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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 2022

Gossec Et La Musique Française À La Fin Du Xviiie Siècle by Hellouin, Frédéric
Sixty Russian Folk-songs For One Voice; Volume 2 by Schindler, Kurt, Taylor, Deems
Geschichte Des Christlichen, Insbesondere Des Evangelischen Kirchengesanges Und Der Kirchenmusik ... Nebst Andeutungen Und Vorschlägen Zur Verbesserun by Häuser, Johann Ernst
Student and Singer: The Reminiscences of Charles Santley by Santley, Charles
Catalogue of Opera Librettos Printed Before 1800 by Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore, Schatz, Albert
Aufgaben Für Den Unterricht in Der Harmonielehre Für Die Schüler Des Dr. Hoch'schen Konservatoriums in Frankfurt A.M. by Knorr, Iwan
A Dictionary of Two Thousand Italian, French, German, English, and Other Musical Terms: With Their Significations and Usual Abbreviations; Also, an Ex by Hamilton, James Alexander
Tonpsychologie by Stumpf, Carl
Report on 'The Star Spangled Banner', 'Hail Columbia', 'America', 'Yankee Doodle' by Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore
London Music in 1888-89 As Heard by Corno Di Bassetto: (Later Known As Bernard Shaw) With Some Further Autobiographical Particulars by Shaw, Bernard
Life of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, With Sketches by Sir J. Benedict [And Others] Additional Notes by C.L. Gruneisen, Ed. and Tr. by W.L. Gage by Lampadius, Wilhelm Adolf
A Guide to the Ring of the Nibelung by Aldrich, Richard
The Musician: A Guide For Pianoforte Students, Helps Towards The Better Understanding And Enjoyment Of Beautiful Music. In Six Grade by Prentice, Ridley
The History of Music in Twelve Lectures: Translated From the German by Langhans, Wilhelm
A Popular History of the Art of Music: From the Earliest Times Until the Present by Mathews, William Smythe Babcock
Palestrina, (G. Pierluigi): Étude Historique Et Critique Sur La Musique Réligieuse by Super, Antoine
A Dictionary of Two Thousand Italian, French, German, English, and Other Musical Terms: With Their Significations and Usual Abbreviations; Also, an Ex by Hamilton, James Alexander
The Life of Handel by Schlcher, Victor
Musical Ornamentation; Volume 1 by Dannreuther, Edward
The Music and Musical Instruments of Japan by Piggott, Francis Taylor
A Short History of Russian Music by Pougin, Arthur
The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic by Hall, Florence Howe
Richard Wagner by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Adolphe Adam: Sa Vie, Sa Carrière, Ses Mémoires Artistiques .... by Pougin, Arthur
The Organ in France: A Study of Its Mechanical Construction, Tonal Characteristics, and Literature, With Suggestions for the Registration o by Goodrich, Wallace
Violin Tone and Violin Makers by Moya, Hidalgo
The Organ in France: A Study of Its Mechanical Construction, Tonal Characteristics, and Literature, With Suggestions for the Registration o by Goodrich, Wallace
Anthology of Italian Song of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Parisotti, Alessandro
The Music of Nature by Gardiner, William
Richard Wagner by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Violin Tone and Violin Makers by Moya, Hidalgo
Chopin and Other Musical Essays by Finck, Henry Theophilus
Adolphe Adam: Sa Vie, Sa Carrière, Ses Mémoires Artistiques .... by Pougin, Arthur
The Music of Nature by Gardiner, William
Chopin and Other Musical Essays by Finck, Henry Theophilus
Musical Recollections of the Last Half-Century; Volume 1 by Cox, John Edmund
Studi Su La Storia Dell'oratorio Musicale in Italia by Alaleona, Domenico
La vie et les oeuvres de Philippe de Monte by Doorslaer, Georges Van
Musical Memories by Spark, William
Musiciens D'aujourd'hui by Rolland, Romain
The Piano Music of Claude Debussy by Cortot, Alfred
Die "Musikalische" Akustik Als Grundlage Der Harmonik Und Melodik: Mit Ewperimentellen Nachweisen Am Klavier by Capellen, Georg
Ueber Harmonie Und Complication by Goldschmidt, Victor
A Bibliography of Musical Instruments and Archaeology, Intended as a Guide to the Study of the History of Musical Instruments by Schlesinger, Kathleen
The new Spirit in Drama & Art by Carter, Huntly
Johann Sebastian Bach by Parry, C. Hubert H.
