• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 1994

Music Theory and the Exploration of the Past by
An Introduction to Sixteenth Century Counterpoint and Palestrina's Musical Style by Stewart, Robert
Music Fundamentals: Pitch Structures and Rhythmic Design by D'Amante, Elvo
Comprehensive Musical Analysis by White, John D.
Word-By-Word Translations of Songs and Arias, Part I: German and French by Singer, Werner, Delattre, Pierre, Coffin, Berton
Michael Aaron Piano Course Theory: Primer by Aaron, Michael
Studies in the History of Italian Music and Music Theory by Palisca, Claude V.
The Musician's Guide to Acoustics by Campbell, Murray, Greated, Clive
The Musical Life by Mathieu, W. A.
Belwin's 21st Century Guitar Theory 2: The Most Complete Guitar Course Available by Stang, Aaron, Feldstein, Sandy
Musical Meaning and Expression by Davies, Stephen
Musical Meaning and Expression by Davies, Stephen
Theory, Analysis and Meaning in Music by
Heinrich Schenker, Oswald Jonas, Moriz Violin: A Checklist of Manuscripts and Other Papers in the Oswald Jonas Memorial Collection by Lang, Robert, Kunselman, Joann
Ear Training for the Body: A Dancer's Guide to Music by Teck, Katherine
Overtones and Undertones: Reading Film Music by Brown, Royal S.
Beethoven's Folksong Settings: Chronology, Sources, Style by Cooper, Barry