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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2019

The Meaning of Myth in World Cultures by Buonanno, Michael
Le Devin Historien En Mésopotamie by Glassner, Jean-Jacques
Barbieri Unicorns: Fantasy Visions by Barbieri, Paolo
Correspondence: 1927-1987 by Campbell, Joseph
Crossroads of Conjure: The Roots and Practices of Granny Magic, Hoodoo, Brujería, and Curanderismo by Rasbold, Katrina
A Study of Household Spirits of Eastern Europe by Aveela, Ronesa
Inari Sámi Folklore: Stories from Aanaar by Koskimies, August V.
Scottish Folklore: Reminiscenses of Aberdeenshire by Anderson, Duncan
Animal Lore and Legend: The Wisdom and Wonder of Animals Revealed by Binney, Ruth
Aztec Religion and Art of Writing: Investigating Embodied Meaning, Indigenous Semiotics, and the Nahua Sense of Reality by Laack, Isabel
A Study of Household Spirits of Eastern Europe by Aveela, Ronesa
Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland: Contributions to Irish Lore by Wilde, Lady
Native American Cooking An Indian Cookbook With Legends, And Folklore by Mullins, G. W.
The Little Book of the Hidden People: Twenty stories of elves from Icelandic folklore by Sigmundsdottir, Alda
Another Haul: Narrative Stewardship and Cultural Sustainability at the Lewis Family Fishery by Groth, Charlie
Ravenwind by Cobbs, Hartzell
Superstitions About Animals: Folklore by Gibson, Frank
From Savagery to Civilization: The Power of Greek Mythology by Hannity, Vincent
Another Haul: Narrative Stewardship and Cultural Sustainability at the Lewis Family Fishery by Groth, Charlie
Children of the Thunderbird: Legends and Myths from the West Coast by Meyers, Ted
Marvellous Thieves: Secret Authors of the Arabian Nights by Horta, Paulo Lemos
Rhythms of Revolt: European Traditions and Memories of Social Conflict in Oral Culture by
Die sakrale Bedeutung des Weines im Altertum in seiner Beziehung zur Gottheit by Kircher, Karl
Chansons et danses des Bretons. -- by Quellien, Narcisse
Wald- und Feldkulte: 2 by Mannhardt, Wilhelm
Strassburger Volksgespräche in ihrer Mundart vorgetragen und in sprachlicher literarischer und sittengeschichtlicher hinsicht erläutert by Bergmann, Friedrich Wilhelm
De L'origine Des Cultes Arcadiens: Essai De Méthode En Mythologie Grecque... by Bérard, Victor
You Don't Know Jack: A Storyteller Goes to School by Cordi, Kevin D.
You Don't Know Jack: A Storyteller Goes to School by Cordi, Kevin D.
Signs Omens and Superstitions: A Work of Folklore by Cielo, Astra
Nightside of the Runes: Uthark, Adulruna, and the Gothic Cabbala by Karlsson, Thomas
Sexual life in ancient India: a study in the comparative history of Indian culture by Meyer, Johann Jakob
Plant Lore and Legend: The Wisdom and Wonder of Plants and Flowers Revealed by Binney, Ruth
From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt by Budge, E. a. Wallis
From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt by Budge, E. a. Wallis
El Libro de la Mitología (the Mythology Book) by DK
Embodied Difference: Divergent Bodies in Public Discourse by
Gleanings From Chinese Folklore by Russell, Nellie N.
Preparatory Greek Course in English by Wilkinson, William Cleaver
The Paranormal and Popular Culture: A Postmodern Religious Landscape by
Monsters and Monstrosity in Jewish History: From the Middle Ages to Modernity by
Grace Book A by Leathes, Stanley M.
Les Abyssiniennes et les Femmes du Soudan Oriental by Gay, Jean
Letture sopra la Mitologia Vedica by Gubernatis, Angelo de
The Folk Afield by Phillpotts, Eden
Chants Historiques de la Flandre, 400-1650 by Baecker, Louis De
Antiche Villotte e Altri Canti del Folk-lore Veronese by Caliari, Pietro
Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature; Volume IV by Schofield, William Henry
Lehrbuch der Gottesdienstlichen Alterthümer der Griechen by Hermann, Karl Friedrich
Other Folk by Conklin, Nathaniel
The Disastrous Love Affair of Moon and Mars: Celestial Sex, Earthly Destruction and Dramatic Sublimation in Homer's Odyssey by De Grazia, Alfred
The Folk-Literature of Bengal: Being Lectures Delivered to the Calcutta University, in 1917, as Ramtanu Lahiri Research Fellow, in the History of Ben by Sen, Rai Saheb Dineshchandra
Die Volkskunde in den Jahren 1897-1902: Berichte über Neuerscheinungen by Krauss, Friedrich Salomo
Country Towns and the Place They Fill in Modern Civilization by Catherine Thomas Carne, Elizabeth
Felicitas by Dahn, Felix
Felicitas by Dahn, Felix
Fortuna by Pérez Escrich, Miguel Ramos Carrión V.