Chansons Populaires Françaises Et Canadiennes: Piano Et Chant by Vuillermoz, Emile
Les Chants De L'armée Française: Ou Receuil De Morceaux À Plusieurs Parties Composés Pour L'usage Spécial De Chaque Arme, Et Précédés D'un Essai Histo by Kastner, Georges, Maillan, Francis
Angels' Wings: A Series Of Essays On Art And Its Relation To Life. With Nine Full-page Plates by Carpenter, Edward
Methodik Des Musiktheoretischen Unterrichts by Jadassohn, Salomon
A Guide to the Ring of the Nibelung by Aldrich, Richard
Verdi: Sein Leben Und Seine Werke by Pougin, Arthur
Historia De La Música Española Desde La Venida De Los Fenicios Hasta El Año De 1850, Volume 1... by Fuertes, Mariano Soriano
The History of Music in Twelve Lectures: Translated From the German by Langhans, Wilhelm
Un Musicien en France au XVIIe Siècle: Henry Du Mont, 1610-1684 by Quittard, Henri
Music and Religion: A Survey by Longford, William Wingfield
Nos Artistes: Annuaire Des Théâtres Et Concerts, 1901-1902, Portraits & Biographies Suivis D'une Notice Sur Les Droits D'auteur, La by Martin, Jules
Précis De L'histoire De L'opéra-Comique by Soubies, Albert, Malherbe, Charles
The History Of The Royal Academy Of Music by Cazalet, William Wahab
The Musician: A Guide For Pianoforte Students, Helps Towards The Better Understanding And Enjoyment Of Beautiful Music. In Six Grade by Prentice, Ridley
Catalogue of English Song Books Forming a Portion of the Library of Sir John Stainer by Stainer, John
Historia De La Música Española Desde La Venida De Los Fenicios Hasta El Año De 1850, Volume 1... by Fuertes, Mariano Soriano
Modern Russian Songs by Newman, Ernest
Wandernde Melodien: Eine Musikalische Studie by Tappert, Wilhelm
Die Entwicklung Des Klavierkonzerts Bis Mozart by Daffner, Hugo
The Philosophy of Sound, and History of Music by Higgins, William Mullinger
Wandernde Melodien: Eine Musikalische Studie by Tappert, Wilhelm
Symphonie Gothique: Op. 70, Organ by Widor, Charles Marie
The new Spirit in Drama & Art by Carter, Huntly
A Bibliography of Musical Instruments and Archaeology, Intended as a Guide to the Study of the History of Musical Instruments by Schlesinger, Kathleen
Franz Liszt, Artist And Man. 1811-1840 by Ramann, Lina
The Larger Forms of Musical Composition: An Exhaustive Explanation of the Variations, Rondos, and Sonata Designs, for the General Student of Musical A by Goetschius, Percy
A Pronouncing Pocket-manual of Musical Terms, Together With the Elements of Notation and Condensed Biographies of Noteworthy Musicians by Baker, Theodore
Histoire de la Musique by Combarieu, Jules
Violins and Violin Makers by Pearce, Joseph
Les Chants De L'armée Française: Ou Receuil De Morceaux À Plusieurs Parties Composés Pour L'usage Spécial De Chaque Arme, Et Précédés D'un Essai Histo by Maillan, Francis, Kastner, Georges
Studie Zur Geschichte Der Harmonie by Adler, Guido
Richard Strauss the Man and His Works by Finck, Henry T.
Abhandlung Von Der Fuge nach den Grundsätzen und Exempeln der besten deutschen und ausländischen Meister by Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm
Laute Und Lautenmusik Bis Zur Mitte Des 16. Jahrhunderts: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Deutschen Lautentabulatur by Körte, Oswald
S.W. Dehn's Lehre Vom Contrapunkt, Dem Canon Und Der Fuge: Nebst Analysen Von Duetten, Terzetten, Fugen Etc. Von Orlando Di Lasso, Marcello, Palestrin by Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm
Four Centuries of Scottish Psalmody by Patrick, Millar
Verdi: Histoire Anecdotique De Sa Vie Et De Ses Oeuvres by Pougin, Arthur
Great Italian and French Composers by Ferris, George T.
