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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2012

The Book of Were-Wolves by Sabine Baring-Gould
Magical Treasure Hunting in Europe and North America: A History by Dillinger, J.
Gilgamesh by
Talking Tools: Faces of Aboriginal Oral Tradition in Contemporary Society by Scott, Patrick
Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion by Lawson, John Cuthbert
The Insanity Hoax: Exposing the Myth of the Mad Genius by Schlesinger, Judith
The Man of Wiles in Popular Arabic Literature: A Study of a Medieval Arab Hero by Lyons, M. C.
Les Saints Des Derviches Tourneurs by
Anansi's Journey: A Story of Jamaican Cultural Resistance by Marshall, Emily Zobel
Gwenevere and the Round Table by Berg, Wendy
Reaching Olympus: Teaching Mythology Through Reader's Theater, The Greek Myths Vol. II, The Saga of the Trojan War Including the Iliad a by Hamby, Zachary P.
The Grand Tour of Greek Mythology by Indovina, Mike
Water Spirits of the World - From Nymphs to Nixies, Serpents to Sirens by Moore, Alanna
The Lore of the Unicorn by Shepard, Odell
The Thunderweapon in Religion and Folklore by Blinkenberg, Christian
Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters. by Taliaferro, Hardin E.
Algic Researches: Comprising Inquiries Respecting the Mental Characteristics of North American Indians. Volume 2 of 2 by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe
Algic Researches: Comprising Inquiries Respecting the Mental Characteristics of North American Indians. Volume 1 of 2 by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe
Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. 3 by Jones, James Athearn
The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain by Spence, Lewis
Psyche's Knife: Archetypal Explorations of Love and Power by Nelson, Elizabeth Eowyn
The Reality of Myth by Martin, John Hilary
Herbs for Daily Use in Home Medicine and Cookery by Quelch, Mary Thorne
Fables de la Fontaine Avec Des Notes Historiques [etc.]... by
Magic and Religion - Being Chapters I to VII of the Abridged Edition of 'The Golden Bough' by Frazer, James George
The Myth of the Titanic by Howells, R.
The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion - Part I, The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings - Vol. I by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion - Part I, The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings - Vol. II by Frazer, James George
Comfrey - An Ancient Medicinal Remedy by Macalister, Charles J.
The Hand: A Survey of Facts, Legends, and Beliefs Pertaining to Manual Ceremonies, Covenants, and Symbols... by Burdick, Lewis Dayton
Ombra: Supernatural Music in the Eighteenth Century by McClelland, Clive
Mythologies Lib/E: The Complete Edition, in a New Translation by Barthes, Roland
The Euahlayi Tribe: A Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia by Langloh Parker, K.
Indian Stories from the Pueblo by Applegate, Frank
The Voice of the People: Writing the European Folk Revival, 1760-1914 by
The Irish Fairy Tale: A Narrative Tradition from the Middle Ages to Yeats and Stephens by Carrassi, Vito
Recueil de Quelques Médailles Grecques Inédites... by Millingen, James
The Grail by Coghlan, Ronan
Fables de la Fontaine: Avec Notes Et Soixante-Quinze Figures...Sur Bois... by
The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki by Francis, Bernie, Sable, Trudy
Dublin Folk Tales by Nolan, Brendan
Pitch Woman and Other Stories: The Oral Traditions of Coquelle Thompson, Upper Coquille Athabaskan Indian by
Anciens Et Nouveaux Proverbes (Ed.1877) by Sans Auteur
The Long and Short of It: From Aphorism to Novel by Morson, Gary
The Fables of Aesop, Volume 1... by
Zur Erklärung Des Plinius: Antikenkranz Zum Dreizehnten Berliner Winckelmannsfest... by Panofka, Theodor
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys... by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Enchanted Legends and Lore of New Mexico: Witches, Ghosts & Spirits by de Aragón, Ray John
Enchanted Legends and Lore of New Mexico: Witches, Ghosts and Spirits by De Aragon, Ray John
