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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 2023

Music Notespeller: Treble & Bass Clef by Simon-Robertson, Kyleen
A Modern Approach to Naming Guitar Chords Ed. 4 by Davis, Joseph
A Modern Approach to Naming Guitar Chords Ed. 4 by Davis, Joseph
Scales and Chords Complete: A Progressive Approach to Learning Major and Minor Scales by Fachini, Wendy Murphy
The Musicians Practice Plan by Corder, Casper
The Routledge Companion to Aural Skills Pedagogy: Before, In, and Beyond Higher Education by
Music Theory in Late Medieval Avignon: Magister Johannes Pipardi by Cook, Karen M.
Tonal Harmony by Kostka, Stefan, Almén, Byron
The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis, and Listening by Callahan, Michael R., Laitz, Steven G.
Guided Practice Routines For Guitar - Foundation Level: Practice with 125 Guided Exercises in this Comprehensive 10-Week Guitar Course by Alexander, Joseph, Clay, Levi
Mahler's Nietzsche: Politics and Philosophy in the Wunderhorn Symphonies by Batstone, Leah
Fórmulas e Intervalos musicales by Vallecilla, Brynner
Basic Conducting Techniques by Labuta, Joseph A., Matthews, Wendy
Fórmulas e Intervalos musicales: Escalas diatónicas Mayor y menor natural by Vallecilla, Brynner
Fórmulas e Intervalos musicales 2 by Vallecilla, Brynner
Principles of Music by Lambert, Philip
Die Tonleiter Und Ihre Mathematik: Mathematische Theorie Musikalischer Intervalle Und Historischer Skalen by Schüffler, Karlheinz
The Malmariée in the Thirteenth-Century Motet by Pesce, Dolores
Becoming Noise Music: Style, Aesthetics, and History by Graham, Stephen
Mathematics and Music: Composition, Perception, and Performance by Don, Gary, Walker, James S.
Die Grundsätze der musikalischen Komposition: 1. Abteilung by Sechter, Simon
Uncurating Sound: Knowledge with Voice and Hands by Voegelin, Salomé
Die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre Pflege: Methode der Musik by Marx, Adolf Bernhard
Stringstastic Level 1 - Double Bass USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 2 - Double Bass USA by Chai, Lorraine
Stringstastic Level 1 - Double Bass by Chai, Lorraine
Music and Ceremonial at British Coronations by Range, Matthias
Beethovens neunte Sinfonie by Schenker, Heinrich
Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns by Slonimsky, Nicolas
Introduction to Music Theory by Prodigy Books
Systematische Modulationslehre als Grundlage der musikalischen Formenlehre by Riemann, Hugo
Manuel de Piano: Apprenez à jouer du Piano avec une Méthode simple et efficace expliquée étape par étape. 10 Exercices progressifs + Pa by Lab, Wemusic
Music and Religious Education in Early Modern Europe: The Musical Edification of the Church by
Level B: Theory and Composition by Matthynssens, Luisa
Level B: Repertoire by Matthynssens, Luisa
Charles-Simon Catel's Treatise on Harmony and the Disciplining of Harmony at the Early Paris Conservatory by Masci, Michael J.
Musikalisches Grundwissen: Eine systematische Erklärung der Musik by Sauter, Franz
PLAY and PLAY PIANO BOOK FOR BEGINNERS REVISED TEACHER'S EDITION: A Unique Approach to Piano Using Game Songs by Engle, Diane
Music Theory Made Simple: Essential Concepts for Budding Composers, Musicians and Music Lovers by Valia, Adrian
Silent Films/Loud Music: New Ways of Listening to and Thinking about Silent Film Music by Johnston, Phillip
Level C: Repertoire by Matthynssens, Luisa
Fórmulas e intervalos triadas: La triada mayor y la triada menor by Vallecilla, Brynner
Triads & Pentascales: A Visual Reference Guide by Matthynssens, Luisa
Rock Tonality Amplified: A Theory of Modality, Harmonic Function, and Tonal Hierarchy by Clement, Brett
Music for Prime Time: A History of American Television Themes and Scoring by Burlingame, Jon
Teach Yourself Music Theory: A Quick and Easy Introduction for Beginners with Audio Access Included by Johnson, Chad
Berklee Guitar Theory by
Drop 2 and Drop 3 Chords Applied: Volume 1 by Rosten, Brad
The Melofonetica Method: A complete guide to clear and expressive Italian diction for singers by Dalle Fratte, Matteo
Le Mouvement musical de 1857 by Scudo, Paul