Operatic Performances in England Before Handel by Armstrong, A. Joseph
Life of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, With Sketches by Sir J. Benedict [And Others] Additional Notes by C.L. Gruneisen, Ed. and Tr. by W.L. Gage by Lampadius, Wilhelm Adolf
Orgel Und Klavier in Der Musik Des 16. Jahrhunderts: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Instrumentalmusik by Kinkeldey, Otto
Die Mensuralnoten Und Taktzeichen Des Xv. Und Xvi. Jahrhunderts by Bellermann, Heinrich
Musical Ornamentation; Volume 1 by Dannreuther, Edward
The Language Of Richard Wagner's Ring Des Nibelungen by Schuler, John
International Who's Who in Music and Musical Gazetteer by Saerchinger, César
Handbuch der Musikgeshichte von Hugo Riemann by Riemann, Hugo
La vie et les oeuvres de Philippe de Monte by Doorslaer, Georges Van
Catalogue of English Song Books Forming a Portion of the Library of Sir John Stainer by Stainer, John
Hymns and Songs of the Church by Gibbons, Orlando, Wither, George
Giulio Caccini by Ehrichs, Alfred
L'opéra italien en France avant Lulli by Prunières, Henry
Preghiera: For Violin and Piano by Kreisler, Fritz
Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians: American Supplement: Being the Sixth Volume of the Complete Work by Grove, George, Pratt, Waldo Selden, Boyd, Charles N. 1875-1937
Fifty Shakspere Songs: For Low Voice by Shakespeare, William
The Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music by Blaserna, Pietro
Sir Charles V. Stanford by Porte, John F.
Biographies Of Celebrated Organists Of America by Benjamin, William Howard
Giulio Caccini by Ehrichs, Alfred
Die Mensuralnoten Und Taktzeichen Des Xv. Und Xvi. Jahrhunderts by Bellermann, Heinrich
Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians: American Supplement: Being the Sixth Volume of the Complete Work by Boyd, Charles N. 1875-1937, Grove, George, Pratt, Waldo Selden
Primitive Music: An Inquiry Into the Origin And Development of Music, Songs, Instruments, Dances And by Wallaschek, Richard
Studie Zur Geschichte Der Harmonie by Adler, Guido
Les Mélanges Poétiques D'Hildebert de Lavardin by Hauréau, Barthélemy
Geschichte Des Christlichen, Insbesondere Des Evangelischen Kirchengesanges Und Der Kirchenmusik ... Nebst Andeutungen Und Vorschlägen Zur Verbesserun by Häuser, Johann Ernst
Beethoven and his Nine Symphonies by Grove, George
Music of Nature; Or, an Attempt to Prove That What Is Passionate & Pleasing in the Art of Singing, Speaking, & Performing Upon Musical Instruments, Is by Gardiner, William
The American History and Encyclopedia of Music by Green, Janet M.