The Herbal Medicine and Practices of the Delaware Tribe of Native Americans - With an Essay on the Ghost Dance of the Kiowa Tribe by an Eyewitness by Anon
Odyssey: With Introduction, Notes Etc, Books 1-12 by
Religions of the Ancient World by Rawlinson, George
Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal by Campbell, Joseph
Companion to Folklore by
The Greek Myths: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Graves, Robert
Jungian Symbolic Psychology: The Voyage of Humanization of the Cosmos in Search of Enlightenment by Byington, Carlos Amadeu Botelho
Jungian Symbolic Psychology: The Voyage of Humanization of the Cosmos in Search of Enlightenment by Byington, Carlos Amadeu Botelho
Mélanges de Mythologie Et de Linguistique (Éd.1877) by Bréal, Michel
Sebastian Franck's Erste Namenlose Sprichwörtersammlung Vom Jahre 1532 (Éd.1876) by Franck, Sebastian
Natalis Comitis Mythologia Sive Explicationum Fabularum Libri X (Éd.1581) by Conti, Natale
Le Poème de Gudrun: Ses Origines, Sa Formation Et Son Histoire (Éd.1892) by Fécamp, Albert
Trésor-Des-Fèves Et Fleur-Des-Pois: Conte Des Fées (Éd.1894) by Nodier, Charles
Images of the Wildman in Southeast Asia: An Anthropological Perspective by Forth, Gregory
Les Mille Et Une Nuits Des Familles: Contes Arabes T1 (Éd.1887-1895) by Sans Auteur
Geneviève de Brabant: Et Quelques Autres Aventures Des Croisades (Cinquième Édition) (Éd.1853) by Collin de Plancy, Jacques-Albin-Simon
de la Généalogie Des Dieux (Éd.1498) by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Les Contes Populaires En Italie (Éd.1880) by Monnier, Marc
L'Histoire Des Imaginations Extravagantes de Monsieur Oufle, Causées (Éd.1789) by Bordelon, Laurent
Les Fables Égyptiennes Et Grecques, Dévoilées & Réduites Au Même Principe. T2 (Éd.1758) by Pernety, Antoine-Joseph
Chez Les Lapons: Moeurs, Coutumes Et Légendes de la Laponie Norvégienne (Éd.1890) by de Gourmont, Remy
Sentences, Maximes Et Proverbes Mantchoux Et Mongols (Éd.1875) by Rochet, Louis
Recueil Des Plus Illustres Proverbes Divisés En Trois Livres (Éd.1663) by Lagniet, Jacques
Fables Créoles Et Explorations Dans l'Intérieur de l'Île Bourbon (N Éd) (Éd.1833) by Héry, Louis
Panthéon Égyptien, Collection Des Personnages Mythologiques de l'Ancienne Égypte (Ed.1823) by Champollion, Jean-François
L'Histoire Des Imaginations Extravagantes de Monsieur Oufle Causées (Éd.1710) by Bordelon, Laurent
Ghosts of Ellicott City by Noratel, Russ
Faery Loves and Faery Lais by Knight, Gareth
Les Fables Égyptiennes Et Grecques, Dévoilées Et Réduites Au Même Principe, (Éd.1786) by Pernety, Antoine-Joseph
African Genesis by Fox, Douglas Claughton, Frobenius, Leo
African Genesis by Frobenius, Leo, Fox, Douglas Claughton
The Twelve Dancing Princesses by Brothers, Grimm
The Golden Goose by Brothers, Grimm
Rumpelstiltskin by Brothers, Grimm
The Frog-Prince by Brothers, Grimm
Up Yon Wide and Lonely Glen: Travellers' Songs, Stories and Tunes of the Fetterangus Stewarts by Stewart, Elizabeth
Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, & Lore by Alexander, Skye
Voices of the People in Nineteenth-Century France by Hopkin, David
Archetypes of Astrology by Stanley, Ena
Fortune Telling for Everyone - A Complete Manual of Fortune-Telling by Astrology, Cards, Tea Leaves, Palmistry, Phrenology, and Other Methods by Anon
Demonology and Witchcraft in the British Isles and Ireland;A Compendium of Classic Books on the History of Demons, Witches and Spirits by Various
Laurie's Complete Fortune Teller - Astrology, Cards, Charms, Dice, Dominoes, Dreams, Gipsy Lore, Mascots, Moles, Numerology, Palmistry, Pictures in th by Hawthorne, Diana
Witchcraft in England by Hole, Christina
The Book of Fortune-Telling - How to Tell Character and the Future by Palmistry, Cards, Numbers, Phrenology, Handwriting, Dreams, Astrology, Etc by Fabia, Madame
Roumanian and Transylvanian Sorceries and Superstitions Connected with those of the Gypsies by Leland, Charles Godfrey
Muestra del Folklore Margariteño by Rosa Acosta, Rosauro
The Trickster Brain: Neuroscience, Evolution, and Narrative by Williams, David
The Honey Bird: An authentic Masai story in English and KiSwahili by Hendry, Birgit
