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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2022

Ossman & Steel's Classic Household Guide to Appalachian Folk Healing: A Collection of Old Time Remedies, Charms, and Spells by Richards, Jake
Shamanic and Mythic Cultures of Ethnic Peoples in Northern China I: Shamanic Deities and Rituals by Yuguang, Fu
Shamanic and Mythic Cultures of Ethnic Peoples in Northern China II: Shamanic Divination, Myths, and Idols by Yuguang, Fu
Dracula: The Origins and Influence of the Legendary Vampire Count by Morgan, Giles
Art and Creativity in a New Guinea Society: The Kwoma in Cross-Cultural Perspective by Bowden, Ross
Ossman & Steel's Classic Household Guide to Appalachian Folk Healing: A Collection of Old-Time Remedies, Charms, and Spells by Richards, Jake
Doll Apollo: Poems by Ginsburg, Melissa
Magical Faery Plants: A Guide for Working with Faeries and Nature Spirits by Kynes, Sandra
A Thing of Beauty: Travels in Mythical and Modern Greece by Fiennes, Peter
Romance of the Grail: The Magic and Mystery of Arthurian Myth by Campbell, Joseph
Nostradamus: The Prophesies of an Astrologer and Reputed Seer (The Incredible and Amazing Prophecies of Nostradamus) by LeDoux, Denise
Southern Ohio Legends & Lore by Willis, James A.
Contes provençaux d'hier et d'aujourd'hui: contes de Valréas, Avignon, Arles, Roquemaure, Carpentras, et du Ventoux by Roumanille, Joseph
Contes de la côte d'Azur by Andrews, James Bruyn
Contes français: contes et légendes locales de Picardie, Normandie, Berry, Lorraine et Provence by Carnoy, Émile Henry
Contes et légendes de Bruz et de Chartres-de-Bretagne: légendes rurales et folklore local d'Ille-et-Vilaine by Sébillot, Paul, Orain, Adolphe
Diables et sorciers de Provence: Des sourciers aux sorciers: une ethnologie rurale des croyances provençales by Bérenger-Féraud, Laurent
The Befana Is Returning: The Story of a Tuscan Festival by Siporin, Steve
English Myths: From King Arthur and the Holy Grail to George and the Dragon by Kerrigan, Michael
The Milky Way: An Autobiography of Our Galaxy by McTier, Moiya
Roman Myths: Gods, Heroes, Villains and Legends of Ancient Rome by Dougherty, Martin J.
The Devil's Atlas: An Explorer's Guide to Heavens, Hells and Afterworlds by Brooke-Hitching, Edward
Fairy Tales in Contemporary American Culture: How We Hate to Love Them by Koppy, Kate Christine Moore
Indische Sphären: Yoga und Buddhismus (großdruck) (Large Print Edition) by Zimmer, Heinrich
Georgia Legends & Lore by Brown, Alan
Classical Mythology in Context by Maurizio, Lisa
Woke Cinderella: Twenty-First-Century Adaptations by
Highland Superstitions and Seers (Folklore History Series) by Cromb, James
Digital Mythology and the Internet's Monster: The Slender Man by Asimos, Vivian
Egyptian Tales, Translated from the Papyri - First Series Ivth to Xiith Dynasty by Petrie, Flinders
Ancient Egyptian Religion and the Folklore of Cairo by Lang, Andrew
Le culte du phallus chez les anciens et les modernes by Dulaure, Jacques Antoine
Le purgatoire de Saint Patrick: La traduction en vieux français de Marie de France du Tractatus de purgatorio sancti Patricii by De France, Marie
Waifs & Strays of Celtic Tradition by
Légendes locales de Haute-Bretagne (volume 2): 200 légendes attachées à des lieux ignorés des guides touristiques by Sébillot, Paul
Légendes rustiques: 12 légendes et croyances populaires rurales de la région du Berry by Sand, George, Sand, Maurice
Les grandes légendes de France: Contes, mythes, et légendes de nos contrées françaises by Schuré, Édouard
With Aesop Along the Black Border by Gonzales, Ambrose E.
Old Indian Legends: Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Zitkala-Sa
The Talking Forest: Tree Runes for a New Millennium by Broome, Kay
Aliens, Gods, and other Paranormal Native American Tales by Mullins, G. W.
Beowulf and the North Before the Vikings by Shippey, Tom
Aliens, Gods, and other Paranormal Native American Tales by Mullins, G. W.
