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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2016

Raincoast Chronicles 11: Forgotten Villages of the BC Coast by
Ways of Indian Magic: Stories Retold by VanEtten (Pijoan), Teresa
Kwakiutl Legends: As Told to Pamela Whitaker by Chief James Wallas by Wallas, Chief James, Whitaker, Pamela
Coyote Tales from the Indian Pueblos by Reed, Evelyn Dahl
Damned Facts: Fortean Essays on Religion, Folklore and the Paranormal by
Familienfeste der Griechen und Römer by Samter, Ernst
The Family Legacy by Clark, Brian
Signal Processing, Speech and Music by
Cassirer and Langer on Myth: An Introduction by Schultz, William
Hindu Mythological Geography by Luebano, Elvin
Aztec Mythology and Religion by Reynosa, Hollis
Death and Friends Adult Coloring Book by Mayfair, Maddie
Gelehrte Verhandlung der Materie von den Erscheinungen der Geister, und der Vampire in Ungarn, Mähren, etc.: Ungekürzte Gesamtausgabe by Calmet, Augustin
Icelandic Magic: Practical Secrets of the Northern Grimoires by Flowers, Stephen E.
Ancient Fire, Modern Fire: Understanding and Living With Our Friend & Foe by Einar, Jensen
Beowulf's Ecstatic Trance Magic: Accessing the Archaic Powers of the Universal Mind by Brink, Nicholas E.
Monster Trek: The Obsessive Search for Bigfoot by Gisondi, Joe
Knights, Ladies, Dragons and Princes Adult Coloring Book: Art Nouveau Illustrations by Book, Coloring
Sacred Geometry of the Earth: The Ancient Matrix of Monuments and Mountains by Vidler, Mark, Young, Catherine
La Muerte De Arturo by Malory, Thomas
A Vulgar Art: A New Approach to Stand-Up Comedy by Brodie, Ian
Vampires and Zombies: Transcultural Migrations and Transnational Interpretations by
Folklore and Book Culture by Hayes, Kevin J.
Folk Belief and Traditions of the Supernatural by Maiello, Giuseppe, Kuusela, Tommy
Myths & Myth-Makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology by Fiske, John
The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World by Mayor, Adrienne
Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths by DeVinney, Margaret K., Thury, Eva M.
Finding Kluskap: A Journey Into Mi'kmaw Myth by Reid, Jennifer
Harry Potter's Folklore World: On Myth and Magic by Waltz, Robert B.
Las fabulas de Esopo by Esopo
The Life of the Universe as Conceived by Man from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time - Vol. II by Arrhenius, Svante
Now Playing: Learning Mythology Through Film by Rosen, Gail
Religion in Britain from the Megaliths to Arthur: An Archaeological and Mythological Exploration by Melrose, Robin
Ulster Folklore by Andrews Frai, Elizabeth
Contemporary Legend: A Reader by
Why I'm an Only Child and Other Slightly Naughty Plains Folktales by Welsch, Roger
Bigfoot, Yeti, and the Last Neanderthal: A Geneticist's Search for Modern Apemen by Sykes, Bryan
The Artemis Archetype in Popular Culture: Essays on Fiction, Film and Television by
Curse of the Wampus, and other Short Spooky Stories of Piedmont North Carolina by Stonestreet IV, O. C.
Thinking Dead: What the Zombie Apocalypse Means by
Unicorn: A mythological investigation by Brown, Robert, Jr.
Amazons by Rothery, Guy Cadogan, Bennett, Florence Mary
Symbole, Sex und die Sterne: Einen Überblick über die Ursprünge von Mond-und Sonnenanbetung, Astrologie, Sex Symbolismus, Mystische Bedeutung der Z by Busenbark, Ernest
Crossing the Owl's Bridge: A Guide for Grieving People Who Still Love by Bateman, Kim
The Hidden Folk by Tucker, S. D.