Proverbs: A Handbook by Mieder, Wolfgang
Children from the Sky by Lunan, Duncan
Les Mille Et Une Nuits: Traduction Simplifiée, Adaptée Pour La Jeunesse, (Éd.1891) by Sans Auteur
Ancient Symbology in Fantasy Literature: A Psychological Study by Indick, William
Dict. Abrégé de la Fable, Dont Les Sujets Sont Tirés de l'Histoire Poétique (Ed.1775) by Chompré, Pierre
Les Mille Et Une Nuits: Contes Arabes (Éd.1846) by Sans Auteur
Histoire Admirable Des Plantes Et Herbes Esmerveillables & Miraculeuses En Nature (Éd.1605) by Duret, Claude
Les Mille Et Une Nuits, Contes Arabes Traduits (Éd.1856) by Sans Auteur
Les Mille Et Une Nuits. T1 (Éd.1837) by Sans Auteur
Les Mille Et Une Nuits. T2 (Éd.1837) by Sans Auteur
Les Mille Et Une Nuits. T3 (Éd.1837) by Sans Auteur
Cent Proverbes: Texte (Éd.18..) by Fontaine Malherbe, Jean
Perceforest: La Tres Elegante Hystoire Du Roy de la Grand Bretaigne (Éd.1528) by Sans Auteur
Contes Populaires de Lorraine T1 (Éd.1886) by Cosquin, Emmanuel
Contes Populaires de Lorraine T2 (Éd.1886) by Cosquin, Emmanuel
Le Rig-Véda Et Les Origines de la Mythologie Indo-Européenne (Éd.1892) by Regnaud, Paul
Les Sources Du Roman de Renart (Éd.1893) by Sudre, Léopold
Chroniques Et Légendes Des Rues de Paris (Éd.1864) by Fournier, Édouard
Mythologie, Ou Explication Des Fables, Oeuvre d'Eminente Doctrine, & d'Agreable Lecture (Éd.1627) by Conti, Natale
De l'origine des cultes arcadiens: essai de méthode en mythologie grecque (Éd.1894) by Bérard, Victor
La Mythologie Du Rhin Et Les Contes de la Mère-Grand' (Éd.1863) by Saintine, X. -B
Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact by Swope, Robin S.
Up Yon Wide and Lonely Glen: Travellers' Songs, Stories and Tunes of the Fetterangus Stewarts by Stewart, Elizabeth
Ancient Ballads And Legends Of Hindustan by Dutt, Toru
Legends of Vietnam: An Analysis and Retelling of 88 Tales by Vo, Nghia M.
Roar of the Tempests: A Dialogue by Stephany, Timothy J.
Power and Influence: Self-Development Lessons from African Proverbs and Folktales by Malunga, Chiku
The Saga of the Volsungs: The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer by
The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson: Tales from Norse Mythology by Sturluson, Snorri
Star Crossed Serpent Vol II: The Clan of Tubal Cain Today: The Legacy Continues: Shani Oates (1998 - (Large Print Edition) by Oates, Shani
The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition by Blamires, Steve
Icons of Power: Feline Symbolism in the Americas by
Traditions and Legends of Sweden - Stories of Elves, Gods and a List of Popular Beliefs by Thorpe, Benjamin
The Movement of the Vikings around Europe from Ireland to Russia by Mawer, Allan
Epic Tales of Northern Europe - Tales from Germany, Holland, Scandinavia, Russia and Finland by Anon
What Happens Next?: Contemporary Urban Legends and Popular Culture by De Vos, Gail
Tales and Legends of the Norse Gods - Including Odin's Sacrifice, Thor's Journey in Jötunheim, the Doom of the Gods and Many More by Boult, Katherine F.
Sigurd the Volsung and Völund the Smith - Tales of Two Norse Heroes by Boult, Katherine F.
The Battles and Adventures of Sigmund, Sigurd and Frithiof - Three of Norse Mythologies Biggest Heroes by Wilmot-Buxton, E. M.
The Stories of Odin - The All Father of Norse Mythology by Wagner, W.
Sea Serpent Carcasses: Scotland - from The Stronsa Monster to Loch Ness by Vaudrey, Glen
UFO Warminster: Cradle of Contact by Goodman, Kevin, Dewey, Steve
Tales of Folklore and Superstition from Denmark - Including stories of Trolls, Elf-Folk, Ghosts, Treasure and Family Traditions;Including stories of T by Thorpe, Benjamin
Kentucky Folktales: Revealing Stories, Truths, and Outright Lies by Hamilton, Mary
"The Best Antiwar Song Ever Written" by Lighter, Jonathan
The Gunniwolf by Fish, B. L. Buddy, Rhythm
Myths and Mysteries of Wisconsin: True Stories Of The Unsolved And Unexplained by Bie, Michael
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space: Metaphor as Myth and as Religion by Campbell, Joseph
African Discourse in Islam, Oral Traditions, and Performance by Na'allah, Abdul-Rasheed
Pop Mythology: Collected Essays by Shamas, Laura A.