The Thousand and One Lives of the Buddha by Faure, Bernard
Caribbean Folk Tales: Stories from the Islands and the Windrush Generation by Shearer, Wendy
Spirit Beings in European Folklore 1: 292 descriptions - Ireland, England, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland, Isle of Man, Orkney's, Hebrides, Faeroe, Iceland by Adamah, Benjamin
Spirit Beings in European Folklore 2: 228 descriptions - Germany, Austria, Alpine regions, Switzerland, Netherlands, Flanders, Luxembourg, Lithuania, by Adamah, Benjamin
Spirit Beings in European Folklore 4: 270 descriptions - France, Brittany, Wallonia, Portugal, Italy, South Tyrol, Malta, Greece, Spain - Basque Count by Adamah, Benjamin
Spirit Beings in European Folklore 3: 255 descriptions - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croa by Adamah, Benjamin
Révélation cabalistique d'une médecine universelle by Gosset
The adventure of Saint Colomba's clerics by Anonyme
Triades historiques et légendaires des royaumes gallois by Anonyme
The Anthologies: Nasrudin by Shah, Tahir
Una pandemia de desinformación by Pérez, Christian
We Are All Survivors: Verbal, Ritual, and Material Ways of Narrating Disaster and Recovery by
Bedouin Folktales from the North of Israel by Rosenhouse, Judith, Perez, Yoel Shalom
Bedouin Folktales from the North of Israel by Perez, Yoel Shalom, Rosenhouse, Judith
We Are All Survivors: Verbal, Ritual, and Material Ways of Narrating Disaster and Recovery by
The Little Book of Goddesses: An Empowering Introduction to Glorious Goddesses by Carvel, Astrid
Fairy Tales 101: An Accessible Introduction to Fairy Tales by Jorgensen, Jeana Sommer
Fairy Tales 101: An Accessible Introduction to Fairy Tales by Jorgensen, Jeana
A Barren Woman Had A Son by Mukakigeri, Annette
31 Slavic Beings of Myth & Magic: An Illustrated Folklore Book by Kujawa, Alex
Mythologie Inca: Petit livre des Symboles: Compilation des symboles des mythes incas by Black Palm Editions
Webspinner: Songs, Stories, and Reflections of Duncan Williamson, Scottish Traveller by Niles, John D.
Webspinner: Songs, Stories, and Reflections of Duncan Williamson, Scottish Traveller by Niles, John D.
World Mythology: A Comprehensive Approach by
Witches, Druids, and Sin Eaters: The Common Magic of the Cunning Folk of the Welsh Marches by Hughes, Jon G.
The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, Volume 2: 2000-2010 by Dendle, Peter
The Way of Inanna: A Heroine's Guide to Living Unapologetically by Zelazo, Seana
The Way of Inanna: A Heroine's Guide to Living Unapologetically by Zelazo, Seana
In the Time That Was by Frederic Thorne, James
The Magic of the Horse-shoe, with other folk-lore notes by Means Lawrence, Robert
Conamara Chronicles: Tales from Iorras Aithneach by
Laughing with the Trickster: On Sex, Death, and Accordions by Highway, Tomson
Conamara Chronicles: Tales from Iorras Aithneach by
King Solomon the Magus: Master of the Djinns and Occult Traditions of East and West by Lecouteux, Claude
The Little Book of Horrors: A Celebration of the Spookiest Night of the Year by Orange Hippo!
Confederate Exceptionalism: Civil War Myth and Memory in the Twenty-First Century by Maurantonio, Nicole
River Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Schneidau, Lisa
Mythologies by Wendland-Lui, Joel
Gumbo Ya-YA by Saxon, Lyle
Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings by Murdoch, Bomgiizhik Isaac
Bräuche und Aberglauben in Brandenburg: Geschichte by Stumpf, Peter K.
The Little Book of World Mythology: A Pocket Guide to Myths and Legends by Bowstead, Hannah
By the Fire: Sami Folktales and Legends by Demant Hatt, Emilie
Looking for the Hidden Folk: How Iceland's Elves Can Save the Earth by Brown, Nancy Marie
Seven Against Thebes by Krawczuk, Aleksander
Seven Against Thebes by Krawczuk, Aleksander
The Prose Edda - Tales from Norse Mythology by Sturluson, Snorri
Gods & Games: Toward a Theology of Play by Miller, David L.
Witchcraft and Witchcraft Trials in Orkney and Shetland (Folklore History Series) by Black, G. F.
Bells, Wells, Stones, and Dragons in Wales (Folklore History Series) by Sikes, Wirt
Records of Salem Witchcraft - Copied from Original Documents - Volume II. by Anon
Spuren der Vergangenheit: mysteriöse Geschichte by Stumpf, Peter K.