Folk Heroes and Heroines around the World by Seal, Graham, Kennedy White, Kim
Loving Vampires: Our Undead Obsession by Pollard, Tom
Cyprus within the Ancient Greek World by Georgiou, Panayiotis
Werewolf Histories by
Myths Shattered and Restored: Proceedings of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology by
A Book of the Beginnings [TWO VOLUMES BOUND INTO ONE] by Massey, Gerald
Heracleotica: Beiträge zur älteren Geschichte der griechischen Colonisation im nördlichen Klein-Asien by Kämmel, Otto
Encyclopedia of Spirits and Ghosts in World Mythology by Bane, Theresa
La Muerte De Arturo by Malory, Thomas
Djurdjevdanski Obicaji Vlasotinackog Kraja I Okoline by Mirac, Miroslav B. Mladenovic
The Rotinonshonni: A Traditional Iroquoian History through the Eyes of Teharonhia: wako and Sawiskera by Rice, Brian
Animals & Men #55 by
Branding TV: Principles and Practices by McDowell, Walter, Batten, Alan
Master poets, ritual masters: The art of oral composition among the Rotenese of Eastern Indonesia by Fox, James J.
The Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons by Lurker, Manfred
Bad Clowns by Radford, Benjamin
Nouveaux contes bleus by Laboulaye, Edouard
Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children by Cooke, Flora J.
Contemporary Life and Witchcraft: Magic, Divination, and Religious Ritual in Europe by Tātāran, Alexandra
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Religion der alten Germanen in Asien und Europa by Wieseler, Karl
Victorian Fairy Tales: The Revolt of the Fairies and Elves by
The Lost Tomb of King Arthur: The Search for Camelot and the Isle of Avalon by Phillips, Graham
Greek Myths and Legends: Greek Mythology by Townsend, Roger
At Play with Krishna: Pilgrimage Dramas from Brindavan by Hawley, John Stratton
Songs of Gods, Songs of Humans: The Epic Tradition of the Ainu by Phillipi, Donald L.
Learning Love from a Tiger: Religious Experiences with Nature by Capper, Daniel
Blake and the Assimilation of Chaos by Gallant, Christine
Learning Love from a Tiger: Religious Experiences with Nature by Capper, Daniel
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Eranos 3: Man and Time by
On Gide's Promethee: Private Myth and Public Mystification by Weinberg, Kurt
African Folktales by
Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne by Bulfinch, Thomas
Crossing the Owl's Bridge: A Guide for Grieving People Who Still Love by Bateman, Kim
The Story Of Samson And Its Place In The Religious Development Of Mankind by Carus, Paul
Storied Landscapes: Hawaiian Literature and Place by Kawaharada, Dennis
Nature, Culture and Gender: Re-Reading the Folktale by Porselvi, P. Mary Vidya
Chinese art Motives Interpreted by Tredwell, Winifred Reed
Mmama Tells Stories: The Cripple Who Became a King and More by Clasberry, Emma Umana
The Mythology of the Superhero by Bahlmann, Andrew R.
Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt by Armour, Robert A.
The Folklore of China, and its Affinities With That of the Aryan and Semitic Races by Dennys, N. B.
Aesop's Fables: Chiefly From Original Sources by James, Thomas
A Critical History of Language and Literature of Ancient Greece Volume 3 by Mure, William
Greek Mythology: A Traveler's Guide from Mount Olympus to Troy by Stuttard, David
Curatorial Conversations: Cultural Representation and the Smithsonian Folklife Festival by
... Some Aspects of Puberty Fasting Among the Ojibwa Volume 2 by Radin, Paul
Traditional Tales Of The English And Scottish Peasantry, Volume 2 by Cunningham, Allan
Bozicni Obicaji U Vlasotinackom Kraju I Okolini by Mirac, Miroslav B. Mladenovic
Svadbeni Obicaji U Vlasotinackom Kraju - Povlasinje by Mirac, Miroslav B. Mladenovic
Neki Obicaji Iz Vlasotinackog Kraja I Okoline by Mirac, Miroslav B. Mladenovic
The Russian Garland, Being Russian Folk Tales by Steele, Robert Reynolds
Indian Legends of Saratoga and of the Upper Hudson Valle by Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett
Laboulaye's Fairy Book by Laboulaye, Edouard, McCandlish, Edward G.
Tall Tales & Half Truths of Pat Garrett by Lemay, John
Nepal, the Birth Place of Kalidas; [synopsis by Bhattarai, Muralidhar
The Russian Fairy Book by Dole, Nathan Haskell
A Text Book of Irish Literature Volume pt.2 by Hull, Eleanor
A Text Book of Irish Literature .. Volume 2 by Hull, Eleanor
Stories of Norse Heroes From the Eddas and Sagas by Wilmot-Buxton, E. M.
