• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 2021

Focal Impulse Theory: Musical Expression, Meter, and the Body by Ito, John Paul
Focal Impulse Theory: Musical Expression, Meter, and the Body by Ito, John Paul
The Eagle 53 Guitarist Lush Chords: Chords and Scales for Eagle 53 Guitars by O'Sullivan, John
An Exploration of Compositional Technique in the Operas of Kaija Saariaho and Christian Jost by Kern, Friedrich Heinrich
Music Theory Made Easy: Learning Music Logically by Schwartz, Marc
Guitar Music Theory: Advanced Guide to Learn to Play Guitar Chords and Scales Like a Pro by Studio, Sublime
Allgemeine Musiklehre by Krehl, Stephan
Musikpädagogik. Forschungsdiskurs und Herausforderungen einer noch jungen Disziplin by Wolk, Nicolai
Beethoven Symphonies Revisited: Performance, Expression and Impact by Young, David
The Science and Psychology of Music: From Beethoven at the Office to Beyoncé at the Gym by
Sweet Thing: The History and Musical Structure of a Shared American Vernacular Form by Stoia, Nicholas
David McVicars Inszenierung des Singspiels "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" von Mozart auf dem Glyndebourne Festival 2015: Das Fremde als Spiegelbild u by Anonymous
Creative Music Making at Your Fingertips: A Mobile Technology Guide for Music Educators by
Berg by Simms, Bryan R., Erwin, Charlotte
Modern Jazz Guitar Chord Concepts: Master Advanced Jazz Chord Voicings & Substitutions for Contemporary Guitar by Pettingale, Tim, Alexander, Joseph
Understanding Post-Tonal Music by Roig-Francolí, Miguel A.
Guitar Scales Unleashed - The Workbook by Mogar, Nan
Elements of Music by Straus, Joseph N.
The Secrets of Music Revealed: All You Need to Know to Begin Playing and Writing Music by Holmes, Will
(Ber)linie 1. Inwiefern kann das Musical eine Stadtabbildung sein? by Böttger, Judith
Musica e scuola. Percorsi di successo tra pubblico e privato by Affortunato, Tiziana
The Routledge Companion to Aural Skills Pedagogy: Before, In, and Beyond Higher Education by
How to Read Music for Beginners: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn and Understand Music in 20 Days by Abbott, Kevin
Anthology of Post-Tonal Music: For Use with Understanding Post-Tonal Music by Roig-Francolí, Miguel A.
Teaching the Whole Musician: A Guide to Wellness in the Applied Studio by Savvidou, Paola
Armonía Moderna, Serie Completa: Teoría, Ejercicios I Y Ejercicios II by Schneider, Rodolfo Augusto, Schneider, Ricky
Music Theory Quiz Book for Adults: Large-print Music Theory Quiz Book for Adults with 100 questions relating to many aspects of music theory from note by Grimes, Sarah
Rhythmic Reading Systems: vol.1 by Bettella, Davide
The Power of Why 21 Musicians Created a Program: Why 21 Musicians Created A Program: And You Should Too by St Germain, Glory
The Cambridge Companion to Video Game Music by
The Cambridge Companion to Video Game Music by
Tempo and Tactus in the German Baroque: Treatises, Scores, and the Performance of Organ Music by Dokter, Julia
Teoría musical aplicada 3 by Vallecilla, Brynner
Escalas, Arpegios, Acordes, Ejercicios por Piano Notion: Guía completa para tocar el piano by Cyr, Bobby
Teoría musical aplicada by Vallecilla, Brynner
Teoría musical de la guitarra: Guía avanzada para aprender a tocar acordes y escalas de guitarra como un profesional by Studio, Sublime
Thinking in and about Music: Analytical Reflections on Milton Babbitt's Music and Thought by Bernstein, Zachary
Musical Analyses and Musical Exegesis: The Shepherd's Melody in Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde by Nattiez, Jean-Jacques
Musical Motives: A Theory and Method for Analyzing Shape in Music by Auerbach, Brent
Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns by Slonimsky, Nicolas
Le chef d'orchestre: extrait du grand Traité d'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes by Berlioz, Hector
Leading with Sound: Proactive Sound Practices in Video Game Development by Bridgett, Rob
Leading with Sound: Proactive Sound Practices in Video Game Development by Bridgett, Rob
Jazz Improvisation Using Simple Melodic Embellishment by Titlebaum, Mike
Jazz Improvisation Using Simple Melodic Embellishment by Titlebaum, Mike
No Bull Barre Chords for Guitar: Learn and Master the Essential Barre Chords that all Guitar Players Need by Shipway, James
Music Theory for Guitarists, Volume 3: Guitar Theory and Fretboard Concepts to Help Intermediate to Advanced Players Master Scales, Modes and Chord Pr by Shipway, James
No Bull Music Theory for Guitarists: Master the Essential Knowledge all Guitarists Need to Know by Shipway, James
The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis by Clendinning, Jane Piper, Marvin, Elizabeth West
The Berklee Correspondence Course - Music: Harmony and Arranging by
Singin' in the Rain: Kulturgeschichte eines Hollywood-Musical-Klassikers by
Piano Tutor: A Quick Guide On Starting And Growing Your Piano Skills: Piano Practice Routine by Primack, Horacio
Guide To Pianos: Types Of Pianos Playing Explained: Learning Piano For Beginners by Toms, Shawn
Book of Arpeggios for Guitar by Rosten, Brad
Music Theory in Late Medieval Avignon: Magister Johannes Pipardi by Cook, Karen M.