Dame Alice Kyteler the Sorceress of Kilkenny A.D. 1324 (Folklore History Series) by Seymour, John Drelincourt
The Lore of the Lyrebird by Pratt, Ambrose
Haunted Temecula Valley: Book One: Ghosts in Unexpected Places by Schmidt, David J.
Memory Making in Folk Epics of China: The Intimate and the Local in Chinese Regional Culture by McLaren, Anne E.
Aesop's Animals: The Science Behind the Fables by Wimpenny, Jo
Aesop's Animals: The Science Behind the Fables by Wimpenny, Jo
The Complete Language of Food: A Definitive and Illustrated History by Dietz, S. Theresa
The Watkins Book of English Folktales by Philip, Neil
The Wild Year: A Field Guide for Exploring Nature All Around Us by Baczynski, Kristyna
The United States of Cryptids: A Tour of American Myths and Monsters by Ocker, J. W.
La Forêt de Brocéliande: Quatre histoires arthuriennes de fées, de druides, et de magie, inspirées des romans des chevaliers de la Table Ronde by Bellamy, Félix
Halloween History: Halloween's Traditions and Untold Horror Stories (The Truth About the Origination of Our American Halloween) by Kuhlman, Jerrell
The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion by Stein, Murray
The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion by Stein, Murray
ORO, PLATA, MATA! Filipino Building Beliefs by Zárate, Ernesto R.
Collecting Music in the Aran Islands: A Century of History and Practice by Ní Chonghaile, Deirdre
Robin Hood: Legend and Reality by Crook, David
Ravana's Kingdom: The Ramayana and Sri Lankan History from Below by Henry, Justin W.
Tales from My Zia Faustina: Folklore of Old Umbria by Mazzoli, Angelo
A Collection of Animal Inspired Jamaican Proverbs & Social Commentary: (Fill in the Animal Blanks) Infused with Related Songs & Artists by Robinson, Indiana, Meade Thompson, Herma
Orthodox Christianity, New Age Spirituality and Vernacular Religion: The Evil Eye in Greece by Roussou, Eugenia
Hercules: Hercules the Guardian of the Hot Gates (The Legendary Stories of Ancient Greece's Most Famous Heroes) by Runte, Fatima
Stirling Legends by
The Spirit World of Wales - Including Ghosts, Spectral Animals, Household Fairies, the Devil in Wales and Angelic Spirits (Folklore History Series) by Sikes, Wirt
Weather Folk-Lore of the Sea and Superstitions of the Scottish Fishermen by Wyrd Books
Folktales of Water Spirits, Kelpies, and Selkies by Various Authors
Rugs, Guitars, and Fiddling: Intensification and the Rich Modern Lives of Traditional Arts by Goertzen, Chris
Rugs, Guitars, and Fiddling: Intensification and the Rich Modern Lives of Traditional Arts by Goertzen, Chris
Classical Mythology: The Basics by Martin, Richard
Folk Medicine, Plant Lore, and Healing Plants by Wilde, Jane
Classical Mythology: The Basics by Martin, Richard
The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, Being Babylonian and Assyrian Incantations Against the Demons, Ghouls, Vampires, Hobgoblins, Ghosts, and Kin by Thompson, R. Campbell
Folklore of County Leitrim (Folklore History Series) by Duncan, Leland L.
The Devils And Evil Spirits Of Babylonia, Being Babylonian And Assyrian Incantations Against The Demons, Ghouls, Vampires, Hobgoblins, Ghosts, And Kin by Thompson, R. Campbell
Still, the Small Voice: Narrative, Personal Revelation, and the Mormon Folk Tradition by
The Science of Witchcraft: The Truth Behind Sabrina, Maleficent, Glinda, and More of Your Favorite Fictional Witches by Hafdahl, Meg, Florence, Kelly
The Science of Witchcraft: The Truth Behind Sabrina, Maleficent, Glinda, and More of Your Favorite Fictional Witches by Hafdahl, Meg, Florence, Kelly
The Power of Story: On Truth, the Trickster, and New Fictions for a New Era by Johnson, Harold R.
Mount Doom: The Prophecy of Tolkien Revealed by List, Paul, Ghaffari, Ali
The Green Arte: The Craft of the Herbwise by Williams, Josh
Les Mille et Une Nuits, Contes Arabes, Traduits en Français by Galland, Antoine
Notes on the Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders by Henderson, William
Myths and Folk-tales of the Russians, Western Slavs, and the Magyars by Jeremiah, Curtin
Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable by Bulfinch, Thomas
The Heroes of Asgard: Tales From Scandinavian Mythology by Annie, Keary
Fairy Legends And Traditions Of The South Of Ireland, Volumes 1-3 by Croker, Thomas Crofton
Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland [By T.C. Croker] by Croker, Thomas Crofton
Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by Ralston, W. R. S.