Kachina Tales from the Indian Pueblos by Hodge, Gene
The British Traditional Ballad in North America: Publications of the American Folklore Society Biographical Series, V2 by Coffin, Tristram Potter
Legends of the Caucasus by Hunt, David
Quest for the Hexham Heads by Screeton, Paul
Here Be Dragons by Hynes, Bruce
Myths and Legends of the Bantu by Werner, Alice
Legends and Lore of South Carolina by Carmichael, Sherman
Legends and Lore of South Carolina by Carmichael, Sherman
Spooky Georgia: Tales Of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, And Other Local Lore by Hoffman, Paul G., Schlosser, S. E.
Spooky Indiana: Tales Of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, And Other Local Lore, First Edition by Hoffman, Paul G., Schlosser, S. E.
Michigan's Haunted Legends and Lore by Robinett, Kristy
Folklore and Odysseys of Food And Medicinal Plants [Illustrated Edition] by Lehner, Johanna, Lehner, Ernst
The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas (1180-1280) by Andersson, Theodore M.
Shona Proverbs. Palm Oil With Which African Words Are Eaten by
Ghosts and Legends of Lake Champlain by Lewis, Thea
Ghosts and Legends of Lake Champlain by Lewis, Thea
Myths Of The Red Children & Indian Hero Tales by Wilson, Gilbert L.
Black Forest Souvenirs: Collected in Northern Pennsylvania by Shoemaker, Henry W.
Ghosts of Savannah by Zepke, Terrance
Simon Bolivar by Zeuske, Michael
El libro que mata la Muerte: o el Libro de los Jinas by De Luna, Mario Roso
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True by Dawkins, Richard
Things: Religion and the Question of Materiality by
Things: Religion and the Question of Materiality by
Myths of the Underworld Journey: Plato, Aristophanes, and the 'Orphic' Gold Tablets by Edmonds, Radcliffe G., III
Storytelling for Life: Why Stories Matter and Ways of Telling Them by Felce, Josie
The Partisan Muse in the Early Icelandic Sagas (1200-1250) by Andersson, Theodore M.
The Pale Mountains: Folk Tales From The Dolomites by Wolff, Carl Felix
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: An A-Z Guide to the Myths and Legends of the Ancient World by Storm, Rachel, Cotterell, Arthur
Lost Mines of the Old West (Facsimile Reprint) by Clark, Howard D.
The Paradise Of Children by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Some of the Great Epic Tales of Germany - Including the Niberlungenlied by Anon
The Shah-Nemeh, or Epic of the Kings - A Classic Epic Tale of Hebrew and Early Christianity by Anon
The Aeneid - The Great Latin Epic by Anon
The Great Epic Tale of Russia and Finland - The Kalevala or, The Land of Heroes by Anon
Thracian Magic: Past & Present by Mishev, Georgi
The Book of Were-Wolves by Gould, Sabine Baring
The Great Epic Tales of the British Isles - Including a Translation of Beowulf by Anon
The Great Indian Epic Tales - Including the Ramayana and the Mahabharata by Anon
El Cid - The Greatest Epic of Spanish Literature by Anon
The Volsunga Saga - One of the Greatest Scandinavian Epics by Anon
Go to Hell: A Heated History of the Underworld by Crisafulli, Chuck, Thompson, Kyra
Warrior Ways: Explorations in Modern Military Folklore Volume 1 by
It Came from Ohio: True Tales of the Weird, Wild, and Unexplained by Renner, James
Tracking the Weretiger: Supernatural Man-Eaters of India, China and Southeast Asia by Newman, Patrick
The Original Epic Tales - The Iliad and the Odyssey (A Synopsis) by Anon
South Central Pennsylvania Legends & Lore by Puglia, David
Japanese Proverbs: Wit and Wisdom: 200 Classic Japanese Sayings and Expressions in English and Japanese Text by Galef, David
Weihnacht- Spiele Und Lieder Aus S Ddeutschland Und Schlesien: Mit Einleitungen Und Erl Uterungen by Weinhold, Karl
Simon Bolivar by Zeuske, Michael
Transgressive Tales: Queering the Grimms by
Favorite Fairy Tales: 27 Stories by the Brothers Grimm, Andersen, Perrault, and Others by
Massachusetts Book of the Dead:: Graveyard Legends and Lore by Zwicker, Roxie
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