Tall Tales & Half Truths of Pat Garrett by Lemay, John
Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore by Bane, Theresa
Legends of the Rhine and of the Low Countries by Grattan, Thomas Colley
Myths of Hellas, or, Greek Tales, Told in German by Professor C. Witt by Witt, Karl, Younghusband, Frances
Picus Who Is Also Zeus by Harris, Rendel
The Paper Bag Principle: Class, Colorism, and Rumor and the Case of Black Washington, D.C. by Kerr, Audrey Elisa
The Testimony of Profane Antiquity to the Account Given by Moses of Paradise and the Fall of Man by Bridges, Matthew, Moses, Matthew
Homeric Stories for Young Readers by Hall, Frederic Aldin
Introductions to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets: Designed Principally for the Use of Young Persons at School and College, Volume 1 by Coleridge, Henry Nelson
Two Studies On the Ballad Theory of the Beowulf: Together With an Introductory Sketch of Opinion by Routh, James Edward
The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland, Volume 13 by Squire, Charles
Anansi: Jamaican stories of the Spider God by Beckwith, Martha Warren
The Popular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India, Volume 2 by Crooke, William
Die Deutschen Frauen in Dem Mittelalter, Volume 1 by Weinhold, Karl
Remarks Upon Milton's Paradise Lost: Historical, Geographical, Philological, Critical, and Explanatory by Massey, William
The Great Epics of Mediaeval Germany: An Outline of Their Contents and History by Dippold, George Theodore
Heroic Romances of Ireland, Volume 1 by Leahy, Arthur Herbert
Raghuwar Dayal, Sometime Priest of Vishnu: The True Story of His Life by Dayál, Raghuwár
The Story of the Stick in All Ages and Lands: A Philosophical History and Lively Chronicle of the Stick As the Friend and Foe of Man. Its Uses and Abu by Réal, Antony
A Subject-Index to the Poems of Edmund Spenser by Whitman, Charles Huntington
Introductions to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets: Designed Principally for the Use of Young Persons at School and College, Part 1 by Coleridge, Henry Nelson
The Old Norse Element in Swedish Romanticism, Volume 14 by Benson, Adolph Burnett
Observations On the Fairy Queen of Spenser, Volume 1 by Warton, Thomas
Die Deutschen Frauen in Dem Mittelalter, Volume 2 by Weinhold, Karl
The Sources of El Cavallero Cifar by Wagner, Charles Philip
Prænomina: Or, the Etymology of the Principal Christian Names of Great Britain and Ireland by Charnock, Richard Stephen
A Journal of American Ethnology and Archæology, Volumes 3-4 by Expedition, Hemenway Southwestern Archae, Fewkes, Jesse Walter
Hawaiian Fishing Traditions by Manu, Moke
Bible Folk-Lore: A Study in Comparative Mythology by Rogers, James Edwin Thorold
The Childhood of the World: A Simple Account of Man's Origin and Early History by Clodd, Edward
A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient [Sic] Greece, Volume 1 by Mure, William
The Origin of the Homeric Poems: A Lecture by Bonitz, Hermann
Legends & Lore of Cape Cod by Smith-Johnson, Robin
Legends & Lore of Cape Cod by Smith-Johnson, Robin
The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border Volume 4 by Scott, Walter
A Comparative Study of the Poem Guillaume D'angleterre With a Dialectic Treatment of the Manuscripts / by Philip Ogden by Ogden, Philip
Ancient Tales From Many Lands: A Collection of Folk Stories by Fleming, Rachel M.
The Precedents of Princess Thoodamma Tsari by Sudhammacari, Sudhammacari, Bandow, Chr J.