Finnische Märchen by Salmelainen, Eero, Meyer, Gustav
West African Folk-tales by Barker, William Henry, Sinclair, Cecilia
Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics: Embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plant Kingdom by Folkard, Richard
The Symbolical Language of Ancient art and Mythology; an Inquiry by Knight, Richard Payne, Wilder, Alexander
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland by Gregor, Walter
Dictionnaire Infernal, Ou Recherches Et Anecdotes Sur Les Démons by Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon
Proverbs, Chiefly Taken From the Adagia of Erasmus, With Explanations, ... Vol I by Robert, Bland
Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters by Taliaferro, Hardin E.
Finnische Märchen by Salmelainen, Eero, Meyer, Gustav
Dictionnaire du Jargon Parisien: L'argot Ancien et L'argot Moderne by Rigaud, Lucien
The Fairy Mythology by Keightley, Thomas
Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland by Campbell, John Gregorson
The Magic and Mysteries of Mexico: Or, The Arcane Secrets and Occult Lore of the Ancient Mexicans and Maya by Spence, Lewis
Wonder Tales From Scottish Myth and Legend by MacKenzie, Donald Alexander
Fables de La Fontaine by De La Fontaine, Jean
The Ainu and Their Folk-Lore by Batchelor, John
The Mikirs: From the Papers of the Late Edward Stack by Stack, Edward, Lyall, Charles James
Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria by Spence, Lewis
Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem; Christian; and Jewish by Hanauer, J. E.
Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by Ralston, W. R. S.
Myths of Greece and Rome by Harrison, Jane
Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics: Embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plant Kingdom by Folkard, Richard
Legends of Le Détroit by Caroline Watson Hamlin, James Valentine
Dictionnaire du Jargon Parisien: L'argot Ancien et L'argot Moderne by Rigaud, Lucien
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland by Gregor, Walter
Popular Tales of the West Highlands Orally Collected by Campbell, J. F.
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall by Bottrell, William
Guernsey Folk Lore: A Collection Of Popular Superstitions, Legendary Tales, Peculiar Customs, Proverbs, Weather Sayings, Etc., Of The Peop by MacCulloch, Edgar
Myths of the Modocs by Curtin, Jeremiah
American Indian Fairy Tales by Compton, Margaret
American Indian Fairy Tales by Compton, Margaret
Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest: Especially of Washington and Oregon by Judson, Katharine Berry
Dictionnaire Infernal, Ou Recherches Et Anecdotes Sur Les Démons by Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon
The Popol Vuh: The Mythic And Heroic Sagas Of The Kiches Of Central America by Spence, Lewis
The Elder Eddas Of Saemund Sigfusson Translated From The Original Old Norse Text Into English by Thorpe, Benjamin
History of the Island of Mull Embracing Description, Climate, Geology, Flora, Fauna, Antiquities, Folk Lore, Superstitutions, Traditions, With an Acco by MacLean, J. P. 1848-1939
What They Say in New England A Book of Signs, Sayings, and Superstitions by Johnson, Clifton
Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People by Monteiro, Mariana
Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland: Tales and Traditions Collected Entirely From Oral Sources by Campbell, John Gregorson
Legends of Vancouver by Johnson, E. Pauline
The Norse Influence on Celtic Scotland by Henderson, George
The Fairy Mythology by Keightley, Thomas
The Book Of Fables: Containing Aesop's Fables, Complete by Croxall, Samuel
The Wisdom Of The Ancients, And New Atlantis by Bacon, Francis
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion by Harrison, Jane Ellen
The Book Of Fables: Containing Aesop's Fables, Complete by Croxall, Samuel
Yule-tide Stories: A Collection of Scandinavian and North German Popular Tales and Traditions, From the Swedish, Danish, and German by Thorpe, Benjamin
What They Say in New England A Book of Signs, Sayings, and Superstitions by Johnson, Clifton
Maori Tales and Legends. Collected and Retold by Clark, Kate McCosh
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion by Harrison, Jane Ellen
Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters by Taliaferro, Hardin E.
Proverbs, Chiefly Taken From the Adagia of Erasmus, With Explanations, ... Vol I by Robert, Bland
Lo Cunto De Li Cunti (Il Pentamerone) ... by Basile, Giambattista
Lo Cunto De Li Cunti (Il Pentamerone) ... by Basile, Giambattista
Macedonian Folklore by Abbott, George Frederick
Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria by Spence, Lewis
Basque Legends by Wentworth, Webster
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