Les Sopranistes by Scudo, Paul
Music in the Apocalyptic Mode by
La musique dans les villes rhénanes by Scudo, Paul
The Melofonetica Method: A complete guide to clear and expressive Italian diction for singers by Dalle Fratte, Matteo
On Music Theory, and Making Music More Welcoming for Everyone by Ewell, Philip
Rhythmicity and Deleuze: Practice as Research in the Musical-Philosophical by Tromans, Steve
The Intersection of Animation, Video Games, and Music: Making Movement Sing by
The CAGED Rhythm Guitar Method: Learn to Play Any Chord Anywhere on the Neck Using The CAGED System by Garland, Rob, Alexander, Joseph
Seeking Connections: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Music Teaching and Learning by Barrett, Janet Revell
All the Chords: Types - Notes - Functions - Names by Price, David
Tétradas: la guía completa de acordes de cuatro notas y sus intervalos by Vallecilla, Brynner
Escalas Modales Artificiales by Vallecilla, Brynner
Pentacorde: La guía completa de acordes de cinco notas y sus intervalos by Vallecilla, Brynner
Visualizing Music by Isaacson, Eric
L'Âme du violon by Des Essarts, Alfred
How to Sing: Practical Exercises for Smooth Singing (A Complete Guide to Creating Stronger Performances) by Arwood, Michael
Les illusions musicales et la vérité sur l'expression by Weber, Johannes
Music Theory in Ethnomusicology by Blum, Stephen
Popular Music, Power and Play: Reframing Creative Practice by Heiser, Marshall
Escala interválica: Teoría y práctica de las escalas musicales basadas en intervalos by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculo armónico diatónico: Explorando la belleza y armonía de la música diatónica a través del círculo armónico by Vallecilla, Brynner
Here for the Hearing: Analyzing the Music in Musical Theater by
A Violin Workbook: Learn Your First Notes on the Violin! by Naillon, Judy Violinjudy
English Rhythm and Blues: Where Language and Music Come Together by Larroque, Patrice Paul
Musical Agency and the Social Listener by Palfy, Cora S.
Triadas 2 by Vallecilla, Brynner
Acordes interválicos: las 7 triadas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Triadas 3 by Vallecilla, Brynner
Heitor Villa-Lobos's Bachianas Brasileiras: Intertextuality and Stylization by Dudeque, Norton
Triadas 3: Las triadas suspendidas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Acordes interválicos: Las 7 triadas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Star Wars: The Piano Anthology - Music by John Williams Featuring Themes from All Nine Films Deluxe Hardcover Edition with a Foreword by Mike Matessin by
Medieval Music and the Art of Memory by Berger, Anna Maria Busse
What in the World Is Music? by Arnold, Alison E., Kramer, Jonathan C.
The Complete Elementary Music Rudiments by Sarnecki, Mark
Elementary Music Theory Book 1 by Sarnecki, Mark
The Elementary Music Theory Note Speller by Sarnecki, Mark
Easy Composing for Guitar: Create Your Own Songs In A Snap by Jefferson, Xavier Ray
Easy Composing for Piano: Create Your Own Songs In A Snap by Jefferson, Xavier Ray
Easy Composing for Ukelele: Create Your Own Songs In A Snap by Jefferson, Xavier Ray
Easy Composing for Bass Clef Instruments: Create Your Own Songs In A Snap by Jefferson, Xavier Ray
The Sonic Boom by Beckerman, Joel
Blast Off with Music Theory! Book 2 by
Blast Off with Music Theory! Book 1 by
Sonic Signatures: Music, Migration and the City at Night by
AP Music Theory Premium, Fifth Edition: Prep Book with 2 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Audio by Scoggin, Nancy Fuller, Barron's Educational Series
Círculo armónico diatónico artificial: Mayor artificial y doble mayor armónico by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculo armónico diatónico artificial 2: Menor armónico y menor melódico by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculo armónico diatónico artificial: Mayor artificial y doble mayor armónico by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculo Armónico Modal: Jónico, Lidio y Mixolidio by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculo Armónico Modal 2: Dórico, Frigio y Eólico by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculo Armónico Modal 3: Locrio by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculos Armónicos Interválicos by Vallecilla, Brynner
