• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 2017

Mémoires Sur La Musique Sacrée En Normandie by Pothier, Joseph
Explosion of Deferred Dreams: Musical Renaissance and Social Revolution in San Francisco, 1965-1975 by Callahan, Mat
Close to the Edge: How Yes's Masterpiece Defined Prog Rock by Romano, Will
75 Years of Capitol Records by Hoskyns, Barney
k-pop: A short encyclopedia by
Music and Ethics by Nielsen, Nanette, Cobussen, Marcel
The Free Musics by Wright, Jack
Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music by Karush, Matthew B.
Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music by Karush, Matthew B.
Obscure Composers 3: A third and final meditation on fame, obscurity and the meaning of life by Sarkett, John A.
Composing the World: Harmony in the Medieval Platonic Cosmos by Hicks, Andrew
Everything Is on the One: The First Guide of Funk by Goldfine, Scott
Perils of Prolificity: Sometimes When I Start Writing, I Just Can't Stop by Reed, Bill
Musical Encounters with Deleuze and Guattari by
Sonic Technologies: Popular Music, Digital Culture and the Creative Process by Strachan, Robert
Sonic Technologies: Popular Music, Digital Culture and the Creative Process by Strachan, Robert
The Republic of Rock: Music and Citizenship in the Sixties Counterculture by Kramer, Michael J.
Music History: History of Music: From Prehistoric Sounds to Classical Music, Jazz, Rock Music, Pop Music and Electronic Music by Sullivan, Andrew
Art Record Covers by Spampinato, Francesco
Studies in Historical Improvisation: From Cantare super Librum to Partimenti by
Hawkwind: Sonic Assassins by Abrahams, Ian
Negotiating Difference in French Louisiana Music: Categories, Stereotypes, and Identifications by Le Menestrel, Sara
Soundtrack of the Revolution: The Politics of Music in Iran by Siamdoust, Nahid
Soundtrack of the Revolution: The Politics of Music in Iran by Siamdoust, Nahid
Music in Medieval Europe by Yudkin, Jeremy
Carlos Chavez: A Guide to Research by Parker, Robert L.
Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik: III. Band by Reissmann, August
Our Musical Heritage: From "Yankee Doodle" to Carnegie Hall, Broadway, and the Hollywood Sound Stage by Evans, Mark
Our Musical Heritage: From "Yankee Doodle" to Carnegie Hall, Broadway, and the Hollywood Sound Stage by Evans, Mark
Habla Cantada de la Lengua Judeoespañola by Pineda, Yvan Augusto
Building the Operatic Museum: Eighteenth-Century Opera in Fin-De-Siècle Paris by Gibbons, William
Stories, Images, and Magic from the Piano Literature by Rutman, Neil
A Theory of Music Analysis: On Segmentation and Associative Organization by Hanninen, Dora A.
From 1989, or European Music and the Modernist Unconscious by Brodsky, Seth
Bop Apocalypse: Jazz, Race, the Beats, and Drugs by Torgoff, Martin
Obscure Composers: Classical Period 18th Century by Sarkett, John A.
The Beatles by Inglis, Ian
Music After the Fall: Modern Composition and Culture Since 1989 by Rutherford-Johnson, Tim
Music and Monumentality: Commemoration and Wonderment in Nineteenth-Century Germany by Rehding, Alexander
Music After the Fall: Modern Composition and Culture Since 1989 by Rutherford-Johnson, Tim
Lions of the North: Sounds of the New Nordic Radical Nationalism by Teitelbaum, Benjamin R.