Popular romances of the west of England: or, the drolls, traditions, and superstitions of old Cornwall by Hunt, Robert
Encyclopedia of Giants and Humanoids in Myth, Legend and Folklore by Bane, Theresa
Gathering the Fragments: Storytelling and Cultural Resistance in Cornwall by McMahon, Brendan
Cinderella Across Cultures: New Directions and Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Spellbound: The Fairy Tale and the Victorians by Hillard, Molly Clark
Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction Since 1989 by
Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction Since 1989 by
Celtic Folklore 2 Volume Set: Welsh and Manx by Rhys, John
Celtic Folklore by Rhys, John
Celtic Folklore by Rhys, John
Montana Myths and Legends: The True Stories behind History's Mysteries by Lawrence, Edward
The Gift of the Unicorn and Other Animal Helper Tales for Storytellers, Educators, and Librarians by Keding, Dan, Brinkmann, Kathleen
Lost Ghost Towns of Teller County by Collins, Jan Mackell
Nart Sagas: Ancient Myths and Legends of the Circassians and Abkhazians by
La Dona, La Llorona by Adkins, Paul David
La Dona, La Llorona by Adkins, Paul David
Weihnacht-Spiele und Lieder aus Süddeutschland und Schlesien: mit Einleitungen und Erläuterungen von K. Weinhold by
Words: Religious Language Matters by Hemel, Ernst Van Den, Szafraniec, Asja
Riding on Horses' Wings: Reimagining Today's Horse for Tomorrow's World by Rich, Janet Bubar
Words: Religious Language Matters by Hemel, Ernst Van Den, Szafraniec, Asja
Mischief and Might: The Monkey King by Ronning, Kari L.
Curious Myths of The Middle Ages by Baring-Gould, Sabine
The Blue Fairy Book by Lang, Andrew
Torn Sails: A Tale of a Welsh Village by Raine, Allen
Lust, Chaos, War, and Fate: Greek Mythology: Timeless Tales from the Ancients by Boyett, Jason
Legends and Lore of Clayton California: UFOs, Monsters and Ghosts by Byrd, E.
Encyclopedia of Norse and Germanic Folklore, Mythology, and Magic by Lecouteux, Claude
Tales of the Narts: Ancient Myths and Legends of the Ossetians by
The Faraway North: Scandinavian Folk Ballads by Cumpstey, Ian
Monumental Ghosts, Supernatural Stories by Bullock, Alice
Chol (Mayan) Folktales: A Collection of Stories from the Modern Maya of Southern Mexico by Hopkins, Nicholas A.
Sarpedon: A Play by Gregory Corso by Corso, Gregory
Ghost Stories: Petrifying True Ghost Stories Of The Undead And Their Supernatural Tales by Hunter, Max Mason
The Grey Fairy Book by Lang, Andrew
Chaldean Account of Genesis by Smith, George
Irish Fairy Tales by Stephens, James
The Evolutionary Journey of Woman: From the Goddess to Integral Feminism by Nicholson, Sarah
Tales from the Arab Tribes by Campbell, Charles G.
A Turkish Folktale: The Art of Behet Mahir by
Tales from Tennessee Lawyers by Montell, William Lynwood
Tales from Kentucky Doctors by Montell, William Lynwood
Tales from Kentucky Lawyers by Montell, William Lynwood
Tales from Kentucky Nurses by Montell, William Lynwood
Tales from Kentucky Sheriffs by Montell, William Lynwood
Tales of Kentucky Ghosts by Montell, William Lynwood
Women at the Beginning: Origin Myths from the Amazons to the Virgin Mary by Geary, Patrick J.
Elverfolket og dyrene: Atlantis Set Gennem Elverfolkets Og Dyrenes ØJne by Nielsen, Irene M.
The First Koshare by Otis, Alicia
Haunted Old Forge by Webster, Dennis, Peck, Bernadette
Hunters, Predators and Prey: Inuit Perceptions of Animals by Oosten, Jarich, Laugrand, Frédéric
Cherokee Stories of the Turtle Island Liars' Club by Teuton, Christopher B.
Grimm Legacies: The Magic Spell of the Grimms' Folk and Fairy Tales by Zipes, Jack
New Approaches to Teaching Folk and Fairy Tales by Jones, Christa
Legends & Lore of East Tennessee by Simmons, Shane S.
Legends & Lore of East Tennessee by Simmons, Shane S.
African American Folklore: An Encyclopedia for Students by Prahlad, Anand
Beyond the Seventh Gate: Exploring Toad Road, The Seven Gates of Hell, and Other Strangeness in York, Lancaster, and Adams Counties by Renner, Timothy
Here's Nessie: A Monstrous Compendium from Loch Ness by Shuker, Karl P. N.
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