How to Write Melodies by Rooksby, Rikky
Elements Of Harmony by Emery, Stephen Albert
A Treatise On Harmony, Tr. by Mrs C. Clarke by Catel, Charles Simon
Student's Counterpoint by Pearce, Charles William
Nouveau Système De Notation Musicale Suivi D'un Essai Sur La Nomenclature Des Sons Musicaux, Par Un Ancien Professeur De Mathématiques... by Anonymous
The Natural And Universal Principles Of Harmony And Modulation by Parkinson, William Wignall
Models of the Principal Musical Forms: Extract From Lectures Upon the "evolution of Musical Forms" Delivered by Goetschius, Percy 1853-1943
Esthétique musicale; les matériaux de la musique, la création et l'interprétation musicales by Closson, Ernest
Rudiments of Harmony and Counterpoint by Brown, Robert
Music Made Easy. The Rudiments Of Music by Eastes, John
Harmony by Spencer, Stanhope Reid
Theory Of Music by Foote, Arthur
Allgemeine Musiklehre: Handbuch der Musik by Riemann, Hugo
The Physical Basis Of Music by Wood, Alexander
Arte Pratica Di Contrappunto; Volume 2 by Paolucci, Giuseppe
Partiturenkenntniss und Partiturenspiel: Ein Handbüchlein für Musikstudirende und Musikfreunde by Schubert, Franz Ludwig
A Text Book of Harmony by Horsley, Charles Edward
Uebungen Zum Studium Der Harmonie Und Des Contrapunktes by Hiller, Ferdinand
Fortschrittliche Harmonie- Und Melodielehre by Capellen, Georg
An Introduction to Music: In Which the Elementary Parts of the Science, and the Principles of Thorough Bass and Modulation, As Illustrated by th by Gunn, Anne
Old English Musical Terms by Padelford, Frederick Morgan
Essentials of Music Theory ..; Volume 1 by
Musical Rudiments by Smith, Leo
Harmonic Self-Unfoldment: Harmonic Booklet Series (Bound Vol. 1) (1925) [Other Major Works]: 1 by Richardson, J. E. [John E. ].
Musical Grammar, in Four Parts by Callcott, John Wall
Lessons In Harmony by Mokrejs, John
Hollis Dann Music Course: Fourth Year Music by Dann, Hollis
Cantus, Songs And Fancies, To Three, Four, Or Five Parts, Both Apt For Voices And Viols With A Brief Introduction To Musick. As Is Taught In The Music by Morley, Thomas
Gründliche Erklärung Der Tonordnung Insbesondere, Zugleich Aber Für Die Mehresten Organisten Insgemein: Wieder Durchaus Mit Musikalischen Exempeln Abg by Riepel, Joseph
First Year Harmony by Tapper, Thomas
Sistema Musical De La Lengua Castellana by De Mas, Sinibaldo
Das Wesen der Melodie in der Tonkunst by Jadassohn, Salomon
Leicht fassliche Harmonie- und Generalbasslehre: Ein theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch. by Köhler, Louis
Practical Harmony On a French Basis; Volume 2 by Norris, Homer Albert
Esthétique Musicale: Résumé Élémentaire De La Technie Harmonique Et Complément De Cette Technic Suivi De L'exposé De La Loi De L'enchaîneme by Durutte, François Camille Antoine
Studies in Musical Graces by Fowles, Ernest
Rhythm by Bolton, Thaddeus Lincoln
Haupt's Theory Of Counterpoint, Fugue, And Double Counterpoint: Prepared Expressly For The Royal Institute For Church Music, At Berlin, Prussia by Haupt, August
Elements Of Music, Harmony & Counterpoint, Rhythm, Analysis, & Musical Form by Bertenshaw, Thomas Handel
Counterpoint Simplified: A Text-book in Simple Strict Counterpoint by York, Francis L.
Braille Music and Its Problems, What the National Institute for the Blind Has Accomplished: A Record of Fifty-Seven Years of English Effort by Watson, Edward
Musical Grammar, in Four Parts by Callcott, John Wall
Music, First- Year by Ward, Justine Bayard 1879-1975
Ear Training: A Course Of Systematic Study For The Development Of The Musical Perception by Heacox, Arthur Edward
Key to Practical Harmony: A Comprehensive System of Musical Theory On a French Basis by Norris, Homer Albert
Ear Training: A Course Of Systematic Study For The Development Of The Musical Perception by Heacox, Arthur Edward
Primer of Facts About Music: Questions and Answers on the Elements of Music for the use of Teachers and Students by Evans, Martin G.