Elliott Carter Studies by
Harrison Birtwistle's Operas and Music Theatre by Beard, David
Beethoveniana: Aufsätze und Mitteilungen by Nottebohm, Gustav
Beethoven's Theatrical Quartets by November, Nancy
Music in Germany since 1968 by Williams, Alastair
The Orchestral Music of Michael Tippett by Schuttenhelm, Thomas
Mozart's Music of Friends by Klorman, Edward
Die Geschichte der Viola Alta und die Grundsätze ihres Baues by Ritter, Hermann
The Book of a Devout Pop Picker by Sulley, Peter
Führer durch den Konzertsaal, Abteilung 1: Kirchliche Werke, Passionen, Messen, Hymnen, Psalmen, Motetten, Cantaten by Kretzschmar, Hermann
Die Beethoven`schen Clavier-Sonaten: Briefe an eine Freundin by Reinecke, Carl
Tangle of Matter & Ghost: Leonard Cohen's Post-Secular Songbook of Mysticism(s) Jewish & Beyond by Glazer, Aubrey
Studio Grace: The Making of a Record by Siblin, Eric
Geschichte der Musik in Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich by Brendel, Franz
Geschichte der Musik in Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich by Brendel, Franz
Stealth Jazz: Behind the Curtain by Smith, Tom
Populäre Vorträge über Bildung und Begründung eines musikalischen Urteils by Küster, Hermann
Lehrbuch der Harmonie: Praktische Anleitung zu den Studien in derselben zunächst für das Königl. Konservatorium der Musik zu Leipzig by Richter, Ernst Friedrich
Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism by Thompson, Marie
Populäre Vorträge über Bildung und Begründung eines musikalischen Urteils by Küster, Hermann
Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism by Thompson, Marie
The Modern Lovers' the Modern Lovers by Maloney, Sean L.
Angelo Badalamenti's Soundtrack from Twin Peaks by Norelli, Clare Nina
Lehrbuch der Harmonie: praktische Anleitung zu den Studien in derselben by Richter, Ernst Friedrich
Populäre Vorträge über Bildung und Begründung eines musikalischen Urteils: Mit erläuternden Beispielen by Küster, Hermann
Gluck und die Oper by Marx, Adolf Bernhard
Populäre Vorträge über Bildung und Begründung eines musikalischen Urteils: I. Zyklus - die einfachsten Tonformen by Küster, Hermann
The Latest Collaboration Between Nino Rota and Federico Fellini by Perugini, Simone
Beyond Boundaries: Rethinking Music Circulation in Early Modern England by
Beyond Boundaries: Rethinking Music Circulation in Early Modern England by
Music, Dance, Affect, and Emotions in Latin America by
Field Recordings from the Inside: Essays by Bonomo, Joe
Consuming Music: Individuals, Institutions, Communities, 1730-1830 by
Sémiotique Et Vécu Musical: Du Sense À l'Expérience de l'Expérience Au Sens by
Blood On The Rooftops: Notizen über Musik und mehr by Steinkoenig, Gerd
Uebungen zum Studium der Harmonie und des Contrapunktes by Hiller, Ferdinand
Ciro Frank Schiappa: New York Serenade by
A History of Rock Music by Gass, Glenn
Studien über die Musik in Amerika by Griggs, John Cornelius
The Fabulous Brit Brothers: A Rock 'N' Roll Tragedy by Washington, Jon
Führer durch den Konzertsaal: 1. Abt. by Kretzschmar, Hermann
Führer durch den Konzertsaal by Kretzschmar, Hermann
When Genres Collide: Down Beat, Rolling Stone, and the Struggle Between Jazz and Rock by Brennan, Matt
Ludic Dreaming: How to Listen Away from Contemporary Technoculture by Couroux, Marc, Hiebert, Ted, Cecchetto, David
Ludic Dreaming: How to Listen Away from Contemporary Technoculture by Hiebert, Ted, Cecchetto, David, Couroux, Marc
Neues musikalisches System: Die Einheit in der Tonwelt by Vincent, Heinrich Josef
Deep Sea Chanties: Old Sea Songs by Shay, Frank
Führer durch den Concertsaal: Abth. Sinfonie und Suite by Kretzschmar, Hermann
George Harrison: Soul Man Vol. 2 by Blaney, John
Führer durch den Konzertsaal: Zweite Abheilung, Erster Teil, Kirchliche Werke by Kretzschmar, Hermann
Bluebeard by Wiggin, Kate Douglas
Obscure Composers: Romantic Period 19th Century by Sarkett, John Allen
Perspectives on Anton Bruckner by
Harps and Harpists, Revised Edition by Rensch, Roslyn
Blue Ridge Rockway by Hester, Shea
Composer Genealogies: A Compendium of Composers, Their Teachers, and Their Students by Pfitzinger, Scott
The Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio by
Occasional Pieces: Writings and Interviews, 1952-2013 by Wolff, Christian
