• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 2023

Jerusalem: The Story of a Song by Lerner, Edwin John
Memphis Going Down: A Century of Blues, Soul and Rock 'n' Roll by Dickerson, James L.
Tommy, Trauma, and Postwar Youth Culture by MacLeod, Dewar
Moving Pictures: How Rush Created Progressive Hard Rock's Greatest Record by Romano, Will
Listening for America: Inside the Great American Songbook from Gershwin to Sondheim by Kapilow, Rob
The Poconos in B Flat: The Incredible Jazz Legacy of the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania by Burke, Debbie
Entourage: 50 of the Best Songs from the Series by Scagnetti, Primo
Black Metal Rainbows by
Black Metal Rainbows by
Seize the Beat: The Evolution of American Music by Torff, Brian Q.
Twentieth-Century Music in the West: An Introduction by Graham, Stephen, Rutherford-Johnson, Tim, Perchard, Tom
Twentieth-Century Music in the West: An Introduction by Graham, Stephen, Rutherford-Johnson, Tim, Perchard, Tom
The Sound of Zizek: Musicological Perspectives on Slavoj Zizek by
New Music and the Crises of Materiality: Sounding Bodies and Objects in Late Modernity by Wilson, Samuel
Researching Secular Music and Dance in the Early United States: Extending the Legacy of Kate Van Winkle Keller by
Experiencing Music and Visual Cultures: Threshold, Intermediality, Synchresis by
Rethinking Music through Science and Technology Studies by
Intertextuality in Music: Dialogic Composition by
Bach Studies: Liturgy, Hymnology, and Theology by Leaver, Robin a.
Resilient Voices: Estonian Choirs and Song Festivals in World War II Displaced Person Camps by Holmes, Ramona
Horn Teaching at the Paris Conservatoire, 1792 to 1903: The Transition from Natural Horn to Valved Horn by Snedeker, Jeffrey
Music Theory in Late Medieval Avignon: Magister Johannes Pipardi by Cook, Karen M.
中国戏曲考 by 孙晓牧, 文硕
Bone Music: Soviet X-Ray Audio by
Bob Dylan in the 2020s: Rough and Rowdy Ways, Shadow Kingdom, and all that Philosophy by Guillez, François
Psychedelia: 101 Iconic Underground Rock Albums, 1966-1970 by Jack, Richard Morton
Bella Ciao by Tomatis, Jacopo
Nuovo Canzoniere Italiano's Bella Ciao by Tomatis, Jacopo
Long and Winding Roads, Revised Edition: The Evolving Artistry of the Beatles by Womack, Kenneth
The Sounds of Spectators at Football by Graakjær, Nicolai Jørgensgaard
House Concert by Zinnecker, Florian, Levit, Igor
The Names of Minimalism: Authorship, Art Music, and Historiography in Dispute by Nickleson, Patrick
DRAKE vs. KENDRICK LAMAR vs. J. COLE: The Albums (2010-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
DOLLY PARTON vs. STEVIE NICKS: The Albums (1973-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Breit aufstellen oder spezialisieren? Motivationspsychologische und externe Gründe der Berufsfeldwahl von Popmusiker*innen by Büttner, Max
Asthetische Normativitat in Der Musik by Papenburg, Jens Gerrit
The Recorder by Ehrlich, Robert, Tarasov, Nikolaj, Lasocki, David
Reggae My Life Is by Forbes, Copeland
Giuseppe Tartini: Fundamental Questions by
JUSTIN BIEBER vs. DRAKE vs. The WEEKND: The Albums (2010-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Interwar Symphonies and the Imagination by MacGregor, Emily
Tuning the World: The Rise of 440 Hertz in Music, Science, and Politics, 1859-1955 by Gribenski, Fanny
Faith No More in the 1990s: Decades by Karpe, Matt
2 CHAINZ vs. DRAKE vs. TRAVIS SCOTT: The Albums (2010-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Daru Jones by Jones, Daru
Musical Topics and Musical Performance by
Bachs Musikalisches Universum: Die Meisterwerke in Neuer Perspektive by Wolff, Christoph
Edward J. Dent: A Life of Words and Music by Arrandale, Karen
Flying Colours: The Jethro Tull Reference Manual by Russo, Greg
Now and Forever: Towards a Theory and History of the Loop by Baumgartel, Tilman
Liner Notes for the Revolution: The Intellectual Life of Black Feminist Sound by Brooks, Daphne A.
