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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2018

Alabama, One Big Front Porch by Windham, Kathryn Tucker
The Cult of the Black Virgin by Begg, Ean
She: The Old Woman Who Took Over My Life by Windham, Kathryn Tucker
Tonkawa Texts: A New Linguistic Edition by Hoijer, Harry
The World of Mr Casaubon by Kidd, Colin
Dying to Eat: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Food, Death, and the Afterlife by
Mystery Creatures of China: The Complete Cryptozoological Guide by Xu, David C.
Mystery Creatures of China: The Complete Cryptozoological Guide by Xu, David C.
Beasts of the Deep: Sea Creatures and Popular Culture by
Finding Love in a Bread Bowl: Texas Legends and Lore by Hallman, Patsy
The Origin of Primitive Superstitions and their Development into the Worship of Spirits and the Doctrine of Spiritual Agency among the Aborigines of A by Dorman, Rushton M.
The Book of Hallowe'en by Kelley, Ruth Edna
The Only Certain Freedom: The Transformative Journey of the Entrepreneur by O'Neill, Patrick
Christmas Before Christianity: How the Birthday of the "Sun" Became the Birthday of the "Son" by Seabrook, Lochlainn
La Magia del Perro: en Oriente y Occidente by Ceinos Arcones, Pedro
Más decires de mi pueblo: Tradición Oral Colombiana by Díaz de Almeida, Carmen Cecilia
Folk Religion of the Pennsylvania Dutch: Witchcraft, Faith Healing and Related Practices by Orth, Richard L. T.
Female Mobility and Gendered Space in Ancient Greek Myth by Konstantinou, Ariadne
Chehalis Stories by
Women Who Fly: Goddesses, Witches, Mystics, and Other Airborne Females by Young, Serinity
Saint Patrick: His Life and Mission by Concannon, Thomas
Jewish Moroccan Folk Narratives from Israel by Shenhar, Aliza, Bar-Itzhak, Haya
Songquest: The Journals of Great Lakes Folklorist Ivan H. Walton by Walton, Ivan H.
On Jewish Folklore by Patai, Raphael
Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina: A Guide to Music Sites, Artists, and Traditions of the Mountains and Foothills by Fussell, Fred C., Kruger, Steve
Hero Tales & Legends of the Rhine by Spence, Lewis
Hero Tales Told in School by Baldwin, James
Moroccan Folktales by Koudia, Jilali
The Fables Of Aesop: With ... Illustrations ... By H.l. Stephens by
The Journal Of American Folk-lore, Volume 22, Parts 3-4 by Society, American Folklore
New York State Folklife Reader: Diverse Voices by
The Flight of the Wild Gander: Explorations in the Mythological Dimension -- Selected Essays 1944-1968 by Campbell, Joseph
Deutsche Stich und Hieb-Worte by Schaible, Karl Heinrich
Lezioni di Mitologia by Niccolini, Giovan Battista
A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece: Library Of Useful Knowledge by Müller, Karl Otfried
Heinrich Meyer's Geschichte Der Bildenden Künste Bei Den Griechen Von Ihrem Ursprunge Bis Zum Höchsten Flor; Volume 2 by Meyer, Heinrich
Dagara Verbal Art: An African Tradition by Kyoore, Paschal
Gypsy Blood by Bercovici, Konrad
History and Folklore of the Cowichan Indians by Harris, Martha Douglas
The Lessor Known Ghost Stories of the British Isles by Hall, Karen, Catron, Robert Neal
Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days: Collected Utopian Tales / New and Revised Edition by
Iranian Folk Narrative: A Survey of Scholarship by Radhayrapetian, Juliet
The Fables of Aesop: With Instructive Applications by Aesop, Croxall, Samuel
Extraordinary Adventures of Mullah Nasruddin by Suresha, Ron J.
Indian Myths by
Chinese Myths by
Jabulani Means Rejoice: A Dictionary of South African Names by Kalumba, Phumzile Simelane
Bridges Between Worlds: Spirits and Spirit Work in Northern Iceland by Dempsey, Corinne G.
Medievalism in a Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones by Carroll, Shiloh
Elements of Mythology: or, Classical Fables of the Greeks and the Romans by Robbins, Eliza
Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Schneidau, Lisa
Exploring Agency in the Mahabharata: Ethical and Political Dimensions of Dharma by
Myth and Religion by Clodd, Edward
Studies in Folk-Song and Popular Poetry by Williams, Alfred M.
Wishfulfillment and Symbolism in Fairy Tales by Ricklin, Franz
Religious Systems of the World - A Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion by Morfill, W. R.