Counting Down the Beatles: Their 100 Finest Songs by Beviglia, Jim
In the Process of Becoming: Analytic and Philosophical Perspectives on Form in Early Nineteenth-Century Music by Schmalfeldt, Janet
de Musica by Augustinus
Small Town Talk: Bob Dylan, the Band, Van Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Friends in the Wild Years of Woodstock by Hoskyns, Barney
History of the American Pianoforte: Its Technical Development, and theTrade by Spillane, Daniel
The Music of William Schuman, Vincent Persichetti, and Peter Mennin: Voices of Stone and Steel by Simmons, Walter
Blood On The Rooftops Teil 2: Weitere Notizen über Musik und Mehr by Steinkoenig, Gerd
The Writer's Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity by Skilbeck, Ruth
The Writer's Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity by Skilbeck, Ruth
Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposition: praktisch theoretisch by Riemann, Hugo, Marx, Adolf Bernhard
Blood On The Rooftops Teil 3: Noch mehr Infos über Musik und mehr ... by Steinkoenig, Gerd
Figures of the Imagination: Fiction and Song in Britain, 1790-1850 by Hansford, Roger
In Praise of Music: 366 Selections - One for Every Day in the Year by Gates, W. Francis
Bedrich Smetana: Myth, Music, and Propaganda by St Pierre, Kelly
Seinen Glauben selber singen: Zur Entwicklung des Singens als evangelisches Glaubenslied von der Reformation bis zur Aufklärung. Ein musikpädagogisc by Ströbel, Dietmar
Ravel Studies by
The Southern Rock Revival: The Old South in a New World by Eastman, Jason T.
Music and Ethical Responsibility by Warren, Jeff R.
Becoming Heinrich Schenker by Morgan, Robert P.
Die Lehre von der Harmonia by Draeseke, Felix
Führer durch den Konzertsaal: 1. Band by Kretzschmar, Hermann
Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters by Vogel, Emil
Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters by Vogel, Emil
Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters by Schwartz, Rudolf
Great Composers of the Great American Songbook by Ewen, David
Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters by Schwartz, Rudolf
Polish Style in the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach by Paczkowski, Szymon
O Sing Unto the Lord: A History of English Church Music by Gant, Andrew
British Literature and Classical Music: Cultural Contexts 1870-1945 by Deutsch, David
British Musical Modernism by Rupprecht, Philip
The Invention of Beethoven and Rossini by
Lehrbuch des einfachen und doppelten Contrapunkts: Zweiter Band by Richter, Ernst Friedrich
Die Lehre von der Harmonia in lustige Reimlein gebracht: Dritte Auflage by Draeseke, Felix
Trademark of Quality: The Reverend's Archives, Volume 1 by Gordon, Keith a.
Old English Popular Music: Vol. I by Wooldridge, H. Ellis (Harry Ellis), Chappell, William
Old English Popular Music: Vol. II by Wooldridge, Harry Ellis, Chappell, William
Transformation of Black Music: The Rhythms, the Songs, and the Ships of the African Diaspora by Zeck, Melanie, Ramsey, Guthrie, Floyd, Sam
Your Song Changed My Life: From Jimmy Page to St. Vincent, Smokey Robinson to Hozier, Thirty-Five Beloved Artists on Their Journey and the Music by Boilen, Bob
Israël en Égypte by Bouchor, Maurice
New Orleans Rhythm and Blues After Katrina: Music, Magic and Myth by Urban, Michael
The English Musical Renaissance and the Press 1850-1914: Watchmen of Music by Hughes, Meirion
Boys From Houston II: Deep in the Heart (Black and White Edition) by Delavergne, William C., Ayo, Vicki Welch
Musik und die Ordnung der Dinge im ausgehenden Mittelalter und in der Fruehen Neuzeit by Mackensen, Karsten
George Harrison: Soul Man Vol. 2 by Blaney, John
The Beatles Discography - The Releases: Volume One - October 1961 - December 1970 by Donnelly, Stephen E.
The Beatles Discography - The Releases: Volume One - October 1961 - December 1970 by Donnelly, Stephen E.
Pro Mundo--Pro Domo: The Writings of Alban Berg by
Experiencing Film Music: A Listener's Companion by Lafave, Kenneth
Late Thoughts on an Old War: The Legacy of Vietnam by Beidler, Philip D.
Smile When You Call Me a Hillbilly: Country Music's Struggle for Respectability, 1939-1954 by Lange, Jeffrey J.
