• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 2014

Ghost Scripts Of The Masters: "Piano Sheet Music From The Grave" by Smith, Don Will
Surfing about Music by Cooley, Timothy J.
Contemporary Theory Primer by Brandman, Margaret Susan
Sound & Score: Essays on Sound, Score and Notation by
Occult Aesthetics: Synchronization in Sound Film by Donnelly, K. J.
Exotic Guitar Scales: Arpeggios and Modes from Around the World by Wallace, John
3 Shape Fretboard: Guitar Scales and Arpeggios as Variants of 3 Shapes of the Major Scale by Evans, Gareth
Gustav Mahler and the Symphony of the 19th Century: Translated by Neil K. Moran by Floros, Constantin
Beyond Score Music as Performance C by Cook, Nicholas
Politics of Appropriation: German Romantic Music and the Ancient Greek Legacy by Geary, Jason
Music Theory and History Sparkcharts: Volume 45 by Sparknotes
C'era una volta il solfeggio: Dalla fase propedeutica allo studio dello strumento by Lupo, Claudio, Zaytseva, Irina
Interval and Major Scale Theory by Delauney, Bryan
Exotic Pentatonics: Pentatonic Guitar Scales from Around the World by Wallace, John
Music, Performance, and the Realities of Film: Shared Concert Experiences in Screen Fiction by Winters, Ben
Tools For Improvisation: A brief manual on the fundamental components of jazz theory by Shere Ph. D., David Matthew
Thinking about Thinking: Metacognition for Music Learning by Benton, Carol
Thinking about Thinking: Metacognition for Music Learning by Benton, Carol
Music In Video Games: Studying Play by
Ready for Theory: Piano Workbook, Prep B by Lewandowski, Lauren
Melody, Harmony, Tonality: An Introduction by Helm, E. Eugene
Music in Video Games: Studying Play by
Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema by
Teoría de la Música: Una Introducción by Candelaria, Angel
Resonanzräume: Medienkulturen Des Akustischen by
The (Well) Informed Piano: Artistry and Knowledge by Henriques, Miguel G.
Musik in der religioesen Erfahrung: Historisch-theologische Zugaenge by
Theory and Sightreading for Singers: Level 2 by Blumsack, Michelle Anne, Publishing, Em Music, Hames, Elizabeth Irene
Harmonic and Melodic Music Theory and Method for the 21st Century by Allen, Adrian
An Easy Approach To Learning & Understanding The Fundamentals of Music Theory by Cooper, Velyn
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education by
Max Steiner: Composing, Casablanca, and the Golden Age of Film Music by Wegele, Peter
The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Riemannian Music Theories by
Twelve-Tone Music in America by Straus, Joseph N.
Read the Notes Workbook: Part Two by Shevtsov, Victor
Music Theory for Producers by Jackson, Siberius
Music Theory Made Simpl(er): A Music Fundamentals Text by McFarland, Donna Gielow
Music Theory: An in-depth and straight forward approach to understanding music by Peters, Jonathan E.
Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook for Older Beginners: In-Depth Piano Theory Fun for Children's Music Lessons and HomeSchooling - For Learning a Mus by Musgrave, Paul Christopher, Musgrave, Machiko Yamane
About Time!: 18 Rhythm Stick Routines for Reading and Playing, Book & Enhanced CD by Briggs, Andrew
Modal Diatonicism by Allen, Adrian
John Williams's Film Music: Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style by Audissino, Emilio
Alban Berg: Music as Autobiography. Translated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch by Floros, Constantin
Breaking Time's Arrow: Experiment and Expression in the Music of Charles Ives by McDonald, Matthew
Music Matters: A Philosophy of Music Education by Silverman, Marissa, Elliott, David J.
Writing Essentials for the Beginner Pianist by Thompson, Catherine A., Castano, Clara
The Music Treatises of Thomas Ravenscroft: 'Treatise of Practicall Musicke' and a Briefe Discourse by Duffin, Ross W.
Music Theory in Mamluk Cairo: The ġāyat al-maṭlūb fī 'ilm al-adwār wa-'l-ḍurūb by Ibn Kurr by Wright, Owen
The Music Theory of Godfrey Winham by Blasius, Leslie David
Music in the French Royal Academy of Sciences: A Study in the Evolution of Musical Thought by Cohen, Albert
The Structure of Recognizable Diatonic Tunings by Blackwood, Easley
Studies on the Origin of Harmonic Tonality by Dahlhaus, Carl
Music Note Story Speller: African Safari Animals (Treble Clef Notes) by Hite, Amy
Music and Twentieth-Century Tonality: Harmonic Progression Based on Modality and the Interval Cycles by Susanni, Paolo, Antokoletz, Elliott
Music of James Bond (Revised) by Burlingame, Jon
Solfège pour les tous petits guitaristes vol 1 by Agogue, Catherine
Musical Experience: Rethinking Music Teaching and Learning by
Music Theory Secrets: 94 Strategies for the Starting Musician by Coppenbarger, Brent
The Renaissance Reform of Medieval Music Theory: Guido of Arezzo Between Myth and History by Mengozzi, Stefano
Foundations of Tonal Music by Cope, David
The Everything Essential Music Theory Book: A Guide to the Fundamentals of Reading, Writing, and Understanding Music by Schonbrun, Marc
Music and Nature by Allocca, John a.