Populäre Aufsätze aus dem Alterthum Vorzugsweise zur Ethik und Religion der Griechen: Vorzugswiese Z by Lehrs, Karl
The Muses Up to Date by Dexter Field, Roswell Martin Field Henr
The Childhood of Religions by Clodd, Edward
Evander by Phillpotts, Eden
Haco the Dreamer: A Tale of Scotch University Life by Sime, William
Indogermanischer Volksglaube by Schwartz, Wilhelm
Mildred's Career; A Tale of the Women's Suffrage Movement by Ramsay
Talmudic Legends Hymns and Paraphrases by Lucas, Alice
The Descent of the Sun by Bain, F. W.
Praenomina by Charnock, Richard Stephen
In the Great God's Hair by Bain, F. W.
Peru: A Land of Contrasts by Todd, Millicent
Peru: A Land of Contrasts by Todd, Millicent
Die Neuesten Rübezahlforschungen: Ein Blick in der Werkstatt der Mytholischen Wissenschaft Vortrag by Lincke, Arthur
Conversations on Mythology by Conversations
The Antiquity of Proverbs: Fifty Familiar Proverbs and Folk Sayings With Annotations and Lists of Co by Marvin, Dwight Edwards
A Waif of the Plains by Harte, Bret
A Waif of the Plains by Harte, Bret
A Union List of Collections on European History in American Libraries by Richardson, Ernest Cushing
Classical Studies in Honour of Henry Drisler by Drisler, Henry
Annales de L'Institut Archéologique by Institut, Deutsches Archäologisches
Chinese Folk Lore by Macgowan
The Folklore of Cornwall: The Oral Tradition of a Celtic Nation by James, Ronald M.
Australian Life by William Lauderdale Adams, Francis
Chinese Folk Lore by Macgowan
Untersuchungen Zu Der Mittelenglischen Romanze by Hippe, Max
The Black Border by Gonzales, Ambrose E.
Mermaid on the Rocks Diary by Essentials, Pagan
Defiant Irish Women by Lenihan, Eddie
Chehalis Stories by
I Genii Delle Stagioni by Kerbaker, Michele
The Settlement Idea A Vision of Social Justice by Holden, Arthur C.
The Pillars of Hercules and Chaucer's Trophee by Kittredge, George Lyman
The Life and Legend of Bras-Coupé: The Fugitive Slave Who Fought the Law, Ruled the Swamp, Danced at Congo Square, Invented Jazz, and Died for Love by Wagner, Bryan
The North-English Homily Collection: A Study of The Manuscript Relations and of The Sources of The by Gerould, Gordon Hall
Essay on the Authenticity of the Poems of Ossian: In Which the Objections of Malcolm Laing, Esq. Ar by Graham, Patrick
Études sur les Langues du Haut-Zambèze. by Jacottet, E.
As Old as The Moon by Stoddard, Florence Jackson
The State of Society in the Age of Homer by Bruce, William
Mythical Bards and The Life of William Wallace by Schofield, William Henry
Luigi Pulci and the Animal Kingdom by Shulters, John Raymond
Luigi Pulci and the Animal Kingdom by Shulters, John Raymond
The Treatment of Nature in the Poetry of the Roman Republic (exclusive of Comedy) by Allen, Katharine
Modern Fancies and Follies by Pope, Le Roy
Teaching Fairy Tales by
Teaching Fairy Tales by
The World's Heritage of Epical, Heroic and Romantic Literature by MacKenzie, Donald Alexander
La Princesse de Babylone by Voltaire
Der Mythus von der Sintfut by Gerland, Georg
Waifs and Strays of Celtic Traditio Argyllshire Series.-No. II. Folk and Hero Tales by MacInnes, D.
Hausa Tales and Traditions: An English Translation of Tatsuniyoyi Na Hausa Originally Compiled by Frank Edgar by
Pagan Heart of the West Embodying Ancient Beliefs and Practices from Antiquity to the Present: II. Nature and Rites by Conner, Randy P.