Vincenzo Bellini by Florimo, Francesco
Musical Portraits: Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers by Rosenfeld, Paul
Vincenzo Bellini by Florimo, Francesco
Anthology of Italian Song of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Parisotti, Alessandro
Franz Liszt, Artist and man. 1811-1840; Volume 2 by Cowdery, E., Ramann, Lina
Der Strenge Satz in der Musikalischen Kompositionslehre in Zweiundfünfzig Aufgaben mit Zahlreichen I by Bussler, Ludwig
Hymns and Songs of the Church by Wither, George, Gibbons, Orlando
Fifty Shakspere Songs: For Low Voice by Shakespeare, William
Précis De L'Histoire De La Musique Russe by Soubies, Albert
The Great Russian Tone Poet Scribin by Hull, A. Eaglefield
Programme Music in the Last Four Centuries; a Contribution to the History of Musical Expression by Niecks, Frederick
Modern Musical Composition by Corder, Frederick
Gluck and the Opera by Newman, Ernest
Ottaviano de' Petrucci da Fossombrone by Vernarecci, Augusto
Early Scottish Melodies by Glen, John
Histoire Générale De La Musique Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours; Volume 2 by Fétis, François-Joseph
Les Maîtres Musiciens De La Renaissance Française by Expert, Henry
Old English Popular Music; Volume 2 by Wooldridge, Harry Ellis, Chappell, William
Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas by Elterlein, Ernst Von
Handbuch der Musikgeshichte von Hugo Riemann by Riemann, Hugo
A Ramble Among the Musicians of Germany by Holmes, Edward
London Music in 1888-89 As Heard by Corno Di Bassetto: (Later Known As Bernard Shaw) With Some Further Autobiographical Particulars by Shaw, Bernard
Modern Musical Composition by Corder, Frederick
The Life and Works of Edward John Hopkins, Organist of the Temple Church, 1843-1898 by Pearce, Charles William
Life of Haydn by Nohl, Ludwig
Der Strenge Satz in der Musikalischen Kompositionslehre in Zweiundfünfzig Aufgaben mit Zahlreichen I by Bussler, Ludwig
Sergei Koussevitzky And His Epoch by Lourie, Arthur
Les Violonistes: Compositeurs et Virtuoses by Pincherle, Marc
The Philosophy of Music: What Music can Do for You by Seymour, Harriet Ayer
Die Lehre Vom Ethos in Der Griechischen Musik: Ein Beitrag Zur Musikästhetik Des Klassischen Altertums by Abert, Hermann
Le mysticisme musical espagnol au XVIe siècle by Collet, Henri
Lehrbuch der Musikalischen Komposition: Erster Band, vierte Auflage by Lobe, Johann Christian
Le Origini del Melodramma by Solerti, Angelo
Les Soirees de L'Orchestre by Berlioz, Hector
Thirty Years of Musical Life in London; With Mote Than one Hundred Illustrations From Photographs by Klein, Hermann
Primitive Music: An Inquiry Into the Origin And Development of Music, Songs, Instruments, Dances And by Wallaschek, Richard
The Larger Forms of Musical Composition: An Exhaustive Explanation of the Variations, Rondos, and Sonata Designs, for the General Student of Musical A by Goetschius, Percy
A General History of the Science and Practice of Music by Hawkins, John
Iter Hispanicum: Notices Et Extraits De Manuscrits De Musique Ancienne Conservés Dans Les Bibliothéques D'Espagne by Aubry, Pierre
The Violin: A Condensed History of the Violin. Its Perfection and its Famous Makers. Importance of Bridge and Sound-post Arrangeme by Goffrie, Charles
Abhandlung von der Fuge nach den Grundsätzen und Exempeln Neue Ausgabe. by Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm
The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic by Hall, Florence Howe
Opera & Drama (Oper und Drama). 1. Opera and the Essence of Music. 2. The Stage-play and Dramatical Poetic art in the Abstract. 3. Poetry and Music in by Wagner, Richard, Evans, Edwin
The Music of the Most Ancient Nations: Particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews: With Special Reference to Recent Discoveries in Western by Engel, Carl
L'opéra italien en France avant Lulli by Prunières, Henry
Early Scottish Melodies by Glen, John
Gluck and the Opera by Newman, Ernest
Programme Music in the Last Four Centuries; a Contribution to the History of Musical Expression by Niecks, Frederick
The Music of Spain by Vechten, Carl Van
The Music of Spain by Vechten, Carl Van
The Music of the Most Ancient Nations: Particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews: With Special Reference to Recent Discoveries in Western by Engel, Carl
Franz Liszt, Artist and man. 1811-1840; Volume 2 by Ramann, Lina, Cowdery, E.
Critical and Historical Essays: Lectures Delivered at Columbia University by MacDowell, Edward
Critical and Historical Essays: Lectures Delivered at Columbia University by MacDowell, Edward
The Standard Operas by Upton, George Putnam
Musical Portraits: Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers by Rosenfeld, Paul
The University Course Of Music Study, Piano Series: A Standardized Text-work On Music For Conservatories, Colleges, Private Teachers And Schools by Hughes, Edwin, Ganz, Rudolph
The American History and Encyclopedia of Music by Green, Janet M.