Anthology: Myths of Creation: The Stigma of the Gods by Villarroel Siles, Marcial
The Odyssey: A New Translation by Peter Green by Homer
Classical Reception and Children's Literature: Greece, Rome and Childhood Transformation by
Boxing the Compass: A Century and a Half of Discourse About Sailor's Chanties by Schreffler, Gibb
Ghosts of Trinidad and Las Animas County by Sneed, F. Dean
Petit Cours de Mythologie: des Grecs et des Romains by Géruzez, Eugène
Beowulf by Gummere
Legendary Ladies: 50 Goddesses to Empower and Inspire You by Shen, Ann
Schwarze Sonne Afrika: Mythen, Märchen und Magie: Illustrierte Sammlung der schönsten afrikanischen Volkserzählungen und Sagen by Frobenius, Leo
The Literary Riddle Before 1600 by Taylor, Archer
Rome: Day One by Carandini, Andrea
Words and Worlds of Wisdom: (An African Cosmology) by
The Sexual World of the Arabian Nights by Ghanim, David
1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
Mysterious Tales of Coastal North Carolina by Carmichael, Sherman
Mysterious Tales of Coastal North Carolina by Carmichael, Sherman
A Mythological, Etymological, and Historical Dictionary; Extracted From the Analysis of Ancient Mythology. By William Holwell, by Holwell, William
Aesop's Fables by Aesop
Haunted Families and Temporal Normativity in Hispanic Horror Films: Troubling Timelines by St-Georges, Charles
A new System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable; and to Reduce the Truth to its Original P by Bryant, Jacob
A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs; Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish and Other Languages. By J. Ray Th by Ray, John
Ghosts Along the Silk Road...and Beyond: Based on the series of workshops by Rogers, Jacquie, Flynn, Eilis
A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs; Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and Other Languages. ... By ... by Ray, John
A new System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable; and to Reduce the Truth to its Original P by Bryant, Jacob
A new System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable; and to Reduce the Truth to its Original P by Bryant, Jacob
Pagan Portals - Rhiannon: Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons by Telyndru, Jhenah
An Carow Gwyn: Sorcery and the Ancient Fayerie Faith by
1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described by Edward Sylvester Ellis
Masks of Charos in Modern Greek Demotic Songs: Sources, Representations, and Context by Bzinkowski, Michal
Earth Works: Ceremonies in Tower Time by Ballard, H. Byron
Norse Mythology: Slip-Cased Edition by Shepherd, James
Celtic Fairy Tales: Special Edition by Jacobs, Joseph
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, Vol 2: Special Edition by Hearn, Lafcadio
Dragons Along the Silk Road...and Beyond: Based on the series of workshops by Flynn, Eilis, Rogers, Jacquie
Legends of the Nahanni Valley by Peters, Hammerson
Culture and Value: Tourism, Heritage, and Property by Bendix, Regina F.
Culture and Value: Tourism, Heritage, and Property by Bendix, Regina F.
Abrégé de l'origine de tous les cultes by Dupuis, Charles-François
A Mosaic of Indigenous Legal Thought: Legendary Tales and Other Writings by Black, C. F.
Understanding Mythology by
Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: (Cw 180) by Steiner, Rudolf
The Mermaid Handbook: An Alluring Treasury of Literature, Lore, Art, Recipes, and Projects by Turgeon, Carolyn
The Mythology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK
The Spirit of Hunir Awakens - Questions & Answers by Rúnaldrar, Frank a.
Oral Poetry by Finnegan, Ruth
Celtic Cosmology and the Otherworld: Mythic Origins, Sovereignty and Liminality by MacLeod, Sharon Paice
An Cawdarn Rudh: A Companion of Invocations and Charms for an Carow Gwyn by Artisson, Robin, Grey, Aidan
The Sexual World of the Arabian Nights by Ghanim, David
1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
Heinrich Himmler's Cultural Commissions: Programmed Plunder in Italy and Yugoslavia by Dow, James
The World of Lore: Wicked Mortals by Mahnke, Aaron
Tuning the Kingdom: Kawuugulu Musical Performance, Politics, and Storytelling in Buganda by Kafumbe, Damascus
Le Voyage d'Ulysse En Germanie by Mourain de Sourdeval, Charles
The Little Book of Sufi Stories: Ancient Wisdom to Nourish the Heart by
Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky, Immanuel
From Kuan Yin to Chairman Mao: The Essential Guide to Chinese Deities by Ni, Xueting Christine
Consuming Katrina: Public Disaster and Personal Narrative by Horigan, Kate Parker
Brother Goose: Brother Goose Nursery Rhymes by Flowerdew, James G., Flowerdew, James Gordon
Faeries. They exist!: With Original Faery Photos by Strang, Renate
Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders by Mittman, Asa Simon, Lindquist, Sherry
The Book of Were-Wolves by Baring-Gould, Sabine
The Reign of the Vedic Gods by Achuthananda, Swami
Evolutions: Fifteen Myths That Explain Our World by Harman, Oren
Mitologia Maravillosa by Trujillo, Luis Francisco
Monsters of Contact: Historical Trauma in the Caddoan Oral Traditions by Van de Logt, Mark
Die Intelligenz der paranormalen Träume: Parapsychologie und Traumforschung by Sand, Maria
Irish Folk Lore: Traditions and Superstitions of the Country by O'Hanlon, John Canon
The Myths of the New World by Brinton, Daniel G.
