber. T. 1: : Mélanges Et Nouvelles by Berlioz, Hector
Voyage Musical En Allemagne Et En Italie: Études Sur Beethoven, Gluck Et Weber. T. 2: : Mélanges Et Nouvelles by Berlioz, Hector
Notes d'Un Musicien En Voyage by Offenbach, Jacques
Rome, Souvenirs d'Un Musicien by Maréchal, Henri
A Travers Chants: Études Musicales, Adorations, Boutades Et Critiques by Berlioz, Hector
Histoire de la Musique by Soubies, Albert
Nirvana - A Tour Diary: My Life on the Road with One of the Greatest Bands of All Time by Bollen, Andy
I See the Rhythm by Igus, Toyomi
The Great Jazz Guitarists: The Ultimate Guide by Yanow, Scott
Music and Ballet by Calvocoressi, Michel-Dimitri
Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies by
The Hip Hop Movement: From R&B and the Civil Rights Movement to Rap and the Hip Hop Generation by Rabaka, Reiland
The Hip Hop Movement: From R&B and the Civil Rights Movement to Rap and the Hip Hop Generation by Rabaka, Reiland
Song and Social Change in Latin America by
Our American Composer: A Rhapsodical Biography by Schroeder, Nikita Mulliken
Bach's Use of Slurs in Recitativo Secco by Drinker, Henry Sandwith
Byrd Mmus C by McCarthy, Kerry
Music and the Skillful Listener: American Women Compose the Natural World by Von Glahn, Denise
Sounding the Gallery: Video and the Rise of Art-Music by Rogers, Holly
Bodies of Sound: Studies Across Popular Music and Dance by
Composing Ambiguity: The Early Music of Morton Feldman by Noble, Alistair
CCM Is Not The Problem, It Is Only A Symptom by Bennett, David C.
Music in Medieval Britain: Studies in the History of Music by Harrison, Francis Llewellyn
Music of the Maidu Indians of California: Publications of the Frederick Webb Hodge Anniversary Publication Fund by Densmore, Frances
Tuning and Temperament: A Historical Survey by Barbour, James Murray
I believe you are a star: Interviews with New Zealand musicians, DJs and artists by McLennan, Peter
The Legacy of Cornelius Cardew by Harris, Tony
Making Samba: A New History of Race and Music in Brazil by Hertzman, Marc A.
In Search of Chopin by Cortot, Alfred
Elgar's Earnings by Drysdale, John
Catechism of Musical Aesthetics by Riemann, Hugo
Life After Death: The Viola Da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch by Holman, Peter
Music Under the Moon: A History of the Berkshire Symphonic Festival, Inc. by Mahanna, John G. W.
Aesthetics of Music: Aesthetics of Music in Sixteenth-Century Germany, the Low Countries and England by Whitwell, David
John Cage and David Tudor: Correspondence on Interpretation and Performance by Iddon, Martin
Stravinsky's Piano: Genesis of a Musical Language by Griffiths, Graham
Franz Schubert - Sein Leben und sein Werk: Aus Fraktur übertragen by Bie, Oscar
Music in and on the Air by Schwartz, Lloyd
Modern Music, V21, No. 1-4, 1943-1944 by Frankenstein, Alfred, Cowell, Sidney R., Chanler, Theodore
Modern Music, V21, No. 4, May-June, 1944 by Lourie, Arthur, Chanler, Theodore, Carter, Elliott
Modern Music, V21, No. 1, November-December, 1943 by Cowell, Sidney R., Chanler, Theodore, Frankenstein, Alfred
Modern Music, V23, No. 3, Summer, 1946 by Dahl, Ingolf, Harrison, Lou, Picasso, Pablo
Power Ballad: A Definitive Guide to Hard Rock's Softer Side Volume One by Minneci, Timothy David
Staatskapelle Berlin. the Shellac Era 1916-1962. by Hunt, John
La Psychologie Dans l'Opéra Français (Auber, Rossini, Meyerbeer) Cours Professé À La Sorbonne by Dauriac, Lionel
Jazz Diplomacy: Promoting America in the Cold War Era by Davenport, Lisa E.
Hofner: The Complete Violin Bass Story by Russell, Steve, Wass, Nick
Chasing the Rising Sun: The Journey of an American Song by Anthony, Ted
Republic of Rock: Music and Citizenship in the Sixties Counterculture by Kramer, Michael J.
Federico Moreno Torroba: A Musical Life in Three Acts by Krause, William Craig, Clark, Walter Aaron
Aesthetics of Music: Aesthetics of Baroque Music in Italy, Spain, the German-Speaking Countries and the Low Countries by Whitwell, David
Die Frau führt Regie by Martensen, Karin
Die Geburt der Musik: Eine Kulturstudie by Pastor, Willy
People Get Ready: The Future of Jazz Is Now! by
People Get Ready: The Future of Jazz Is Now! by
The NiteKings: A Legendary Las Vegas Band by Krieger, Arlene P.