The University Course Of Music Study, Piano Series: A Standardized Text-work On Music For Conservatories, Colleges, Private Teachers And Schools by Hughes, Edwin, Ganz, Rudolph
The Standard Operas by Upton, George Putnam
The Violin: A Condensed History of the Violin. Its Perfection and its Famous Makers. Importance of Bridge and Sound-post Arrangeme by Goffrie, Charles
Versuch Einer Geordneten Theorie Der Tonsetzkunst Zum Selbstunterricht, Vierter Band by Weber, Gottfried
Abhandlung von der Fuge nach den Grundsätzen und Exempeln Neue Ausgabe. by Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm
Sir Charles V. Stanford by Porte, John F.
Musikphilologische Studie Über Die "Sieben Busspsalmen": (Septem Psalmi Poenitentiales) Des Orlando Di Lasso by Baüerle, Hermann
Le mysticisme musical espagnol au XVIe siècle by Collet, Henri
Organ-Stops And Their Artistic Registration by Audsley, George Ashdown
Die Lehre Von Der Vokalen Ornamentik: Erster Band. Das 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert Bis in Die Zeit Glucks by Goldschmidt, Hugo
Das Violinspiel In Deutschland Vor 1700 by Beckmann, Gustav
Die "Musikalische" Akustik Als Grundlage Der Harmonik Und Melodik: Mit Ewperimentellen Nachweisen Am Klavier by Capellen, Georg
Die Musikalien-Sammlung Des Grossherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schweriner Fürstenhauses Aus Den Letzten Zwei Jahrhunderten: Auf Allerhöchsten Befehl Seiner K by Kade, Otto, Landesbibliothek, Schwerin Mecklenbur
Trente Mélodies Populaires De Basse-Bretagne by Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis Albert, Coppée, François
La Musique et les Musiciens by Bergmans, Charles
Musique Ancienne: Le Mépris Pour Les Anciens--La Force De La Sonorité--Le Style--L'interprétation--Les Virtuoses--Les Mécènes Et La Musique by Landowska, Wanda
Musique Ancienne: Le Mépris Pour Les Anciens--La Force De La Sonorité--Le Style--L'interprétation--Les Virtuoses--Les Mécènes Et La Musique by Landowska, Wanda
Gustav Mahler: Eine Studie Über Persönlichkeit Und Werk: Mit Zwei Bildnissen Einem Partitur- Und Einem Brief-Faksimile Und Vielen Notenbeispielen by Stefan, Paul
Notes Et Souvenirs: Suivie Du Catalogue De Ses Oeuvres Et De La Liste Des Violonistes Célèbres Dont Le Oeuvres Sont Intéressantes Et Utiles À Travaill by Dancla, Charles
Notes Et Souvenirs: Suivie Du Catalogue De Ses Oeuvres Et De La Liste Des Violonistes Célèbres Dont Le Oeuvres Sont Intéressantes Et Utiles À Travaill by Dancla, Charles
Theodore Thomas, A Musical Autobiography; Volume I by Thomas, Theodore
Samuel Pepys, Lover of Musique by Bridge, Frederick
Great Singers: Malibran to Materna by Ferris, George Titus
A Pronouncing Pocket-manual of Musical Terms, Together With the Elements of Notation and Condensed Biographies of Noteworthy Musicians by Baker, Theodore
Katechismus Der Fugen-Komposition: Analyse Von J. S. Bachs "Wohltemperiertem Klavier" Und "Kunst Der Fuge" by Riemann, Hugo
Richard Wagner: Mit zahlreichen Porträts, faksimiles, Illustrationen und Beilagen by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: Sein Leben Und Seine Werke, Mit Thematischem Verzeichnis Seiner Kompositionen Und Zwei Bildern by Falck, Martin
Neue musikalische Theorien und Phantasien, Erster Band by Schenker, Heinrich
Studien zur Geschichte der Italienischen Oper im 17. Jahrhundert by Goldschmidt, Hugo
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