Aliens in Popular Culture by
Tonkawa Texts: A New Linguistic Edition by Hoijer, Harry
Flying Snake -Volume One by
The American Antiquarian And Oriental Journal, Volumes 15-16 by Peet, Stephen Denison
The American Antiquarian And Oriental Journal, Volumes 23-24 by Peet, Stephen Denison
Proverbi E Modi Proverbiali... by Alfani, Augusto
The American Antiquarian And Oriental Journal, Volumes 28-29 by Peet, Stephen Denison
Étude Sur L'iliade D'homère: Invention-composition-exécution... by Bougot, Auguste
La Leggenda Del Paradiso Terrestre: Lettura Fatta Nella R. Università Di Torino Addi 11 Novembre, 1878... by Graf, Arturo
Fairy Tales of Weir by Sholl, Anna McClure
Monsters of Modernity: Global Icons for our Critical Condition by Landau-Ward, Ani, Halilovich, Hariz, Lee, Julian C. H.
Monsters of Modernity: Global Icons for our Critical Condition by Lee, Julian C. H., Halilovich, Hariz, Landau-Ward, Ani
The Life And Stories Of The Jaina Savior, Parcvanatha by Bloomfield, Maurice
Earth and Spirit: Medicinal Plants and Healing Lore from Puerto Rico by Benedetti, Maria
The Fables Of Aesop: With Illustrations By Henry L. Stephens by
Practical Atlantean Magic: A Study of the Science, Mysticism & Theurgy of Ancient Atlantis by Hope, Murry
New England Myths and Legends: The True Stories behind History's Mysteries by McCain, Diana Ross
Garin Le Loherain: Chanson De Geste Composée Au Xiie Siècle Par Jean De Flagy... by Flagy, Jean De
Handbuch der deutschen Reichs- und Staatenrechtsgeschichte, Erster Theil by Daniels, Alexander Von
Vorhalle zur griechischen Geschichte und Mythologie. by Uschold, Johann
Right Makes Might: Proverbs and the American Worldview by Mieder, Wolfgang
Right Makes Might: Proverbs and the American Worldview by Mieder, Wolfgang
ShukerNature (Book 1): Antlered Elephants, Locust Dragons, and Other Cryptic Blog Beasts by Shuker, Karl P. N.
Giants, Goblins, and Government: A Mytho-Historical Account of the Isle of Man by Moore, Arthur William
Die Voelcker Des Oestlichen Asien: Studien Und Reisen Von Adolf Bastian; Volume 5 by Bastian, Adolf
Witchcraft and Secret Societies of Rural England: The Magic of Toadmen, Plough Witches, Mummers, and Bonesmen by Pennick, Nigel
The Englishman and the Scandinavian: Or, A Comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literature by Metcalfe, Frederick
Ueber die Religionsbücher der Römer... by Ambrosch, Julius Athanasius
Abrégé De L'origine De Tous Les Cultes... by Dupuis, Charles-François
Histoire D'attila Et De Ses Successeurs Jusqu'à, 1... by Thierry, Amédée
Composition Notebook: Personalized Monogram Initial T Notebook with Mermaid and Crystal Ball Cover. by Jdb Books
The Esperance Morris Book - Part I - A Manual of Morris Dances, Folk-Songs and Singing Games by Neal, Mary
Folk Illusions: Children, Folklore, and Sciences of Perception by Rice, Claiborne, Barker, K. Brandon
The Ancient World-Wide System: Star Myths of the World, Volume One (Second Edition) by Mathisen, David Warner
The Odyssey: A New Translation by Peter Green by Homer
Implied Nowhere: Absence in Folklore Studies by Richardson, Todd, Ingram, Shelley, Mullins, Willow G.
Implied Nowhere: Absence in Folklore Studies by Richardson, Todd, Ingram, Shelley, Mullins, Willow G.
Roadmap to High Galdr Rune Work: A Consolidated Study Guide by Rúnaldrar, Frank a.
Nature, Culture and Gender: Re-Reading the Folktale by Porselvi, P. Mary Vidya
Beyond the North Wind: The Fall and Rise of the Mystic North by McIntosh, Christopher
Civil War Myths and Legends: The True Stories behind History's Mysteries by Bradley, Michael R.
A Handbook of Weather Folk-Lore - Being a Collection of Proverbial Sayings in Various Languages Relating to the Weather by Swainson, C.
