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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 1997

Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Sourcebook Containing the Constellations of Pseudo-Eratoshenes and the Poetic Astronomy of Hyginus by
Walking Words: With Woodcuts by Jose Francisco Borges by Galeano, Eduardo
Georgia Ghosts by Roberts, Nancy
Cinderella and Other Stories from the Blue Fairy Book by
The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols by Chevalier, Jean, Gheerbrant, Alain
Folk Songs of the Southern Appalachians as Sung by Jean Ritchie by Ritchie, Jean
Oklahoma City Bombing: The Suppressed Truth by Rappoport, Jon
Wise Women: Folk and Fairy Tales from Around the World by Mullineaux, Leann, Barchers, Suzanne
Wiregrass Country by McGregory, Jerrilyn
Because God Loves Stories: An Anthology of Jewish Storytelling by
Folklore, Culture, and Aging: A Research Guide by Shuldiner, David P.
Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger by Meinzerin, Marion, Klausmann, Ulrike
The Pawnee Mythology by Dorsey, George a.
Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest, Especially of Washington and Oregon by
Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger by Klausmann, Ulrike
God by Leeming, David Adams, Page, Jake
The Bear and His Sons: Masculinity in Spanish and Mexican Folktales by Taggart, James M.
When Darkness Falls: Tales of San Antonio Ghosts and Hauntings by Williams, Docia Shultz
The King of Ireland's Son by Colum, Padraic
Mal'uocchiu: Ambiguity, Evil Eye, and the Language of Distress by Migliore, Sam
Mondays on the Dark Night of the Moon: Himalayan Foothill Folktales by Narayan, Kirin
Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana by
Yoruba Trickster Tales by Owomoyela, Oyekan
Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children by Bruchac, Joseph, Caduto, Michael J.
The End of the World as We Know It by Wojcik, Daniel N.
Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem: Devilish Indians and Puritan Fantasies by Breslaw, Elaine G.
Spirits of the Earth: A Guide to Native American Nature Symbols, Stories, and Ceremonies by Lake-Thom, Bobby
Red Earth, White Lies by Deloria Jr, Vine
Conversing with Angels and Ancients by Nagy, Joseph Falaky
Conversing with Angels and Ancients by Nagy, Joseph Falaky
Myths and Legends Ancient Egypt by Spence, Lewis
Birth and Growth of Myth and Its Survival in Folk Lore, Legend and Dogma by Clodd, Edward
Popol Vuh: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America by Spence, Lewis
Legends and Romances of Brittany by Spence, Lewis
Myths and Myth Makers by Fiske, John
Myths and Legends of the North American Indians by Spence, Lewis
Hidden Meanings of the World's Greatest Stories by Dawson, E. Matthews
Breath on the Mirror: Mythic Voices and Visions of the Living Maya by Tedlock, Dennis
Classic Deities in Bacon: A Study in Mythological Symbolism by Lemmi, Charles W.
The Book of Nature Myths for Children by Holbrook, Florence
Storytelling Encyclopedia: Historical, Cultural, and Multiethnic Approaches to Oral Traditions Around the World by
Yiddish Folktales by Weinreich, Beatrice
The Arthurian Handbook: Second Edition by Lacy, Norris J., Ashe, Geoffrey, Mancoff, Debra N.
Watunna: An Orinoco Creation Cycle by De Civrieux, Marc
Nahuat Myth and Social Structure by Taggart, James M.
Blood Read: The Vampire as Metaphor in Contemporary Culture by
The Arthurian Handbook: Second Edition by Ashe, Geoffrey, Mancoff, Debra N., Lacy, Norris J.
Passing Strange: True Tales of New England Hauntings and Horrors by Citro, Joseph A.
The Complete Illustrated Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by Grimm, Jacob, Grimm, Wilhelm
Indian Tales by de Angulo, Jamie, de Angulo, Jaime
Ukrainian Minstrels: Why the Blind Should Sing: And the Blind Shall Sing by Kononenko, Natalie O.
Journey to Avalon: The Final Discovery of King Arthur by Pykitt, David, Barber, Chris
Kootenai Why Stories by Linderman, Frank B.
The Good People: New Fairylore Essays by
In Search of Authenticity: The Formation of Folklore Studies by Bendix, Regina
Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions by Bell, Catherine
Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-Out Rhymes by Rubin, David C.
Prometheus: Archetypal Image of Human Existence by Kerényi, Carl
Reading Myth: Classical Mythology and Its Interpretations in Medieval French Literature by Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate
Prayers and Fables: Meditating on Aesop's Wisdom by Cleary, William
Traditions of the Caddo by Dorsey, George a.
Folklore and the Fantastic in Twelve Modern Irish Novels by Quintelli-Neary, Marguerite
The Apotheosis of Captain Cook: European Mythmaking in the Pacific by Obeyesekere, Gananath
Documenting Ourselves-Pa by Sherman, Sharon R.
Texas Tales Your Teacher Never Told You by Eckhardt, C. F.