Sources of Evil: Studies in Mesopotamian Exorcistic Lore by
Australian Legends and Myths by K. Langloh Parker
Ghostly Tales of Wisconsin by Jacobson, Ryan
The Book of Halloween by Kelley, Ruth Edna
The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain by Spence, Lewis
Folk and Fairy Tales - Fifth Edition by
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Baring-Gould, S.
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Magical Healing: Folk Healing Techniques from the Old World by Hexe Claire
Magickal Mystical Creatures: Invite Their Powers Into Your Life by Conway, D. J.
Dictionary of Gypsy Mythology: Charms, Rites, and Magical Traditions of the Roma by Lecouteux, Claude
Pop Manga Mermaids and Other Sea Creatures: A Coloring Book by D'Errico, Camilla
Irish Popular Superstitions by Wilde, W. R.
The Day I Met Bigfoot by Durham, Craig
Current Superstitions: Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk by Bergen, Fanny D.
Bygone Days in Devonshire and Cornwall: With Notes on Existing Superstitions and Customs by Pennell Whitcombe, Henry
Armenian Mythology: Stories of Armenian Gods and Goddesses, Heroes and Heroines, Hells & Heavens, Folklore & Fairy Tales by Ananikian, Mardiros H.
Mesmerism in Connection With Popular Superstitions by Jackson, J. W.
Leicestershire Folk Tales for Children by Phillips, Tom
The Darker Superstitions of Scotland by Dalyell, John Graham
Wie die Frauen ihre Busen bekamen: Oraltradierte Märchen der Fon-Volksgruppe aus Benin by Lanmadousselo, Sewanou Martial Jupiter
Legends and Lore of the Hudson Highlands by Kruk, Jonathan
Der Erzählungsstil in Den Kampfscenen Der Ilias by Jordan, Hedwig
Betrachtungen Über Homers Ilias by Haupt, Moriz, Lachmann, Karl
Die Eddische Kosmogonie: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Kosmogonie Des Altertums Und Des Mittelalters by Meyer, Elard Hugo
Der Zauber Der Homerischen Poesie by Muff, Christian
Verzeichniss Der Auf Dem Gebiete Der Altnordischen (Altisländischen Und Altnorwegischen) Sprache Und Literatur: Von 1855 Bis 1879 Erschienenen Schrift by Möbius, Theodor
Typische Motive in Den Weltlichen Epos Der Angel-Sachsen by Otto, Ernst
Der Erzählungsstil in Den Kampfscenen Der Ilias by Jordan, Hedwig
Vollständiges Wörterbuch Zum Geschichtswerke Des M. Vellejus Paterculus ... by Koch, Georg Aenotheus
Beovulf: Untersuchungen Über Das Angelsächsische Epos Und Die Älteste Geschichte Der Germanischen Seevölker by Müllenhoff, Karl, Lübke, Hermann
The Popular Superstitions and Festive Amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland by Stewart, William Grant
Biographie Universelle, Ancienne Et Moderne; Ou, Histoire, Par Ordre Alphabétique: De La Vie Publique Et Privée De Tous Les Hommes Qui Se Sont Fait Re by Michaud, Louis Gabriel, Michaud, Joseph
Gott in Der Geschichte; Oder, Der Fortschritt Des Glaubens an Eine Sittliche Weltordnung, Fuenftes Buch by Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias
Handbuch Der Ebräischen Mythologie: Sage Und Glaube Der Alten Ebräer in Ihrem Zusammenhang Mit Den Religiösen Anschauungen Anderer Semiten, Sowie Der by Schultze, Martin
Die Religion und Mythologie der Griechen. by Hartung, J. A.
Lectures Primaires by Toutey, E.
