• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Musicians in 1997

Extraordinary Women in Support of Music by Mender, Mona
Das auratische Kunstwerk by Friedrich, Sven
Kink: An Autobiography by Davies, Dave
Selena: como la flor by Patoski, Joe Nick
Irving Berlin: Songs from the Melting Pot: The Formative Years, 1907-1914 by Hamm, Charles
The Life of Bellini by Rosselli, John
Wolfgang Amad Mozart by Knepler, Georg, Blake, David, Georg, Knepler
Selected Letters of Berlioz by Berlioz, Hector
Robert Schumann: Herald of a New Poetic Age by Daverio, John
The Lives of the Great Composers by Schonberg, Harold C.
Composition in Black and White: The Life of Philippa Schuyler by Talalay, Kathryn M.
The Life of Mahler by Franklin, Peter
The Life of Mahler by Franklin, Peter
The Best in Popular Sheet Music by
Carl Nielsen by Lawson, Jack
The Schubert Song Companion by Reed, John
I Lived to Tell It All by Carter, Tom, Jones, George
Górecki by Thomas, Adrian
Arvo Part by Hillier, Paul
Górecki by Thomas, Adrian
Lush Life: A Biography of Billy Strayhorn by Hajdu, David
Great Christian Hymn Writers by Carlson, Betty, Smith, Jane Stuart
Wake Me When It's Funny: How to Break Into Show Business and Stay by Marshall, Lori, Marshall, Garry
500 Best-Loved Song Lyrics by
Leader of the Band: The Life of Woody Herman by Lees, Gene
Ira Gershwin: The Art of the Lyricist by Furia, Philip
Van Morrison by Collis, John
Pink Floyd: Through the Eyes of the Band, Its Fans, Friends, and Foes by MacDonald, Bruno
Stone Alone: Caught Between Growing Children and Aging Parents by Wyman, Bill
Arthur Foote: A Musician in the Frame of Time and Place by Tawa, Nicholas E.
Madonna: Bawdy and Soul by Faith, Karlene
Kurt Weill: An Illustrated Life by Schebera, Jürgen
Ruth Crawford Seeger: A Composer's Search for American Music by Tick, Judith
Healey Willan: Life and Music by Clarke, F. R. C.
Conversations with Albert Murray by
Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical Politics in Vienna, 1792-1803 by Denora, Tia
Franz Liszt: The Final Years, 1861 1886 by Walker, Alan
The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by Moore, Allan F.
Johnson Family Singers: We Sang for Our Supper by Johnson, Kenneth M.
The Rolling Stones Chronicle by Bonanno, Bonanno, Massimo