George Herbert and Early Modern Musical Culture by Jackson, Simon
Mac Miller: The Songs (2007-2020) by Scagnetti, Primo
Katherine Jackson French: Kentucky's Forgotten Ballad Collector by Disavino, Elizabeth
Western History in Musical Perspective by Huber, John
Western History in Musical Perspective by Huber, John
Die Tonleiter Und Ihre Mathematik: Mathematische Theorie Musikalischer Intervalle Und Historischer Skalen by Schüffler, Karlheinz
Turn It Up! by Witheford, Michael
Iannis Xenakis's Persepolis by Yardumian, Aram
Babes in Toyland's Fontanelle by Chambers, Selena
Women in Convent Spaces and the Music Networks of Early Modern Barcelona by Mazuela-Anguita, Ascensión
Musikreisen in Innere Raume: Biographische Studien Zu Helen Lindquist Bonny (1921-2010). Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Musiktherapie Im 20. Jahrhu by Dulberg, Dorothea
Geschichte der Musik in Frankfurt am Main: Vom Anfange des 14. bis zum Anfange des 18. Jahrhunderts by Valentin, Caroline
Masters of French Music by Hervey, Arthur
The Masters and Their Music; A series of illustrative programs with biographical, esthetical, and critical annotations by S. B. Mathews, W.
The Life of Johannes Brahms Volume 2 by Florence May
The Life of Johannes Brahms Volume 1 by Florence May
Life of Henriette Sontag, Countess de Rossi.: with Interesting Sketches by Scudo, Hector Berlioz, Louis Boerne, Adolphe Adam, Marie Aycard, Julie de M by Adolphe Adam, Contributor
The Life of Hector Berlioz as Written by Himself in His Letters and Memoirs by Berlioz, Hector
Life of Haydn by Nohl, Ludwig
Conform to Deform: The Weird & Wonderful World of Some Bizzare by Doyle, Wesley
A Revolution in Three Acts: The Radical Vaudeville of Bert Williams, Eva Tanguay, and Julian Eltinge by Hajdu, David, Carey, John
Shine Bright: A Very Personal History of Black Women in Pop by Smith, Danyel
Whole World in an Uproar: Music, Rebellion and Repression - 1955-1972 by Leonard, Aaron
The History of Miami Hip Hop: The Story of DJ Khaled, Pitbull, DJ Craze, and Other Contributors to South Florida's Scene by Cordero, John
Women Behind The Mic: Curators of Pop Culture - Volume One - "Word To The Wise" by Brookshire, Lajoyce, Joyce, Michelle
Van Der Graaf Generator in the 1970s: Decades by Pilkington, Steve
New Order: Every Album Every Song by Remmer, Dennis
The Allman Brothers Band: Every Album Every Song by Wild, Andrew
FUTURE vs. DRAKE vs. YOUNG THUG: The Albums (2010-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
John Cage's Theatre Pieces by Fetterman, William
Dhrupad: Tradition and Performance in Indian Music by Sanyal, Ritwik, Widdess, Richard
The Cambridge Companion to Serialism by
Depeche Mode: The Songs (Part 1: 1981-2000) by Scagnetti, Primo
The Cambridge Companion to Serialism by
Dhrupad: Tradition and Performance in Indian Music by Sanyal, Ritwik, Widdess, Richard
Instrumental Music in an Age of Sociability by Sutcliffe, W. Dean
Stomp and Shout: R&B and the Origins of Northwest Rock and Roll by Blecha, Peter
Handbuch der Musik-Geschichte: Von den ersten Anfängen bis zum Tode Beethovens by Von Dommer, Arrey
KENDRICK LAMAR vs. FUTURE vs. TRAVIS SCOTT: The Albums (2011-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Schwäbische Volkslieder: Mit ausgewählten Melodien by Meier, Ernst
Der Fliegende Hollaender; The Flying Dutchman by Wagner, Richard
The Flying Dutchman (Der Fliegende Hollaender): Romantic Opera in Three Acts by Wagner, Richard
Life of Mozart by Nohl, Ludwig
The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume III by Wheelock Thayer, Alexander
The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume II by Wheelock Thayer, Alexander
The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume I by Wheelock Thayer, Alexander
The Life of Rossini by Sutherland Edwards, H.