Kyoto Segreta: Dietro la superficie si nascondono mille storie by Sasori
Faeries, Elves and Goblins: The Old Stories by Kerven, Rosalind
The Ghosts of the Garfagnana: Seven Strange Stories from Haunted Tuscany by Salsini, Paul
Tales of the Ozark Howler by Cornus, Hawthorne, Ashton, Saul
Folklore in Baltic History: Resistance and Resurgence by Naithani, Sadhana
The Legend of Safed: Life and Fantasy in the City of Kabbalah by Yassif, Eli
The Legend of Safed: Life and Fantasy in the City of Kabbalah by Yassif, Eli
Folklore in Baltic History: Resistance and Resurgence by Naithani, Sadhana
Conjure in African-American Society by Anderson, Jeffrey
Conjure in African-American Society by Anderson, Jeffrey
The Hidden Pathways of Germanic Mythology: On the Neglected, Demonized, Repulsed and Repressed Archetypical Representations of Original Germanic Cultu by Wassmann, Paul
Archaeological and Ethnological Papers of the Peabody Museum Harvard University (Volume II): The fundamental principles of Old and New world civilizat by Nuttall, Zelia
A text book of Irish literature: Part II by Hull, Eleanor
The rise of the Greek epic: being a course of lectures delivered at Harvard University (Second Edition) by Murray, Gilbert
Folk Illusions: Children, Folklore, and Sciences of Perception by Barker, K. Brandon, Rice, Claiborne
The Hidden Pathways of Germanic Mythology: On the Neglected, Demonized, Repulsed and Repressed Archetypical Representations of Original Germanic Cultu by Wassmann, Paul
Mirror, Mirror: Transforming Narcissism to Self-Realization by Bohlman, Gayle
Feminism and Folk Art: Case Studies in Mexico, New Zealand, Japan, and Brazil by Bartra, Eli
Atlantis. Theorien zu einer historischen und geografischen Verortung by Zimmermann, Ole
'A womans answer is neuer to seke': Early Modern Jestbooks, 1526-1635: Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women: Series III, Part Two, Volu by Munro, Ian
Do the Dead Depart? - And Other Questions by Bates, E. Katharine
Psychomancy - Spirit-Rappings and Table-Tippings Exposed by Page, Charles G.
Telepathy - Genuine and Fraudulent - With a Preface by Sir Oliver Lodge by Baggally, W. W.
The Light Beyond - Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos by Maeterlinck, Maurice
The Marvels Beyond Science - Being a Record of Progress Made in the Reduction of Occult Phenomena to a Scientific Basis by Grasset, Joseph
The Rollright Stones - History and Legends in Prose and Poetry - With Five Illustrations by Rickett, F. C.
Contact with the Other World - The Latest Evidence as to Communication with the Dead by Hyslop, James H.
Indian Conjuring - With 8 Illustrations by Branson, L. H.
Inferences from Haunted Houses and Haunted Men by Harris, John
Psychical and Supernormal Phenomena - Their Observation and Experimentation by Joire, Paul
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth - With Illustrations by the Author by Lethaby, W. R.
Remarkable Spirit Manifestations by Crookes, Prof William, Helleberg, C. G.
Poems of Paganism; or, Songs of Life and Love by Paganus
Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas'ev, Volume II by
Records of Salem Witchcraft - Copied from Original Documents - Volume II. by Anon
The Land of the Green Man: A Journey Through the Supernatural Landscapes of the British Isles by Larrington, Carolyne
Good People Always Crackney in Heaven: Mythic conversations in lutruwita/Tasmania by Finlay, Grant
Storytime in India: Wedding Songs, Victorian Tales, and the Ethnographic Experience by Myers, Helen Priscilla, Pandey, Umesh Chandra
Storytime in India: Wedding Songs, Victorian Tales, and the Ethnographic Experience by Pandey, Umesh Chandra, Myers, Helen Priscilla
Evolutions by Harman, Oren
Eastern Cherokee Stories: A Living Oral Tradition and Its Cultural Continuance by Muse Isaacs, Sandra
The Last Storytellers: Tales from the Heart of Morocco by Hamilton, Richard
Lexikon der astrologischen Zuordnungen Band 4: Berufe - Geografie - Medizin by Goos, Hannelore
Spooky California: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore by Schlosser, S. E.
A text book of Irish literature (Part I) by Hull, Eleanor
Proverbi e modi di dire Dialettali di Rignano Garganico by Giuliani, Antonio
An MGA Asuwang: A Bicol Belief by Lynch S. J., Francis X.
Spooky New York: Tales of Hauntings, Strange Happenings, and Other Local Lore by Schlosser, S. E.
In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond: In Search of the Sasquatch by Zada, John
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