• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 1999

The Magical Lion by Latimer, Dwaune, Quick, Jennifer, Olszewski, Deborah I.
The Bird Who Gave Milk by Latimer, Dwaune, Ousterhout, Robert
Reel Rituals: Ritual Occasions from Baptisms to Funerals in Hollywood Films, 1945-1995 by Boswell, Parley Ann
Travel Legend and Lore: An Encyclopedia by
Myth and Philosophy: A Contest of Truths by Hatab, Lawrence J.
Holy Writ as Oral Lit: The Bible as Folklore by Dundes, Alan
Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness by Silver, Carole
The Trickster and the Troll by Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
The Druids: Celtic Priests of Nature by Markale, Jean
The Wandering Womb: A Cultural History of Outrageous Beliefs About Women by Thompson, Lana
Indaba My Children: African Folktales by
Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Buckland, Raymond
Wisconsin Folklore by
Robin Hood: An Anthology of Scholarship and Criticism by
Zapotec Oral Literature: El Folklore de San Lorenzo, Folklore Texts in Mexican Indian Languages 4 by Speck, Charles H.
The Black Border: Gullah Stories of the Carolina Coast by Gonzales, Ambrose E.
Rethinking Folk Drama by Tillis, Steve
Feasts of Light: Celebrations for the Seasons of Life Based on the Egyptian Goddess Mysteries by Ellis, Normandi
American Indian Trickster Tales by Erdoes, Richard
Postmodern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrative Strategies by Bacchilega, Cristina
Circling Windrock Mountain: Two Hundred Years in Appalachia by Bell, Augusta Grove
The Powers of Genre: Interpreting Haya Oral Literature by Seitel, Peter
Traditional Storytelling Today: An International Source Book by
Hush, Child! Can't You Hear the Music? by Thompson, Rose
The Grail: The Celtic Origins of the Sacred Icon by Markale, Jean
Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power by Smith, Richard, Meyer, Marvin W.
Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History by
Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India by Doniger, Wendy
Chinese Mythology: An Introduction by Birrell, Anne M.
Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary Legend by Victor, Jeffrey S.
The End of the World as We Know It by Wojcik, Daniel N.
All the World's Reward: Folktales Told by Five Scandinavian Storytellers by Sehmsdorf, Henning K., Kvideland, Reimund
Classical Mythology in English Literature: A Critical Anthology by
The Complete Russian Folktale: v. 1: An Introduction to the Russian Folktale by Haney, Jack V.
Sheherazade Through the Looking Glass: The Metamorphosis of the 'Thousand and One Nights' by Sallis, Eva
Uvajuq: The Origin of Death by
Of Moses and Marx: Folk Ideology and Folk History in the Jewish Labor Movement by Shuldiner, David P.
Dragons and Dragon Lore by Ingersoll, Ernest
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation: The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind. by
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Or Christianity Before Christ by Graves, Kersey
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation: Or the Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind; English Transl by
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation: The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind by
The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil by Graves, Kersey
In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele by Roller, Lynn E.
The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil by Graves, Kersey
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Or Christianity Before Christ by Graves, Kersey
Shenandoah Valley Foklife by Suter, Scott Hamilton
The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell by Ellwood, Robert
Six Neuvomexicano Folk Dramas for Advent Season by Torres, Larry
Cuentos from Long Ago by Atencio, Paulette
The Great Goddess: Reverence of the Divine Feminine from the Paleolithic to the Present by Markale, Jean
Kalevala Mythology, Revised Edition by Pentikainen, Juha Y.
Adventures of Sayf Ben Dhi Yazan: An Arab Folk Epic by
Aryan Sun Myths: The Origin of Religions by Titcomb, Sarah E.
Sun Lore of All Ages: A Collection of Myths and Legends Concerning the Sun and Its Worship by Olcott, William Tyler
Infusions of Healing: A Treasury of Mexican-American Herbal Remedies by Davidow, Joie
Sorcery in Salem by Wright, John Hardy
A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels, and Other Subversive Spirits by Mack, Carol K.
The Implied Spider: Politics and Theology in Myth by Doniger, Wendy
Epic Traditions of Africa by Belcher, Stephen
Myth & the Movies: Discovering the Myth Structure of 50 Unforgettable Films by Voytilla, Stuart
The Anthropology of Cannibalism by
The Anthropology of Cannibalism by
Spider Woman's Web: Traditional Native American Tales about Women's Power by Hazen-Hammond, Susan
Ka: Stories of the Mind and Gods of India by Calasso, Roberto
King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend by Castleden, Rodney
A Dictionary and Catalog of African American Folklife of the South by Johns, Alan, Pyatt, Sherman
Pour Une Histoire de L'Imaginaire by Boia, Lucian
Ghosts in the Middle Ages: The Living and the Dead in Medieval Society by Schmitt, Jean-Claude
Finding the Center: The Art of the Zuni Storyteller, Second Edition by
Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga by Thompson, Hunter S.
Tales Arab Women Tell: And the Behavioral Patterns They Portray by El-Shamy, Hasan M.