Why Don't We Do It In The Road?: The Beatles Phenomenon by Astley, John
(featuring The Weeknd) by Scagnetti, Primo
(featuring Mac Miller) by Scagnetti, Primo
Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice Volume 3 by
Howard Shores Filmmusik zu "The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring". Konfliktdarstellungen mithilfe der Leitmotivtechnik und der Einfluss by Seib, Patric
Dora Bright: Her Life and Works in the Public Eye by Bilton, Antony
Sounding Conflict: From Resistance to Reconciliation by Rebelo, Pedro, Lehner, Stefanie, Magowan, Fiona
BLACK KEYS vs. WHITE STRIPES vs. B.R.M.C.: The Albums (1999-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Uncurating Sound: Knowledge with Voice and Hands by Voegelin, Salomé
Youtube and Music: Online Culture and Everyday Life by
The Business: A History of Popular Music from Sheet Music to Streaming by Napier-Bell, Simon
Stone Church Meeting House: Stories From the Early Years of Music Making on the Hill by
The Mechanism of the Human Voice by Behnke, Emil
Souvenirs d'un musicien; précédés de notes biographiques écrites par lui même by Adam, Adolphe
Derniers souvenirs d'un musicien by Adam, Adolphe
MAC MILLER vs. FUTURE vs. TY DOLLA $IGN: The Albums (2011-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Música y Psicología by Bilbao Escasain, Ander
TY DOLLA $IGN vs. 2CHAINZ vs. KENDRICK LAMAR: The Albums (2011-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
J. COLE vs. TY DOLLA $IGN vs. TRAVIS SCOTT: The Albums (2011-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
21 SAVAGE vs. DRAKE vs. TY DOLLA $IGN: The Albums (2010-2022) by Scagnetti, Primo
Jazzklubs und Jazzmusiker in Thueringen 1959-1989: Eigensinn, Aneignung und die Praktiken sozialistischer Kulturpolitik by Breternitz, Martin
Early Sound Recordings: Academic Research and Practice by
Aaron Copland in Latin America: Music and Cultural Politics by Hess, Carol a.
Melomaniacs by Huneker, James
Life of Wagner by Nohl, Ludwig
The Lighter Classics in Music: A Comprehensive Guide to Musical Masterworks in a Lighter Vein by 187 Composers by Ewen, David
Little Darling: Daryl Braithwaite and The Horses by Humphries, Glen
T.O.B.A. Time: Black Vaudeville and the Theater Owners' Booking Association in Jazz-Age America by Scott, Michelle R.
The Great Vogue for the Guitar in Western Europe: 1800-1840 by
Kansas City Jazz: A Little Evil Will Do You Good by Chapman, Con
Lunacy: The Curious Phenomenon of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, 50 Years on by Kruth, John
Historia del Rap: Cultura Hip Hop Y Música de Combate by Lavado, Ricky
The Rise and Fall of Paramount Records: A Great Migration Story, 1917-1932 by Blackwood, Scott
Haydn and Mozart in the Long Nineteenth Century by Keefe, Simon
Wenn Bach Trauert: Die Motetten Johann Sebastian Bachs Neu Verstanden by Brüser, Meinolf
Beethoven: His Spiritual Development by Sullivan, J. W. N.
Beethoven: His Spiritual Development by Sullivan, J. W. N.
Refugium Einer Politikfreien Sphare?: Musik Und Gesellschaft Im Rheinland Des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts by
Word Art + Gesture Art = Tone Art: The Relationship Between the Vocal and the Instrumental in Different Arts by
Lana del Rey: "V" is for "VIDEO GAMES" by Scagnetti, Primo
Musical Crossroads: Stories Behind the Objects of African American Music by Reece, Dwandalyn R.
The Impossible Art: Adventures in Opera by Aucoin, Matthew
Good Day Sunshine State: How the Beatles Rocked Florida by Kealing, Bob
Genesis: "I" is for "IN THE CAGE" by Scagnetti, Primo
The Cure: "D" is for "DISINTEGRATION" by Scagnetti, Primo
The Downhome Sound: Diversity and Politics in Americana Music by Bailey, Mandi Bates
The Downhome Sound: Diversity and Politics in Americana Music by Bailey, Mandi Bates
Lorde: "R" is for "ROYALS" by Scagnetti, Primo
Depeche Mode: "E" is for "ENJOY THE SILENCE" by Scagnetti, Primo
Creating The Life of Paul Dresser: When Max Ehrmann met Theodore Dreiser in Washington by Dalgleish, Tim
Esg's Come Away with Esg by Percy, Cheri
Madvillain's Madvillainy by Hagle, Will
Pink Floyd: "M' is for "MONEY" by Scagnetti, Primo
New Order: "B" is for "BLUE MONDAY" by Scagnetti, Primo
Ferruccio Busoni as Architect of Sound by Knyt, Erinn E.