Ovids Metamorphoses in Ihrem Verhältnis Zur Antiken Kunst by Schönfeld, Paul
Dictionaire Des Sciences Occultes by Binet, Benjamin, Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon
Die Komposition Der Ilias Des Homer by Kiene, Adolf
Dictionaire Des Sciences Occultes by Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon, Binet, Benjamin
Ovids Metamorphoses in Ihrem Verhältnis Zur Antiken Kunst by Schönfeld, Paul
Über Die Ortsnamen in Oberbayern by Gotthard, Heinrich
Über Die Ortsnamen in Oberbayern by Gotthard, Heinrich
Über Die Den Altfranzösischen Dichtern Bekannten Epischen Stoffe Aus Dem Altertum by Dernedde, Robert
Vollständiges Wörterbuch zu Xenophons Kyropädie: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Erklärung der persönlichen und geographischen Eigennamen by Crusius, Gottlieb Christian
Nachträge Zu Meiner Schrift Über Selene Und Verwandtes by Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich
Mythische Und Magische Lieder Der Ehsten by Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold, Neus, Heinrich
Amalthea oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bildlichen Altertumskunde. Im Verein mit mehreren Freunden des Alterthums. by Böttiger, Karl August
Die Religion und Mythologie der Griechen. Erster Theil by Hartung, Johann Adam
Die Musen, Grazien, Horen Und Nymphen, Mit Betrachtung Der Flussgötter: In Philologischer, Mythisch-Religiöser Und Kunstarchäologischer Beziehung Aus by Krause, Johann Heinrich
Aus Literatur Und Symbolik by Cassel, Paulus
Recueil De Chansons Populaires Grecques: Publiées Et Traduites Pour La Première Fois by Legrand, Émile
Chansons Populaires De L'ain by Guillon, Charles
Untersuchungen über die römische Ehe by Rossbach, August
L'imagerie Phénicienne Et La Mythologie Iconologique Chez Les Grecs by Clermont-Ganneau, Charles
Ueber den Zusammenhang der Bilder auf griechischen Vasen, Erster Theil by Morgenthau, Julius Caesar
Das Kind in Brauch Und Sitte Der Volker; Volume 2 by Ploss, Hermann Heinrich
Herculanum Et Pompéi: Recueil Général Des Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaïques, Etc., Découverts Jusqu'à Ce Jour, Et Reproduits D'apreès Le Antichi by Roux, Henri, Bouchet, Adolphe, Barré, Louis
Orendel, Wilhelm Von Orense Und Robert Der Teufel: Eine Studie Zur Deutschen Und Französischen Sagengeschichte by Benezé, Emil
Psyche Und Eros: Ein Milesisches Marchen by Apuleius, Apuleius
Der Erlöser in der Wiege: Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Volkssagenforschung by Ranke, Friedrich
Beiträge Zur Deutschen Mythologie, I. Goetter und Goettinnen. by Mannhardt, Wilhelm, Wolf, Johann Wilhelm
Beiträge Zur Deutschen Mythologie, I. Goetter und Goettinnen. by Mannhardt, Wilhelm, Wolf, Johann Wilhelm
Elf Queens and Holy Friars: Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church by Green, Richard Firth
M. Laurentii Wolfgangi Woyttens Emblematischer Barnassus: Worauf Die Musen, Ihre Blumen-Lese Zu Allerhand Freuden Und Trauer-Kräntzen Halten. Erster T by Woytt, Laurentius Wolfgang
M. Laurentii Wolfgangi Woyttens Emblematischer Barnassus: Worauf Die Musen, Ihre Blumen-Lese Zu Allerhand Freuden Und Trauer-Kräntzen Halten. Erster T by Woytt, Laurentius Wolfgang
Geschichte Der Amerikanischen Urreligionen. by Muller, Johann Georg
Ueber Den Entwicklungsgang Der Antiken Symbolik: Antrittsrede, Gehalten in Graz, Mai 1876 by Keller, Otto
Ueber Den Entwicklungsgang Der Antiken Symbolik: Antrittsrede, Gehalten in Graz, Mai 1876 by Keller, Otto
L'enfer Des Peuples Anciens, Ou Histoire Des Dieux Infernaux, De Leur Culte, De Leurs Temples, De Leurs Noms, De Leurs Attributs: Avec La Description by Delandine, Antoine François
Kleine Schriften by Dieterich, Albrecht
Beitráge zur Vorgeschichte und Ethnographie Osteuropas by Kaindl, Raimund Friedrich
Heroenvögel in Der Griechischen Mythologie Mit Einem Anhange Über Diomedes in Italien by Holland, Richard
Le martyre de Saint Hélias et l'encomium de l'évêque Stéphanos de Hes sur Saint Hélais, transcrits et publiés par Geo. P.G. Sobhy by Sobhy, Georgy P. G.
Meeresriesen, Erdgeister Und Lichtgötter in Griechenland: Eine Religionsgeschichtliche Studie by Bertsch, Heinrich
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