Music Theory for Ukulele: Master the Essential Knowledge with this Easy, Step-by-Step Method for Beginner to Intermediate Players by Shipway, David
Pop Music and Hip Ennui: A Sonic Fiction of Capitalist Realism by Holt, Macon
Hypermetric Manipulations in Haydn and Mozart: Chamber Music for Strings, 1787 - 1791 by Mirka, Danuta
From Music to Sound: The Emergence of Sound in 20th- And 21st-Century Music by Solomos, Makis
Book Of Complete Technique For Modern Guitar: Useful And Digestible Exercises: Guide To Develop Perfect Guitar Technique by Cacatian, Samuel
Exercises To Develop Guitarists: Legato, Rhythm And Expressive Techniques: Step By Step To Develop Guitar Rhythm by Ngoun, Ron
Four Areas Of Guitar Technique: Picking, Legato, Playing In Time And Expression: Tips To Develop Perfect Guitar Technique by Isley, Mitchel
The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook by Clendinning, Jane Piper, Marvin, Elizabeth West
The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis by Marvin, Elizabeth West, Clendinning, Jane Piper
The Elements of Music: Melody, Rhythm & Harmony by Martineau, Jason
The Film Music of John Williams: Reviving Hollywood's Classical Style by Audissino, Emilio
Åttio år med musiken som bäste vän III: Framtidsvision om den frivilliga musikundervisningen by Olsson, Bo Ingvar
Electronic Music School: A Contemporary Approach to Teaching Musical Creativity by Hein, Ethan, Kuhn, Will
Strings and Ivory: The Exhaustive Book of Scales and Modes by Carl, Jeffrey
Thomas Morleys "The triumphs of Oriana" im Elisabethanischen England. Madrigalkultur im 16. Jahrhundert by Haberland, Felix
Il pianista accompagnatore. Una figura professionale complessa by Flocco, Cristina
Die Schwestern Fröhlich im Wiener Musikleben zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts by Pichler, Ilona
Composing with Constraints: 100 Practical Exercises in Music Composition by Variego, Jorge
Musik und Gesundheit. Musiktherapie und ihr Einsatz bei Demenzerkrankungen by Postel, Tobias
Strings and Ivory: Chords and Inversions by Carl, Jeffrey
Music Production: A Manual for Producers, Composers, Arrangers, and Students by Zager, Michael
Strings and Ivory: Chord Progressions by Carl, Jeffrey
Strings and Ivory: Chord Progressions by Carl, Jeffrey
Strings and Ivory: Chords and Inversions by Carl, Jeffrey
Strings and Ivory: The Exhaustive Book of Scales and Modes by Carl, Jeffrey
Wofür steht der Begriff Community Music?: Eine internationale terminologische Herausforderung by Hoppe, David
The Presence of the Past: Temporal Experience and the New Hollywood Soundtrack by Bishop, Daniel
Film Music: An Introduction in 11 Takes by Haines, John
Music Production: A Manual for Producers, Composers, Arrangers, and Students by Zager, Michael
Integrating Stem with Music: Units, Lessons, and Adaptations for K-12 by Gates, Zachary, Longo, Shawna
Die Coriolan-Ouvertüre op. 62 von Ludwig van Beethoven und die Programmmusik: Eine musikalische Analyse by Fang, Hsing-Hua
Die Bedeutungsproduktion im Videoclip "Deutschland" von Rammstein by Wetzel, Tobias
Stringstastic Level 1 - Violin by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 1 - Cello by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 1 - Violin USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 2 - Violin USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 3 - Violin by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 1 - Viola USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 3 - Viola by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 1 - Cello USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 2 - Cello USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 3 - Cello by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 1 - Viola by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Grade 2 by Chai, Lorraine
Strings and Ivory: Music Reference Guide For Beginners by Carl, Jeffrey
Strings and Ivory: Music Reference Guide For Beginners by Carl, Jeffrey
Silent Films/Loud Music: New Ways of Listening to and Thinking about Silent Film Music by Johnston, Phillip
First Year Harmony: Complete by Lovelock, William
Models of the Principal Musical Forms: Extract From Lectures Upon the "evolution of Musical Forms" Delivered by Goetschius, Percy 1853-1943
First Year Harmony: Complete by Lovelock, William
Music Theory for Beginners: Essential Music Theory Made Easy for All Musicians by Viaje, Aventuras
Music Theory for Beginners: Essential Music Theory Made Easy for All Musicians by Viaje, Aventuras
English Rhythm and Blues: Where Language and Music Come Together by Larroque, Patrice Paul
Heitor Villa-Lobos's Bachianas Brasileiras: Intertextuality and Stylization by Dudeque, Norton
Ein Ausflug mit besonderer Note by Stuifmeel, Menno, Müller, Milly
The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy by
Film Music in the Sound Era: A Research and Information Guide, Volume 1: Histories, Theories, and Genres by Lee, Jonathan Rhodes
Perspectives on Music, Sound and Musicology: Research, Education and Practice by
Stringstastic Grade 1 by Chai, Lorraine
No Bull Barre Chords for Guitar: Learn and Master the Essential Barre Chords that all Guitar Players Need by Shipway, James
Curriculum Philosophy and Theory for Music Education PRAXIS by Regelski, Thomas A.