On the Basis of Music: Containing an Elementary Account of the Nature of Musical Notes and Chords by Ellis, Alexander John
Modern Academic Counterpoint by Pearce, Charles William
The Harmony of Sounds by Hiles, Henry
Practical Harmony by Rockstro, W. S. 1823-1895
Elements Of Music, Harmony & Counterpoint, Rhythm, Analysis, & Musical Form by Bertenshaw, Thomas Handel
Lessons In Harmony by Mokrejs, John
How to Modulate: A Simple and Systematic Guide in Modulating From Any Key to Any Other and a Review of the Principles of Artistic Modul by Shepard, Frank Hartson
Bowman's-Weitzman's Manual of Musical Theory. A Concise, Comprehensive and Practical Text-book on Th by Weitzmann, Karl Friedrich, Bowman, Edward Morris
Harmony and Analysis by Bradley, Kenneth McPherson
Harmony Book for Beginners: A Text Book and Writing Book for the First Year's Work, for Class, Private and Self Instruction, Including Scales, Int by Orem, Preston Ware
Lecciones de Teclado: Trucos y Consejos para Dominar el Teclado by Studios, Green Light
Lecciones de Teclado: Métodos Avanzados Para Dominar El Teclado by Studios, Green Light
Lecciones de Teclado: Guía Completa para Principiantes para Aprender a la Perfección los Acordes y Escalas de Teclado by Studios, Green Light
Tétradas 3: Las tétradas disminuidas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Tétradas 2: Las tétradas mayores y menores by Vallecilla, Brynner
Tétradas 5: las tétradas suspendidas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Tétradas 4: Las tétradas aumentadas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Tétradas 6: Tétradas con novena y oncena extendidas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Harmonic Materials of Modern Music; Resources of the Tempered Scale by Hanson, Howard 1896-1981
Harmonic Materials of Modern Music; Resources of the Tempered Scale by Hanson, Howard 1896-1981
Acordes Interválicos 2: Las Tétradas Sextas, Séptimas, Novenas y Oncenas Extendidas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Tonality, Measured: The Specific Sounds of Scales & Chords by Cutler, Jered
Digital Music Learning Resources: From Research to Educational Practice by Ludovico, Luca Andrea, Mandanici, Marcella, Spagnol, Simone
Acoustic Profiles: A Sound Ecology of the Cinema by Jordan, Randolph
Essential Music Theory History Supplement by Sarnecki, Mark
Perspectives on Contemporary Music Theory: Essays in Honor of Kevin Korsyn by
Guitar Scales Collection - Pentatonic & Guitar Mode Soloing Connections: Go From Pentatonics to Modes & Solo All Over the Guitar Neck in this Three-Bo by Alexander, Joseph
Listening, Belonging, and Memory by Gardner, Abigail
Piano Scales FOR KIDS: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Kids to Learn about the Realms of Piano Scales and Music from A-Z by Fox, Sonata
Beginner Guitar for the Aspiring Musician: Introduction to Guitar and Basic Theory Principles by Shields, Jon
Teoría del Jazz by Jaramillo Arias, Jaime
Guided Practice Routines For Guitar - Advanced Level by Alexander, Joseph, Clay, Levi
Succeeding at the Piano -- Flashcard Friend -- Level 1a: A Perfect Supplement to Build and Reinforce a Strong Foundation., Accessory by
Film Music: A Very Short Introduction by Kalinak, Kathryn
Círculos armónicos diatónicos 2: Explorando las séptimas by Vallecilla, Brynner
Desire in Chromatic Harmony: A Psychodynamic Exploration of Fin de Siècle Tonality by Smith, Kenneth M.
The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education by
The Diagram: Harmonic Geometry by Tetlow, Adam
L'arte del suono by Grimaldi, Raffaele
Rītigaula: A Study of Improvisation and Discourse in Indian Music by
Music, the Moving Image and Ireland, 1897-2017 by O'Flynn, John
Modes of Communication in Stravinsky's Works: Sign and Expression by Dahl, Per
Body and Force in Music: Metaphoric Constructions in Music Psychology by Kim, Youn
Key Constellations: Interpreting Tonality in Film Volume 4 by Motazedian, Táhirih
Key Constellations: Interpreting Tonality in Film Volume 4 by Motazedian, Táhirih
Guitar Music Theory: Tips and Tricks to Guitar Mastery by Hayes, Ethan
Performing Time: Synchrony and Temporal Flow in Music and Dance by
Keyboard Lessons: Tips and Tricks on Playing Keyboard Chords and Scales to Perfection by Turner, Daniel
Workbook 1: Writing and Analysis: Workbook to Accompany the Complete Musician by Laitz, Steven G., Callahan, Michael R.
Transformational analysis in practice: Music-analytical studies on composers and musicians from around the world by
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