• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 2001

The Sonic Self: Musical Subjectivity and Signification by Cumming, Naomi
Theory Is Fun, Bk 2 by Hirschberg, David
Johann Sebastian Bach's St John Passion: Genesis, Transmission, and Meaning by Clayton, Alfred, Dürr, Alfred
Music Theory in Seventeenth-Century England by Herissone, Rebecca
Bernard Herrmann's Vertigo: A Film Score Handbook by Cooper, David
Music Theory Workbook for All Instruments, Volume One by Arnold, Bruce
The Romantic Century: A Theory Composition Pedagogy by Cunningham, Michael G.
Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One by Arnold, Bruce
Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume Two by Arnold, Bruce
Gendering Musical Modernism: The Music of Ruth Crawford, Marion Bauer, and Miriam Gideon by Hisama, Ellie M.
The Music Kit by Manoff, Tom
Emma Lou Diemer: A Bio-Bibliography by Schlegel, Ellen Grolman, Grolman, Ellen G.
Mozart's Piano Concertos: Dramatic Dialogue in the Age of Enlightenment by Keefe, Simon P.
The Languages of the Modes: Studies in the History of Polyphonic Modality by Wiering, Frans
Olivier Messiaen and the Tristan Myth by Davidson, Audrey
Postmodern Music/Postmodern Thought by
Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch by Krumhansl, Carol L.
Critical Entertainments: Music Old and New by Rosen, Charles
Progressive Bach by Cunningham, Michael G.
Minstrels Playing: Music in Early English Religious Drama II by Rastall, Richard
Guidelines for College Teaching of Music Theory by White, John R., Lake, William L.
Musical Sound: An Introduction to the Physics of Music by Moravcsik, Michael J.