• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 1998

Secrets and Mysteries of the Cherokee Little People by Lossiah, Lynn
Icons of Power: Feline Symbolism in the Americas by
Tales of the Turquoise: A Pilgrimage in Dolpo by Jest, Corneille
Divination, Magic, and Healing: The Book of Jewish Folklore by Isaacs, Ronald H.
Raincoast Chronicles 18: Stories & History of the British Columbia Coast by
The Door in the Sky: Coomaraswamy on Myth and Meaning by Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
Riddles of the Sphinx by Jordan, Paul
Serpent and Siva Worship and Mythology in Central America, Africa, and Asia and the Origin of Serpent Worship by Wake, C. Staniland, Clarke, Hyde
Mind and Body or Mental States and Physical Conditions by Atkinson, William Walker
Blue Ridge Folklife by Olson, Ted
Old Tales Retold from Grecian Mythology in Talks Around the Fire by Larned, Augusta
The Greatness Of Saturn: A Therapeutic Myth by Svobod, Robert E.
Runes and Runic Inscriptions: Collected Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Viking Runes by Page, R. I.
Storytracking: Texts, Stories, and Histories in Central Australia by Gill, Sam D.
Storytracking: Texts, Stories, and Histories in Central Australia by Gill, Sam D.
Classical Myths and Legends in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: A Dictionary of Allegorical Meanings by Brumble, H. David
On the Edge of a Dream: The Women of Celtic Myth and Legend by Heath, Jennifer
The Complete Fables by Aesop
Animals in Celtic Life and Myth by Green, Miranda
Aliens in America by Dean, Jodi
Aliens in America by Dean, Jodi
Best Tales of Texas Ghosts by Williams, Docia Schultz
The Implied Spider: Politics and Theology in Myth by Doniger, Wendy
Pagan Meditations: The Worlds of Aphrodite, Artemis, and Hestia by Paris, Ginette
The Mythology of Native North America by Leeming, David Adams
Ghosts Along the Texas Coast by Williams, Docia Schultz
Talking Trauma by Tangherlini, Timothy R.
Arab Folktales from Palestine and Israel by
Legends of the Iroquois by Fadden, David Kanietakeron, Tehanetorens
The Politics of Memory: Native Historical Interpretation in the Colombian Andes by Rappaport, Joanne
Conversing by Signs: Poetics of Implication in Colonial New England Culture by St George, Robert Blair
The Complete Russian Folktale: v. 1: An Introduction to the Russian Folktale by Haney, Jack V.
Childhood of Religions: Embracing a Simple Account of the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends by Clodd, Edward
Tales of the Tepee by Dale, Edward Everett
Fluid Ontologies: Myth, Ritual, and Philosophy in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea by Goldman, Laurence R.
Fluid Ontologies: Myth, Ritual, and Philosophy in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea by Goldman, Laurence R.
American Proverbs about Women: A Reference Guide by Kerschen, Lois
Living Stories of the Cherokee by
King of the Western Saddle: The Sheridan Saddle and the Art of Don King by Evans, Timothy H.
El Mito del Mago by Butler, E. M.
A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Gods by Baumgartner, Anne S.
Fairies: Real Encounters With Little People by Bord, Janet
Bulfinch's Mythology: Includes the Age of Fable, the Age of Chivalry & Legends of Charlemagne by Bulfinch, Thomas
Jung on Mythology by Jung, C. G.
Cashibo Folklore and Culture: Prose, Poetry, and Historical Background by Wistrand-Robinson, Lila, Robinson, Lila Wistrand
Artistry in Native American Myths by Kroeber, Karl
Alligator Tales by McCarthy, Kevin M.
Mule Trader: Ray Lum 's Tales of Horses, Mules, and Men by Ferris, William R.
Encyclopedia of Folklore and Literature by
The Falklands War by Monaghan, D.
The Vampire: A Casebook by Dundes, Alan
Selling Tradition: Appalachia and the Construction of an American Folk, 1930-1940 by Becker, Jane S.
Trickster in the Land of Dreams by Papanikolas, Zeese
Legends of the Earth, Sea and Sky: An Encyclopedia of Nature Myths by
Good Faeries/Bad Faeries by Froud, Brian
The Grail Legend by Jung, Emma, Von Franz, Marie-Louise
Story by Scheub, Harold
Sumerian Mythology by Kramer, Samuel Noah
The Magic Harvest: Food, Folkore and Society by Camporesi, Piero
Horsing Around, Volume I: Contemporary Cowboy Humor by
Clowns and Tricksters: An Encyclopedia of Tradition and Culture by Christen, Kimberly A.
Plants of Life, Plants of Death by Simoons, Frederick J.
Plants of Life, Plants of Death by Simoons, Frederick J.
Why Oracles Are Silent by Gelinske, Tom
Ukrainian Minstrels: Why the Blind Should Sing: And the Blind Shall Sing by Kononenko, Natalie O.
Encyclopedia of Greco-Roman Mythology by Dixon-Kennedy, Mike
Encyclopedia of Russian and Slavic Myth and Legend by Dixon-Kennedy, Mike
Disciplined Hearts: History, Identity, and Depression in an American Indian Community by O'Nell, Theresa Deleane
Tell It by Heart: Women and the Healing Power of Story by Meade, Erica Helm
The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year by Matthews, Caitlin
An Anthology of Russian Folk Epics by Bailey, James, Ivanova, Tatyana