Oasis: "S" is for "SUPERSONIC" by Scagnetti, Primo
Stevie Nicks: "S" is for "STAND BACK" by Scagnetti, Primo
David Bowie: "M" is for "MOONAGE DAYDREAM" by Scagnetti, Primo
The History Of The Music Industry: 1991 to 2022 by Charlton, Matti
Blake Shelton: "H" is for "HILLBILLY BONE" by Preston Rolland, Royce
Beastie Boys: "G" is for "GIRLS" by Scagnetti, Primo
Nick Drake: "P" is for "PINK MOON" by Scagnetti, Primo
Jenseits Der Konzertsale: Klassische Musik Fur Breite Bevolkerungsschichten in Berlin Um 1900 by Rademacher, Wiebke
Musical Lives and Times Examined: Keynotes and Clippings, 2006-2019 by Taruskin, Richard
Musical Lives and Times Examined: Keynotes and Clippings, 2006-2019 by Taruskin, Richard
Accenting the Classics: Editing European Music in France, 1915-1925 by Kelly, Barbara L., Mawer, Deborah, Moore, Rachel
Opera and the Politics of Tragedy: A Mozartean Museum by Clausius, Katharina
Monogamy: Its Songs and Poems by Von Hallberg, Robert
Interstellar Wannabes: A Glitch Rock Retrospective by de Boer, Burke
Ed Sheeran: "B" is for "BAD HABITS" by Scagnetti, Primo
Opera and British Print Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century by Fuhrmann, Christina
Black Music in Britain in the 21st Century by
Charles-Simon Catel's Treatise on Harmony and the Disciplining of Harmony at the Early Paris Conservatory by Masci, Michael J.
Pilgrims, Pickers and Honky-Tonk Heroes: My Personal Time with Music City Friends and Legends in Rock 'n' Roll, R&b, and a Whole Lot of Country by Ghianni, Tim
Long Title: Looking for the Good Times Examining the Monkees' Songs, One by One (Second Edition) by Ventrella, Michael A., Arnold, Mark
Can't Stop the Grrrls: Confronting Sexist Labels in Music from Ariana Grande to Yoko Ono by Hirsch, Lily E.
Formation: Building a Personal Canon, Part 1 by Mehldau, Brad
Luke Bryan: "C" is for "CRASH MY PARTY" by Preston Rolland, Royce
Taylor Swift: "R" is for "RED" by Scagnetti, Primo
The Science of Music: How Technology Has Shaped the Evolution of an Artform by May, Andrew
Taylor Swift: "L" is for "LOVER" by Scagnetti, Primo
Jerry Lee Lewis - Breathless!: Every Song from Every Session, 1952-2022 by Checksfield, Peter
Long Title (hardback): Looking for the Good Times Examining the Monkees' Songs, One by One (Second Edition) by Arnold, Mark, Ventrella, Michael A.
Sza: "A" is for "ALL THE STARS" by Scagnetti, Primo
The Art Traveler: Dr Robinstrum by Thorpe, Jerry M.
Harry Styles: "F" is for "FINE LINE" by Scagnetti, Primo
Billie Eilish: "B" is for "BAD GUY" by Scagnetti, Primo
Morgan Wallen: "W" is for "WASTED ON YOU" by Preston Rolland, Royce
How Music Means by Sowash, Rick
La Bohème as Novel, Play, and Opera: Book 4: The Operas by Williams Dma, Mark D.
Spirit: Every Album Every Song by Gordon, Keith a.
The Auditory Setting: Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts by Chattopadhyay, Budhaditya
Blackpink: "K" is for "KILL THIS LOVE" by Scagnetti, Primo
Twice: "F" is for "FANCY" by Scagnetti, Primo
Nct 127: C is for CHERRY BOMB by Scagnetti, Primo
Red Velvet: P is for POWER UP by Scagnetti, Primo
Oh My Girl: "N" is for "NONSTOP" by Scagnetti, Primo
WayV: "P" is for "PHANTOM" by Scagnetti, Primo
Lizzo: "T" is for "TRUTH HURTS" by Scagnetti, Primo
Alphons Diepenbrock: The Life, Times and Music of a Dutch Romantic Composer by Samama, Leo
Beethoven the European: Transcultural Contexts of Performance, Interpretation and Reception by
Music for Prime Time: A History of American Television Themes and Scoring by Burlingame, Jon
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