• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 1999

The Complete Musician: The Essentials by Sewell, Ian, de Ghizé, Susan, Laitz, Steven G.
Contemporary Music Theory - Level One: A Complete Harmony and Theory Method for the Pop and Jazz Musician by Harrison, Mark
Szymanowski on Music: Selected Writings of Karol Szymanowski by Szymanowski, Karol
Workbook to Accompany the Complete Musician: The Essentials by Sewell, Ian, de Ghizé, Susan, Laitz, Steven G.
Theory Into Practice: Composition, Performance and the Listening Experience by Zender, Hans, Johnson, Peter A., Cook, Nicholas
Fantasy Pieces: Metrical Dissonance in the Music of Robert Schumann by Krebs, Harald
Of Mind and Music by Addis, Laird
Tchaikovsky Through Others Eyes by
Sound Figures by Adorno, Theodor W.
Sound Figures by Adorno, Theodor W.
Inside the Music by Stewart, Dave
Otto Laske: Navigating New Musical Horizons by
Rethinking Music by
Petrushka by Stravinsky, Igor
Metal, Rock, and Jazz: Perception and the Phenomenology of Musical Experience by Berger, Harris M.
The Ultimate Scale Book by Stetina, Troy
Speech, Music, Sound by Van Leeuwen, Theo
Speech, Music, Sound by Van Leeuwen, Theo
One Handed: A Guide to Piano Music for One Hand by Patterson, Donald L.
Alfred Reed: A Bio-Bibliography by Jordan, Douglas M.
Inside Bluebeard's Castle: Music and Drama in Bela Bartok's Opera by Leafstedt, Carl Stuart
The Muse that Sings: Composers Speak about the Creative Process by McCutchan, Anne
A Theory of Art by Berger, Karol
Number to Sound: The Musical Way to the Scientific Revolution by