Critical Issues in Music Education: Contemporary Theory and Practice by Abeles, Harold F., Custodero, Lori A.
Oxford Handbook of Timbre by Rehding, Alexander, Dolan, Emily I.
Was sind Neumen und wie kam es zum Übergang in die Mensuralnotation? by Eisele, Alexander
No Bull Music Theory for Guitarists: Master the Essential Knowledge all Guitarists Need to Know by Shipway, James
Musik Und Fuzzy Logic: Die Dialektik Von Idee Und Realisierungen Im Werkprozess by Heister, Hanns-Werner
Die Geschichte der Notation. Notation in Japan und China by Reim, Justus
Die Geschichte des Synthesizers: Unter besonderer Rücksichtnahme des von Harald Bode geleisteten Beitrags by Reim, Justus
Potential der Human-Animal-Studies in Steven Felds Publikationen über die Kaluli by Reim, Justus
Musical Agency and the Social Listener by Palfy, Cora S.
Ludwig van Beethovens "Klaviersonate Nr. 30 in E-Dur op. 109". Wilhelm Kempff (1964) und Friedrich Gulda (1967) im Interpretationsvergleich by Freund, Fabio
Rītigaula: A Study of Improvisation and Discourse in Indian Music by
¡Canta Conmigo!: Songs and Singing Games from Guatemala and Nicaragua by Gibson, Rachel
The King's Notes by Thomas, David Alexander A.
Guitar Theory for Dummies with Online Practice by Serna, Desi
Popular Music, Power and Play: Reframing Creative Practice by Heiser, Marshall
Komponisten des 16. Jahrhunderts: Orlando di Lasso by Reim, Justus
Beethovens Streichquartette: Auf Der Spur Musikalischer Gedanken. Ein Werkführer by Schmid, Manfred Hermann
Where Sight Meets Sound: The Poetics of Late-Medieval Music Writing by Zazulia, Emily
Übungsstrategien zur Improvisation an der Orgel: Welche Strategien eignen sich zum Erlernen der Orgelimprovisation für Kirchenmusikstudierende? by Walther, Emelie
Die Entwicklung der Musikindustrie seit der Jahrtausendwende: Wie es einer von der Digitalisierung gefährdeten Branche gelingt, sich digitalen Technol by Quevedo, Henry
Indische Einflüsse als Exotismen in der Musik der Beatles. Vorkommen und Ausmaß by Raschen, Leon
Beethoven Symphonies Revisited: Performance, Expression and Impact by Young, David
The Scientia Artis Musice of Hélie Salomon: Teaching Music in the Late Thirteenth Century: Latin Text with English Translation and Commentary by Dyer, Joseph
Howard Hawks: Music as Communication in Film by Camp, Gregory
Driving Identities: At the Intersection of Popular Music and Automotive Culture by McLeod, Ken
The Music of James Tenney: Volume 2: A Handbook to the Pieces Volume 2 by Wannamaker, Robert
Musikalische Selbstsozialisation im Zeitalter von YouTube und Spotify by Berrendorf, Dennis
Modes of Communication in Stravinsky's Works: Sign and Expression by Dahl, Per
Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics by
The Ternary Distinction of Film Music: Referential, Complementary, and Epistemic by Angeles Mphil Ascap, Gaspara Cailléz
Beyond and Before, Updated and Expanded Edition: Progressive Rock Across Time and Genre by Halliwell, Martin, Hegarty, Paul
Music, the Moving Image and Ireland, 1897-2017 by O'Flynn, John
The Oxford Handbook of Time in Music by