Unfinished History: A New Account of Franz Schubert's B minor Symphony by Montgomery, David
Tatum's Town: The story of jazz in Toledo, Ohio (1915-1985) by Dietsche, Bob
Complicated Fun: The Birth of Minneapolis Punk and Indie Rock, 1974-1984 --- An Oral History by Collins, Cyn
Presidential Praise: Our Presidents And Their Hymns by Spann, C. Edward
Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia - Deluxe Edition The Vinyl Years: Eh thru Zed by Vernon, Jaimie
Who Can Afford to Improvise?: James Baldwin and Black Music, the Lyric and the Listeners by Pavlic, Ed
The Most Beautiful: My Life with Prince by Garcia, Mayte
The Americana Revolution: From Country and Blues Roots to the Avett Brothers, Mumford & Sons, and Beyond by Cain, Michael Scott
Vinyl Me, Please: 100 Albums You Need in Your Collection by Please
Understanding Gary Numan: The Machine Quartet (1978-1981) by Sutton, Paul
The Legacy of Johann Strauss by Lang, Zoë Alexis
Analyses of 101 Classical Music Masterpieces by Valente, Raymond J.
The music of the most ancient nations: particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews by Engel, Carl
The Hymns and Songs of the Church: With an Introduction by Edward Farr by Wither, George
Boogie Chillun: The Reverend's Archives, Volume 4 by Gordon, Keith a.
Songs and Ballads of the Southern People. 1861-1865 by Moore, Frank
Die Figur Cherubino in Mozarts Le Nozze di Figaro by Babbar, Lara
Ernest Bloch Studies by
Tokyo Boogie-Woogie: Japan's Pop Era and Its Discontents by Nagahara, Hiromu
Language of the Spirit: An Introduction to Classical Music by Swafford, Jan
The Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684 by MacKay, Charles
Pianoforte Music: Its History, with Biographical Sketches and Critical Estimates of its ... by Fillmore, John Comfort
Improvisation and Social Aesthetics by
Improvisation and Social Aesthetics by
The Necessity of Music: Variations on a German Theme by Applegate, Celia
The Standard Cantatas: Their Stories, their Music, and their Composers by Upton, George P. (George Putnam)
Claude Ranger: Canadian Jazz Legend by Miller, Mark
Claude Ranger: Canadian Jazz Legend by Miller, Mark
Blackface Nation: Race, Reform, and Identity in American Popular Music, 1812-1925 by Roberts, Brian
Berlin 1830, Wien 1870, München 1910 by Spaltenstein, Laure
Berlin 1830, Wien 1870, München 1910: Eine Begriffsgeschichte musikalischer Aufführung im 19. Jahrhundert by Spaltenstein, Laure
La Traviata: A Lyric Drama in Three Acts by Verdi, Giuseppe
A History of the Pianoforte and Pianoforte Players by Bie, Oskar
A History of the Pianoforte and Pianoforte Players by Bie, Oskar
The Music of the Most Ancient Nations: particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews by Engel, Carl
Music and Soviet Power, 1917-1932 by Frolova-Walker, Marina, Walker, Jonathan
A Sketch of the Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia: Read Before the Society January 29, 1885 by Mactier, William L.
Anecdotes of Great Musicians: three hundred anecdotes and biographical sketches of famous composers and performers by Gates, Willey Francis
Paris, a Concise Musical History by Hartopp, Guy
The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System -- Theory and Practice by Gadalla, Moustafa
Under the Big Black Sun: A Personal History of L.A. Punk by Doe, John, Desavia, Tom
The Gaithers and Southern Gospel: Homecoming in the Twenty-First Century by Harper, Ryan P.
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church by Wither, George
45 RPM (Recollections Per Minute): The Morrell Archives Volume 3 by Morrell, Dave
A Noble Art: Three Lectures on the Evolution and Construction of the Piano by Smith, Fanny Morris
Reel Music: Exploring 100 Years of Film Music by Hickman, Roger
The Courage of Composers and the Tyranny of Taste: Reflections on New Music by Varga, Bálint András
The Story of British Music: From the earliest time to the Tudor period by Crowest, Frederick James
Rush: Album by Album by Popoff, Martin
How Music Works by Byrne, David
History of the American Pianoforte by Spillane, Daniel
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