Never Mind the Bee S#arps: The Popular Musician's Guide to the Language, Notation and Theory of Music by Cooper, Steve
Polytonality by Allen, Adrian
Echoing Helicon: Music, Art and Identity in the Este Studioli, 1440-1530 by Shephard, Tim
The Music and Literacy Connection by Bernstorf, Elaine, Stuber, Gayle M., Hansen, Dee
Guitar Scales in Context by Alexander, Joseph
The Music and Literacy Connection by Bernstorf, Elaine, Stuber, Gayle M., Hansen, Dee
Twelve Studies in Chopin: Style, Aesthetics, and Reception by Golab, Maciej
John Wallis: Writings on Music by
The New Soundtrack: Volume 4, Issue 2 by Pauletto, Sandra
Composing for the Red Screen: Prokofiev and Soviet Film by Bartig, Kevin
The Comprehensive Book of Chords: For Piano and Keyboard Players by Pace, Kevin G.
Little Music Lessons for Kids: Lesson 6: : Learning the Duration of Musical Notes: A dangerous story about the apple that loved to sing and the knife by Bandurina, Tatiana
Pentatonic Scales For Guitar: A Brief Introduction. by Silver, Rob
Heinrich Schenker: Selected Correspondence by
Guitaronomicon: All the scales: The collected Basic Scale Guides For Guitar Volumes 1-18 by Silver, Rob
Music Note Story Speller Series: Sea Creatures (Bass and Treble Clef Notes) by Hite, Amy
Complete Mode Diagrams for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Harmonic Minor Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Pentatonic and Blues Scales for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Jazz Triads: Triad arpeggios for aspiring improvisors by O'Gorman, Kenneth M.
Gyoergy Ligeti: Beyond Avant-garde and Postmodernism. Translated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch by Floros, Constantin
Music as Discourse: Semiotic Adventures in Romantic Music by Agawu, Kofi
Robert Altman's Soundtracks: Film, Music, and Sound from M*A*S*H to a Prairie Home Companion by Sherwood Magee, Gayle
Music and Sound in Documentary Film by
Music and Sound in Documentary Film by
Complete Mode Diagrams for Seven String Guitar by Silver, Rob
Complete Mode Diagrams for Eight String Guitar by Silver, Rob
Anxiety Muted: American Film Music in a Suburban Age by Pelkey, Stanley C., II
Sehr geehrter Herr Tárrega!: Erinnerungen an die Familie by Braemer, Torge
An Account of the Musical Celebrations on St Cecilia's Day in the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Husk, William Henry
Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Music by Boss, Jack
The Practical Guide to Modern Music Theory for Guitarists by Alexander, Joseph
The Melodic Minor Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Harmonic Major Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Teoría de la Música: Niveles 1 - 2 by Candelaria, Angel
Faszinosum 'Klang': Anthropologie - Medialität - Kulturelle PRAXIS by
Marcin Mielczewski and Music under the Patronage of the Polish Vasas: Translated by John Comber by Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, Barbara
Epic Sound: Music in Postwar Hollywood Biblical Films by Meyer, Stephen C.
Microtonality in Ancient Greek Music by Hewitt, Michael
Analyzing Music in Advertising: Television Commercials and Consumer Choice by Graakjaer, Nicolai
Tonality and Transformation by Rings, Steven
Teoría de la Música: Nivel 3 by Candelaria, Angel
Scales A La Mode: an introduction to modal improvisation by O'Gorman, Kenneth M.
The Hungarian or Gypsy Minor Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Locrian Natural 7 Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Neapolitan Minor Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Hungarian Major Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Klavierbibliographie: Die Literatur ueber die Musik fuer Klavier solo by Walter, Wolfgang
The Ionian b5 Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Neapolitan Major Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Eight Tone Spanish Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
STEPS the SCALE DANCER: Music Theory Mastery Guide -- StringQuest Companion Guide by Crane, Adam
The Bebop Dominant Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Bebop Locrian Natural 2 Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Bebop Dorian Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
The Bebop Major Scale and its Modes for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Symmetrical and Other Scales for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Japanese Scales for Guitar by Silver, Rob
Anton Bruckner: The Man and the Work. 2. revised edition by Floros, Constantin