Sounds of War: Music in the United States During World War II by Fauser, Annegret
Nero in Opera: Librettos as Transformations of Ancient Sources by Manuwald, Gesine
The Wrecking Crew: The Inside Story of Rock and Roll's Best-Kept Secret by Hartman, Kent
Old Man Metal by Vonsydow, Ponk
Representation in Western Music by
Music Express: The Rise, Fall & Resurrection of Canada's Music Magazine by Sharp, Keith
On Music by Gracyk, Theodore
My Dear Rogue, Sir Granville Bantock's Secret Romance That Influenced the Music of One of Britain's Greatest 20th Century Composers by
British Light Music, a Personal Gallery of 20th Century Composers. by Scowcroft, Philip L.
Teaching Music Across History [With CD (Audio)] by Luppens, Valeaira, Foreman, Greg
Freedom from Violence and Lies: Essays on Russian Poetry and Music by Simon Karlinsky by
Red Strains: Music and Communism Outside the Communist Bloc by
Lettre de M. Grimm Sur Omphale, Tragédie Lyrique, Reprise Par l'Académie Royale de Musique: Le 14 Janvier 1752 by Grimm, Friedrich Melchior
Hamish MacCunn (1868-1916): A Musical Life by Oates, Jennifer L.
Japanoise: Music at the Edge of Circulation by Novak, David
Nina Simone by Elliott, Richard
Inside Conducting by Seaman, Christopher
Assimilate: A Critical History of Industrial Music by Reed, S. Alexander
Historical Dictionary of Baroque Music by Swain, Joseph P.
The Ring of Myths: Israelis, Wagner and the Nazis by Sheffi, Na'ama
The Rolling Stones: Sociological Perspectives by
Hugo Wolf - Das Leben und das Lied. Biographie by Décsey, Ernst
Cavaille-Coll's Monumental Organ Project for Saint Peter's, Rome: Bigger Than Them All by Ebrecht, Ronald
Die Musikasthetik Des 18. Jahrhunderts by Goldschmidt, Hugo
Beethovens Briefe an Geliebte Frauen by Thomas-San-Galli, Wolfgang Alexander
Aesthetics of Music: Aesthetics of Baroque Music in France by Whitwell, David
Music and Protest in 1968 by
The Rolling Stones: Sociological Perspectives by
Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, Bd. 1: Mit vielen Notenbeispielen und Abbildungen zur Geschichte der Notenschrift, der Musikinstrumente, der Operndarste by Adler, Guido
Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, Bd. 1: Mit vielen Notenbeispielen und Abbildungen zur Geschichte der Notenschrift, der Musikinstrumente, der Operndarste by Adler, Guido
Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, Bd. 2: Mit vielen Notenbeispielen und Abbildungen zur Geschichte der Notenschrift, der Musikinstrumente, der Operndarste by Adler, Guido
Mavericks and Other Traditions in American Music by Broyles, Michael
Beethoven Und Seine Neun Symphonien by Grove, George
You Don't Know Me But You Don't Like Me: Phish, Insane Clown Posse, and My Misadventures with Two of Music's Most Maligned Tribes by Rabin, Nathan
The Riot Grrrl Collection by
Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, Bd. 2: Mit vielen Notenbeispielen und Abbildungen zur Geschichte der Notenschrift, der Musikinstrumente, der Operndarste by Adler, Guido
Fur Den Deutschen Mozart by Anheisser, Siegfried
John Kirkpatrick, American Music, and the Printed Page by Massey, Drew
Beyond a Love Supreme: John Coltrane and the Legacy of an Album by Whyton, Tony
The Routledge History of Social Protest in Popular Music by
Nicolo Paganini: A Biography by Prod'homme, J. G.
Histoire de la Societe Des Concerts Du Conservatoire Imperial de Musique Avec Dessins, Musique, Plans, Portraits, Notices Biographiques, Etc. by Elwart, A.
Sounding the Cape Music, Identity and Politics in South Africa by Martin, Denis-Constant
The Refrain and the Rise of the Vernacular in Medieval French Music and Poetry by Saltzstein, Jennifer
Bon Jovi: America's Ultimate Band by Olson, Margaret
Girl Groups: Fabulous Females Who Rocked the World by Clemente, John
Gesammelte Schriften über Musik und Musiker von Robert Schumann by Kreisig, Martin
Detroit Rock City: The Uncensored History of Rock 'n' Roll in America's Loudest City by Miller, Steven
Methode der Musikgeschichte by Adler, Guido
Music Theory and its Methods: Structures, Challenges, Directions by
Life of John Hullah by Hullah, John
Tonpsychologie: Volume 1 by Stumpf, Carl
Tonpsychologie: Volume 2 by Stumpf, Carl
Musical Memories by Spark, William
A Grammar of Music: To Which Are Prefixed Observations Explanatory of the Properties and Powers of Music as a Science and of the General S by Busby, Thomas
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music by
The History of Music: Volume 2 by Naumann, Emil
The History of Music by Naumann, Emil
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, sein Leben und seine Werke by Klasen, Ludwig
Franz Schubert by Reissmann, August
Wagner's Melodies: Aesthetics and Materialism in German Musical Identity by Trippett, David
Aural Fixation; More Essays from a Musical Obsessive by Whitaker, Dave
Down Among the Dead Men by Van Dieren, Bernard
Building the Operatic Museum: Eighteenth-Century Opera in Fin-De-Siècle Paris by Gibbons, William
Seattle's Music Venues by Bergman, Jolie Dawn
New York City Jazz by Brinkofski, Elizabeth Dodd
Javanese Gamelan and the West by Sumarsam
P.-F. Villaret by Lauzac, Henry
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